• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accurate assessment of film results is highly dependent on the methodology and techniques used to process film. This study aims to compare the performance of EBT3 and EBT-XD film for SRS dosimetry using two different film processing methods. Experiments were performed in a solid water slab and an anthropomorphic head phantom. For each experiment, the net optical density of the film was calculated using two different methods; taking the background (initial) optical density from 1) an unirradiated film from the same film lot as the irradiated film (stock to stock (S-S) method), and 2) a scan of the same piece of film taken prior to irradiation (film to film (F-F) method). EBT3 and EBT-XD performed similarly across the suite of experiments when using the green channel only or with triple channel RGB dosimetry. The dosimetric performance of EBT-XD was improved across all colour channels by using an F-F method, particularly for the blue channel. In contrast, EBT3 performed similarly well regardless of the net optical density method used. Across 21 SRS treatment plans, the average per-pixel agreement between EBT3 and EBT-XD films, normalised to the 20 Gy prescription dose, was within 2% and 4% for the non-target (2-10 Gy) and target (> 10 Gy) regions, respectively, when using the F-F method. At doses relevant to SRS, EBT3 provides comparable dosimetric performance to EBT-XD. In addition, an S-S dosimetry method is suitable for EBT3 while an F-F method should be adopted if using EBT-XD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.To evaluate a new film for radiotherapy dosimetry, Gafchromic EBT4, compared to the current EBT3. To evaluate dose-response and verify test cases in MV external beam and HDR brachytherapy.Approach. Three lots (batches) of EBT4 and three lots of EBT3 films were calibrated at 6 MV over 0-1200 cGy range, using FilmQAPro software. Signal-to-noise of pixel value, reported dose (RD), and factors affecting dosimetry accuracy were evaluated (rotation of the film at scanning, energy response and post-exposure darkening). Both films were exposed to clinical treatment plans (VMAT prostate, SABR lung, single HDR source dwell, and \'pseudo\' 3-channel HDR cervix brachytherapy). Film-RD was compared to TPS-calculated dose.Main results.EBT4 calibration curves had characteristics more favourable than EBT3 for radiation dosimetry, with improved signal to noise in film-RD of EBT4 compared to EBT3 (increase of average 46% in red and green channels at 500 cGy). Film rotation at scanning and post-exposure darkening was similar for the two films. The energy response of EBT4 is similar to EBT3. For all clinical case studies, EBT4 provided better agreement with the TPS-planned doses than EBT3. VMAT prostate gamma 3%/3 mm passing rate, EBT4 100.0% compared to EBT3 97.9%; SABR lung gamma 2%/2 mm, EBT4 99.6% and EBT3 97.9%; HDR cervix gamma 3%/2 mm, EBT4 97.7% and EBT3 95.0%.Significance.These results show EBT4 is superior to EBT3 for radiotherapy dosimetry validation of TPS plan delivery. Fundamental improvements in noise profile and calibration curve are reported for EBT4. All clinical test cases showed EBT4 provided equivalent or smaller difference in measured dose to TPS calculated dose than EBT3. Baseline data is presented on the achievable accuracy of film dosimetry in radiotherapy using the new Gafchromic EBT4 film.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gafchromic film\'s unique properties of tissue-equivalence, dose-rate independence, and high spatial resolution make it an attractive choice for many dosimetric applications. However, complicated calibration processes and film handling limits its routine use.
    OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the performance of Gafchromic EBT3 film after irradiation under a variety of measurement conditions to identify aspects of film handling and analysis for simplified but robust film dosimetry.
    METHODS: The short- (from 5 min to 100 h) and long-term (months) film response was evaluated for clinically relevant doses of up to 50 Gy for accuracy in dose determination and relative dose distributions. The dependence of film response on film-read delay, film batch, scanner type, and beam energy was determined.
    RESULTS: Scanning the film within a 4-h window and using a standard 24-h calibration curve introduced a maximum error of 2% over a dose range of 1-40 Gy, with lower doses showing higher uncertainty in dose determination. Relative dose measurements demonstrated <1 mm difference in electron beam parameters such as depth of 50% of the maximum dose value (R50 ), independent of when the film was scanned after irradiation or the type of calibration curve used (batch-specific or time-specific calibration curve) if the same default scanner was used. Analysis of films exposed over a 5-year period showed that using the red channel led to the lowest variation in the measured net optical density values for different film batches, with doses >10 Gy having the lowest coefficient of variation (<1.7%). Using scanners of similar design produced netOD values within 3% after exposure to doses of 1-40 Gy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first comprehensive evaluation of the temporal and batch dependence of Gafchromic EBT3 film evaluated on consolidated data over 8 years. The relative dosimetric measurements were insensitive to the type of calibration applied (batch- or time-specific) and in-depth time-dependent dosimetric signal behaviors can be established for film scanned outside of the recommended 16-24 h post-irradiation window. We generated guidelines based on our findings to simplify film handling and analysis and provide tabulated dose- and time-dependent correction factors to achieve this without reducing the accuracy of dose determination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reliable calibration is one of the major challenges in using radiochromic films (RCF) for radiation dosimetry. In this study the feasibility of using dose gradients produced by a physical wedge (PW) for RCF calibration was investigated. The aim was to establish an efficient and reproducible method for calibrating RCF using a PW. Film strips were used to capture the wedge dose profile for five different exposures and the acquired scans were processed to generate corresponding net optical density wedge profiles. The proposed method was compared to the benchmark calibration, following the guidelines for precise calibration using uniform dose fields. The results of the benchmark comparison presented in this paper showed that using a single film strip for measuring wedge dose profile is sufficient for estimating a reliable calibration curve within the recorded dose range. Furthermore, the PW calibration can be extrapolated or extended by using multiple gradients for the optimal coverage of the desired calibration dose range. The method outlined in this paper can be readily replicated using the equipment and expertise commonly found in a radiotherapy center. Once the dose profile and central axis attenuation coefficient of the PW are determined, they can serve as a reference for a variety of calibrations using different types and batches of film. This investigation demonstrated that the calibration curves obtained with the presented PW calibration method are within the bounds of the measurement uncertainty evaluated for the conventional uniform dose field calibration method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Most brachytherapy treatment planning system (TPS) commissioning requires data input based on the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group-43 formalism. The commissioning accuracy is very important for dose calculation. The aim of this study is the implementation of a brachytherapy TPS into a clinical environment and check the TPS calculated dose accuracy.
    UNASSIGNED: After introducing data of the different catheters (CIS Bio International, Saclay, France), composed of several Cesium-137 Eckert and Ziegler BEBIG CSM-11 radioactive sources; for XiO (CMS, St. Louis) brachytherapy TPS, the TPS dose calculation accuracy was investigated by comparing between the TPS calculated dose distribution (DD) for all the catheters with (1) the measuring DD using EBT3 GAFChromic film and (2) calculating DD by egs_brachy (Electron Gamma Shower, National Research Council of Canada) Monte Carlo simulation. The phantom used for this study consists of six PTW slabs 30 cm × 30 cm × 1 cm of polymethyl methacrylate with a Delouche MEDpro applicator on the top. The TPS DD was calculated on the computed tomography scan of this phantom.
    UNASSIGNED: PTW VeriSoft version (PTW-Freiburg, Germany) software was used for analyzing scanned films and to perform the comparison based on the gamma index distribution.
    UNASSIGNED: For each catheter, the gamma index distribution showed agreement >95% of all pixels in both verification methods, with gamma ≤1.
    UNASSIGNED: We confirm the commissioning accuracy and that the TPS can be used for clinical purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work is to study a new analytical model which describes the dose-response curve in megavoltage photon beams of the radiochromic EBT3 film measured with two commercially available flatbed scanners. This model takes into account the different increase of the number of two types of absorbents in the film with absorbed dose and it allows to identify parameters that depend on the flatbed scanner and the film model, and parameters that exclusively depend on the production lot. In addition, the new model is also compared with other models commonly used in the literature in terms of its performance in reducing systematic calibration uncertainties.
    METHODS: The new analytical model consists on a linear combination of two saturating exponential functions for every color channel. The exponents modeling the growing of each kind of absorbent are film model and scanner model-dependent, but they do not depend on the manufacturing lot. The proposed model considers the different dose kinetics of each absorbent and the apparent effective behavior of one of the absorbents in the red color channel of the scanner. The dose-response curve has been measured using EBT3 films, a percentage depth dose (PDD) calibration method in a dose range between 0.5 and 25 Gy, and two flatbed scanners: a Microtek 1000 XL and an EPSON 11000 XL. The PDD calibration method allows to obtain a dense collection of calibration points which have been fitted to the proposed response curve model and to other published models. The fit residuals were used to evaluate the performance of each model compared with the new analytical model.
    RESULTS: The model presented here does not introduce any systematic deviations up to the degree of accuracy reached in this work. The residual distribution is normally shaped and with lower variance than the distributions of the other published models. The model separates the parameters reflecting specific characteristics of the dosimetry system from the linear parameters which depend only on the production lot and are related to the relative abundance of each type of absorbent. The calibration uncertainty is reduced by a mean factor of two by using this model compared with the other studied models.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model reduces the calibration uncertainty related to systematic deviations introduced by the response curve. In addition, it separates parameters depending on the flatbed scanner and the film model from those depending on the production lot exclusively and therefore provides a better characterization of the dosimetry system and increases its reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to compare the optical responses of external beam therapy 3 (EBT3) films exposed to X-rays and solar ultraviolet rays (SUV-rays), as a dose control technique in the clinical sector for various radiation types, energies, and absorbed doses up to 4 Gy. In this study, EBT3 films with three different expiry dates were prepared and cut into pieces of size 2 by 2 cm2. The first group was exposed to 90 kVp X-rays, while the second group was exposed to the SUV-rays at noon. The analysis was performed using a visible Jaz spectrometer and an EPSON Perfection V370 Photo scanner to obtain the absorbance, the net reflective optical density (ROD) and the red-green-blue (RGB) values of the samples. The results have shown that spectroscopic measurements of the exposed expired EBT3 films with these radiation sources are able to produce primary peaks and secondary peaks at λ = 641.74 nm and λ = 585.98 nm for X-rays, and at λ = 637.93 nm and λ = 584.45 nm for SUV-rays, respectively. According to these findings, compared to 2021 films that expired shortly before the trial start date; 2018 films responded better to the absorbed dose than 2016 films when exposed to both X-ray and SUV-rays. In terms of energy dependence, the expired EBT3 2018 had the largest net ROD value. Using L*a*b* indices extracted from the RGB data, and despite that EBT3 films have expiry dates according to the manufacturer; all the films exhibited a substantial colour change, indicating that these films are still usable for clinical and research purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Passive dosimetry with radiochromic films is widely used in proton radiotherapy, both in clinical and scientific environments, thanks to its simplicity, high spatial resolution and dose-rate independence. However, film under-response for low-energy protons, the so-called linear-energy transfer (LET) quenching, must be accounted and corrected for. We perform a meta-analysis on existing film under-response data with EBT, EBT2 and EBT3 GAFchromic™ films and provide a common framework to integrate it, based on the calculation of dose-averaged LET in the active layer of the films. We also report on direct measurements with the 10 MeV proton beam at the Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM) for EBT2, EBT3 and unlaminated EBT3 films, focusing on the 20-80 keVμm-1LET range, where previous data was scarce. Measured film relative efficiency (RE) values are in agreement with previously reported data from the literature. A model on film RE constructed with combined literature and own experimental values in the 5-80 keVμm-1LET range is presented, supporting the hypothesis of a linear decrease of RE with LET, with no remarkable differences between the three types of films analyzed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the inconsistency of recent literature on the effect of magnetic field on the response of radiochromic films, we studied the influence of 0.35 T magnetic field on dosimetric response of EBT3 and EBT-XD GafchromicTM films.
    METHODS: Two different models of radiochromic films, EBT3 and EBT-XD, were investigated. Pieces of films samples from two different batches for each model were irradiated at different dose levels ranging from 1 to 20 Gy using 6 MV flattening filter free (FFF) x-rays generated by a clinical MR-guided radiotherapy system (B = 0.35 T). Film samples from the same batch were irradiated at corresponding dose levels using 6 MV FFF beam from a conventional linac (B = 0) for comparison. The net optical density was measured 48 h postirradiation using a flatbed scanner. The absorbance spectra were also measured over 500-700 nm wavelength range using a fiber-coupled spectrometer with 2.5 nm resolution. To study the effect of fractionated dose delivery to EBT3 (/EBT-XD) films, 8 (/16) Gy dose was delivered in four 2 (/4) Gy fractions with 24 h interval between fractions.
    RESULTS: No significant difference was found in the net optical density and net absorbance of the films irradiated with or without the presence of magnetic field. No dependency on the orientation of the film during irradiation with respect to the magnetic field was observed. The fractionated dose delivery resulted in the same optical density as delivering the whole dose in a single fraction.
    CONCLUSIONS: The 0.35 T magnetic field employed in the ViewRay® MR-guided radiotherapy system did not show any significant influence on the response of EBT3 and EBT-XD GafchromicTM films.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose To evaluate the intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) quality assurance (QA) results of the multichannel film dosimetry analysis with single scan method by using Gafchromic™ EBT3 (Ashland Inc., Covington, KY, USA) film under 0.35 T magnetic field. Methods Between September 2018 and June 2019, 70 patients were treated with ViewRay MRIdian® (ViewRay Inc., Mountain View, CA) linear accelerator (Linac). Film dosimetry QA plans were generated for all IMRT treatments. Multichannel film dosimetry for red, green and blue (RGB) channels were compared with treatment planning system (TPS) dose maps by gamma evaluation analysis. Results The mean gamma passing rates of RGB channels are 97.3% ± 2.26%, 96.0% ± 3.27% and 96.2% ± 3.14% for gamma evaluation with 2% DD/2 mm distance to agreement (DTA), respectively. Moreover, the mean gamma passing rates of RGB channels are 99.7% ± 0.41%, 99.6% ± 0.59% and 99.5% ± 0.67% for gamma evaluation with 3% DD/3 mm DTA, respectively. Conclusion The patient specific QA using Gafchromic™ EBT3 film with multichannel film dosimetry seems to be a suitable tool to implement for MR-guided IMRT treatments under 0.35 T magnetic field. Multichannel film dosimetry with Gafchromic™ EBT3 is a consistent QA tool for gamma evaluation of the treatment plans even with 2% DD/2 mm DTA under 0.35 T magnetic field presence.





