Dysbaric Osteonecrosis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a rare progressive degenerative disease leading to bone and joint destruction. Patients often require surgical intervention. Femoral AVN is the most common anatomical location. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) has been shown to be effective in AVN. We present data collected from one centre over a 30-year period and compare the results with other published data.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective chart review of all patients receiving HBOT for AVN at Fremantle and Fiona Stanley Hospitals since 1989 was performed. The primary outcome was radiological appearance using the Steinberg score, with secondary outcomes being subjective improvement, the need for joint replacement surgery and rates of complications.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-one joints in 14 patients (14 femoral heads and seven femoral condyles) were treated with HBOT since 1989. Two patients were excluded. Within the femoral head group, nine of the 14 joints (64%) had stable or improved magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans post treatment and at six months (minimum); 10 joints (71%) had good outcomes subjectively, three joints required surgical intervention, and three patients developed mild aural barotrauma. Within the femoral condyle group, all five joints had stable or improved post-treatment MRI scans (four had visible improvement in oedema and/or chondral stability), four joints reported good outcomes subjectively, none of the patients required surgical intervention (follow-up > six months).
    UNASSIGNED: This single centre retrospective study observed prevention of disease progression in femoral AVN with the use of HBOT, comparable to other published studies. This adds to the body of evidence that HBOT may have a significant role in the treatment of femoral AVN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osteolytic lesions in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) during rehabilitation are attributed to multiple causes, including gas embolism, hypothermia, and osteomyelitis due to bacterial or fungal infection. This study reports the appearance of osteolytic lesions in a sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle with involvement of the right fore and hind flippers, visible swelling of the elbow and knee joints, and accompanied by lameness after 45 days of rehabilitation. Radiographs and computed tomography revealed multiple lytic bone lesions. This was the fourth rehabilitation admission of the turtle after being accidentally captured by trawler ships (bycatch) in 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023. Potential causes were dysbaric osteonecrosis due to a past decompression sickness event and hypothermia with osteomyelitis from bacterial infection. Blood cultures and antibiotic susceptibility testing led to the isolation of Ewingella americana responsive to enrofloxacin. This study investigates extensive fore and hind flipper involvement in a sub-adult loggerhead turtle, aiming to determine causes and risk factors. The pathogenesis and significance of these lesions is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Dysbaric osteonecrosis (DON) is a specific type of atraumatic osteonecrosis that has been shown to occur mainly in deep-sea divers and workers exposed to increased air pressure environments. The pathophysiology is not entirely understood but is thought to be due to subclinical decompression sickness resulting in arterial gas emboli. This leads to vascular occlusion and subsequent bone death.
    UNASSIGNED: An active 56-year-old male diver presented with progressive bilateral shoulder pain and dysfunction due to bilateral DON of the humeral head and associated posterosuperior rotator cuff tearing. The diagnosis was confirmed by physical examination, X-rays, and magnetic resonance imaging. Due to failure of conservative treatment, a single-stage bilateral, subscapularis-sparing, stemless shoulder hemiarthroplasty with concomitant rotator cuff repair was performed. At 24-month follow-up, the patient showed satisfactory functional outcomes in both shoulders without complication.
    UNASSIGNED: This single-stage surgical treatment is an exceptional indication for a bilateral dysbaric humeral head osteonecrosis that can be considered in selected cases because may reduce the total recovery time and can be safe and effective at 24 months postoperatively.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Dysbaric osteonecrosis (DON) in people working under increased atmospheric pressure is well documented. It is generally less common in military and commercial divers than in caisson workers, except in some high-risk groups, such as in many indigenous diving industries where workers have little or no understanding of decompression principles. With the increasing popularity within the recreational diving community of deep air and mixed-gas decompression diving (\'technical diving\'), it is likely that diving physicians may see an increase in the prevalence of DON in this group in the future.
    METHODS: The case report is presented of a technical diving instructor, with a 30-year history of deep diving, who developed bilateral humeral head DON and required a right shoulder hemi-arthroplasty. A focused literature search was also undertaken to identify published cases of DON in recreational divers.
    RESULTS: The frequency, duration and depth of exposure to pressure, inadequate decompression, the occurrence of DCS and increasing age have been common features associated with DON in both divers and caisson workers. Many of these features were present in this technical diver.
    CONCLUSIONS: Whilst DON is uncommon in recreational air scuba divers, all the above risk factors are present to a greater degree in technical diving. It is suggested that medical review for DON is merited from time to time in this potentially high-risk group of recreational divers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chennai metropolis has been growing rapidly. Need was felt of a metro rail system. Two corridors were planned. Corridor 1, of 23 km starting from Washermanpet to Airport. 14.3 km of this would be underground. Corridor 2, of 22 km starting from Chennai Central Railway station to St. Thomas Mount. 9.7 km of this would be underground. Occupational health centre\'s role involved selection of miners and assessing their fitness to work under compressed air. Planning and execution of compression and decompression, health monitoring and treatment of compression related illnesses. More than thirty five thousand man hours of work was carried out under compressed air pressure ranged from 1.2 to 1.9 bar absolute. There were only three cases of pain only ( Type I) decompression sickness which were treated with recompression. Vigilant medical supervision, experienced lock operators and reduced working hours under pressure because of inclement environmental conditions viz. high temperature and humidity, has helped achieve this low incident. Tunnelling activity will increase in India as more cities will soon opt for underground metro railway. Indian standard IS 4138 - 1977 \" Safety code for working in compressed air\" needs to be updated urgently keeping pace with modern working methods.






  • 文章类型: Letter





