Extraintestinal manifestation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are systemic conditions that affect not only the gastrointestinal tract but also other parts of the body. The presence of extraintestinal manifestations can significantly impact the quality of life in IBD patients. Peripheral arthritis, episcleritis, and erythema nodosum are frequently associated with active intestinal inflammation and often improve with standard treatment targeting intestinal inflammation. In contrast, anterior uveitis, ankylosing spondylitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis typically occur independently of disease flares. The incidence of these conditions in individuals with IBD can reach up to 50% of patients over the course of their lifetime. In addition, some advanced therapies utilized for the treatment of IBD potentially result in side effects that may resemble extraintestinal manifestations. This review provides a thorough analysis of the pathophysiology and treatment of extraintestinal manifestations associated with Crohn\'s disease and ulcerative colitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Active inflammatory bowel disease (A-IBD) but not remission (R-IBD) has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure.
    OBJECTIVE: Using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), this study aims to assess adverse myocardial remodeling in patients with IBD in correlation with disease activity.
    METHODS: Forty-four IBD patients without cardiovascular disease (24 female, median-age: 39.5 years, 26 A-IBD, 18 R-IBD) and 44 matched healthy volunteers (HV) were prospectively enrolled. The disease stage was determined by endoscopic and patient-reported criteria. Participants underwent CMR for cardiac phenotyping: cine imaging and strain analysis were performed to assess ventricular function. T1 mapping, extracellular volume and late-gadolinium enhanced images were obtained to assess focal and diffuse myocardial fibrosis. Simultaneous T1 and T2 elevation (T1 > 1049.3 ms, T2 > 54 ms) was considered to indicate a myocardial segment was inflamed.
    RESULTS: 16/44 (16.4%) IBD patients described dyspnea on exertion and 10/44 (22.7%) reported chest pain. A-IBD patients showed impaired ventricular function, indicated by reduced global circumferential and radial strain despite preserved left-ventricular ejection fraction. 16% of all IBD patients had focal fibrosis in a non-ischemic pattern. A-IDB patients had increased markers of diffuse left ventricular fibrosis (T1-values: A-IBD: 1022.0 ± 34.83 ms, R-IBD: 1010.10 ± 32.88 ms, HV: 990.61 ± 29.35 ms, p < .01). Significantly more participants with A-IDB (8/26, 30.8%) had at least one inflamed myocardial segment than patients in remission (0/18) and HV (1/44, 2.3%, p < .01). Markers of diffuse fibrosis correlated with disease activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study, using CMR, provides evidence of myocardial involvement and patterns of adverse left ventricular remodeling in patients with IBD.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease occur commonly and can lead to considerable morbidity. Pancreatic manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease have been reported to be more common in Crohn\'s disease (CD) than ulcerative colitis. We report a case of granulomatous inflammation in the body of the pancreas with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which prompted a diagnosis switch from ulcerative colitis to CD. This is of interest to readers to remind them that pancreatic manifestations can occur and are more common in CD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Renal involvement in inflammatory bowel disease is rather uncommon. This study aims to describe the spectrum of renal involvement in pediatric patients with IBD and reduce delay in detection and management.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective study of the renal function of all patients, aged <18 years, who have been followed for IBD in our pediatric gastroenterology department from January 2019 till January 2023.
    RESULTS: From the 75 IBD patients included in this study 16 % had renal manifestations. The urinalysis revealed proteinuria in 7 patients, proteinuria and hematuria in 3 and proteinuria and glycosuria in 2 patients. All 12 patients with abnormal urinalysis underwent further investigation in order to determine the cause of renal damage and the results are as follows: 2 patients had glomerulonephritis and in other 2 patients renal damage was due to medication adverse effect, 1 had pyelonephritis in combination with chronic active tubulointerstitial nephritis and another 1 had thin basement membrane disease. Three patients had IBD-related dependent renal involvement and 1 resulted in chronic renal failure due to amyloidosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is important for all clinicians to be aware of the possibility of renal manifestations in IBD patients for the early diagnosis and prevention of these manifestations and complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may affect organs outside the intestines, it is called extraintestinal manifestations of IBD. Data on the prevalence of mu-cocutaneous manifestations in IBD patients are very limited, therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of skin and mucosal lesions and to determine the relationship with demographic factors, clinical features, and systemic treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: Prospective study included 162 out-patients with IBD who were managed in the tertiary care center. Ulcerative colitis (UC) was diagnosed in 117 patients, Crohn\'s disease (CD) in 45. Patients completed the questionnaire containing demographic and IBD data, questions about mucocutaneous lesions (in past or present state).
    UNASSIGNED: Overall mucocutaneous lesions were reported by 48.1% of IBD patients. Skin lesions were reported by 40.7% of patients, oral mucosal lesions were reported by 16.7%, without significant differences between sexes or IBD types. In 47 (29%) of patients, skin lesions appeared together with IBD or during the course of the disease. The most common skin lesions were psoriasis (8.0%), erythema nodosum (5.6%), pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (3.7% each). UC patients mostly reported about psoriasis (9.4%), while CD patients about erythema nodosum (11.1%). There were more frequent skin lesions in patients with more extensive UC type (p = 0.01), while no difference was noticed between different types of CD. The average duration of IBD in patients with skin lesions was similar to those without lesions (9.3±6.7 vs. 9.4±6.7 years).
    UNASSIGNED: Mucocutaneous lesions were reported by 48.1% of inflammatory bowel disease patients. The frequency of mucocutaneous lesions does not differ significantly between UC and CD, and a longer duration of illness is not a predictive factor for the appearance of lesions. More extensive UC is related to higher frequency of skin lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: Uždegiminių žarnų ligų (UŽL) metu gali atsirasti vadinamųjų ekstražarninių pažeidimų, kurie apima odą, sąnarius, akis ir kitus organus. Duomenų apie odos ir gleivinių pažeidimų paplitimą sergant UŽL labai trūksta, todėl šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti odos ir gleivinių pažeidimų paplitimą bei nustatyti jų ryšį su demografiniais veiksniais, klinikiniais požymiais ir sisteminiu gydymu.
    UNASSIGNED: Prospektyviajame tyrime dalyvavo 162 UŽL sergantys pacientai, kurie kreipėsi gydytojo gastroenterologo konsultacijos į tretinio lygio sveikatos priežiūros centrą. Opinis kolitas (OK) diagnozuotas 117 pacientų, Krono liga (KL) – 45 pacientams. Anketinės apklausos būdu surinkti duomenys apie tiriamųjų demografinius ir UŽL klinikinius duomenis, odos ir gleivinių pažeidimus (buvusius ir esamus).
    UNASSIGNED: Iš viso odos ir gleivinių pažeidimai nustatyti 48,1 proc. UŽL ligonių. Apie odos pažeidimus pranešė 40,7 proc. pacientų, esant burnos gleivinės pažeidimų nurodė 16,7 proc. Reikšmingų skirtumų lyginant pagal lytį ar UŽL tipą nenustatyta. 47 (29 proc.) pacientams odos pažeidimų atsirado kartu su UŽL arba ligos eigoje. Dažniausiai pacientų nurodyti odos pažeidimai buvo psoriazė (8,0 proc.), mazginė eritema (5,6 proc.), gangreninė pioderma ir aknė (po 3,7 proc.). OK sergantys pacientai dažniausiai pranešė apie žvynelinę (9,4 proc.), o sergantieji KL – apie mazginę eritemą (11,1 proc.). Pacientams, kuriems OK buvo labiau išplitęs žarnyne, odos pažeidimų buvo dažniau (p = 0,01), o skirtumų tarp skirtingų KL tipų nenustatyta. Vidutinė UŽL trukmė pacientų, turinčių odos pažeidimų, buvo panaši kaip ir jų neturinčiųjų (9,3±6,7 ir 9,4±6,7 metų atitinkamai).
    UNASSIGNED: 48,1 proc. pacientų, sergančių uždegimine žarnyno liga, pranešė apie gleivinės ir odos pažeidimus. Odos ir gleivinės pažeidimų dažnis sergančių OK ir KL pacientų reikšmingai nesiskiria, o ilgesnė ligos trukmė nėra prognostinis veiksnys, nurodantis didesnę pažeidimų atsiradimo riziką. Labiau žarnyne išplitęs OK yra susijęs su didesniu odos pažeidimų dažniu.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: About 25%-40% of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may have extraintestinal manifestations, mainly involving the liver, skin, and joints. Kidney involvement in patients with IBD has been reported, but there are no estimates of its prevalence in population-based studies in the United States. We compared the frequency of acute kidney injury (AKI) among hospitalizations with IBD with that among hospitalizations with collagen vascular diseases and hospitalizations with neither condition.
    UNASSIGNED: Retrospective, population-based cohort study.
    UNASSIGNED: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project-Nationwide Inpatient Sample database.
    UNASSIGNED: AKI and AKI requiring dialysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Regression models were used to compare the occurrence of AKI among groups. Inverse probability of treatment weighting was applied to balance groups on covariates.
    UNASSIGNED: The final sample comprised 5,735,804 hospitalizations, including 57,121 with IBD, 159,930 with collagen vascular diseases, and 5,518,753 with neither IBD nor collagen vascular diseases. AKI was observed in 13%, 15%, and 12.2% of hospitalizations with IBD, collagen vascular diseases, and the general population, respectively. When adjusting for demographic, hospital, and clinical characteristics using inverse probability of treatment weighting, hospitalizations with IBD had higher odds of being diagnosed with AKI than both those with collagen vascular diseases (odds ratio [OR], 1.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.27-1.38) and the general population (OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.23-1.31) and also had higher odds of being diagnosed with AKI requiring dialysis than those with collagen vascular diseases (OR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.31-1.94) or than the general population (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.25-1.68).
    UNASSIGNED: Cross-sectional analysis, underreporting of International Classification of Diseases codes, and analyses relevant to in-hospital stays only.
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence and risk of AKI among hospitalizations with IBD is greater than that of hospitalizations with collagen vascular diseases and the general population. Coexisting kidney disease should be considered among patients with a known diagnosis of IBD.
    As a nephrologist, we have evaluated many patients with inflammatory bowel disease with various forms of kidney disease, both inflammatory and noninflammatory. Based on a multitude of factors, we have always wondered if there are shared immune mechanisms between the gut and kidney that could explain the underlying inflammation in both organs. In addition, based on recent studies of other autoimmune/inflammatory diseases, there is growing interest in the role of the gut microbiome (microorganisms that reside in our gut) and its influence on the immune system as well as how both the altered microbiome and immune system affect the kidneys. As a first step, we wanted to understand if some forms of kidney disease are more prevalent in patients with inflammatory bowel disease than in the general population, which possibly suggests a shared pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Metastatic Crohn\'s disease is a rare disorder characterized by various granulomatous skin lesions that occur independently of gastrointestinal tract involvement. However, currently there is no standardized care or specific treatment. Therapeutic approaches include immunosuppressive agents, such as corticosteroids, azathioprine, and monoclonal antibodies targeting inflammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
    METHODS: We present a case of a 29-year-old western European woman with significant blind ending abdominal subcutaneous fistulas and abscesses, who sought evaluation in the dermatology department. Histological examination revealed multiple epithelioid cell granulomas. There was no evidence of infectious or rheumatologic diseases such as sarcoidosis. The tentative diagnosis was metastatic Crohn\'s disease, which was not related to an intestinal manifestation of the disease. The patient responded to infliximab but had to discontinue it due to an allergic reaction. Subsequent adalimumab treatment failed to induce clinical remission; thus, therapy was switched to ustekinumab, resulting in a positive response. Written informed consent for publication of their clinical details and clinical images was obtained from the patient. For our study more than 1600 publications were screened for cases of metastatic Crohn\'s disease on PubMed database. 59 case reports with 171 patients were included in the analysis and evaluated for localization, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and complications and were summarized in this review.
    CONCLUSIONS: The successful ustekinumab treatment of a patient with metastatic Crohn\'s disease underscores the potential of this minimally investigated therapeutic option, highlighting the need for future treatment guidelines given the increasing prevalence of such cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study the risk for eye diseases in individuals with Ulcerative Colitis (UC), and to assess whether silica dust-exposure could contribute to the development of inflammatory eye diseases.
    METHODS: A case-control study was conducted using a patient register processed by the National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) and Statistics Sweden. Cases were diagnosed with UC between 2007 and 2016. Matching was done with two random controls having the same age, sex and county of residence, without a systemic inflammatory disease. Using a job-exposure matrix, cases and controls were assessed for work-related silica dust exposure. The risk for eye disease was estimated by Cox regression analysis with calculation of Hazard Ratio (HR).
    RESULTS: A total of 58 989 individuals were included, comprising 19 663 cases and 39 326 controls. The sex distribution was similar. Overall, individuals with UC had an increased risk for eye disease, specified in ICD 10 chapter VII (H00-H59) with HR 1.25 (CI 1.20-1.32). The highest HR on block-level for cases was 1.52 (CI 1.36-1.70), (H15-H22), which includes episcleritis, keratitis and anterior uveitis. The risk for ocular disease was higher in silica dust-exposed than non-exposed with a HR of 1.44 (CI 1.16-1.78) and 1.25 (CI 1.19-1.31), respectively. Among cases, the risk for iridocyclitis (H20) was further elevated by silica dust exposure, with HR of 3.84 (CI 1.64-8.97) in exposed compared to 1.94 (1.57-2.41) in non-exposed.
    CONCLUSIONS: UC is associated with an increased risk for eye diseases, including inflammatory conditions. Our findings highlight that silica dust-exposure may be of importance in the pathogenesis of uveitis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Enterobius vermicularis (E. vermicularis), also referred to as pinworm, is a widespread human intestinal parasite which predominantly occurs in young children, making their caretakers a population at risk for the transmission of this helminth. It can occasionally affect extraintestinal organs and tissues, including the female genital tract. Infestation can be asymptomatic or manifest as different kinds of gynaecological disorders, such as pelvic inflammation mimicking tumours, abnormal uterine bleeding, or vaginitis. Diagnosis is made by identifying ova in the sample collected from the perineal skin using a transparent adhesive tape or microscopic examination of resected tissue. Mebendazole is the first-line medication and should also be administered to all household members.
    METHODS: We present a case of a patient who had undergone surgery for invasive cervical cancer with an accidental finding of E. vermicularis eggs in the cervix.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although not very common, infestation with E. vermicularis should be considered in differential diagnoses of various gynaecological disorders accompanied by histological findings of granulomatous inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





