Excitation contraction coupling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) plays a central role in excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) in skeletal muscles. However, the mechanism by which activation of the voltage-sensors/dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs) in the membrane of the transverse tubular system leads to activation of the Ca2+-release channels/ryanodine receptors (RyRs) in the SR is not fully understood. Recent observations showing that a very small Ca2+ leak through RyR1s in mammalian skeletal muscle can markedly raise the background [Ca2+] in the junctional space (JS) above the Ca2+ level in the bulk of the cytosol indicate that there is a diffusional barrier between the JS and the cytosol at large. Here, I use a mathematical model to explore the hypothesis that a sudden rise in Ca2+ leak through DHPR-coupled RyR1s, caused by reduced inhibition at the RyR1 Ca2+/Mg2+ inhibitory I1-sites when the associated DHPRs are activated, is sufficient to enable synchronized responses that trigger a regenerative rise of Ca2+ release that remains under voltage control. In this way, the characteristic response to Ca2+ of RyR channels is key not only for the Ca2+ release mechanism in cardiac muscle and other tissues, but also for the DHPR-dependent Ca2+ release in skeletal muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) has been described to exert several cardioprotective effects. However, the exact mechanism involved in cardiac protection remains unclear. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of GPER activation on excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) and the possibility that such effect participates in cardioprotection. The cardiac myocytes of male Wistar rats were isolated with a digestive buffer and loaded with Fura-2-AM for the measurement of intracellular calcium transient (CaT). Sarcomere shortening (SS) and L-type calcium current (ICaL) were also registered. The confocal technique was used to measure nitric oxide (NO) production in cells loaded with DAF-FM-diacetate. Cardiac myocytes exposed to 17-β-estradiol (E2, 10 nM) or G-1 (1 μM) for fifteen minutes decreased CaT, SS, and ICaL. These effects were prevented using G-36 (antagonist of GPER, 1 μM), L-Name (NO synthase -NOS- inhibitor, 100 nM), or wortmannin (phosphoinositide-3-kinase -PI3K- inhibitor, 100 nM). Moreover, G1 increased NO production, and this effect was abolished in the presence of wortmannin. We concluded that the selective activation of GPER with E2 or G1 in the isolated cardiac myocytes of male rats induced a negative inotropic effect due to the reduction in ICaL and the decrease in CaT. Finally, the pathway that we proposed to be implicated in these effects is PI3K-NOS-NO.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscle contractions are initiated by action potentials, which are sensed by the voltage-gated calcium channel (CaV1.1) and are conformationally coupled to calcium release from intracellular stores. Notably, CaV1.1 contains four separate voltage-sensing domains (VSDs), which activate channel gating and excitation-contraction (EC-) coupling at different voltages and with distinct kinetics. Here we show that a single VSD of CaV1.1 controls skeletal muscle EC-coupling. Whereas mutations in VSDs I, II and IV affect the current properties but not EC-coupling, only mutations in VSD III alter the voltage-dependence of depolarization-induced calcium release. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal comprehensive, non-canonical state transitions of VSD III in response to membrane depolarization. Identifying the voltage sensor that activates EC-coupling and detecting its unique conformational changes opens the door to unraveling the downstream events linking VSD III motion to the opening of the calcium release channel, and thus resolving the signal transduction mechanism of skeletal muscle EC-coupling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This chapter will describe basic structural and functional features of the contractile apparatus of muscle cells of the heart, namely, cardiomyocytes and smooth muscle cells. Cardiomyocytes form the contractile myocardium of the heart, while smooth muscle cells form the contractile coronary vessels. Both muscle types have distinct properties and will be considered with respect to their cellular appearance (brick-like cross-striated versus spindle-like smooth), arrangement of contractile proteins (sarcomeric versus non-sarcomeric organization), calcium activation mechanisms (thin-filament versus thick-filament regulation), contractile features (fast and phasic versus slow and tonic), energy metabolism (high oxygen versus low oxygen demand), molecular motors (type II myosin isoenzymes with high adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-release rate versus myosin isoenzymes with low ADP-release rates), chemomechanical energy conversion (high adenosine triphosphate [ATP] consumption and short duty ratio versus low ATP consumption and high duty ratio of myosin II cross-bridges [XBs]), and excitation-contraction coupling (calcium-induced calcium release versus pharmacomechanical coupling). Part of the work has been published (Neuroscience - From Molecules to Behavior\", Chap. 22, Galizia and Lledo eds 2013, Springer-Verlag; with kind permission from Springer Science + Business Media).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The heart beats approximately 100,000 times per day in humans, imposing substantial energetic demands on cardiac muscle. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an essential energy source for normal function of cardiac muscle during each beat, as it powers ion transport, intracellular Ca2+ handling, and actin-myosin cross-bridge cycling. Despite this, the impact of excitation-contraction coupling on the intracellular ATP concentration ([ATP]i) in myocytes is poorly understood. Here, we conducted real-time measurements of [ATP]i in ventricular myocytes using a genetically encoded ATP fluorescent reporter. Our data reveal rapid beat-to-beat variations in [ATP]i. Notably, diastolic [ATP]i was <1 mM, which is eightfold to 10-fold lower than previously estimated. Accordingly, ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels were active at physiological [ATP]i. Cells exhibited two distinct types of ATP fluctuations during an action potential: net increases (Mode 1) or decreases (Mode 2) in [ATP]i. Mode 1 [ATP]i increases necessitated Ca2+ entry and release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and were associated with increases in mitochondrial Ca2+. By contrast, decreases in mitochondrial Ca2+ accompanied Mode 2 [ATP]i decreases. Down-regulation of the protein mitofusin 2 reduced the magnitude of [ATP]i fluctuations, indicating that SR-mitochondrial coupling plays a crucial role in the dynamic control of ATP levels. Activation of β-adrenergic receptors decreased [ATP]i, underscoring the energetic impact of this signaling pathway. Finally, our work suggests that cross-bridge cycling is the largest consumer of ATP in a ventricular myocyte during an action potential. These findings provide insights into the energetic demands of EC coupling and highlight the dynamic nature of ATP concentrations in cardiac muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Victims of severe accidental hypothermia are frequently treated with catecholamines to counteract the hemodynamic instability associated with hypothermia-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction. However, we previously reported that the inotropic effects of epinephrine are diminished after hypothermia and rewarming (H/R) in an intact animal model. Thus, the goal of this study was to investigate the effects of Epi treatment on excitation-contraction coupling in isolated rat cardiomyocytes after H/R. In adult male rats, cardiomyocytes isolated from the left ventricle were electrically stimulated at 0.5 Hz and evoked cytosolic [Ca2+] and contractile responses (sarcomere length shortening) were measured. In initial experiments, the effects of varying concentrations of epinephrine on evoked cytosolic [Ca2+] and contractile responses at 37 °C were measured. In a second series of experiments, cardiomyocytes were cooled from 37 °C to 15 °C, maintained at 15 °C for 2 h, then rewarmed to 37 °C (H/R protocol). Immediately after rewarming, the effects of epinephrine treatment on evoked cytosolic [Ca2+] and contractile responses of cardiomyocytes were determined. At 37 °C, epinephrine treatment increased both cytosolic [Ca2+] and contractile responses of cardiomyocytes in a concentration-dependent manner peaking at 25-50 nM. The evoked contractile response of cardiomyocytes after H/R was reduced while the cytosolic [Ca2+] response was slightly elevated. The diminished contractile response of cardiomyocytes after H/R was not mitigated by epinephrine (25 nM) and epinephrine treatment reduced the exponential time decay constant (Tau), but did not increase the cytosolic [Ca2+] response. We conclude that epinephrine treatment does not mitigate H/R-induced contractile dysfunction in cardiomyocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ibrutinib, a Bruton\'s tyrosine kinase inhibitor used in cancer therapy, exerts ventricular proarrhythmic effects; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Excitation-contraction coupling (E-C) disorders are pivotal for the genesis of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs), which arise mainly from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). In this study, we aimed to comprehensively investigate whether ibrutinib regulates the electromechanical activities of the RVOT, leading to enhanced arrhythmogenesis, and explore the underlying mechanisms.
    METHODS: We utilized conventional microelectrodes to synchronously record electrical and mechanical responses in rabbit RVOT tissue preparations before and after treatment with ibrutinib (10, 50, and 100 nM) and investigated their electromechanical interactions and arrhythmogenesis during programmed electrical stimulation. The fluorometric ratio technique was used to measure intracellular calcium concentration in isolated RVOT myocytes.
    RESULTS: Ibrutinib (10-100 nM) shortened the action potential duration. Ibrutinib at 100 nM significantly increased pacing-induced ventricular tachycardia (VT) (from 0% to 62.5%, n = 8, p = 0.025). Comparisons between pacing-induced VT and non-VT episodes demonstrated that VT episodes had a greater increase in contractility than that of non-VT episodes (402.1 ± 41.4% vs. 232.4 ± 29.2%, p = 0.003). The pretreatment of ranolazine (10 μM, a late sodium current blocker) prevented the occurrence of ibrutinib-induced VAs. Ibrutinib (100 nM) increased late sodium current, reduced intracellular calcium transients, and enhanced calcium leakage in RVOT myocytes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ibrutinib increased the risk of VAs in the RVOT due to dysregulated electromechanical responses, which can be attenuated by ranolazine or apamin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Microvascular dysfunction (MVD) is a hallmark feature of chronic graft dysfunction in patients that underwent orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) and is the main contributor to impaired long-term graft survival. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of MVD on functional and structural properties of cardiomyocytes isolated from ventricular biopsies of OHT patients.
    METHODS: We included 14 patients post-OHT, who had been transplanted for 8.1 years [5.0; 15.7 years]. Mean age was 49.6 ± 14.3 years; 64% were male. Coronary microvasculature was assessed using guidewire-based coronary flow reserve(CFR)/index of microvascular resistance (IMR) measurements. Ventricular myocardial biopsies were obtained and cardiomyocytes were isolated using enzymatic digestion. Cells were electrically stimulated and subcellular Ca2+ signalling as well as mitochondrial density were measured using confocal imaging.
    RESULTS: MVD measured by IMR was present in 6 of 14 patients with a mean IMR of 53±10 vs. 12±2 in MVD vs. controls (CTRL), respectively. CFR did not differ between MVD and CTRL. Ca2+ transients during excitation-contraction coupling in isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes from a subset of patients showed unaltered amplitudes. In addition, Ca2+ release and Ca2+ removal were not significantly different between MVD and CTRL. However, mitochondrial density was significantly increased in MVD vs. CTRL (34±1 vs. 29±2%), indicating subcellular changes associated with MVD.
    CONCLUSIONS: In-vivo ventricular microvascular dysfunction post OHT is associated with preserved excitation-contraction coupling in-vitro, potentially owing to compensatory changes on the mitochondrial level or due to the potentially reversible cause of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are the major conduits for calcium ions (Ca2+) within excitable cells. Recent studies have highlighted the non-ionotropic functionality of VGCCs, revealing their capacity to activate intracellular pathways independently of ion flow. This non-ionotropic signaling mode plays a pivotal role in excitation-coupling processes, including gene transcription through excitation-transcription (ET), synaptic transmission via excitation-secretion (ES), and cardiac contraction through excitation-contraction (EC). However, it is noteworthy that these excitation-coupling processes require extracellular calcium (Ca2+) and Ca2+ occupancy of the channel ion pore. Analogous to the \"non-canonical\" characterization of the non-ionotropic signaling exhibited by the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA), which requires extracellular Ca2+ without the influx of ions, VGCC activation requires depolarization-triggered conformational change(s) concomitant with Ca2+ binding to the open channel. Here, we discuss the contributions of VGCCs to ES, ET, and EC coupling as Ca2+ binding macromolecules that transduces external stimuli to intracellular input prior to elevating intracellular Ca2+. We emphasize the recognition of calcium ion occupancy within the open ion-pore and its contribution to the excitation coupling processes that precede the influx of calcium. The non-ionotropic activation of VGCCs, triggered by the upstroke of an action potential, provides a conceptual framework to elucidate the mechanistic aspects underlying the microseconds nature of synaptic transmission, cardiac contractility, and the rapid induction of first-wave genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dysfunctional Ca2+ signaling affects the myocardial systole and diastole, may trigger arrhythmia and cause transcriptomic and proteomic modifications in heart failure. Thus, synchronous real-time measurement of Ca2+ and force is essential to investigate the relationship between contractility and Ca2+ signaling and the alteration of excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) in human failing myocardium. Here, we present a method for synchronized acquisition of intracellular Ca2+ and contraction force in long-term cultivated slices of human failing myocardium. Synchronous time series of contraction force and intracellular Ca2+ were used to calculate force-calcium loops and to analyze the dynamic alterations of ECC in response to various pacing frequencies, post-pause potentiation, high mechanical preload and pharmacological interventions in human failing myocardium. We provide an approach to simultaneously and repeatedly investigate alterations of contractility and Ca2+ signals in long-term cultured myocardium, which will allow detecting the effects of electrophysiological or pharmacological interventions on human myocardial ECC.





