Emotional prosody

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) has a known impact on patients\' quality of life. One of the potentially affected domains that has not been studied yet is emotional prosody. To produce and transmit an efficient emotional prosody, several vocal parameters are modulated by the speaker, principally the fundamental frequency, the speech rate, and the voice intensity. We retrieved 300 sentences produced by 10 patients suffering from UVFP, equally in neutral, anger, and sadness. A jury of six health care voice experts was asked to hear these sentences and choose an emotion for each vocalization, between neutral, anger, and sadness. The jury mainly considered the heard sentences as being in a neutral emotion. Vocal parameters analysis of the anger and sadness sentences that were mistaken as neutral showed the absence of significant difference in their fundamental frequencies and speech rates. By being unable to modulate their vocal parameters as needed to produce emotional prosody, specifically the fundamental frequency and speech rate, patients with UVFP suffer from limitations in their capacity to produce the emotional prosody wanted, making the emotions they feel hardly transmitted to their entourage, which can explain the social barriers these patients complain of.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While previous research has found an in-group advantage (IGA) favouring native speakers in emotional prosody perception over non-native speakers, the effects of semantics on emotional prosody perception remain unclear. This study investigated the effects of semantics on emotional prosody perception in Chinese words and sentences for native and non-native Chinese speakers. The critical manipulation was the congruence of prosodic (positive, negative) and semantic (positive, negative, and neutral) valence. Participants listened to a series of audio clips and judged whether the emotional prosody was positive or negative for each utterance. The results revealed an IGA effect: native speakers perceived emotional prosody more accurately and quickly than non-native speakers in Chinese words and sentences. Furthermore, a semantic congruence effect was observed in Chinese words, where both native and non-native speakers recognised emotional prosody more accurately in the semantic-prosody congruent condition than in the incongruent condition. However, in Chinese sentences, this congruence effect was only present for non-native speakers. Additionally, the IGA effect and semantic congruence effect on emotional prosody perception were influenced by prosody valence. These findings illuminate the role of semantics in emotional prosody perception, highlighting perceptual differences between native and non-native Chinese speakers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 1%-2% of individuals aged 60 and above. Communication disorders in PD can significantly impact the overall quality of life. As prosody plays a vital role in verbal communication, the present study examines Persian prosody perception in PD, focusing on linguistic and emotional aspects of prosody.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study aimed to compare the perception of linguistic and emotional prosody in three groups: middle-aged adults (n = 22; mean age = 50.40 years), healthy older adults (n = 22; mean age = 68.31 years), and individuals with Parkinson\'s disease (n = 22; mean age = 65years). All individuals with PD were classified in stages 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5, and 3 of the disease using the Hoehn and Yahr scale. All participants had an MMSE score of 24 or above. The Florida Affect Battery (FAB) was used to evaluate prosody perception. This Battery was validated in the Persian language and its reliability and validity were reported as 94 % and 100 % respectively.
    RESULTS: Participants with PD presented significantly lower scores than the older adults in all subtests of the FAB (p < 0.05), while healthy older adults were significantly different only in linguistic discrimination (β = -2.14; -3.68 to -0.61), and linguistic naming of prosody (β = 1.25; 0.17 to 2.33) compared to middle-aged adults.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study sheds light on the influence of PD on Persian prosody perception. Given the crucial role of prosody in verbal communication, these findings enhance our understanding of communication disorders in PD and could bring attention to consider prosody perception, among other aspects, when assessing individuals affected by PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interference by distractors has been associated multiple times with diminished visual and auditory working memory (WM) performance. Negative emotional distractors in particular lead to detrimental effects on WM. However, these associations have only been seen when distractors and items to maintain in WM are from the same sensory modality. In this study, we investigate cross-modal interference on WM. We invited 20 participants to complete a visual change-detection task, assessing visual WM (VWM), while hearing emotional (fearful) and neutral auditory distractors. Electrophysiological activity was recorded to measure contralateral delay activity (CDA) and auditory P2 event-related potentials (ERP), indexing WM maintenance and distractor salience respectively. At the behavioral level, fearful prosody didn\'t decrease significantly working memory accuracy, compared to neutral prosody. Regarding ERPs, fearful distractors evoked a greater P2 amplitude than neutral distractors. Correlations between the two ERP potentials indicated that P2 amplitude difference between the two types of prosody was associated with the difference in CDA amplitude for fearful and neutral trials. This association suggests that cognitive resources required to process fearful prosody detrimentally impact VWM maintenance. That result provides a piece of additional evidence that negative emotional stimuli produce greater interference than neutral stimuli and that the cognitive resources used to process stimuli from different modalities come from a common pool.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease is associated with impairments in emotional communication including comprehension and production of facial emotional expressions, comprehension of affective prosody, and alexithymia. It is also associated with disorders of emotional experience including mood disorders (depression and anxiety), agitation/aggression, and psychosis. Agitation/aggression and psychosis are particularly disruptive, are associated with earlier institutionalization, and pose a major challenge to institutional management. Treatment of disorders of emotional experience has been primarily pharmacologic (reviewed here in detail) and has relied heavily on antipsychotic medications despite the small effect sizes demonstrated in a large number of randomized controlled trials and the prevalence of serious side effects associated with these drugs. Recent studies suggest that treatment with pimavanserin, an antipsychotic without activity at dopamine receptors, may represent an important advance for treatment of psychotic manifestations, even as the drug appears to pose significant risk. Dextromethorphan/quinidine may represent an important advance in the treatment of agitation/aggression. There is also compelling evidence that sleep disorders, which are common among patients with Alzheimer\'s disease and are readily treatable, may potentiate psychotic manifestations and agitation/aggression, but further studies are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How people recognize linguistic and emotional prosody in different listening conditions is essential for understanding the complex interplay between social context, cognition, and communication. The perception of both lexical tones and emotional prosody depends on prosodic features including pitch, intensity, duration, and voice quality. However, it is unclear which aspect of prosody is perceptually more salient and resistant to noise. This study aimed to investigate the relative perceptual salience of emotional prosody and lexical tone recognition in quiet and in the presence of multi-talker babble noise. Forty young adults randomly sampled from a pool of native Mandarin Chinese with normal hearing listened to monosyllables either with or without background babble noise and completed two identification tasks, one for emotion recognition and the other for lexical tone recognition. Accuracy and speed were recorded and analyzed using generalized linear mixed-effects models. Compared with emotional prosody, lexical tones were more perceptually salient in multi-talker babble noise. Native Mandarin Chinese participants identified lexical tones more accurately and quickly than vocal emotions at the same signal-to-noise ratio. Acoustic and cognitive dissimilarities between linguistic prosody and emotional prosody may have led to the phenomenon, which calls for further explorations into the underlying psychobiological and neurophysiological mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1061930.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: When receiving mismatching nonverbal and verbal signals, most people tend to base their judgment regarding the current emotional state of others primarily on nonverbal information. However, individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA) have been described as having difficulties interpreting nonverbal signals. Recognizing emotional states correctly is highly important for successful social interaction. Alterations in perception of nonverbal emotional cues presumably contribute to misunderstanding and impairments in social interactions.
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate autism-specific differences in the relative impact of nonverbal and verbal cues, 18 adults with HFA (14 male and four female subjects, mean age 36.7 years (SD 11.4) and 18 age, gender and IQ-matched typically developed controls [14 m/4 f, mean age 36.4 years (SD 12.2)] rated the emotional state of speakers in video sequences with partly mismatching emotional signals. Standardized linear regression coefficients were calculated as a measure of the reliance on the nonverbal and verbal components of the videos for each participant. Regression coefficients were then compared between groups to test the hypothesis that autistic adults base their social evaluations less strongly on nonverbal information. Further exploratory analyses were performed for differences in valence ratings and response times.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared to the typically developed control group, nonverbal cue reliance was reduced in adults with high-functioning autism [t(23.14) = -2.44, p = 0.01 (one-sided)]. Furthermore, the exploratory analyses showed a tendency to avoid extreme answers in the HFA group, observable via less positive as well as less negative valence ratings in response to emotional expressions of increasingly strong valence. In addition, response time was generally longer in HFA compared to the control group [F (1, 33) = 10.65, p = 0.004].
    UNASSIGNED: These findings suggest reduced impact of nonverbal cues and longer processing times in the analysis of multimodal emotional information, which may be associated with a subjectively lower relevance of this information and/or more processing difficulties for people with HFA. The less extreme answering tendency may indicate a lower sensitivity for nonverbal valence expression in HFA or result from a tendency to avoid incorrect answers when confronted with greater uncertainty in interpreting emotional states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in gonadal hormones during puberty are thought to potentiate adolescents\' social re-orientation away from caregivers and towards peers. This study investigated the effect of testosterone on neural processing of emotional (vocal) stimuli by unfamiliar peers vs. parents, in transgender boys receiving exogenous testosterone as a gender-affirming hormone (GAH+) or not (GAH-). During fMRI, youth heard angry and happy vocal expressions spoken by their caregiver and an unfamiliar teenager. Youth also self-reported on closeness with friends and parents. Whole-brain analyses (controlling for age) revealed that GAH+ youth showed blunted neural response to caregivers\' angry voices-and heightened response to unfamiliar teenage angry voices-in the anterior cingulate cortex. This pattern was reversed in GAH- youth, who also showed greater response to happy unfamiliar teenager vs. happy caregiver voices in this region. Blunted ACC response to angry caregiver voices-a pattern characteristic of GAH+ youth-was associated with greater relative closeness with friends over parents, which could index more \"advanced\" social re-orientation. Consistent with models of adolescent neurodevelopment, increases in testosterone during adolescence may shift the valuation of caregiver vs. peer emotional cues in a brain region associated with processing affective information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Emotional prosody is defined as suprasegmental and segmental changes in the human voice and related acoustic parameters that can inform the listener about the emotional state of the speaker. While the processing of emotional prosody is well represented in the literature, the mechanism of embodied cognition in emotional voice perception is very little studied. This study aimed to investigate the influence of induced bodily vibrations-through a vibrator placed close to the vocal cords-in the perception of emotional vocalizations. The main hypothesis was that induced body vibrations would constitute a potential interoceptive feedback that can influence the auditory perception of emotions. It was also expected that these effects would be greater for stimuli that are more ambiguous.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were presented with emotional vocalizations expressing joy or anger which varied from low-intensity vocalizations, considered as ambiguous, to high-intensity ones, considered as non-ambiguous. Vibrations were induced simultaneously in half of the trials and expressed joy or anger congruently with the voice stimuli. Participants had to evaluate each voice stimulus using four visual analog scales (joy, anger, and surprise, sadness as control scales).
    UNASSIGNED: A significant effect of the vibrations was observed on the three behavioral indexes-discrimination, confusion and accuracy-with vibrations confusing rather than facilitating vocal emotion processing.
    UNASSIGNED: Over all, this study brings new light on a poorly documented topic, namely the potential use of vocal cords vibrations as an interoceptive feedback allowing humans to modulate voice production and perception during social interactions.





