
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study applied electrokinetic (EK) in situ soil remediation for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) removal from kaolinite soil. The kaolinite soil was spiked with 10 mg/kg PFOA for the EK treatment using Sodium Cholate bio-surfactant coupled with Activated Carbon (AC) or iron-coated Activated Carbon (FeAC) permeable reactive barrier (PRB). The study also evaluated the impact of AC and FeAC PRBs\' position on the EK process performance. In the EK with the PRB in the middle section, PFOA removal from kaolinite was 52.35 % in the AC-EK tests and 59.55 % in the FeAC-EK. Experimental results showed the accumulation of PFOA near the cathode region in FeAC PRB tests, hypothesising that Fe from the PRB formed a complex with PFOA ions and transported it to the cathode region. Spent PRBs were regenerated with methanol for PFOA extraction and reuse in the EK experiments. Although FeAC PRB achieved better PFOA removal than AC PRB, the EK tests with regenerated AC-EK and FeAC-EK PRBs achieved 40.37 % and 20.62 % PFOA removal. For EK with FeAC PRB near the anode, PFOA removal was 21.96 %. Overall, using PRB in conjunction with the EK process can further enhance the removal efficiency. This concept could be applied to enhance the removal of various PFAS compounds from contaminated soils by combining a suitable PRB with the EK process. It also emphasizes the feasibility of in-situ soil remediation technologies for forever chemical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Direct current (DC) has promising potential for persulfate delivery and activation in heterogeneous site remediation, yet requires deeper understanding. Here, we investigated the efficiency of DC for persulfate delivery and activation and compared with alternating current (AC). While AC electric field only influenced persulfate fate by Joule heating effect, DC electric field induced electrokinetic migration of persulfate and contaminants, as well as promoted persulfate activation with Joule heating and electrochemical reactions. DC system achieved 95 % MCB removal which was 3.1 times of that in AC system using the same voltage input (60 V) with a velocity of 0.5 m/d. When the applied DC voltage increased from 20 V to 60 V (0.5-1.5 V/cm), persulfate activation pathway changed from electrode reactions to the coupled activation pathways of electrode, chemical and heat reactions, thus resulting in increasing MCB removal efficiency from 57 % (20 V) to 95 % (40 V and 60 V). The energy consumption with 40 V (11.6 kWh/g) was 2.6 times of that using 20 V (4.4 kWh/g), and dramatically increased to 11.7 times with 60 V (50.2 kWh/g). This study provides a new perspective on improving the efficiency of persulfate delivery and activation in heterogeneous sites remediation using DC-driven system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Label-free optical biosensors, such as interferometers, can provide a comparable limit of detection to widely used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays while minimizing the number of steps and reducing false positives/negatives. In 2020, the authors reported on a novel optofluidic Young interferometer (YI) that could provide real-time spatial information on refractive index changes occurring along the length of the sensor and reference channels. Herein, we exploit these features of the YI to study interactions of biomolecules with recognition elements immobilized in selected regions of agarose gel in the sensor channel. We show that the YI is well suited for the biosensing of an exemplar biomolecule, streptavidin, in the absence and presence of the bovine serum albumin interferent. Equally, we couple the YI with electrokinetic transport to reduce the time needed for biosensing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electrokinetic (EK) process has been proposed for soil decontamination from heavy metals and organic matter. The advantages of the EK process include the low operating energy, suitability for fine-grained soil decontamination, and no need for excavation. During the last three decades, enhanced and hybrid EK systems were developed and tested for improving the efficiency of contaminants removal from soils. Chemically enhanced-EK processes exhibited excellent efficiency in removing contaminants by controlling the soil pH or the chemical reaction of contaminants. EK hybrid systems were tested to overcome environmental hurdles or technical drawbacks of decontamination technologies. Hybridization of the EK process with phytoremediation, bioremediation, or reactive filter media (RFM) improved the remediation process performance by capturing contaminants or facilitating biological agents\' movement in the soil. Also, EK process coupling with solar energy was proposed to treat off-grid contaminated soils or reduce the EK energy requirements. This study reviews recent advancements in the enhancement and hybrid EK systems for soil remediation and the type of contaminants targeted by the process. The study also covered the impact of operating parameters, imperfect pollution separation, and differences in the physicochemical characteristics and microstructure of soil/sediment on the EK performance. Finally, a comparison between various remediation processes was presented to highlight the pros and cons of these technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Slow release of emerging contaminants limits their accessibility from soil to pore water, constraining the treatment efficiency of physio-chemical treatment sites. DC fields mobilize organic contaminants and influence their interactions with geo-matrices such as zeolites. Poor knowledge, however, exists on the joint application of heating and electrokinetic approaches on perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) transport in porous media. Here, we investigated electrokinetic PFOA transport in zeolite-filled percolation columns at varying temperatures. Variations of pseudo-second-order kinetic constants (kPSO) were correlated to the liquid viscosity variations (η) and elctroosmotic flow velocities (vEOF). Applying DC fields and elevated temperature significantly (>37%) decreased PFOA sorption to zeolite. A good correlation between η, vEOF, and kPSO was found and used to develop an approach interlinking the three parameters to predict the joint effects of DC fields and temperature on PFOA sorption kinetics. These findings may give rise to future applications for better tailoring PFOA transport in environmental biotechnology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electrokinetic process has been proposed for in-situ soil remediation to minimize excavation work and exposure to hazardous materials. The precipitation of heavy metals in alkaline pH near the cathode is still challenging. Reactive filter media and enhancement agents have been used in electrokinetics to enhance the removal of heavy metals. This study investigated coupling industrial iron slag waste and iron slag-activated carbon reactive filter media with electrokinetic for a single and mixture of heavy metals treatment. Instead of using acid enhancement agents, the anolyte solution was recycled to neutralize the alkaline front at the cathode, reducing the operation cost and chemical use. Experiments were conducted for 2 and 3 weeks at 20 mA electric current. Copper removal increased from 3.11 % to 23 % when iron slag reactive filter media was coupled with electrokinetic. Copper removal increased to 70.14 % in the electrokinetic experiment with iron slag-activated carbon reactive filter media. The copper removal increased to 89.21 % when the anolyte solution was recycled to the cathode compartment. Copper removal reached 93.45 % when the reactive filter media-electrokinetic process with anolyte recirculation was extended to 3 weeks. The reactive filter media- an electrokinetic process with anolyte recycling was evaluated for removing copper, nickel, and zinc mixture, and results revealed 81.1 % copper removal, 89.04 % nickel removal, and 92.31 % zinc removal in a 3-week experiment. The greater nickel and zinc removal is attributed to their higher solubility than copper. The results demonstrated the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the electrokinetic with iron slag-activated carbon reactive filter media with anolyte recirculation for soil remediation from heavy metals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study presents a methodology for designing effective insulator-based electrokinetic (iEK) systems for separating tertiary microparticle samples, which can be extended to more complex samples. First, 144 distinct iEK microchannel designs were built considering different shapes and arrangements of the insulating posts. Second, a mathematical model was developed with COMSOL software to predict the retention time of each particle type in the microchannel, this allowed identifying the best channel designs for two distinct types of separations: charge-based and sized-based. Third, the experimental charge-based and size-based separations of the tertiary microparticle mixtures were performed employing the improved designs identified with COMSOL modeling. The experimental results demonstrated successful separation in terms of separation resolution and good agreement with COMSOL predictions. The findings from this study show that the proposed method for device design, which combines mathematical modeling with varying post shape and post arrangement is an effective approach for identifying iEK systems capable of separating complex microparticle samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among the several treatment options, electrokinetic (EK) remediation is recognized as an effective technique for the removal of heavy metals from low-permeability porous matrices. However, most of the EK decontamination research reported was performed on linear configuration systems at a laboratory scale. In this study, a series of experiments were performed on a pilot-scale system where the electrodes were arranged in a hexagonal configuration, to assess the improvement of the EK process in the removal of inorganic contaminants from sediments dredged in the harbor of Piombino, Italy. HNO3 was used as acid conditioning and both pH effect and treatment duration time were investigated. Sediment characterization and metal fractionation were also presented, in order to understand how the bioavailability of metals affects the process efficiency. The increase in pH due to the buffering capacity of the sediment in the sections close to the cathode favored the precipitation and accumulation of metals. However, the results highlighted that longer treatment times, combined with an efficient pH reduction, can improve treatment performance, resulting in high removal efficiencies for all the target metals considered (a percentage removal greater than 50% was reached for Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu and Zn). Compared to different EK configuration systems, the hexagonal configuration arrangement applied in our study provides better results for the remediation of dredged marine sediment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tween 20 is frequently added to particle suspensions for reducing the particle-wall adhesion and particle-particle aggregation in microfluidic devices. However, the influences of Tween 20 on the fluid and particle behaviors have been largely ignored. We present in this work the first experimental study of the effects of Tween 20 addition on the electrokinetic transport of fluids and particles in a polydimethylsiloxane microchannel. We find that adding 0.1% v/v Tween 20 to a buffer solution can significantly reduce the electroosmotic mobility as well as the electrokinetic and electrophoretic mobilities of polystyrene particles and yeast cells. Further increasing the Tween 20 concentration within the range typically used in microfluidic applications continues reducing these mobility values, but at a smaller rate. Our finding suggests that Tween 20 should be used with care in electrokinetic microdevices when the flow rate or particle/cell throughput is an important parameter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the high impact of traditional mining, the recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from hazardous waste materials could become an option for the future in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. In this work, the technical feasibility of REEs recovery from metal mine tailings has been explored using electrokinetic-assisted phytoremediation with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Phytoextraction combined with both AC current and DC current with reversal polarity was applied (1 V cm-1, 8 h day-1) to real mine tailings containing a total concentration of REEs (Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) of around 146 mg kg-1. Changes in REEs geochemical fractionation and their concentrations in the soil pore water showed the mobilization of REEs caused by plants and electric current; REE availability was increased to a higher extent for combined electrokinetic-assisted phytoextraction treatments showing the relevant role of plants in the process. Our results demonstrated the initial hypothesis that it is feasible to recover REEs from real metal mining waste by phytoextraction and that the performance of this technology can be significantly improved by applying electric current, especially of the AC type, which increased REE accumulation in ryegrass in the range 57-68% as compared to that of the treatment without electric field application.





