Excised larynx

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Airway glottic insufficiency, or glottal gap, may lead to a breathy voice quality. It is hypothesized that a glottal gap may be a source of nonlinearity in speech production. This study aims to gain a chaotic and acoustic profile of glottal gap voice provided by phonation of excised larynges subjected to the insertion of a metal shim in the posterior glottis.
    METHODS: Nonrandomized quasi-experimental study.
    METHODS: Posterior glottal gap varied from 0 to 3.5 mm in 0.5 mm intervals. Each treatment was investigated independently in a sample population of eight excised canine larynges. Phonation of the larynges for each treatment was recorded and analyzed for the cepstral peak prominence (CPP), harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), and correlation dimension.
    RESULTS: Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum tests yielded significant differences across shim groups for all parameters. Dunn-Bonferroni post-hoc tests revealed that the control group differed significantly from the 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5 mm groups for all metrics. Moreover, Kendall correlation tests indicated a moderately positive correlation between glottal gap size and correlation dimension, a moderately negative correlation between glottal gap size and CPP and between glottal gap size and the HNR.
    CONCLUSIONS: Glottic insufficiency provides a source of nonlinearity in phonation. Nonlinear dynamic analysis provides quantitative insight into glottal gap voice. This study encourages future studies to further evaluate the relationship between glottal gap and correlation dimension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anterior glottoplasty is a commonly used treatment for voice feminization. But it remains in dispute over whether to suture of the ligament as part of the procedure.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the effect of inclusion of the vocal lamina propia.
    METHODS: Anterior webs were created in 8 excised canine larynges by sutures placed at 10%, 20%, and 30% of the vocal fold length, respectively. The suture depth was divided into two groups: epithelium layer (Shallow Suture, SS group) and deep layers of vocal fold lamina propia (Deep Suture, DS group).
    RESULTS: For anterior webs between 0% and 30%, the frequency elevation ranged from 3% to 151% of the pre-web fundamental frequency (fo) in SS group and from 13% to 222% in DS group. No significance was found between two groups at three different sutures (p = .486 for suture at 10% of vocal fold length, 0.686 for 20%, 0.886 for 30%, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: The frequency in excised canine larynx increased continuously as the anterior glottic webs ranged from 0% to 30%. The inclusion of the vocal fold lamina propia does not affect the frequency elevation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A critical element in understanding voice production mechanisms is the characterization of vocal fold collision, which is widely considered a primary etiological factor in the development of common phonotraumatic lesions such as nodules and polyps. This paper describes the development of a transoral, dual-sensor intraglottal/subglottal pressure probe for the simultaneous measurement of vocal fold collision and subglottal pressures during phonation using two miniature sensors positioned 7.6 mm apart at the distal end of a rigid cannula. Proof-of-concept testing was performed using excised whole-mount and hemilarynx human tissue aerodynamically driven into self-sustained oscillation, with systematic variation of the superior-inferior positioning of the vocal fold collision sensor. In the hemilarynx experiment, signals from the pressure sensors were synchronized with an acoustic microphone, a tracheal-surface accelerometer, and two high-speed video cameras recording at 4000 frames per second for top-down and en face imaging of the superior and medial vocal fold surfaces, respectively. As expected, the intraglottal pressure signal exhibited an impulse-like peak when vocal fold contact occurred, followed by a broader peak associated with intraglottal pressure build-up during the de-contacting phase. As subglottal pressure was increased, the peak amplitude of the collision pressure increased and typically reached a value below that of the average subglottal pressure. Results provide important baseline vocal fold collision pressure data with which computational models of voice production can be developed and in vivo measurements can be referenced.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the effect of the ventricular folds on fundamental frequency (fo) in the voice production of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus). The excised larynges of six subadult pigs were phonated in two preparation stages, with the ventricular folds present (PS1) and removed (PS2). Vocal fold resonances were tested with a laser vibrometer, and a four-mass computational model was created. Highly significant fo differences were found between PS1 and PS2 (means at 93.7 and 409.3 Hz, respectively). Two tissue resonances were found at 115 Hz and 250-290 Hz. The computational model had unique solutions for abducted and adducted ventricular folds at about 150 and 400 Hz, roughly matching the fo measured ex vivo for PS1 and PS2. The differing fo encountered across preparation stages PS1 and PS2 is explained by distinct activation of either a high or a low eigenfrequency mode, depending on the engagement of the ventricular folds. The inability of the investigated larynges to vibrate at frequencies below 250 Hz in PS2 suggests that in vivo low-frequency calls of domestic pigs (pre-eminently grunts) are likely produced with engaged ventricular folds. Allometric comparison suggests that the special, mechanically coupled \"double oscillator\" has evolved to prevent signaling disadvantages. Given these traits, the porcine larynx might - apart from special applications relating to the involvement of ventricular folds - not be an ideal candidate for emulating human voice production in excised larynx experimentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the effects of straw phonation therapy on the aerodynamic and acoustic parameters of the vocal folds at different levels of elongation and subglottal pressure.
    METHODS: 20 excised canine larynges were used in both experimental (straw phonation therapy simulation) and control conditions. Aerodynamic parameters, including phonation threshold pressure (PTP), phonation instability pressure (PIP), phonation pressure range (PPR), phonation threshold flow (PTF), phonation instability flow (PIF), phonation flow range (PFR), were obtained at different levels of vocal fold elongation (0%, 10%, 20%). Acoustic parameters, including fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer, signal noise ratio (SNR) were detected at different levels of vocal fold elongation (0%, 10%, 20%) and subglottal pressure (15 cmH2O, 20 cmH2O, 25 cmH2O).
    RESULTS: Significant decreases in PTP and PTF and significant increases in PIP, PIF, PPR, and PFR occurred in experimental condition at all levels of elongation when compared with control condition. However, no significant changes of acoustic parameters were obtained between conditions at all levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: At different levels of vocal fold elongation, straw phonation not only lowered the onset of normal voice, but also elevated the onset of chaotic voice, indicating a better voice economy and voice control. Moreover, the improved phonatory range demonstrated that straw phonation had the potential to prevent voice users who have high voice demand from voice fatigue and vocal damage.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The larynx is a complex organ which has a role in a variety of functions such as phonation, breathing, and swallowing. To research these functions, it is widely accepted that in vivo studies provide more anatomically and physiologically relevant findings. However, invasive procedures are generally needed to measure variables such a subglottal pressure, vocal fold tension and stiffness, and cricothyroid muscle stretch. Performing studies using excised larynges is a useful technique which makes it possible to not only measure phonation parameters but control them as well. Early studies using excised larynges mainly focused on controlling specific parameters and mathematical modeling simulations. The use of these studies has helped further research in laryngeal anatomy, imaging techniques, as well as aerodynamic, acoustic, and biomechanical properties. Here, we describe the progress of this research over the past 5 years. The number of accepted animal models has increased and ideas from excised larynx studies are starting to be applied to treatment methods for laryngeal disorders. These experiments are only valid for an excised situation and must continue to be combined with animal experimentation and clinical observations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to collect data throughout the complete phonatory range using rabbit larynges.
    METHODS: This is a methodological excised rabbit larynx study.
    METHODS: Seven rabbit larynges were dissected and mounted on a modified excised laryngeal apparatus. Phonation was initiated at phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and airflow was increased by consistent increments until phonation instability pressure (PIP) was reached. At each airflow level, aerodynamic measurements, acoustic recordings, and high-speed videos were recorded. This procedure was repeated at multiple elongation conditions to further explore the parameters. Data were then compared across subjects and elongation conditions.
    RESULTS: At PTP, subglottal pressure, fundamental frequency, and sound pressure level were found to increase significantly as elongation was increased. As elongation was increased at PIP, airflow was found to significantly decrease, whereas fundamental frequency was found to significantly increase. Vibratory amplitude decreased at both PTP and PIP as elongation increased. Also, as elongation increased, the range of all parameters was found to decrease significantly.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained, combined with the similarities of the histologic structure of the vocal fold lamina propria between rabbits and humans, validate the rabbit larynx as an effective and reliable model for tissue inflammation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main objective of the study is to model asymmetry within anterior glottic webs in excised larynges using sutures and apply aerodynamic and acoustic analyses. Anterior glottic webs (AGW) were modeled in eight excised larynges using sutures secured at the level of the glottis to mimic the scar tissue of the web. Each of the eight larynges were tested under three different pressure increments for each of the three models of AGW: symmetric, vertically asymmetric, and laterally asymmetric. Phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and flow (PTF) differed significantly across AGW conditions (p = 0.006 and p = 0.005, respectively). Additionally, vocal efficiency was significantly different among conditions (p = 0.005) as well as significantly lower in the asymmetric groups (p = 0.015 and p = 0.007). Perturbation measures were not significantly different across conditions. Correlation dimension (D2) was significantly different at PTP, 1.25 × PTP, and 1.5 × PTP (p = 0.003, p = 0.010, and p < 0.001, respectively) as well as significantly higher in the asymmetric groups at each pressure increment. The increased PTP, PTF, and D2 values as well as decreased vocal efficiency among the asymmetric conditions indicates a significant decrease in vocal function, and thus represents that asymmetries could be a contributing factor to the pathological symptoms associated with glottic webs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of cricothyroid muscle contraction on vocal fold vibration, as evaluated with high-speed videoendoscopy, and to identify one or more aspects of vocal fold vibration that could be used as an irrefutable indicator of unilateral cricothyroid muscle paralysis.
    METHODS: This was an experimental study employing excised human larynges.
    METHODS: Twenty freshly excised human larynges were evaluated during artificially produced vibration. Each larynx was assessed in three situations: bilateral cricothyroid muscle contraction, unilateral cricothyroid muscle contraction, and no contraction of either cricothyroid muscle. The following parameters were evaluated by high-speed videoendoscopy: fundamental frequency, periodicity, amplitude of vocal fold vibration, and phase symmetry between the vocal folds.
    RESULTS: Although neither unilateral nor bilateral cricothyroid muscle contraction altered the periodicity of vibration or the occurrence of phase asymmetry, there was a significant decrease in fundamental frequency in parallel with decreasing longitudinal tension. We also found an increase in vibration amplitude of right and left vocal folds, which were similar in terms of their behavior for this parameter in the various situations studied.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that differences in vibration amplitude and phase symmetry between vocal folds are not reliable indicators of unilateral cricothyroid muscle paralysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to build an excised anterior glottic web (AGW) model and study the basic voice-related mechanisms of the AGW through investigating the acoustic, aerodynamic, and vibratory properties.
    METHODS: Overall, four conditions were tested for each of the eight canine larynges used. At baseline, 10%, 20%, and 33% occlusion (as determined by the placement of the suture), acoustic, aerodynamic, and high-speed video data were collected while each larynx was phonated in a soundproof booth.
    RESULTS: The phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and the phonation threshold flow significantly increased as percent occlusion increased (P < 0.001). There were significant increases in jitter % and shimmer % from baseline group to AGW model groups at PTP, 1.25 PTP, and 1.5 PTP (P = 0.039, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P = 0.001, respectively). The fundamental frequency significantly increased as percent occlusion increased at all given pressures (P < 0.001). Correlation dimension (D2) was significantly higher in the AGW model groups than in the baseline group at PTP, 1.25 PTP, and 1.5 PTP (P = 0.002, P < 0.001, P = 0.01, respectively). High-speed videos revealed that, the left phase shift in the AGW model groups compared with the baseline at 1.25 PTP was significant (P = 0.027) and right phase shift at 1.5 PTP (P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: We presented an anatomically similar model of a type 1 AGW and confirmed its validity through aerodynamic, acoustic, and high-speed video analysis in our study. We observed and investigated the glottic web movement, which may be a new explanation for the pathologic voice-related mechanism of AGW.





