Event-related potentials (ERPs)

事件相关电位 (ERPs)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Writing stands as one of humanity\'s most profound inventions, facilitating the efficient sharing and transmission of vast amounts of information. Similar to images and facial expressions, visual (written) words possess the ability to evoke emotional connotations. Understanding how the brain perceives these emotional nuances encoded in highly symbolic visual words is a key focus of the emerging field of \"affective neurolinguistics.\" At the core of this inquiry lies the examination of the early posterior negativity (EPN), an event-related potentials (ERPs) component peaking around 300 ms after stimulus onset in the occipitotemporal scalp region. EPN has consistently emerged in response to emotional stimuli, encompassing pictures, faces, and visual words. However, prior research has notably lacked observation of EPN in response to Chinese emotional words, raising questions about potential differences in emotional processing between Chinese and other languages. Given the logographic nature of the Chinese writing system and the prevalence of compound words in the Chinese lexicon, this study aims to explore whether the emotional processing of Chinese monomorphic and compound words elicits an EPN response. Two experiments were conducted: Experiment 1 utilized one-character words (monomorphic words), while Experiment 2 employed two-character words (compound words). Participants were assigned a go/no-go task, instructed to respond to unknown words (word recognition task) or blue stimuli (color decision task). Data analysis using a data-driven mass univariate approach revealed significant ERP differences between emotional and neutral words. Notably, the time course, scalp topography, and cortical generators of the difference ERP presented a characteristic EPN response in both experiments. These findings strongly support the notion that the processing of emotional connotations in both Chinese monomorphic and compound words is reflected by the EPN, paving the way for future research using EPN as an emotion-related ERP component for investigating emotional processing of Chinese words.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acoustic information in speech changes continuously, yet listeners form discrete perceptual categories to ease the demands of perception. Being a more continuous/gradient as opposed to a more discrete/categorical listener may be further advantageous for understanding speech in noise by increasing perceptual flexibility and resolving ambiguity. The degree to which a listener\'s responses to a continuum of speech sounds are categorical versus continuous can be quantified using visual analog scaling (VAS) during speech labeling tasks. Here, we recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to vowels along an acoustic-phonetic continuum (/u/ to /a/) while listeners categorized phonemes in both clean and noise conditions. Behavior was assessed using standard two alternative forced choice (2AFC) and VAS paradigms to evaluate categorization under task structures that promote discrete vs. continuous hearing, respectively. Behaviorally, identification curves were steeper under 2AFC vs. VAS categorization but were relatively immune to noise, suggesting robust access to abstract, phonetic categories even under signal degradation. Behavioral slopes were correlated with listeners\' QuickSIN scores; shallower slopes corresponded with better speech in noise performance, suggesting a perceptual advantage to noise degraded speech comprehension conferred by a more gradient listening strategy. At the neural level, P2 amplitudes and latencies of the ERPs were modulated by task and noise; VAS responses were larger and showed greater noise-related latency delays than 2AFC responses. More gradient responders had smaller shifts in ERP latency with noise, suggesting their neural encoding of speech was more resilient to noise degradation. Interestingly, source-resolved ERPs showed that more gradient listening was also correlated with stronger neural responses in left superior temporal gyrus. Our results demonstrate that listening strategy modulates the categorical organization of speech and behavioral success, with more continuous/gradient listening being advantageous to sentential speech in noise perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The orienting reaction (OR) towards a new stimulus is subject to habituation, i.e., progressively attenuates with stimulus repetition. The skin conductance responses (SCRs) are known to represent a reliable measure of OR at the peripheral level. Yet, it is still a matter of debate which of the P3 subcomponents is the most likely to represent the central counterpart of the OR. The aim of the present work was to study habituation, recovery, and dishabituation phenomena intrinsic to a two-stimulus auditory oddball paradigm, one of the most-used paradigms both in research and clinic, by simultaneously recording SCRs and P3 in twenty healthy volunteers. Our findings show that the target stimulus was capable of triggering a more marked OR, as indexed by both SCRs and P3, compared to the standard stimulus, that could be due to its affective saliency and relevance for task completion; the application of temporal principal components analysis (PCA) to the P3 complex allowed us to identify several subcomponents including both early and late P3a (eP3a; lP3a), P3b, novelty P3 (nP3), and both a positive and a negative Slow Wave (+SW; -SW). Particularly, lP3a and P3b subcomponents showed a similar behavior to that observed for SCRs , suggesting them as central counterparts of OR. Finally, the P3 evoked by the first standard stimulus after the target showed a significant dishabituation phenomenon which could represent a sign of the local stimulus change. However, it did not reach a sufficient level to trigger an SCR/OR since it did not represent a salient event in the context of the task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Performance monitoring has been widely studied during different forced-choice response tasks. Participants typically show longer response times (RTs) and increased accuracy following errors, but there are inconsistencies regarding the connection between error-related event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and behavior, such as RT and accuracy. The specific task in any given study could contribute to these inconsistencies, as different tasks may require distinct cognitive processes that impact ERP-behavior relationships. The present study sought to determine whether task moderates ERP-behavior relationships and whether these relationships are robustly observed when tasks and stimuli are treated as random effects. ERPs and behavioral indices (RTs and accuracy) recorded during flanker, Stroop, and Go/Nogo tasks from 180 people demonstrated a task-specific effect on ERP-behavior relationships, such that larger previous-trial error-related negativity (ERN) predicted longer RTs and greater likelihood of a correct response on subsequent trials during flanker and Stroop tasks but not during Go/Nogo task. Additionally, larger previous-trial error positivity (Pe) predicted faster RTs and smaller variances of RTs on subsequent trials for Stroop and Go/Nogo tasks but not for flanker task. When tasks and stimuli were treated as random effects, ERP-behavior relationships were not observed. These findings support the need to consider the task used for recording performance monitoring measures when interpreting results across studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mean emotion from multiple facial expressions can be extracted rapidly and precisely. However, it remains debated whether mean emotion processing is automatic which can occur under no attention. To address this question, we used a passive oddball paradigm and recorded event-related brain potentials when participants discriminated the changes in the central fixation while a set of four faces was presented in the periphery. The face set consisted of one happy and three angry expressions (mean negative) or one angry and three happy expressions (mean positive), and the mean negative and mean positive face sets were shown with a probability of 20% (deviant) and 80% (standard) respectively in the sequence, or the vice versa. The cluster-based permutation analyses showed that the visual mismatch negativity started early at around 92 ms and was also observed in later time windows when the mean emotion was negative, while a mismatch positivity was observed at around 168-266 ms when the mean emotion was positive. The results suggest that there might be different mechanisms underlying the processing of mean negative and mean positive emotions. More importantly, the brain can detect the changes in the mean emotion automatically, and ensemble coding for multiple facial expressions can occur in an automatic fashion without attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Older adults who worry about their own cognitive capabilities declining, but who do not show evidence of actual cognitive decline in neuropsychological tests, are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with dementia at a later time. Since neural markers may be more sensitive to early stages of cognitive decline, in the present study we examined whether event-related potential responses of feedback processing, elicited in a probabilistic learning task, differ between healthy older adults recruited from the community, who either did (subjective cognitive decline/SCD-group) or did not report (No-SCD group) worry about their own cognition declining beyond the normal age-related development. In the absence of group differences in learning from emotionally charged feedback in the probabilistic learning task, the amplitude of the feedback-related negativity (FRN) varied with feedback valence differently in the two groups: In the No-SCD group, the FRN was larger for positive than negative feedback, while in the SCD group, FRN amplitude did not differ between positive and negative feedback. The P3b was enhanced for negative feedback in both groups, and group differences in P3b amplitude were not significant. Altered sensitivity in neural processing of negative versus positive feedback may be a marker of SCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the processing of emotions, the brain prepares and reacts in distinctive manners depending upon the negative or positive nuance of the emotion elicitors. Previous investigations showed that negative elicitors generally evoke more intense neural activities than positive and neutral ones, as reflected in the augmented amplitude of all sub-components of the event-related potentials (ERP) late posterior positivity (LPP) complex, while less is known about the emotion of disgust. The present study aimed to examine whether the LPP complex during the processing of disgust stimuli showed greater amplitude than other emotion elicitors with negative or positive valences, thus confirming it as a neural marker of disgust-related negativity bias at earlier or later stages. Thus, in the present study, we leveraged the ERP technique during the execution of an affective self-administered visual stimuli task to disentangle the neural contributions associated with images of positive, negative, disgust, or neutral emotions. Crucially, we showed that handling with disgust elicitors prompted the greatest neural activity and the highest delay during self-administration. Overall, we demonstrated progressive neural activities associated with the unpleasantness of the emotion elicitors and peculiar processing for disgust compared with all other emotions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social avoidance refers to active non-participation in social activities, which is detrimental to healthy interpersonal interaction for emerging adults. Social rejection is a kind of negative social evaluation from others making people feel social pain. However, how socially avoidant emerging adults process social feedback information after experiencing social rejection has received less attention. The current study aimed to explore the differences in social interaction feedback processing after social rejection between a socially avoidant group (n = 16) and a comparison group (n = 16) in a human-to-human interaction context. Computer game tasks with two types of interaction (cooperation and competition) were used to record the event-related potentials when receiving social interaction feedback in two conditions (social rejection and control condition). The results showed that (1) the socially avoidant group had lower reward positivity amplitudes than the comparison group when receiving social feedback; (2) the socially avoidant group presented larger P300 amplitudes in the social rejection condition than in the control condition, but the comparison group did not; and (3) social rejection evoked more negative N1 amplitudes in the socially avoidant and comparison groups. The findings suggest that socially avoidant emerging adults may have flaws in reward sensitivity during interpersonal interaction, and they might also exert more attentional and emotional resources to social feedback after social rejection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of how the perception of rhythmic temporal regularity such as a regular beat in music can be studied in human adults, human newborns, and nonhuman primates using event-related brain potentials (ERPs). First, we discuss different aspects of temporal structure in general, and musical rhythm in particular, and we discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the perception of regularity (e.g., a beat) in rhythm. Additionally, we highlight the importance of dissociating beat perception from the perception of other types of structure in rhythm, such as predictable sequences of temporal intervals, ordinal structure, and rhythmic grouping. In the second section of the chapter, we start with a discussion of auditory ERPs elicited by infrequent and frequent sounds: ERP responses to regularity violations, such as mismatch negativity (MMN), N2b, and P3, as well as early sensory responses to sounds, such as P1 and N1, have been shown to be instrumental in probing beat perception. Subsequently, we discuss how beat perception can be probed by comparing ERP responses to sounds in regular and irregular sequences, and by comparing ERP responses to sounds in different metrical positions in a rhythm, such as on and off the beat or on strong and weak beats. Finally, we will discuss previous research that has used the aforementioned ERPs and paradigms to study beat perception in human adults, human newborns, and nonhuman primates. In doing so, we consider the possible pitfalls and prospects of the technique, as well as future perspectives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether attention is a prerequisite of perceptual awareness or an independent and dissociable process remains a matter of debate. Importantly, understanding the relation between attention and awareness is probably not possible without taking into account the fact that both are heterogeneous and multifaceted mechanisms. Therefore, the present study tested the impact on visual awareness of two attentional mechanisms proposed by the Posner model: temporal alerting and spatio-temporal orienting. Specifically, we evaluated the effects of attention on the perceptual level, by measuring objective and subjective awareness of a threshold-level stimulus; and on the neural level, by investigating how attention affects two postulated event-related potential correlates of awareness. We found that alerting and orienting mechanisms additively facilitate perceptual consciousness, with activation of the latter resulting in the most vivid awareness. Furthermore, we found that late positivity is unlikely to constitute a neural correlate of consciousness as its amplitude was modulated by both attentional mechanisms, but early visual awareness negativity was independent of the alerting and orienting mechanisms. In conclusion, our study reveals a nuanced relationship between attention and awareness; moreover, by investigating the effect of the alerting mechanism, this study provides insights into the role of temporal attention in perceptual consciousness.





