Drought resistance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drought is one of the most severe environmental factors limiting plant growth and crop yield, necessitating the identification of genes that enhance drought resistance for crop improvement. Through screening an ethyl methyl sulfonate-mutagenized rice mutant library, we isolated the PEG tolerance mutant 97-1 (ptm97-1), which displays enhanced resistance to osmotic and drought stress, and increased yield under drought conditions. A point mutation in OsMATE6 was identified as being associated with the drought-resistant phenotype of ptm97-1. The role of OsMATE6 in conferring drought resistance was confirmed by additional OsMATE6 knockout mutants. OsMATE6 is expressed in guard cells, shoots and roots and the OsMATE6-GFP fusion protein predominantly localizes to the plasma membrane. Our ABA efflux assays suggest that OsMATE6 functions as an ABA efflux transporter; mutant protoplasts exhibited a slower ABA release rate compared to the wild type. We hypothesize that OsMATE6 regulates ABA levels in guard cells, influencing stomatal closure and enhancing drought resistance. Notably, OsMATE6 knockout mutants demonstrated greater yields under field drought conditions compared to wild-type plants, highlighting OsMATE6 as a promising candidate for improving crop drought resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drought is one of the major environmental issues that reduce crop yield. Seed germination is a crucial stage of plant development in all crop plants, including soybean. In soybean breeding, information about genetic mechanism of drought tolerance has great importance. However, at germination stage, there is relatively little knowledge on the genetic basis of soybean drought resistance. The objective of this work was to find the quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) linked to drought tolerance related three traits using a genome-wide association study (GWAS), viz., germination rate (GR), root length (RL), and whole seedling length (WSL), using germplasm population of 240 soybean PIs with 34,817 SNPs genotype data having MAF > 0.05. It was observed that heritability (H2) for GR, WSL, and RL across both environments (2020, and 2019) were high in the range of 0.76-0.99, showing that genetic factors play a vital role in drought tolerance as compared to environmental factors. A number of 23 and 27 QTNs were found to be linked to three traits using MLM and mrMLM, respectively. Three significant QTNs, qGR8-1, qWSL13-1, and qRL-8, were identified using both MLM and mrMLM methods among these QTNs. QTN8, located on chromosome 8 was consistently linked to two traits (GR and RL). The area (± 100 Kb) associated with this QTN was screened for drought tolerance based on gene annotation. Fifteen candidate genes were found by this screening. Based on the expression data, four candidate genes i.e. Glyma08g156800, Glyma08g160000, Glyma08g162700, and Glyma13g249600 were found to be linked to drought tolerance regulation in soybean. Hence, the current study provides evidence to understand the genetic constitution of drought tolerance during the germination stage and identified QTNs or genes could be utilized in molecular breeding to enhance the yield under drought stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drought is a major environmental stress limiting crop yields worldwide. Upland rice (Oryza sativa) has evolved complex genetic mechanisms to adjust to drought stress. However, few genetic variants have been identified that mediate drought resistance in upland rice, and little is known about the evolution of this trait during domestication. Here, using a genome-wide association study in rice, we identified ROOT LENGTH 1 (RoLe1) controlling root length and drought resistance. We demonstrate that a G-to-T polymorphism in the RoLe1 promoter increases binding of the transcription factor OsNAC41 to activate its transcription. We also show that RoLe1 interacts with and interferes with the function of OsAGAP, an ARF-GTPase activating protein involved in auxin-dependent root development, to modulate root development. Furthermore, RoLe1 enhanced crop yield by increasing the seed setting rate under moderate drought conditions. Genomic evolution analysis showed that a newly arisen favorable allelic variant, proRoLe1-526T, originated from Region I (Midwest Asia) and was retained in upland rice during domestication. Our findings propose a OsNAC41-RoLe1-OsAGAP module, providing promising genetic targets for molecular breeding of drought-resistant varieties in rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a typical C4 plant and important crop worldwide, maize is susceptible to drought. In maize, transitory starch (TS) turnover occurs in the vascular bundle sheath of leaves, differing from that in Arabidopsis (a C3 plant). This process, particularly its role in drought tolerance and the key starch-hydrolyzing enzymes involved, is not fully understood. We discovered that the expression of the β-amylase (BAM) gene ZmBAM8 is highly upregulated in the drought-tolerant inbred line Chang7-2t. Inspired by this finding, we systematically investigated TS degradation in maize lines, including Chang7-2t, Chang7-2, B104, and ZmBAM8 overexpression (OE) and knockout (KO) lines. We found that ZmBAM8 was significantly induced in the vascular bundle sheath by drought, osmotic stress, and abscisic acid. The stress-induced gene expression and chloroplast localization of ZmBAM8 align with the tissue and subcellular sites where TS turnover occurs. The recombinant ZmBAM8 was capable of effectively hydrolyzing leaf starch. Under drought conditions, the leaf starch in ZmBAM8-OE plants substantially decreased under light, while that in ZmBAM8-KO plants did not decrease. Compared with ZmBAM8-KO plants, ZmBAM8-OE plants exhibited increased drought tolerance. Our study provides insights into the significance of leaf starch degradation in C4 crops and contributes to the development of drought-resistant maize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    气候变化引起的干旱胁迫降低了作物生产力,但是β-谷甾醇(BS)和生物炭(BC)的应用促进了作物的生长和产量。进行了盆栽试验,以研究在干旱胁迫下单独和联合施用BS和BC对菜豆生长和产量的影响。BS和BC的协同施用增加了株高(46.9cm),芽干重(6.9g/盆),和干旱胁迫下普通P的根干重(2.5g/盆)。光合速率的应用处理趋势保持为BC(15%) Climate change-induced drought stress decreases crop productivity, but the application of β-sitosterol (BS) and biochar (BC) boosts crop growth and yield. A pot experiment was conducted to examine the effects of the alone and combined application of BS and BC on the growth and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris under drought stress. The synergistic application of BS and BC increased plant height (46.9cm), shoot dry weight (6.9g/pot), and root dry weight (2.5g/pot) of P. vulgaris plants under drought stress. The trend of applied treatments for photosynthetic rate remained as BC (15%)






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drought stress deteriorates agro-ecosystems and poses a significant threat to crop productivity and food security. Soil amended with biochar has been suggested to mitigate water stress, but there is limited knowledge about how biochar affects the physiology and vegetative growth of quinoa plants under soil water deficits. We grew three quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) varieties, Titicaca (V1), Quipu (V2), and UAFQ7 (V3) in sandy loam soil without (B0) and with 2% woodchip biochar (B2) under drought conditions. The drought resulted in significant growth differences between the varieties. V3 performed vegetatively better, producing 46% more leaves, 28% more branches, and 25% more leaf area than the other two varieties. Conversely, V2 displayed significantly higher yield-contributing traits, with 16% increment in panicle length and 50% more subpanicles compared to the other varieties. Woodchip biochar application significantly enhanced the root development (i.e., root biomass, length, surface, and projected area) and plant growth (i.e., plant height, leaf area, and absolute growth rate). Biochar significantly enhanced root growth, especially fresh and dry weights, by 122% and 127%, respectively. However, biochar application may lead to a trade-off between vegetative growth and panicle development under drought stress as shown for V3 grown in soil with woodchip biochar. However, V3B2 produced longer roots and more biomass. Collectively, we suggest exploring the effects of woodchip biochar addition to the soil on the varietal physiological responses such as stomatal regulations and mechanisms behind the increased quinoa yield under water stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SEVEN IN ABSENTIA (SINA) E3 ubiquitin ligase is widely involved in drought and salt stress in plants. However, the biological function of the SINA proteins in cotton is still unknown. This study aimed to reveal the function of GhSINAT5 through biochemical, genetic and molecular approaches. GhSINAT5 is expressed in several tissues of cotton plants, including roots, stems, leaves and cotyledons, and its expression levels are significantly affected by polyethylene glycol, abscisic acid and sodium chloride. When GhSINAT5 was silenced in cotton plants, drought and salinity stress occurred, and the length, area and volume of the roots significantly decreased. Under drought stress, the levels of proline, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase in the GhSINAT5-silenced cotton plants were significantly lower than those in the non-silenced control plants, whereas the levels of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde were greater. Moreover, the expression of stress-related genes in silenced plants under drought stress suggested that GhSINAT5 may play a positive role in the plant response to drought and salt stress by regulating these stress response-related genes. These findings not only deepen our understanding of the mechanisms of drought resistance in cotton but also provide potential targets for future improvements in crop stress resistance through genetic engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foxtail millet is a drought-tolerant cereal and forage crop. The basic leucine zipper (bZIP) gene family plays important roles in regulating plant development and responding to stresses. However, the roles of bZIP genes in foxtail millet remain largely uninvestigated. In this study, 92 members of the bZIP transcription factors were identified in foxtail millet and clustered into ten clades. The expression levels of four SibZIP genes (SibZIP11, SibZIP12, SibZIP41, and SibZIP67) were significantly induced after PEG treatment, and SibZIP67 was chosen for further analysis. The studies showed that ectopic overexpression of SibZIP67 in Arabidopsis enhanced the plant drought tolerance. Detached leaves of SibZIP67 overexpressing plants had lower leaf water loss rates than those of wild-type plants. SibZIP67 overexpressing plants improved survival rates under drought conditions compared to wild-type plants. Additionally, overexpressing SibZIP67 in plants displayed reduced malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes, including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and peroxidase (POD) under drought stress. Furthermore, the drought-related genes, such as AtRD29A, AtRD22, AtNCED3, AtABF3, AtABI1, and AtABI5, were found to be regulated in SibZIP67 transgenic plants than in wild-type Arabidopsis under drought conditions. These data suggested that SibZIP67 conferred drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis by regulating antioxidant enzyme activities and the expression of stress-related genes. The study reveals that SibZIP67 plays a beneficial role in drought response in plants, offering a valuable genetic resource for agricultural improvement in arid environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drought dramatically affects plant growth and yield. A previous study indicated that endophytic fungus Phomopsis liquidambaris can improve the drought resistance of peanuts, which is related with the root arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) community; however, how root endophytes mediate AMF assembly to affect plant drought resistance remains unclear. Here, we explored the mechanism by which endophytic fungus recruits AMF symbiotic partners via rhizodeposits to improve host drought resistance. The results showed that Ph. liquidambaris enhanced peanut drought resistance by enriching the AMF genus Claroideoglomus of the rhizosphere. Furthermore, metabolomic analysis indicated that Ph. liquidambaris significantly promoted isoformononetin and salicylic acid (SA) synthesis in rhizodeposits, which were correlated with the increase in Claroideoglomus abundance following Ph. liquidambaris inoculation. Coinoculation experiments confirmed that isoformononetin and SA could enrich Claroideoglomus etunicatum in the rhizosphere, thereby improving the drought resistance. This study highlights the crucial role of fungal consortia in plant stress resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: This review comprehensively elucidates maize drought tolerance mechanisms, vital for global food security. It highlights genetic networks, key genes, CRISPR-Cas applications, and physiological responses, guiding resilient variety development. Maize, a globally significant crop, confronts the pervasive challenge of drought stress, impacting its growth and yield significantly. Drought, an important abiotic stress, triggers a spectrum of alterations encompassing maize\'s morphological, biochemical, and physiological dimensions. Unraveling and understanding these mechanisms assumes paramount importance for ensuring global food security. Approaches like developing drought-tolerant varieties and harnessing genomic and molecular applications emerge as effective measures to mitigate the negative effects of drought. The multifaceted nature of drought tolerance in maize has been unfolded through complex genetic networks. Additionally, quantitative trait loci mapping and genome-wide association studies pinpoint key genes associated with drought tolerance, influencing morphophysiological traits and yield. Furthermore, transcription factors like ZmHsf28, ZmNAC20, and ZmNF-YA1 play pivotal roles in drought response through hormone signaling, stomatal regulation, and gene expression. Genes, such as ZmSAG39, ZmRAFS, and ZmBSK1, have been reported to be pivotal in enhancing drought tolerance through diverse mechanisms. Integration of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, targeting genes like gl2 and ZmHDT103, emerges as crucial for precise genetic enhancement, highlighting its role in safeguarding global food security amid pervasive drought challenges. Thus, decoding the genetic and molecular underpinnings of drought tolerance in maize sheds light on its resilience and paves the way for cultivating robust and climate-smart varieties, thus safeguarding global food security amid climate challenges. This comprehensive review covers quantitative trait loci mapping, genome-wide association studies, key genes and functions, CRISPR-Cas applications, transcription factors, physiological responses, signaling pathways, offering a nuanced understanding of intricate mechanisms involved in maize drought tolerance.





