
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reuse of clinical data within the healthcare process and for secondary purposes is particularly valuable. This study emphasizes the crucial role of Standardized, Structured Reports (SSRs) in supporting continuity of care while also advancing reusability of data, decision support functionalities, and accommodating future developments. Integrating SSRs with existing information systems poses a serious challenge. The integration of SSRs with information standards enhances their utility in diverse applications. The significance of SSRs is further highlighted by their seamless integration into healthcare processes, and development and implementation is supported by various available applications. This research contributes to the evolution of medical informatics by emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts in standardized, structured reporting, all aimed at enhancing patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water exchange is increasingly recognized as an important biological process that can affect the study of biological tissue using diffusion MR. Methods to measure exchange, however, remain immature as opposed to those used to characterize restriction, with no consensus on the optimal pulse sequence (s) or signal model (s). In general, the trend has been towards data-intensive fitting of highly parameterized models. We take the opposite approach and show that a judicious sub-sample of diffusion exchange spectroscopy (DEXSY) data can be used to robustly quantify exchange, as well as restriction, in a data-efficient manner. This sampling produces a ratio of two points per mixing time: (i) one point with equal diffusion weighting in both encoding periods, which gives maximal exchange contrast, and (ii) one point with the same total diffusion weighting in just the first encoding period, for normalization. We call this quotient the Diffusion EXchange Ratio (DEXR). Furthermore, we show that it can be used to probe time-dependent diffusion by estimating the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) over intermediate to long times (∼2-500ms). We provide a comprehensive theoretical framework for the design of DEXR experiments in the case of static or constant gradients. Data from Monte Carlo simulations and experiments acquired in fixed and viable ex vivo neonatal mouse spinal cord using a permanent magnet system are presented to test and validate this approach. In viable spinal cord, we report the following apparent parameters from just 6 data points: τk=17±4ms, fNG=0.72±0.01, Reff=1.05±0.01μm, and κeff=0.19±0.04μm/ms, which correspond to the exchange time, restricted or non-Gaussian signal fraction, an effective spherical radius, and permeability, respectively. For the VACF, we report a long-time, power-law scaling with ≈t-2.4, which is approximately consistent with disordered domains in 3-D. Overall, the DEXR method is shown to be highly efficient, capable of providing valuable quantitative diffusion metrics using minimal MR data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Filter exchange imaging (FEXI) is a double diffusion-encoding (DDE) sequence that is specifically sensitive to exchange between sites with different apparent diffusivities. FEXI uses a diffusion-encoding filtering block followed by a detection block at varying mixing times to map the exchange rate. Long mixing times enhance the sensitivity to exchange, but they pose challenges for imaging applications that require a stimulated echo sequence with crusher gradients. Thin imaging slices require strong crushers, which can introduce significant diffusion weighting and bias exchange rate estimates. Here, we treat the crushers as an additional encoding block and consider FEXI as a triple diffusion-encoding sequence. This allows the bias to be corrected in the case of multi-Gaussian diffusion, but not easily in the presence of restricted diffusion. Our approach addresses challenges in the presence of restricted diffusion and relies on the ability to independently gauge sensitivities to exchange and restricted diffusion for arbitrary gradient waveforms. It follows two principles: (i) the effects of crushers are included in the forward model using signal cumulant expansion; and (ii) timing parameters of diffusion gradients in filter and detection blocks are adjusted to maintain the same level of restriction encoding regardless of the mixing time. This results in the tuned exchange imaging (TEXI) protocol. The accuracy of exchange mapping with TEXI was assessed through Monte Carlo simulations in spheres of identical sizes and gamma-distributed sizes, and in parallel hexagonally packed cylinders. The simulations demonstrate that TEXI provides consistent exchange rates regardless of slice thickness and restriction size, even with strong crushers. However, the accuracy depends on b-values, mixing times, and restriction geometry. The constraints and limitations of TEXI are discussed, including suggestions for protocol adaptations. Further studies are needed to optimize the precision of TEXI and assess the approach experimentally in realistic, heterogeneous substrates.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Thyrotoxicosis is the clinical condition resulting from an excess of thyroid hormones for any reason. The main causes are Graves-Basedow disease, toxic multinodular goitre and toxic adenoma. The medical treatment to control thyroid function includes antithyroid drugs, beta blockers, iodine solutions, corticosteroids and cholestyramine. Although therapeutic plasma exchange is not generally part of the therapy, it is an alternative as a preliminary stage before the definitive treatment. This procedure makes it possible to eliminate T4, T3, TSI, cytokines and amiodarone. In most cases, more than one cycle is necessary, either daily or every three days, until clinical improvement is observed. The effect on thyrotoxicosis is temporary, with an approximate duration of 24-48h. This approach has been proposed as a safe and effective alternative when the medical treatment is contraindicated or not effective, and when there is multiple organ failure or emergency surgery is required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to soils, tree stems emit and consume nitrous oxide (N2O) from the atmosphere. Although tree leaves dominate tree surface area, they have been completely excluded from field N2O flux measurements and therefore their role in forest N2O exchange remains unknown. We explored the contribution of leaf fluxes to forest N2O exchange. We determined the N2O exchange of mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica) stems and shoots (i.e., terminal branches) and of adjacent forest floor, in a typical temperate upland forest in Germany. The beech stems, and particularly the shoots, acted as net N2O sinks (-0.254 ± 0.827 μg N2O m-2 stem area h-1 and -4.54 ± 1.53 μg N2O m-2 leaf area h-1, respectively), while the forest floor was a net source (2.41 ± 1.08 μg N2O m-2 soil area h-1). The unstudied tree shoots were identified as a significant contributor to the net ecosystem N2O exchange. Moreover, we revealed for the first time that tree leaves act as substantial N2O sinks. Although this is the first study of its kind, it is of global importance for the proper design of future flux studies in forest ecosystems worldwide. Our results demonstrate that excluding tree leaves from forest N2O flux measurements can lead to misinterpretation of tree and forest N2O exchange, and thus global forest greenhouse gas flux inventories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: New federal policies along with rapid growth in data generation, storage, and analysis tools are together driving scientific data sharing in the United States. At the same, triangulating human research data from diverse sources can also create situations where data are used for future research in ways that individuals and communities may consider objectionable. Institutional gatekeepers, namely, signing officials (SOs), are therefore at the helm of compliant management and sharing of human data for research. Of those with data governance responsibilities, SOs most often serve as signatories for investigators who deposit, access, and share research data between institutions. Although SOs play important leadership roles in compliant data sharing, we know surprisingly little about their scope of work, roles, and oversight responsibilities.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe existing institutional policies and practices of US SOs who manage human genomic data access, as well as how these may change in the wake of new Data Management and Sharing requirements for National Institutes of Health-funded research in the United States.
    METHODS: We administered an anonymous survey to institutional SOs recruited from biomedical research institutions across the United States. Survey items probed where data generated from extramurally funded research are deposited, how researchers outside the institution access these data, and what happens to these data after extramural funding ends.
    RESULTS: In total, 56 institutional SOs participated in the survey. We found that SOs frequently approve duplicate data deposits and impose stricter access controls when data use limitations are unclear or unspecified. In addition, 21% (n=12) of SOs knew where data from federally funded projects are deposited after project funding sunsets. As a consequence, most investigators deposit their scientific data into \"a National Institutes of Health-funded repository\" to meet the Data Management and Sharing requirements but also within the \"institution\'s own repository\" or a third-party repository.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings inform 5 policy recommendations and best practices for US SOs to improve coordination and develop comprehensive and consistent data governance policies that balance the need for scientific progress with effective human data protections.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Speaking on behalf of others is no easy task. When 30 members of a psychiatric hospital\'s ethics committee rely on three of them to explain its functions and roles to neophytes, and to put into words what the committee represents in their eyes, the mission is a delicate one. We have to remain as faithful to our own thinking as we are to the spirit of the group. We will try to answer these questions as best we can, to shed light on the origins, missions and specific features of an ethics committee in a psychiatric hospital, without betraying our own thinking or that of our colleagues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: During their lifespan in the bloodstream, red blood cells (RBCs) are exposed to multiple stressors, including increased oxidative stress, which can affect their morphology and function, thereby contributing to disease. Aim: This investigation aimed to explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms related to oxidative stress underlying anion exchanger 1 activity (band 3, SLC4A1/AE1) in human RBCs. To achieve this aim, the relationship between RBC morphology and functional and metabolic activity has been explored. Moreover, the potential protective effect of an anthocyanin-enriched fraction extracted from Callistemon citrinus flowers was studied. Methods: Cellular morphology, parameters of oxidative stress, as well as the anion exchange capability of band 3 have been analyzed in RBCs treated for 1 h with 50 mM of the pro-oxidant 2,2\'-azobis (2-methylpropionamide)-dihydrochloride (AAPH). Before or after the oxidative insult, subsets of cells were exposed to 0.01 μg/mL of an anthocyanin-enriched fraction for 1 h. Results: Exposure to AAPH caused oxidative stress, exhaustion of reduced glutathione, and over-activation of the endogenous antioxidant machinery, resulting in morphological alterations of RBCs, specifically the formation of acanthocytes, increased lipid peroxidation and oxidation of proteins, as well as abnormal distribution and hyper-phosphorylation of band 3. Expected, oxidative stress was also associated with a decreased band 3 ion transport activity and an increase of oxidized haemoglobin, which led to abnormal clustering of band 3. Exposure of cells to the anthocyanin-enriched fraction prior to, but not after, oxidative stress efficiently counteracted oxidative stress-related alterations. Importantly, protection of band3 function from oxidative stress could only be achieved in intact cells and not in RBC ghosts. Conclusion: These findings contribute a) to clarify oxidative stress-related physiological and biochemical alterations in human RBCs, b) propose anthocyanins as natural antioxidants to neutralize oxidative stress-related modifications, and 3) suggest that cell integrity, and therefore a cytosolic component, is required to reverse oxidative stress-related pathophysiological derangements in human mature RBCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pair stability refers to the extent to which exchange occurs between the same actors over time. In a stable pair, actors know what to expect of one another and have a sense of predictability as to the outcome of the exchange. When actors are split into discrete groups, shared group membership contributes to formation of new ties and maintenance of existing ties due to the mechanism of attraction to similar others. Using the formal framework of biased net theory, we propose three hypotheses which link shared group membership with the odds of pair stability. These hypotheses are tested against data from an experiment (N = 180) in which participants were first split into two groups and then given a series of opportunities to share resources with one another. Results of the experiment are consistent with the hypotheses.





