Epilepsy, Reflex

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Herein, we present the case of a 21-year-old man with a history of generalized tonic seizures since the age of 4 years. These seizures occurred either spontaneously or could be provoked by auditory stimuli such as the sounds of a vacuum cleaner or an electric shaver. Despite trials with 10 different anti-seizure medications, his seizures remained refractory. Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) revealed generalized epileptiform activity, whereas ictal EEG showed a generalized attenuation pattern. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed extensive chronic infarctions, predominantly in the bilateral cerebral watershed areas. At the age of 17, the patient underwent a one-stage complete callosotomy, which only achieved remission of auditory-provoked seizures. Based on this experience and published reports, we propose that the posterior corpus callosum, particularly the isthmus and anterior splenium, may be involved in seizures caused by unexpected sound stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This case report describes a woman cold-induced reflex seizures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: GRIN-related disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders caused by mutations in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunit genes. A large fraction of these mutations lead to a \'gain of function\' (GoF) of the NMDAR. Patients present with a range of symptoms including epilepsy, intellectual disability, behavioural and motor. Controlling seizures is a significant unmet medical need in most patients with GRIN-related disorders. Although several hundred GRIN mutations have been identified in humans, until recently none of the mouse models carrying Grin mutations/deletions showed an epileptic phenotype. The two recent exceptions both carry mutations of GluN2A. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of radiprodil, a selective negative allosteric modulator of GluN2B-containing NMDARs, in counteracting audiogenic seizures (AGS) in a murine model carrying the GluN2A(N615S) homozygous mutation (Grin2aS/S mice).
    METHODS: Grin2aS/S mice were acutely treated with radiprodil at different doses before the presentation of a high-frequency acoustic stimulus commonly used for AGS induction.
    RESULTS: Radiprodil significantly and dose-dependently reduced the onset and severity of AGS in Grin2aS/S mice. Surprisingly, the results revealed a sex-dependent difference in AGS susceptibility and in the dose-dependent protection of radiprodil in the two genders. Specifically, radiprodil was more effective in female versus male mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our data clearly show that radiprodil, a GluN2B selective negative allosteric modulator, may have the potential to control seizures in patients with GRIN2A GoF mutations. Further studies are warranted to better understand the sex-dependent effects observed in this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The long-term prognosis of photosensitive idiopathic generalized epilepsy (p-IGE) is generally considered favorable; however, its specific characteristics remain unclear. Our objective was to investigate the extended prognosis of p-IGE.
    METHODS: We analyzed the demographics, clinical, and electroencephalographic (EEG) data of consecutive patients who were diagnosed as having p-IGE, who were under follow-up for a minimum of 10 years and exhibited a photoparoxysmal response (PPR) in their EEGs. Prognostic data, epilepsy course types, and electroclinical variables were compared using appropriate statistical methods.
    RESULTS: The mean follow-up duration for 108 consecutive patients with p-IGE (74.1 % female) was 16.8 ± 6.5 years. The main syndromes within this cohort included juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (37 %), juvenile absence epilepsy (15.7 %), and epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (EEM) (14.8 %). In terms of epilepsy course types, 27.8 % were in the relapse-remission group, and 13.9 % had never experienced remission. A low early remission rate (5.6 %) was evident, with the remaining half of the cohort categorized as the late remission group. Several significant poor prognostic factors were identified including self-induction, clinical symptoms accompanying PPR, asynchrony and focal findings in EEG discharges, a wide frequency range of PPR, the coexistence of three seizure types, the presence of accompanying focal seizure features, and a history of convulsive status epilepticus.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our long-term follow-up study, conducted within a substantial p-IGE group, unveiled newly proposed course types within this epilepsy category and highlighted significant poor prognostic factors related to photosensitivity. These findings furnish valuable insights for precise prognosis counselling and effective management strategies for patients with p-IGE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Photosensitivity is known to occur predominantly in children and adolescents and with a clear female predominance. Little is known on the prevalence of photosensitivity in older patients (50+) and its phenotypical appearance.
    METHODS: A retrospective observational study was performed investigating the prevalence of a photoparoxysmal EEG response (PPR) on at least one EEG during the period 2015-2021. Data were gathered from patients aged 50 years and older by retrieving clinical and EEG characteristics from existing medical records. Data on photosensitivity-related symptoms in daily life were gathered with telephone interviewing.
    RESULTS: In 248 patients a PPR had been elicited, of whom 16 patients (6.5%) were 50 years or older. In older patients, photosensitivity was a persistent feature of childhood-onset epilepsy (n = 8), of adult-onset epilepsy (n = 7), or an incidental finding (n = 1). In the 50+ group, 56% of photosensitive patients was female, whereas 72% in the total PPR-group. In six of 16 older patients, eye closure sensitivity was observed; two of these patients reported self-induction. Symptoms of photosensitivity in daily life were present in eight out of nine patients who consented in a telephone interview. For seven of these patients, wearing sunglasses was helpful.
    CONCLUSIONS: Female preponderance for photosensitivity was not found in epilepsy patients of 50 years and older. In 44% of the older photosensitive patients in this series, the PPR was a feature of adult-onset epilepsy. Symptoms of photosensitivity in daily life in older patients with epilepsy seem comparable to those in younger patients, and thus worthwhile to diagnose and treat them equally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate the comparative antiseizure activity of the l-enantiomers of d,l-fenfluramine and d,l-norfenfluramine and to evaluate the relationship between their concentration in plasma and brain and anticonvulsant activity. d,l-Fenfluramine, d,l-norfenfluramine and their individual enantiomers were evaluated in the mouse maximal electroshock seizure (MES) test. d,l-Fenfluramine, d,l-norfenfluramine and their individual l-enantiomers were also assessed in the DBA/2 mouse audiogenic seizure model. All compounds were administered intraperitoneally. Brain and plasma concentrations of the test compounds in DBA/2 mice were quantified and correlated with anticonvulsant activity. In the MES test, fenfluramine, norfenfluramine and their enantiomers showed comparable anticonvulsant activity, with ED50 values between 5.1 and 14.8 mg/kg. In the audiogenic seizure model, l-norfenfluramine was 9 times more potent than d,l-fenfluramine and 15 times more potent than l-fenfluramine based on ED50 (1.2 vs. 10.2 and 17.7 mg/kg, respectively). Brain concentrations of all compounds were about 20-fold higher than in plasma. Based on brain EC50 values, l-norfenfluramine was 7 times more potent than d,l-fenfluramine and 13 times more potent than l-fenfluramine (1940 vs. 13,200 and 25,400 ng/g, respectively). EC50 values for metabolically formed d,l-norfenfluramine and l-norfenfluramine were similar to brain EC50 values of the same compounds administered as such, suggesting that, in the audiogenic seizure model, the metabolites were responsible for the antiseizure activity of the parent compounds. Because of the evidence linking d-norfenfluramine to d,l-fenfluramine to cardiovascular and metabolic adverse effects, their l-enantiomers could potentially be safer follow-up compounds to d,l-fenfluramine. We found that, in the models tested, the activity of l-fenfluramine and l-norfenfluramine was comparable to that of the corresponding racemates. Based on the results in DBA/2 mice and other considerations, l-norfenfluramine appears to be a particularly attractive candidate for further evaluation as a novel, enantiomerically pure antiseizure medication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the era after World War II, Francis (Frank) Forster (1912-2006) became a preeminent American neurologist and epileptologist, with international prominence in the study of reflex epilepsy. Forster\'s interest in reflex epilepsy began with a chance observation of the condition, in 1946, in a four-year-old girl. When medical measures failed to control her somatosensory-evoked seizures, Forster recommended surgery, and then facilitated transfer to Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (1891-1976) at the Montreal Neurological Institute. Forster traveled to Montreal for the child\'s surgery. The surgery on February 27, 1948, proved to be curative for the child, and Forster\'s interactions with Penfield and epileptologist Herbert Jasper (1906-1999) made a lasting impression. This study reviews the medical and surgical history of this case, which strongly influenced Forster\'s career.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To explore the processes of epileptogenesis/ictogenesis, this study determined the age-dependent development of the functional abnormalities in astroglial transmission associated with pannexin1-hemichannel using a genetic rat model of autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (ADSHE) named \'S286L-TG\'. Pannexin1 expression in the plasma membrane of primary cultured cortical astrocytes and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which is an ADSHE focus region, were determined using capillary immunoblotting. Astroglial D-serine releases induced by artificial high-frequency oscillation (HFO)-evoked stimulation, the removal of extracellular Ca2+, and the P2X7 receptor agonist (BzATP) were determined using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). The expressions of pannexin1 in the plasma membrane fraction of the OFC in S286L-TG at four weeks old were almost equivalent when compared to the wild type. The pannexin1 expression in the OFC of the wild type non-statistically decreased age-dependently, whereas that in S286L-TG significantly increased age-dependently, resulting in relatively increasing pannexin1 expression from the 7- (at the onset of interictal discharge) and 10-week-old (after the ADSHE seizure onset) S286L-TG compared to the wild type. However, no functional abnormalities of astroglial pannexin1 expression or D-serine release through the pannexin1-hemichannels from the cultured astrocytes of S286L-TG could be detected. Acutely HFO-evoked stimulation, such as physiological ripple burst (200 Hz) and epileptogenic fast ripple burst (500 Hz), frequency-dependently increased both pannexin1 expression in the astroglial plasma membrane and astroglial D-serine release. Neither the selective inhibitors of pannexin1-hemichannel (10PANX) nor connexin43-hemichannel (Gap19) affected astroglial D-serine release during the resting stage, whereas HFO-evoked D-serine release was suppressed by both inhibitors. The inhibitory effect of 10PANX on the ripple burst-evoked D-serine release was more predominant than that of Gap19, whereas fast ripple burst-evoked D-serine release was predominantly suppressed by Gap19 rather than 10PANX. Astroglial D-serine release induced by acute exposure to BzATP was suppressed by 10PANX but not by Gap19. These results suggest that physiological ripple burst during the sleep spindle plays important roles in the organization of some components of cognition in healthy individuals, but conversely, it contributes to the initial development of epileptogenesis/ictogenesis in individuals who have ADSHE vulnerability via activation of the astroglial excitatory transmission associated with pannexin1-hemichannels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigate sleep and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) effects on brain networks derived from electroencephalography (EEG).
    High-density EEG was recorded during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stage 2 (N2) and wakefulness in 23 patients and healthy controls (HC). Epochs without epileptic discharges were source-reconstructed in 72 brain regions and connectivity was estimated. We calculated network integration and segregation at global (global efficiency, GE; average clustering coefficient, avgCC) and hemispheric level. These were compared between groups across frequency bands and correlated with the individual proportion of wakefulness- or sleep-related seizures.
    At the global level, patients had higher delta GE, delta avgCC and theta avgCC than controls, irrespective of the vigilance state. During wakefulness, theta GE of patients was higher than controls and, for patients, theta GE during wakefulness was higher than during N2. Wake-to-sleep differences in TLE were notable only in the ipsilateral hemisphere. Only measures from wakefulness recordings correlated with the proportion of wakefulness- or sleep-related seizures.
    TLE network alterations are more prominent during wakefulness and at lower frequencies. Increased integration and segregation suggest a pathological \'small world\' configuration with a possible inhibitory role.
    Network alterations in TLE occur and are easier to detect during wakefulness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) development is associated with dysregulation of glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampus; however, detailed molecular mechanisms of pathological changes are still poorly understood. In the present study, we performed the complex analysis of glutamatergic system in the hippocampus of Krushinsky-Molodkina (KM) rats genetically prone to audiogenic seizures (AGS). Daily AGS stimulations (audiogenic kindling) were used to reproduce the dynamics of TLE development. Naïve KM rats were used as a control. After 14 AGS, at the stage of developing TLE, KM rats demonstrated significant upregulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) 1 and 2, cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), and c-Fos in the hippocampus indicating activation of the hippocampal cells. These changes were accompanied with an increase in glutaminase and vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) 2 suggesting the activation of glutamate production and loading into the synaptic vesicles. After 21 AGS, when TLE was fully-established, alterations were similar but more pronounced, with higher activation of glutaminase, increase in glutamate production, upregulation of VGLUT1 and 2, and Fos-related antigen 1 (Fra-1) along with c-Fos. Analysis of glutamate receptors showed variable changes. Thus, after 14 AGS, simultaneous increase in metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR1 and decrease in ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors could reflect compensatory anti-epileptic mechanism, while further kindling progression induced upregulation of ionotropic receptors, probably, contributing to the hippocampal epileptization. However, we revealed practically no alterations in the expression of synaptic proteins. Altogether, obtained results suggested that overactivation of glutamate production in the hippocampus strongly contributed to TLE development in KM rats.





