
Epigen é tica
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal function and differentiation are tightly regulated by both genome and epigenome. Based on the environmental information the epigenetic changes occur. Neurodegeneration is the consequence of dysregulation of both the genome and epigenome. In this study, we saw different types of alterations of epigenome present in neuronal cells of different model organisms for neurodegenerative disorders. The epigenetic modifications including chromatin modification, DNA methylation, and changes in regulatory RNAs (miRNA) are having a great impact on neurodegenerative disorders as well as memory. The effects of these re-editing in the neuronal cells cause Alzheimer\'s disease, Parkinson\'s disease, Huntington\'s disease but an unusual form of neuroepigenetics has been seen in Prion Disease. Subsequently, for the development of treatment of these diseases, epigenetic modifications should be kept in mind. Although until now many reports came on drug discovery inhibiting histone deacetylases and DNA methyltransferases to reverse the epigenetic change but they lack targeted delivery and sometimes cause a cytotoxic effect on neuronal cells. In future, advancement in targeted and non-cytotoxic drugs should be the main focus for therapeutic treatment of the neurodegenerative disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Cumulative exposure to violence can change the regulation of epigenetic and physiological markers. Although violence has been associated with accelerated cellular aging, little is known about associations with cardiac autonomic activity.Objective: The current study aimed to investigate the relationship of exposure to community and domestic violence (CDV) with vagal activity and epigenetic aging acceleration.Methods: A total of 86 adolescents (57% female) were evaluated and interviewed at two time-points in São Gonçalo (2014-2019), a Brazilian city with high levels of violence. Exposure to CDV was assessed in both time-points. GrimAge acceleration was calculated from saliva DNA methylation using Infinium HumanMethylation450K (Illumina) collected in the first assessment. Heart rate variability (HRV) was collected during two stress tasks at the second assessment.Results: The exposure to violence witnessed or directly experienced at home and in the community increased significantly (t = 4.87, p < .01) across two-time points, and males had reported higher violence exposure (t = 2.06, p = .043). Violence at 1st assessment was significantly associated with GrimAge acceleration (B = .039, p value = .043). Violence at both assessments were associated with HRV measured during the narration of the worst trauma (traumaHRV) (B = .009, p value = .039, and B = .007, p value = .024, 1st and 2nd assessment respectively). GrimAge acceleration was significantly associated with traumaHRV (B = .043, p value = .049), and HRV measured during a 3D roller coaster video (B = .061, p value = .024).Conclusions: We found relevant evidence that experiencing violence during adolescence is associated with epigenetic aging and stress-related vagal activity. Understanding these factors during this period could contribute to the development of early interventions for health promotion.HIGHLIGHTS Higher exposure to Community and domestic violence is associated with increased GrimAge acceleration.Higher GrimAge acceleration is associated with increased stress-related vagal activity.Exposure to community and domestic violence increased significantly over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetics is the study of how signals from the environment can change gene expression through the creation of molecules and chemical bonds that can last a lifetime and, therefore, determine the phenotype (the characteristics of the individual resulting from the interaction of their genotype [genes] with their environment). Research in this field began at McGill University, Canada, where it was observed that rats\' mothers who were more nurturing raised more resilient pups. Since then, many studies have been carried out with animals and humans, showing the link between epigenetic changes and the experience of the great mother archetype - with potential consequences for the emotional life of the individual and for society.
    L’épigénétique est l’étude de comment les signaux provenant de l’environnement peuvent changer l’expression des gènes, par la création de molécules et de liens chimiques qui peuvent durer toute la vie et qui, de ce fait, déterminent le phénotype. La recherche dans ce domaine a commencé à l’université McGill au Canada: il y a été observé que les mères de rats plus maternelles élevaient des jeunes plus résilients. Depuis, de nombreuses études ont été menées avec des animaux et des humains, montrant le lien entre les changements épigénétiques et l’expérience de l’archétype de la grande mère, avec des conséquences potentielles pour la vie émotionnelle de l’individu et pour la société.
    Epigenetik bezeichnet die Untersuchung, wie Signale aus der Umwelt die Genexpression durch die Bildung von Molekülen und chemischen Bindungen verändern können, die ein Leben lang halten und somit den Phänotyp bestimmen können. Die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet begann an der McGill University in Kanada, wo beobachtet wurde, daß Mütter von Ratten, die fürsorglicher waren, widerstandsfähigere Welpen aufzogen. Seitdem wurden viele Studien an Tieren und Menschen durchgeführt, die den Zusammenhang zwischen epigenetischen Veränderungen und der Erfahrung des Archetyps der Großen Mutter aufzeigen - mit möglichen Folgen für das Gefühlsleben des Einzelnen und für die Gesellschaft.
    L’epigenetica è lo studio di come segnali provenienti dall’ambiente possano modificare l’espressione genica, tramite la creazione di molecole e legami chimici che possono durare una vita, e, perciò, determinare il fenotipo. La ricerca in questo campo è iniziata presso la McGill University in Canada, dove è stato osservato che le madri di topo che erano più accudenti crescevano cuccioli più resistenti. Da allora, sono stati condotti molti studi con animali e con umani, mostrando il legame tra cambiamenti epigenetici e l’esperienza dell’archetipo della grande madre - con potenziali conseguenze per la vita emotiva dell’individuo e per la società.
    Эпигенетика изучает изменение экспрессии генов под влиянием сигналов из окружающей среды за счет образования молекул и химических связей, способных сохраняться в течение всей жизни и, следовательно, определять фенотип. Исследования в этой области начались в Университете Макгилла (Канада): ученые заметили, что у более заботливых матерей-крыс детеныши растут более жизнестойкими. С тех пор проведено множество исследований на животных и людях, продемонстрировавших связь эпигенетических изменений с переживанием архетипа великой матери, что имеет потенциальные следствия для эмоциональной жизни индивида и общества.
    La epigenética es el estudio de cómo señales del medio ambiente pueden modificar la expresión genética, a través de la creación de moléculas y enlaces químicos que pueden durar toda la vida y, por lo tanto, determinar el fenotipo. Las investigaciones en este campo comenzaron en la Universidad McGill, en Canadá, donde fue observado que las madres de ratas que fueron más nutricias criaban crías más resilientes. Desde entonces, se han llevado a cabo muchos estudios con animales y humanos, mostrando el vínculo entre los cambios epigenéticos y la experiencia del arquetipo de la Gran Madre - con consecuencias potenciales para la vida emocional del individuo y de la sociedad.
    在危机时期, 先知往往会出现在不同的领域, 包括宗教领域。本文对 1970 年代和 1980 年代间的精神领袖奥修和他的门徒出现的现象进行了荣格式分析, 把这作为一个案例, 来呈现这一类型的群体过程中所包含的风险, 在这一群体过程中, 领导者和追随者无意中认同了先知和追随者的集体原型。文章还分析了导致先知出现的心理社会情况, 并回顾了近几十年来集体自杀的案例。论文还强调了对另一种心理现象的干预:个体伦理与群体伦理之间的冲突, 因为大群体导致了个人责任和伦理的降低。.
    A epigenética é o estudo de como o ambiente pode interferir na expressão gênica, através de moléculas e ligações químicas que podem durar por toda a vida e, portanto, determinar o fenótipo. Todas as pesquisas começaram na universidade McGill, onde observou-se que ratas mais cuidadosas, maior comportamento de limpar e lamber os filhotes, acabavam por desenvolver filhotes com mais resiliência. Desde então muitas pesquisas foram realizadas com animais e seres humanos evidenciando a ligação entre epigenética e a experiência dentro do arquétipo da grande mãe e suas potenciais consequências para com os aspectos emocionais do indivíduo e da sociedade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper we address the question of epigenetics by evidencing some mechanisms related to gene expression, which, we understand, can in a way be used as metaphors for movements occurring during the psychotherapeutic process. The possibility of a dialogue between epigenetics and analytical psychology begins with the hereditary and archetypal question and takes shape in the dimension of the analytical encounter. Through the Jungian attitude model, we propose a way of moving between the two sciences. This paper provides a brief review of the concept of archetype, covering recent publications. It then describes the main mechanisms of epigenetics and, finally, addresses the analytical process and presents the authors\' proposal to consider the archetypal expression in the light of epigenetics.
    Dans cet article nous étudions la question de l’épigénétique en montrant quelques mécanismes en lien avec l’expression d’un gène. Nous pensons que, d’une certaine manière, ces mécanismes peuvent être utilisés en tant que métaphores des mouvements qui se produisent durant le processus thérapeutique. La possibilité d’un dialogue entre l’épigénétique et la psychologie analytique commence par la question héréditaire et archétypale, et prend forme dans la dimension de la rencontre analytique. A travers le modèle de l’attitude Jungienne nous proposons une manière de circuler d’une science à l’autre. Cet article offre un bref examen du concept d’archétype, couvrant les publications récentes. Il décrit ensuite les mécanismes principaux de l’épigénétique et s’occupe finalement du processus analytique en présentant la proposition de l’auteur qui est de considérer l’expression archétypale à la lumière de l’épigénétique.
    In diesem Beitrag gehen wir der Frage der Epigenetik nach, indem wir einige Mechanismen im Zusammenhang mit der Genexpression aufzeigen, die unseres Erachtens in gewisser Weise als Metaphern für Bewegungen verwendet werden können, die während des therapeutischen Prozesses auftreten. Die Möglichkeit eines Dialogs zwischen Epigenetik und Analytischer Psychologie beginnt mit der Frage nach dem Erblichen und dem Archetypischen und nimmt in der Dimension der analytischen Begegnung Gestalt an. Mit Hilfe des Jungianische Einstellungsmodell schlagen wir einen Weg vor, sich zwischen zwei Wissenschaften zu bewegen. Dieser Aufsatz bietet einen kurzen Überblick über das Konzept des Archetyps und deckt aktuelle Veröffentlichungen ab. Anschließend werden die Hauptmechanismen der Epigenetik beschrieben, schließlich der analytische Prozeß thematisiert und der Vorschlag des Autors vorgestellt, den archetypischen Ausdruck im Lichte der Epigenetik zu betrachten.
    In questo articolo affrontiamo la questione dell’epigenetica mettendo in evidenza alcuni meccanismi legati all’espressione genica che, comprendiamo, possono in un certo senso essere usati come metafore per i movimenti che si verificano durante il processo terapeutico. La possibilità di un dialogo tra epigenetica e psicologia analitica inizia con la questione ereditaria ed archetipica e prende forma nella dimensione dell’incontro analitico. Attraverso il modello junghiano, proponiamo un modo di muoversi tra le due scienze. Questo articolo fornisce una breve rassegna del concetto di archetipo, coprendo le pubblicazioni recenti. Descrive quindi i principali meccanismi dell’epigenetica e, infine, affronta il processo analitico e presenta la proposta degli Autori di considerare l’espressione analitica alla luce dell’epigenetica.
    В данной статье мы обращаемся к вопросам эпигенетики и рассматриваем ряд механизмов, связанных с экспрессией генов и спобоных, по нашему мнению, служить метафорами изменений, происходящих в ходе терапевтического процесса. Началом возможного диалога между эпигенетикой и аналитической психологией может стать вопрос о наследственности и архетипах, а полностью он разворачивается в контексте аналитической встречи. Мы предлагаем вариант диалога между этими двумя направлениями, базирующийся на юнгианской модели отношений. В данной статье представлен краткий обзор последних публикаций по теме архетипов. Затем описываются основные механизмы эпигенетики, и, наконец, разбирается аналитический процесс и приводится предложение автора рассматривать архетипическую экспрессию через призму эпигенетики.
    En este trabajo abordamos el tema de la epigenética al evidenciar algunos mecanismos relacionados con la expresión genética, la cual puede ser utilizada como metáforas para los movimientos que suceden durante el proceso terapéutico. La posibilidad de un diálogo entre epigenética y psicología analítica comienza con la pregunta sobre la herencia y el arquetipo y toma forma en la dimensión del encuentro analítico. A través del modelo de actitud analítica, proponemos una forma de movimiento entre dos ciencias. El presente trabajo ofrece una breve revisión del concepto de arquetipo, abarcando publicaciones recientes. Luego describe los mecanismos principales de la epigenética y finalmente, aborda el proceso analítico y presenta la propuesta de las autoras de considerar la expresión arquetípica a la luz de la epigenética.
    原型与表观遗传学:近似:表观遗传学对分析心理学临床实践的贡献 在本文中, 我们通过证明一些与基因表达相关的机制来理解表观遗传学的问题, 据我们了解, 这些机制在某种程度上可以作为一种隐喻来比喻治疗过程中正在发生的运动。 表观遗传学和分析心理学之间对话的可能性始于遗传和原型问题, 并在分析性相遇的维度中得以成型。通过荣格的态度模型, 我们提出了一种在两种科学之间移动的方法。 本文简要回顾了原型的概念, 并涵盖了最近的出版物。然后描述了表观遗传学的主要机制, 探讨了分析性的过程, 并提出了作者的建议, 即根据表观遗传学来考虑原型的表达。.
    Neste artigo, abordamos a questão da epigenética evidenciando alguns mecanismos relacionados à expressão gênica, que, entendemos, podem de certa forma ser usados como metáforas para movimentos que ocorrem durante o processo terapêutico. A possibilidade de um diálogo entre epigenética e psicologia analítica começa com a questão hereditária e arquetípica e toma forma na dimensão do encontro analítico. Através do modelo de atitude junguiana, propomos uma maneira de nos mover entre duas ciências. Este artigo fornece uma breve revisão do conceito de arquétipo, abrangendo publicações recentes. Em seguida, descreve os principais mecanismos da epigenética e, finalmente, aborda o processo analítico e apresenta a proposta do autor de considerar a expressão arquetípica à luz da epigenética.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this review is to present the main aspects of the genetic component of autoimmune rheumatic diseases, including the characteristics of the multifactorial or polygenic inheritance model, and its monogenic forms, as well as the main associated genes in both cases. The epigenetic changes involved, and the influence of the environment and sex that confer greater risk to women suffering from any of these diseases. Finally, to make known the advances that the study of omic sciences has allowed, opening the way to a new molecular classification of these diseases, aimed at personalized medicine. A review of the literature of the last 5 years, of English-language publications, in the PubMed database was performed and 28 review articles, and 19 original articles were included. Knowledge of the genetic factors involved in the aetiology of autoimmune rheumatic diseases, thanks to the availability of molecular studies, allows a better understanding of their pathophysiology and the possibility of diagnosis and treatment based on molecular markers in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Multiple factors, including both genetic and environmental mechanisms, appear to play a role in the aetiology of headache. An interesting area of study is the possible involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in headache development and the transformation to chronic headache, and the potential role of these factors as a therapeutic target.
    METHODS: We performed a literature review of the involvement of different epigenetic mechanisms in headache, mainly using the Medline/PubMed database. To this end, we used the following English search terms: headache, migraine, epigenetics, DNA methylation, histones, non-coding RNA, and miRNA.
    RESULTS: A total of 15 English-language publications related to the above terms were obtained.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is limited but consistent evidence of the relationship between epigenetics and headache; it is therefore essential to continue research of epigenetic changes in headache. This may help to understand the pathophysiology of headache and even to identify candidate biomarkers and new, more effective, therapeutic targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNAs that interact with PIWI (P-element Induced Wimpy) proteins, called piRNAs, were discovered in 2006. Considered the \"guardians of the genome,\" piRNAs were first described in germ cells of Mus musculus and Drosophila melanogaster. Since then, studies have focused on elucidating their origin, biogenesis, and mechanisms of action. Today, we know some of the molecules that participate in these processes, but the nature of the molecular processes that they perform remains largely unknown. However, recent studies have demonstrated that both the piRNAs and their associated proteins are also expressed in somatic cells, suggesting that their scope of action is much greater than initially thought. In addition, their union to PIWI proteins generates a silencing complex that represses the transcriptional and post-transcriptional expression of repeated sequences, including elements known as \"transposables\". Finally, a recent discovery revealed that this complex could modulate the silencing of specific messenger RNAs (mRNA) necessary for cell regulation. The regulatory function that piRNAs perform in various cellular processes has led to a diversification in their study concerning various diseases, including cancer, where there are indications of their potential function as diagnostic tools, biomarkers for prognoses, and future therapeutic targets. Recently, changes in piRNAs expression have been observed in diseases related to air pollution exposition, such as respiratory diseases.
    Los RNA que interactúan con las proteínas PIWI (P-element Induced Wimpy), conocidos como piRNA, fueron descubiertos en 2006. Desde entonces, los estudios se han enfocado en dilucidar su origen, biogénesis y mecanismos de acción. En la actualidad se conocen algunas de las moléculas que participan en estos procesos. Sin embargo, los procesos moleculares que estas llevan a cabo aún se desconocen. Considerados como los «guardianes del genoma», los piRNA inicialmente se describieron en células germinales de Mus musculus y Drosophila melanogaster, pero los estudios recientes han demostrado que tanto los piRNA como sus proteínas asociadas se expresan también en células somáticas, lo que sugiere que la acción de los piRNA es mayor de lo que antes se pensaba. Además, su unión con las proteínas PIWI genera un complejo de silenciamiento que reprime la expresión de manera transcripcional y postranscripcional de secuencias repetidas, ­incluyendo elementos conocidos como «transponibles». Por último, un descubrimiento ha demostrado que este complejo puede modular el silenciamiento de ciertos RNA mensajeros necesarios para la regulación celular. La función reguladora de los piRNA en múltiples procesos celulares ha contribuido a la diversificación de su estudio en diferentes enfermedades, incluyendo el cáncer, en el que hay indicaciones de su potencial función como herramientas de diagnóstico, biomarcadores de pronóstico y, en un futuro, dianas terapéuticas. Recientemente se han observado cambios en la expresión de piRNA en enfermedades relacionadas con la exposición a contaminantes ambientales, como las enfermedades respiratorias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal function and differentiation are tightly regulated by both genome and epigenome. Based on the environmental information the epigenetic changes occur. Neurodegeneration is the consequence of dysregulation of both the genome and epigenome. In this study, we saw different types of alterations of epigenome present in neuronal cells of different model organisms for neurodegenerative disorders. The epigenetic modifications including chromatin modification, DNA methylation, and changes in regulatory RNAs (miRNA) are having a great impact on neurodegenerative disorders as well as memory. The effects of these re-editing in the neuronal cells cause Alzheimer\'s disease, Parkinson\'s disease, Huntington\'s disease but an unusual form of neuroepigenetics has been seen in Prion Disease. Subsequently, for the development of treatment of these diseases, epigenetic modifications should be kept in mind. Although until now many reports came on drug discovery inhibiting histone deacetylases and DNA methyltransferases to reverse the epigenetic change but they lack targeted delivery and sometimes cause a cytotoxic effect on neuronal cells. In future, advancement in targeted and non-cytotoxic drugs should be the main focus for therapeutic treatment of the neurodegenerative disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the main epigenetic aberrations involved in non-small cell lung carcinomas\' (NSCLC) diagnosis, progression, and therapeutics.
    METHODS: We performed a systematic review of the scientific literature on lung cancer epigenetics, focusing on NSCLC.
    RESULTS: Several advances in the molecular study of classical epigenetic mechanisms and massive studies of lung cancer epigenome have contributed relevant new evidence revealing that various molecular complexes are functionally influencing genetic-epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms that promote lung tumorigenesis (initiation, promotion, and progression), and are also involved in NSCLC therapyresistance mechanisms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several epigenetic complexes and mechanisms must be analyzed and considered for the design of new and efficient therapies, which could be fundamental to develop an integrated knowledge to achieve a comprehensive lung cancer personalized medicine.
    UNASSIGNED: Realizar una revisión sistemática y estructurada de las principales aberraciones epigenéticas involucradas en el diagnóstico, progresión y terapia del cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas (CPCNP).
    UNASSIGNED: Revisión sistemática de literatura científica sobre epigenética del cáncer pulmonar del grupo CPCNP.
    UNASSIGNED: El estudio de los diversos mecanismos epigenéticos y su impronta epigenética en el epigenoma del cáncer pulmonar han arrojado nuevas evidencias a nivel biológico, biomédico y médico-clínico del impacto que los mecanismos epigenéticotranscripcionales promueven de manera activa y reversible sobre los procesos de tumorigénesis, progresión histopatológica y mecanismos de resistencia a la terapia oncológica pulmonar.
    UNASSIGNED: Deben analizarse diferentes complejos y mecanismos epigenéticos para el estudio y diseño de esquemas nuevos y eficaces de terapia epigenética, los cuales podrían ser fundamentales para desarrollar un conocimiento integral en el desarrollo de la medicina personalizada en el cáncer pulmonar del grupo CPCNP.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In the last few years, numerous studies have focused on the genetics of the renal system. Betchel et al in 2010 demonstrated that methylation, as a epigenetic phenomenon, would be involved in the perpetuation of fibrosis. In our study, we want to demonstrate whether epigenetics is related to pyeloureteral stenosis and, if that is the case, if it could be used as prognostic and diagnostic biomarker.
    METHODS: This is a descriptive observational and cross-sectional study that analyzed the methylation in DNA extracted from pyeloureteral junction samples obtained from surgery in pediatric patients in the period from 1999 to 2015, resulting in a total of 20 patients. Clinical data were analyzed using correlation tests and they were grouped with a free access software statistical phylogenetic package called PHYLIP. The selected genes for methylation-specific PCR (MSP) were the following: p16, RASSF1A, MGMT, Cyclin D-2, HIN-1, E-Cadherin and RASAL-1.
    RESULTS: The clinical-radiological data analyzed phylogenetically by the PHYLIP program established 7 groups of patients. The results of methylation showed a considerable proportion of aberrant methylation in the promotor region of the genes p16 (25%), MGMT (15%), E-Cadherin (25%), HIN-1 (25%) and RASAL-1 (35%). The association of the clinical-radiological groups with methylation/non-methylation states of each gene was also analyzed.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that methylation does have a role in fibrosis developed in pyeloureteral stenosis. Two clinical patterns of poor prognosis associated with two epigenetic methylation cluster. RASAL- 1, E-Cadherin, HIN-1 and p16 would be candidates for future studies on their prognostic implications in pyeloureteral stenosis.
    UNASSIGNED: En los últimos años, numerosos estudios se han centrado en la genética del sistema renal. Betchel et al. en 2010, demostraron como la metilación, fenómeno epigenético, estaría implicado en la perpetuación de la fibrosis. En nuestro estudio queremos demostrar si la epigenética tiene relación con la estenosis pieloureteral y en caso de ser así, si podría ser utilizada como material pronóstico y diagnóstico. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo observacional o transversal en el que se analizó la metilación en el ADN extraído de las muestras de unión pieloureteral en pacientes pediátricos obtenidas durante la cirugía entre 1999 y 2015, resultando un total de 20 pacientes. Los datos clínicos-radiológicos se analizaron según correlación y agrupación de los mismos mediante un paquete software filogenético/estadístico denominado PHYLIP de acceso libre gratuito. Los genes seleccionados sobre los que se realizó la PCR específica de metilación (MSP) fueron: p16, RASSF1A, MGMT, Ciclina D-2, HIN-1, E-Cadherina y RASAL-1. RESULTADOS: Los datos clínico-radiológicos analizados filogenéticamente mediante el programa PHYLIP establecieron 7 grupos de pacientes. Los resultados con respecto a la metilación mostraron una proporción considerable de metilación aberrante en la región del promotor de los genes p16 (25%), MGMT (15%), E-Cadherina (25%),HIN-1 (25%) y RASAL-1 (35%). Se analizó la asociación de los grupos clínico-radiológicos con los estados de metilación/no metilación de cada gen. CONCLUSIONES: Se demuestra que la metilación sí tiene un papel en la fibrosis desarrollada en la estenosis pieloureteral destacando dos patrones clínicos de mal pronóstico asociados a dos clusters epigenéticos de metilación. RASAL-1, E-Cadherina, HIN-1 y p16 serían los candidatos para desarrollar estudios futuros sobre sus implicaciones pronósticas en la estenosis pieloureteral.





