
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virtually all multicellular organisms on Earth live in symbiotic associations with complex microbial communities: the microbiome. This ancient relationship is of fundamental importance for both the host and the microbiome. Recently, the analyses of numerous microbiomes have revealed an incredible diversity and complexity of symbionts, with different mechanisms identified as potential drivers of this diversity. However, the interplay of ecological and evolutionary forces generating these complex associations is still poorly understood. Here we explore and summarise the suite of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms identified as relevant to different aspects of microbiome complexity and diversity. We argue that microbiome assembly is a dynamic product of ecology and evolution at various spatio-temporal scales. We propose a theoretical framework to classify mechanisms and build mechanistic host-microbiome models to link them to empirical patterns. We develop a cohesive foundation for the theoretical understanding of the combined effects of ecology and evolution on the assembly of complex symbioses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cynara cardunculus L. (cardoon) is a wild species of the Mediterranean basin and is highly appreciated due to its rich nutritional value and versatile industrial applications. It is widely known that environmental conditions, such as air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation, among others, play a crucial role in plant phenological variations and the chemical composition and bioactive properties of different plant tissues of cardoon. This study applied several statistical methods to uncover the variations in biomolecules of different cardoon tissues collected in Greece over the growth cycle. The influence of the different seasons on the species is evident, resulting in a clear discrimination between the samples harvested throughout the growth cycle. In addition, the observed fluctuations in chemical composition are consistent with each vegetable tissue\'s functions and the plant\'s different physiological processes. This work allows for a better understanding and knowledge of the species, encouraging more profitable and sustainable use of all the plant parts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biologists have long sought to predict the distribution of species across landscapes to understand biodiversity patterns and dynamics. These efforts usually integrate ecological niche and dispersal dynamics, but evolution can also mediate these ecological dynamics. Species that disperse well and arrive early might adapt to local conditions, which creates an evolution-mediated priority effect that alters biodiversity patterns. Yet, dispersal is also a trait that can evolve and affect evolution-mediated priority effects. We developed an individual-based model where populations of competing species can adapt not only to local environments but also to different dispersal probabilities. We found that lower regional species diversity selects for populations with higher dispersal probabilities and stronger evolution-mediated priority effects. When all species evolved dispersal, they monopolized fewer patches and did so at the same rates. When only one of the species evolved dispersal, it evolved lower dispersal than highly dispersive species and monopolized habitats once freed from maladaptive gene flow. Overall, we demonstrate that dispersal evolution can shape evolution-mediated priority effects when provided with a greater ecological opportunity in species-poor communities. Dispersal- and evolution-mediated priority effects probably play greater roles in species-poor regions like the upper latitudes, isolated islands and in changing environments. This article is part of the theme issue \'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    The functional response of plant communities to disturbance is hypothesised to be controlled by changes in environmental conditions and evolutionary history of species within the community. However, separating these influences using direct manipulations of repeated disturbances within ecosystems is rare. We evaluated how 41 years of manipulated fire affected plant leaf economics by sampling 89 plant species across a savanna-forest ecotone. Greater fire frequencies created a high-light and low-nitrogen environment, with more diverse communities that contained denser leaves and lower foliar nitrogen content. Strong trait-fire coupling resulted from the combination of significant intraspecific trait-fire correlations being in the same direction as interspecific trait differences arising through the turnover in functional composition along the fire-frequency gradient. Turnover among specific clades helped explain trait-fire trends, but traits were relatively labile. Overall, repeated burning led to reinforcing selective pressures that produced diverse plant communities dominated by conservative resource-use strategies and slow soil nitrogen cycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virulence, the degree to which a pathogen harms its host, is an important but poorly understood aspect of host-pathogen interactions. Virulence is not static, instead depending on ecological context and potentially evolving rapidly. For instance, at the start of an epidemic, when susceptible hosts are plentiful, pathogens may evolve increased virulence if this maximizes their intrinsic growth rate. However, if host density declines during an epidemic, theory predicts evolution of reduced virulence. Although well-studied theoretically, there is still little empirical evidence for virulence evolution in epidemics, especially in natural settings with native host and pathogen species. Here, we used a combination of field observations and lab assays in the Daphnia-Pasteuria model system to look for evidence of virulence evolution in nature. We monitored a large, naturally occurring outbreak of Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia dentifera, where infection prevalence peaked at ~ 40% of the population infected and host density declined precipitously during the outbreak. In controlled infections in the lab, lifespan and reproduction of infected hosts was lower than that of unexposed control hosts and of hosts that were exposed but not infected. We did not detect any significant changes in host resistance or parasite infectivity, nor did we find evidence for shifts in parasite virulence (quantified by host lifespan and number of clutches produced by hosts). However, over the epidemic, the parasite evolved to produce significantly fewer spores in infected hosts. While this finding was unexpected, it might reflect previously quantified tradeoffs: parasites in high mortality (e.g., high predation) environments shift from vegetative growth to spore production sooner in infections, reducing spore yield. Future studies that track evolution of parasite spore yield in more populations, and that link those changes with genetic changes and with predation rates, will yield better insight into the drivers of parasite evolution in the wild.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10682-022-10169-6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dispersal is a central determinant of spatial dynamics in communities and ecosystems, and various ecological factors can shape the evolution of constitutive and plastic dispersal behaviours. One important driver of dispersal plasticity is the biotic environment. Parasites, for example, influence the internal condition of infected hosts and define external patch quality. Thus, state-dependent dispersal may be determined by infection status and context-dependent dispersal by the abundance of infected hosts in the population. A prerequisite for such dispersal plasticity to evolve is a genetic basis on which natural selection can act. Using interconnected microcosms, we investigated dispersal in experimental populations of the freshwater protist Paramecium caudatum in response to the bacterial parasite Holospora undulata. For a collection of 20 natural host strains, we found substantial variation in constitutive dispersal and to a lesser degree in dispersal plasticity. First, infection tended to increase or decrease dispersal relative to uninfected controls, depending on strain identity, indicative of state-dependent dispersal plasticity. Infection additionally decreased host swimming speed compared to the uninfected counterparts. Second, for certain strains, there was a weak negative association between dispersal and infection prevalence, such that uninfected hosts dispersed less when infection was more frequent in the population, indicating context-dependent dispersal plasticity. Future experiments may test whether the observed differences in dispersal plasticity are sufficiently strong to be picked up by natural selection. The evolution of dispersal plasticity as a strategy to mitigate parasite effects spatially may have important implications for epidemiological dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A growing body of theory predicts that evolution of an early-arriving species in a new environment can produce a competitive advantage against later arriving species, therefore altering community assembly (i.e. the community monopolization hypothesis). Applications of the community monopolization hypothesis are increasing. However, experimental tests of the hypothesis are rare. Here, we provide a rare experimental demonstration of the community monopolization hypothesis using two archaeal species. We first expose one species to low- and high-temperature environments for 135 days. Populations in the high-temperature treatment evolved a 20% higher median performance when grown at high temperature. We then demonstrate that early arrival and adaptation reduce the abundance of a late-arriving species in the high-temperature environment by 63% relative to when both species arrive simultaneously and neither species is adapted to high temperature. These results are consistent with the community monopolization hypothesis and suggest that adaptation can reduce competitive dominance to alter community assembly. Hence, community monopolization might be much more common in nature than previously assumed. Our results strongly support the idea that patterns of biodiversity might often stem from a race between local adaptation and colonization of pre-adapted species.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Exploitative parasites are predicted to evolve in highly connected populations or in expanding epidemics. However, many parasites rely on host dispersal to reach new populations, potentially causing conflict between local transmission and global spread. We performed experimental range expansions in interconnected microcosms of the protozoan Paramecium caudatum, allowing natural dispersal of hosts infected with the bacterial parasite Holospora undulata. Parasites from range front treatments facilitated host dispersal and were less virulent, but also invested less in horizontal transmission than parasites from range cores. These differences were consistent with parameter estimates derived from an epidemiological model fitted on population-level time-series data. Our results illustrate how dispersal selection can have profound consequences for the evolution of parasite life history and virulence. Decrypting the eco-evolutionary processes that shape parasite \'dispersal syndromes\' may be important for the management of spreading epidemics in changing environments, biological invasions or in other spatial non-equilibrium settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite growing pressure on biodiversity deriving from increasing anthropogenic disturbances, some species successfully persist in altered ecosystems. However, these species\' characteristics and thresholds, as well as the environmental frame behind that process are usually unknown. We collected data on body size, fluctuating asymmetry (FA), as well as nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15 N) from museum specimens of the European Common Frog, Rana temporaria, all originating from the Berlin-Brandenburg area, Germany, in order to test: (a) if specimens have changed over the last 150 years (1868-2018); and (b) if changes could be attributed to increasing urbanization and agricultural intensity. We detected that after the Second World War, frogs were larger than in pre-war Berlin. In rural Brandenburg, we observed no such size change. FA analysis revealed a similar tendency with lower levels in Berlin after the war and higher levels in Brandenburg. Enrichment of δ15 N decreased over time in both regions but was generally higher and less variable in sites with agricultural land use. Frogs thus seem to encounter favorable habitat conditions after pollution in postwar Berlin improved, but no such tendencies were observable in the predominantly agricultural landscape of Brandenburg. Urbanization, characterized by the proportion of built-up area, was not the main associated factor for the observed trait changes. However, we detected a relationship with the amount of urban greenspace. Our study exemplifies that increasing urbanization must not necessarily worsen conditions for species living in urban habitats. The Berlin example demonstrates that public parks and other urban greenspaces have the potential to serve as suitable refuges for some species. These findings underline the urgency of establishing, maintaining, and connecting such habitats, and generally consider their importance for future urban planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Community coalescence, the mixing of different communities, is widespread throughout microbial ecology. Coalescence can result in approximately equal contributions from the founding communities or dominance of one community over another. These different outcomes have ramifications for community structure and function in natural communities, and the use of microbial communities in biotechnology and medicine. However, we have little understanding of when a particular outcome might be expected. Here, we integrate existing theory and data to speculate on how a crucial characteristic of microbial communities-the type of species interaction that dominates the community-might affect the outcome of microbial community coalescence. Given the often comparable timescales of microbial ecology and microevolution, we explicitly consider ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and their interplay, in determining coalescence outcomes. This article is part of the theme issue \'Conceptual challenges in microbial community ecology\'.






