
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine elapid snakes are a diverse, predominantly Indo-West Pacific species group. The persistent removal of some species has an unquantified but potentially dire impact on populations. We conducted the first comprehensive review of the trade in marine elapid snakes based on published literature (1974-2022) and trade data from the only species (i.e., Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) whose trade is monitored internationally. Some species and populations were subjected to targeted harvest for their meat and skins for at least the last century; fisheries are possibly the most significant threat to populations of marine elapids, with the highest numbers being exploited either accidentally, incidentally, or opportunistically in Southeast Asian fisheries targeting other seafood, including demersal trawl and squid fisheries. Southeast Asia is the core region for exploitation of marine elapids. Annual offtake is >225,000 individuals of at least 8 species in the Gulf of Thailand. Of 72 recognized marine elapids (all non-CITES [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora] species), Hydrophis curtus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus dominate the skin trade. Skins of H. curtus are traded mainly in East and Southeast Asia and, to some extent, Europe. Despite some baseline information on the trade of these species, the sustainability of their harvests, particularly in the context of the burgeoning and unmanaged nature of fisheries in the region, remains the major challenge. In an era of declining fish stocks, there has been an increasing trend to commercialize the harvest and use marine elapids that were once considered accidental bycatch and discarded. This trend will continue to pose a significant risk to these snakes unless appropriate fisheries and trade regulations are enforced. Applying the precautionary principle to prevent the overexploitation of sea snakes is an indispensable measure in which trade in regional populations should be regulated through CITES. Accordingly, management plans to identify core distribution regions of exploited species would be crucial for assigning national responsibilities to sustain species and populations in the long term.
    Retos para la regulación del uso comercial de serpientes elápidas marinas en el Indo‐Pacífico Resumen Las serpientes elápidas marinas son un grupo diverso de especies, predominante en el Indo‐Pacífico Occidental. La eliminación persistente de algunas especies tiene un impacto no cuantificado pero potencialmente negativo sobre las poblaciones. Realizamos la primera revisión exhaustiva del comercio de serpientes elápidas marinas con base en la bibliografía publicada (1974‐2022) y en los datos comerciales de la única especie (Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) cuyo mercado tiene monitoreo internacional. Algunas especies y poblaciones fueron objeto de capturas selectivas por su carne y pieles durante al menos el siglo pasado, las pesquerías son posiblemente la amenaza más importante para las poblaciones de elápidos marinos, ya que el mayor número se explota de forma accidental, incidental u oportunista en las pesquerías del sudeste asiático enfocadas en otros mariscos, incluidas las pesquerías demersales de arrastre y de calamar. El sudeste asiático es la principal región de explotación de elápidos marinos. La captura anual es >225,000 individuos de al menos ocho especies en el Golfo de Tailandia. De los 72 elápidos marinos reconocidos (ninguna especie está en CITES [Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres]), Hydrophis curtus e H. cyanocinctus dominan el mercado de pieles. La piel de H. curtus se comercializa principalemnte en el este y sudeste asiático y, hasta cierto punto, en Europa. Aunque se dispone de cierta información de referencia sobre el comercio de estas especies, la sostenibilidad de sus capturas, sobre todo en el contexto del auge y la falta de gestión de la pesca en la región, sigue siendo el principal reto. En una época de disminución de las poblaciones de peces, ha aumentado la tendencia a comercializar la captura y el uso de elápidos marinos que antes se consideraban capturas accidentales y se descartaban. Esta tendencia seguirá representando un riesgo importante para estas serpientes a menos que se apliquen las regulaciones pesqueras y comerciales adecuadas. La aplicación del principio de precaución para evitar la sobreexplotación de las serpientes marinas es una medida indispensable para regular el comercio de las poblaciones regionales a través de CITES. Por lo tanto, los planes de gestión para identificar las regiones núcleo de distribución de las especies explotadas serían cruciales para asignar responsabilidades nacionales para mantener las especies y las poblaciones a largo plazo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimation of evolutionary relationships among lineages that rapidly diversified can be challenging, and, in such instances, inaccurate or unresolved phylogenetic estimates can lead to erroneous conclusions regarding historical geographical ranges of lineages. One example underscoring this issue has been the historical challenge posed by untangling the biogeographic origin of elapoid snakes, which includes numerous dangerously venomous species as well as species not known to be dangerous to humans. The worldwide distribution of this lineage makes it an ideal group for testing hypotheses related to historical faunal exchanges among the many continents and other landmasses occupied by contemporary elapoid species. We developed a novel suite of genomic resources, included worldwide sampling, and inferred a robust estimate of evolutionary relationships, which we leveraged to quantitatively estimate geographical range evolution through the deep-time history of this remarkable radiation. Our phylogenetic and biogeographical estimates of historical ranges definitively reject a lingering former \'Out of Africa\' hypothesis and support an \'Out of Asia\' scenario involving multiple faunal exchanges between Asia, Africa, Australasia, the Americas and Europe.






  • 文章类型: News






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The eastern small eyed snake (Cryptophis nigrescens; CN) is an uncommon cause of snakebite in Australia despite the widespread distribution of the snake along the east coast of Australia. Diagnosis of envenomation relies on identification of the snake which is often not possible with animal snakebite cases. This study examined the immunoreactivity profile of CN venom towards specific rabbit IgG made against the medically relevant snake venom immunotypes found in Australia (tiger, brown, black, death adder and taipan). A simultaneous sandwich ELISA format was used to quantify CN venom binding to venom specific Protein A purified rabbit IgG. The binding profiles demonstrated weak binding of CN venom to rabbit IgG made against both tiger (N. scutatus) and black snake (P. australis) venoms with approximately 0.19% and 0.069% cross reactivity, respectively. However, the concentration of venom likely to be present in the urine of CN envenomed patients and the low cross reactivity suggest that envenomed veterinary patients are unlikely to be detected in the commercial snake venom detection kit. It is possible that CN envenomation is more common but may be underdiagnosed where snake venom antigen detection is relied upon solely. Serum biochemical abnormalities also overlap with other snake species found in the same geographical area. In respect of antivenom therapy, administration of tiger snake antivenom is supported by the binding data, but due to the low cross reactivity multiple vials may be required. Limited clinical evidence also supports the efficacy of tiger snake antivenom for envenomation by CN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study reports OCP and PAH concentrations in the tissues of stranded sea snakes from Sharjah, UAE. Samples from 10 Hydrophis lapemoides, 2 Hydrophis ornatus and 1 Hydrophis curtus were analyzed. Muscle, liver and fat tissues were extracted using micro-QuEChERs, followed by d-SPE and analyzed using GC/MS. Higher concentrations of OCPs were detected, while PAHs were more frequently detected. Significant correlations suggest that OCPs and PAHs do bioaccumulate in the tissues of sea snakes. Additionally, OCPs with lower log Kow (octanol-water partition coefficient) values were mainly detected in the muscle samples of H. lapemoides, whereas OCPs with higher log Kow values were more commonly present in the liver and fat samples. The concentrations of OCPs reported in this study were higher than those previously documented in other marine reptiles in the UAE or sea snakes from different geographical regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The venoms of Australasian elapid snakes are known to possess coagulant activity, including some with strong procoagulant activity and others with anticoagulant activity, although the latter are less well known. This study investigates the anticoagulant activity of Australasian elapid snake venoms, and whether this activity is neutralised by commercial snake antivenom and varespladib (PLA2 inhibiting agent). Clotting assays were completed for 34 species of Australasian elapids. Antivenom neutralisation assays with tiger snake antivenom (TSAV) were performed on five species to determine if there was cross-neutralisation. Varespladib neutralisation assays were also completed for the same five species. All Pseudechis species venoms had anticoagulant activity, except P. porphyriacus, which was procoagulant. Pseudechis species venoms had similar anticoagulant potency ranging from the most potent P. colletti venom to the least potent P. butleri venom. The three Austrelaps (copperhead) species venoms were the next most potent anticoagulants. Six further snakes, Elapognathus coronatus, Acanthophis pyrrhus, A. antarcticus, Suta suta, Denisonia devisi and D. maculata, had weaker anticoagulant activity, except for D. maculata which had similar anticoagulant activity to Pseudechis species. Tiger Snake Antivenom (1200mU/mL) neutralised the anticoagulant effect of P. australis for concentrations up to 1 mg/mL. TSAV (1200mU/mL) also neutralised P. colletti, D. maculata, A. superbus and A. pyrrhus venoms at their EC50, demonstrating cross neutralisation. Varespladib neutralised the anticoagulant effect of P. australis venom at 5 μM and for venoms of P. colletti, D. maculata, A. superbus and A. pyrrhus. We found anticoagulant activity to be present in six genera of Australasian snakes at low concentrations, which can be completely neutralised by both antivenom and varespladib. Anticoagulant activity in Australian elapid venoms was associated with species possessing high PLA2 activity without procoagulant snake venom serine proteases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snakebite is a significant health concern in Africa, particularly due to neurotoxic envenomation which can lead to neuromuscular paralysis and respiratory failure. In Nigeria, snakes from the Elapidae family are a notable cause of envenomation cases, though these incidents are underreported. This review examined case reports of neurotoxic envenomation in Africa, highlighting the clinical impacts and the efficacy of available antivenoms. Preclinical studies showed that the polyvalent antivenom from the South African Institute for Medical Research (SAIMR) was highly effective against neurotoxicity with a protective efficacy (R) of 1346.80 mg/mL, while clinical assessment emphasized the need for high-dose antivenom therapy along with supportive measures like mechanical ventilation. Unlike hemorrhagic envenomation, where antivenom promptly resolves bleeding, neurotoxic cases often require additional interventions. The review underscores the necessity for tailored approaches in antivenom therapy to address the complexities of neurotoxic snakebites and reduce their public health burden in Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Antivenom is first line treatment for snake envenomation worldwide, despite few placebo controlled clinical trials demonstrating effectiveness. We aimed to investigate whether early antivenom in red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) bites would prevent systemic myotoxicity.
    UNASSIGNED: We undertook a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial of antivenom for red-bellied black snake bites with patients recruited from the Australian Snakebite Project (July 2014 to June 2020). In addition, we report all patients with red-bellied black snake bites during the same period, comparing the same outcomes. Patients over 2 years of age with definite red-bellied black snake bites and early systemic effects were randomized to receive 50 per cent glucose (placebo) or tiger snake antivenom within 6 hours post-bite, or in the cohort group received antivenom determined by the treating clinician. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with myotoxicity (peak creatine kinase activity >1,000 U/L). Secondary outcomes were: area under the curve of total creatine kinase elevation over 48 hours, presence of venom post-antivenom, and adverse reactions. We analyzed both the randomized control trial patients and the combination of randomized control trial and cohort patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifteen patients were recruited to the randomized controlled trial, and a cohort of 68 patients who were not randomized were included in the analysis. After treatment, two of seven patients given placebo had a peak creatine kinase activity >1,000 U/L versus none of the eight given antivenom (difference in favour of antivenom; 29 per cent; 95 per cent confidence interval:-18 per cent to +70 per cent; P = 0.2). The median area under the curve of total creatine kinase elevation over 48 hours in patients given placebo was 0 U/L*h (interquartile range: 0-124 U/L*h), which was not significantly different to those given antivenom: 197 U/L*h (interquartile range: 0-66,353 U/L*h; P = 0.26). Venom was not detected post-antivenom in six patients with measured venom concentrations given antivenom. Two patients given antivenom had immediate hypersensitivity reactions, one severe anaphylaxis, and another had serum sickness. Combining randomized and not randomized patients, three of 36 (8 per cent) administered antivenom less than 6 hours post-bite had a peak creatine kinase activity >1,000 U/L versus 17/47 (36 per cent) patients not receiving antivenom less than 6 hours post-bite (difference in favour of antivenom 29 per cent; 95 per cent confidence interval: 8 per cent to 44 per cent; P < 0.004). Overall, 13/36 (36 per cent) patients administered antivenom within 6 hours had hypersensitivity reactions, six severe anaphylaxis (17 per cent).
    UNASSIGNED: We found that early antivenom was effective in red-bellied black snake bites, and only three patients need to be given antivenom within 6 hours to prevent myotoxicity in one (number needed to treat = 3). However, one in three patients administered antivenom developed a hypersensitivity reaction, and one in six had severe anaphylaxis. The major limitation of this study was the small number of patients recruited to the randomized controlled trial.
    UNASSIGNED: Administration of antivenom in red-bellied black snake envenomation within 6 hours post-bite appeared to decrease the proportion of patients with myotoxicity, but a third of patients had adverse reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is a significant shortage of observational studies on neurotoxic snakebite envenomation in the Philippines. This lack of data, especially concerning treatment using Purified Cobra Antivenom (PCAV), has prompted the initiation of this foundational study.
    UNASSIGNED: The target population included snakebite patients admitted to the Eastern Visayas Medical Center and treated with PCAV between 2016 and 2020. A retrospective chart review was conducted for data collection. The investigation analyzed the hospital stay and patient features of individuals who were administered either lower or higher doses of PCAV.
    UNASSIGNED: Eighty-two patients were identified during the study. Of these, 27 (33%) were under 20 years of age and 50 (61%) were male. Most patients, totalling 75 (92%) were hailed from rural areas. Of the 82 patients, 59 (72%) received one or two ampoules of PCAV during the course. However, patients who received more than two ampoules had a longer median hospital stay than those who received less than three ampoules [96 h (interquartile range, IQR 66-122) vs. 125 h (IQR 96-218), P = 0.038]. The study reported five in-hospital mortalities (6.1%).
    UNASSIGNED: The individuals who needed a high dosage of PCAV tended to have more extended hospital stays, yet over 70% of the patient population required a lower dosage. To gain a clearer understanding of the burden of neurotoxic snakebites and determine the optimal PCAV dosage based on disease severity in the area, a more comprehensive, prospective study is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Candida auris represents one of the most urgent threats to public health, although its ecology remains largely unknown. Because amphibians and reptiles may present favorable conditions for C. auris colonization, cloacal and blood samples (n = 68), from several snake species, were cultured and molecularly screened for C. auris using molecular amplification of glycosylphosphatidylinositol protein-encoding genes and ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequencing. Candida auris was isolated from the cloacal swab of one Egyptian cobra (Naja haje legionis) and molecularly identified in its cloaca and blood. The isolation of C. auris from wild animals is herein reported for the first time, thus suggesting the role that these animals could play as reservoirs of this emerging pathogen. The occurrence of C. auris in blood requires further investigation, although the presence of cationic antimicrobial peptides in the plasma of reptiles could play a role in reducing the vitality of the fungus.
    Candida auris represents one of the most urgent threats to public health. In this study, we reported for the first time the isolation of C. auris from snake thus suggesting the role of these animals as reservoirs of this emerging pathogen.





