• 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper focuses on Jeffrey Gray\'s theory of anxiety from the perspective of Fowles\' (1980) application of his work to theories of arousal, psychophysiology, and the etiology of psychopathy. Although highly influential, the concept of general arousal failed to find support in terms of between-individuals assessment with multiple physiological measures. Gray\'s constructs of a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) that mediates anxiety, a behavioral approach or activation system (BAS) that energizes behavior to approach rewards, and a nonspecific arousal system that energizes behavior captured aspects of arousal. Fowles (1980) proposed that the BIS elicits electrodermal activity in response to threats, the BAS increases heart rate in response to reward incentive cues, and psychopathy is associated with a weak BIS. The paper reviews Gray\'s impact on future research on these topics, including early proposals relevant to the National Institute of Mental Health\'s Research Domain Criteria. Finally, the paper summarizes the evolution of theories of the etiology of psychopathy since 1980, noting ways in which aspects of Gray\'s theory are still seen in psychopathy research. Patrick\'s triarchic model has emerged as a major theory of psychopathy. Beauchaine\'s trait impulsivity theory of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also is relevant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluates the modulation of phasic pain and empathy for pain induced by placebo analgesia during pain and empathy for pain tasks. Because pain can be conceptualized as a dangerous stimulus that generates avoidance, we evaluated how approach and avoidance personality traits modulate pain and empathy for pain responses. We induced placebo analgesia to test whether this also reduces self-pain and other pain. Amplitude measures of the N1, P2, and P3 ERPs components, elicited by electric stimulations, were obtained during a painful control, as well as during a placebo treatment expected to induce placebo analgesia. The placebo treatment produced a reduction in pain and unpleasantness perceived, whereas we observed a decrease in the empathy unpleasantness alone during the empathy pain condition. The moderator effects of the fight-flight-freeze system (FFFS) in the relationships linking P2 and P3 amplitude changes with pain reduction were both significant among low to moderate FFFS values. These observations are consistent with the idea that lower FFFS (active avoidance) scores can predict placebo-induced pain reduction. Finally, in line with the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (r-RST), we can assume that phasic pain is an aversive stimulus activating the active-avoidance behavior to bring the system back to homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A screening evaluation of lichen thalli, based on spectroscopic techniques coupled with chemometrics, is proposed as fast, simple and \"green\" method for the biomonitoring of air pollution. For two consecutive years, lichen thalli of Pseudevernia furfuracea were exposed for three months in selected sites of Liguria (NW-Italy) according to different levels and types of air pollution. At the end of the exposure period, transplanted thalli were analyzed by a set of monitoring techniques, including Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy (FFFS), Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Plant Efficiency Analyser (PEA). Data were compared with values of air pollutants recorded during the exposure period by the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, in order to relate lichen physiological indicators with the effects of atmospheric concentrations. A chemometric evaluation of the analytical signals, including principal component analysis (PCA) and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), was performed; the mean prediction rate of the discriminant models calculated on the FFFS emission spectra ranged from 70 to 75% on the external test sets. Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy proved to be a promising technique for the determination of level and type of pollutants in lichen thalli.





