Endoplasmic reticulum retention

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have previously characterized the molecular mechanisms for variants in γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1-encoding solute carrier family 6-member 1 (SLC6A1) in vitro and concluded that a partial or complete loss of γ-aminobutyric acid uptake due to impaired protein trafficking is the primary aetiology. Impairment of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 function could cause compensatory changes in the expression of γ-aminobutyric acid receptors, which, in turn, modify disease pathophysiology and phenotype. Here we used different approaches including radioactive 3H γ-aminobutyric acid uptake in cells and synaptosomes, immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy as well as brain slice surface protein biotinylation to characterize Slc6a1+/A288V and Slc6a1+/S295L mice, representative of a partial or a complete loss of function of SLC6A1 mutations, respectively. We employed the γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1-specific inhibitor [3H]tiagabine binding and GABAA receptor subunit-specific radioligand binding to profile the γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 and GABAA receptor expression in major brain regions such as cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus and thalamus. We also determined the total and surface expression of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1, γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 3 and expression of GABAA receptor in the major brain regions in the knockin mice. We found that γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 protein was markedly reduced in cortex, hippocampus, thalamus and cerebellum in both mutant mouse lines. Consistent with the findings of reduced γ-aminobutyric acid uptake for both γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1(A288V) and γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1(S295L), both the total and the γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1-mediated 3H γ-aminobutyric acid reuptake was reduced. We found that γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 3 is only abundantly expressed in the thalamus and there was no compensatory increase of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 3 in either of the mutant mouse lines. γ-Aminobutyric acid transporter 1 was reduced in both somatic regions and nonsomatic regions in both mouse models, in which a ring-like structure was identified only in the Slc6a1+/A288V mouse, suggesting more γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 retention inside endoplasmic reticulum in the Slc6a1+/A288V mouse. The [3H]tiagabine binding was similar in both mouse models despite the difference in γ-aminobutyric acid uptake function and γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 protein expression for both mutations. There were no differences in GABAA receptor subtype expression, except for a small increase in the expression of α5 subunits of GABAA receptor in the hippocampus of Slc6a1S295L homozygous mice, suggesting a potential interaction between the expression of this GABAA receptor subtype and the mutant γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1. The study provides the first comprehensive characterization of the SLC6A1 mutations in vivo in two representative mouse models. Because both γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 and GABAA receptors are targets for anti-seizure medications, the findings from this study can help guide tailored treatment options based on the expression and function of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 1 and GABAA receptor in SLC6A1 mutation-mediated neurodevelopmental and epileptic encephalopathies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dent disease is a rare renal tubular disease with X-linked recessive inheritance characterized by low molecular weight proteinuria (LMWP), hypercalciuria, and nephrocalcinosis. Mutations disrupting the 2Cl-/1H+ exchange activity of chloride voltage-gated channel 5 (CLCN5) have been causally linked to the most common form, Dent disease 1 (DD1), although the pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we conducted the whole exome capture sequencing and bioinformatics analysis within our DD1 cohort to identify two novel causal mutations in CLCN5 (c.749 G > A, p. G250D, c.829 A > C, p. T277P). Molecular dynamics simulations of ClC-5 homology model suggested that these mutations potentially may induce structural changes, destabilizing ClC-5. Overexpression of variants in vitro revealed aberrant subcellular localization in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), significant accumulation of insoluble aggregates, and disrupted ion transport function in voltage clamp recordings. Moreover, human kidney-2 (HK-2) cells overexpressing either G250D or T277P displayed higher cell-substrate adhesion, migration capability but reduced endocytic function, as well as substantially altered transcriptomic profiles with G250D resulting in stronger deleterious effects. These cumulative findings supported pathogenic role of these ClC-5 mutations in DD1 and suggested a cellular mechanism for disrupted renal function in Dent disease patients, as well as a potential target for diagnostic biomarker or therapeutic strategy development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TMEM63B is a mechanosensitive cation channel activated by hypoosmotic stress and mechanic stimulation. We recently reported a brain-specific alternative splicing of exon 4 in TMEM63B. The short variant lacking exon 4, which constitutes the major isoform in the brain, exhibits enhanced responses to hypoosmotic stimulation compared to the long isoform containing exon 4. However, the mechanisms affecting this differential response are unclear. Here, we showed that the short isoform exhibited stronger cell surface expression compared to the long variant. Using mutagenesis screening of the coding sequence of exon 4, we identified an RXR-type endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal (RER). We found that this motif was responsible for binding to the COPI retrieval vesicles, such that the longer TMEM63B isoforms were more likely to be retrotranslocated to the ER than the short isoforms. In addition, we demonstrated long TMEM63Bs could form heterodimers with short isoforms and reduce their surface expression. Taken together, our findings revealed an ER retention signal in the alternative splicing domain of TMEM63B that regulates the surface expression of TMEM63B protein and channel function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In some patients with adenomatous polyposis, an identifiable pathogenic variant of known associated genes cannot be found. Researchers have studied this for decades; however, few new genes have been identified.
    Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) negative polyposis patients were identified through next-generation sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Then, whole-exome sequencing (WES) was used to determine candidate genes harboring pathogenic variants. Functional experiments were performed to explore their effects. Subsequently, using Sanger sequencing, we found other polyposis patients carrying variants of the DUOX2 gene, encoding dual oxidase 2, and analyzed them.
    From 88 patients with suspected familial adenomatous polyposis, 25 unrelated APC negative polyposis patients were identified. Based on the WES results of 3 patients and 2 healthy relatives from a family, the germline nonsense variant (c.1588A>T; p.K530X) of the DUOX2 gene was speculated to play a decisive role in the pedigree in relation to adenomatous polyposis. During functional experiments, we observed that the truncated protein, hDuox2 K530, was overexpressed in the adenoma in a carrier of the DUOX2 nonsense variant, causing abnormal cell proliferation through endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention. In addition, we found two unrelated APC negative patients carrying DUOX2 missense variants (c.3329G>A, p.R1110Q; c.4027C>T, p.L1343F). Given the results of the in silico analysis, these two missense variants might exert a negative influence on the function of hDuox2.
    To our knowledge, this is the first study that reports the possible association of DUOX2 germline variants with adenomatous polyposis. With an autosomal dominant inheritance, it causes ER retention, inducing an unfolded protein response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell surface trafficking of many G protein-coupled receptors is tightly regulated. Among them, the mandatory heterodimer GABAB receptor for the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is a model. In mammals, its cell surface trafficking is highly controlled by an endoplasmic reticulum retention signal in the C-terminal intracellular region of the GB1 subunit that is masked through a coiled-coil interaction with the GB2 subunit. Here, we investigate the molecular basis for the export of its homolog in Drosophila melanogaster that regulates the circadian rhythm and sleep. In contrast to mammals, the endoplasmic retention signal is carried by GB2, while GB1 reaches the cell surface alone. NMR analysis showed that the coiled-coil domain that controls GABAB heterodimer formation is structurally conserved between flies and mammals, despite specific features. These findings show the adaptation of a similar quality control system during evolution for maintaining the subunit composition of a functional heterodimeric receptor.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Autosomal dominant familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (adFNDI) is characterized by severe polyuria and polydipsia and is caused by variations in the gene encoding the AVP prohormone. This study aimed to ascertain a correct diagnosis, to identify the underlying genetic cause of adFNDI in a Swedish family, and to test the hypothesis that the identified synonymous exonic variant in the AVP gene (c.324G>A) causes missplicing and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention of the prohormone.
    Three affected family members were admitted for fluid deprivation test and dDAVP (1-deamino-8-d-arginine-vasopressin) challenge test. Direct sequencing of the AVP gene was performed in the affected subjects, and genotyping of the identified variant was performed in family members. The variant was examined by expression of AVP minigenes containing the entire coding regions as well as intron 2 of AVP.
    Clinical tests revealed significant phenotypical variation with both complete and partial adFNDI phenotype. DNA analysis revealed a synonymous c.324G>A substitution in one allele of the AVP gene in affected family members only. Cellular studies revealed both normally spliced and misspliced pre-mRNA in cells transfected with the AVP c.324G>A minigene. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed collective localization of the variant prohormone to ER and vesicular structures at the tip of cellular processes.
    We identified a synonymous variant affecting the second nucleotide of exon 3 in the AVP gene (c.324G>A) in a family in which adFNDI segregates. Notably, we showed that this variant causes partial missplicing of pre-mRNA, resulting in accumulation of the variant prohormone in ER. Our study suggests that even a small amount of aberrant mRNA might be sufficient to disturb cellular function, resulting in adFNDI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC4A11 mutations cause cases of congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy (CHED), Harboyan syndrome (HS), and Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD). Defective water reabsorption from corneal stroma by corneal endothelial cells (CECs) leads to these corneal dystrophies. SLC4A11, in the CEC basolateral membrane, facilitates transmembrane movement of H2 O, NH3 , and H+ -equivalents. Some SLC4A11 disease mutants have impaired folding, leading to a failure to move to the cell surface, which in some cases can be corrected by the drug, glafenine. To identify SLC4A11 mutants that are targets for folding-correction therapy, we examined 54 SLC4A11 missense mutants. Cell-surface trafficking was assessed on immunoblots, by the level of mature, high molecular weight, cell surface-associated form, and using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer assay. Low level of cell surface trafficking was found in four out of 18 (20%) of FECD mutants, 19/ out of 31 (61%) of CHED mutants, and three out of five (60%) of HS mutants. Amongst ER-retained mutants, 16 showed increased plasma membrane trafficking when grown at 30°C, suggesting that their defect has potential for rescue. CHED-causing point mutations mostly resulted in folding defects, whereas the majority of FECD missense mutations did not affect trafficking, implying functional impairment. We identified mutations that make patients candidates for folding correction of their corneal dystrophy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surface expression of voltage-gated Ca(2+) (Cav) channels is important for their function in calcium homeostasis in the physiology of excitable cells, but whether or not and how the α1 pore-forming subunits of Cav channels are trafficked to plasma membrane in the absence of the known Cav auxiliary subunits, β and α2δ, remains mysterious. Here we showed that 14-3-3 proteins promoted functional surface expression of the Cav2.2 α1B channel in transfected tsA-201 cells in the absence of any known Cav auxiliary subunit. Both the surface to total ratio of the expressed α1B protein and the current density of voltage step-evoked Ba(2+) current were markedly suppressed by the coexpression of a 14-3-3 antagonist construct, pSCM138, but not its inactive control, pSCM174, as determined by immunofluorescence assay and whole cell voltage clamp recording, respectively. By contrast, coexpression with 14-3-3τ significantly enhanced the surface expression and current density of the Cav2.2 α1B channel. Importantly, we found that between the two previously identified 14-3-3 binding regions at the α1B C terminus, only the proximal region (amino acids 1706-1940), closer to the end of the last transmembrane domain, was retained by the endoplasmic reticulum and facilitated by 14-3-3 to traffic to plasma membrane. Additionally, we showed that the 14-3-3/Cav β subunit coregulated the surface expression of Cav2.2 channels in transfected tsA-201 cells and neurons. Altogether, our findings reveal a previously unidentified regulatory function of 14-3-3 proteins in promoting the surface expression of Cav2.2 α1B channels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC4A11 mutations cause some cases of the corneal endothelial dystrophies, congenital hereditary endothelial corneal dystrophy type 2 (CHED2), Harboyan syndrome (HS), and Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD). SLC4A11 protein was recently identified as facilitating water flux across membranes. SLC4A11 point mutations usually cause SLC4A11 misfolding and retention in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We set about to test the feasibility of rescuing misfolded SLC4A11 protein to the plasma membrane as a therapeutic approach. Using a transfected HEK293 cell model, we measured functional activity present in cells expressing SLC4A11 variants in combinations representing the state found in CHED2 carriers, affected CHED2, FECD individuals, and unaffected individuals. These cells manifest respectively about 60%, 5%, and 25% of the water flux activity, relative to the unaffected (WT alone). ER-retained CHED2 mutant SLC4A11 protein could be rescued to the plasma membrane, where it conferred 25%-30% of WT water flux level. Further, some ER-retained CHED2 mutants expressed at 30°C supported increased water flux compared with 37°C cultures. Caspase activation and cell vitality assays revealed that expression of SLC4A11 mutants in HEK293 cells does not induce cell death. We conclude that therapeutics able to increase cell surface localization of ER-retained SLC4A11 mutants hold promise to treat CHED2 and FECD patients.





