Droplet vitrification

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryopreservation is a promising method for the long-term preservation of plant germplasm, especially for vegetatively propagated species like freesias. In this study, we investigate streamlining the cryopreservation process for \'Sunny Gold\' Freesia, starting from effective in vitro initiation and proliferation using various plant growth regulator combinations. We also assess the impact of subculture on regrowth rates after cryopreservation. The shoot tips were successfully initiated in vitro after sterilization. The shoots were multiplied an average of three times in media containing N6-benzyladenine and kinetin. The regrowth rates of non-cryopreserved shoot tips excised from different subculture cycles did not differ significantly, with rates of 44% observed for plants from more than five subcultures and 47% for those from three subcultures. However, only the shoot tips excised from cultures subjected to three subculture cycles were able to recover after cryopreservation, with a regrowth rate of 31%. Our findings lay the groundwork for the development of an efficient cryopreservation protocol for freesias in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potatoes are consumed by millions of people and are the survival food in several countries. Cultivated varieties of potato (Solanum tubersosum L.) are results of selection and crossing of many wild species. Only 8-13% of wild potato species used for food are preserved by either in situ or ex situ methods. The U.S. National Potato Germplasm Collection maintains over 5900 accessions, of which 75% are crop wild relatives (CWR). The objective of the study was to investigate regrowth of cryogenically stored clonal propagules (shoot tips) of selected CWR accessions maintained in the collection. Sixty-nine accessions from 30 Solanum species and six accessions that are not yet assigned to a species were cryopreserved by a droplet vitrification method at the NLGRP. The post cryopreservation regrowth varied from 40 to 100% (average 68%) but was not significantly different between the tested accessions. Regrowth of six accessions tested after 10 years of cryogenic storage was between 35 and 90% (average 66%) and was significantly different from their initial regrowth (average 87%); the largest viability loss was in S. condolleanum; but for the other five accessions the regrowth was between 45 and 90% (average 72%) and suggested at least 10 years of successful storage in LN was possible. Twelve potato wild species cryopreserved in this study were reported in literature as important for developing cultivated varieties for changed weather conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the long-term preservation of genetic resources, cryopreservation techniques have been developed for strawberry germplasm, mainly using in vitro-grown shoot tips. In this study, genetic stability was tested under greenhouse conditions for six strawberry accessions (IT232511, PHS0132, IT245810, IT245830, IT245852, and IT245860) derived from the following procedures: (1) conventional propagation (GH: greenhouse maintained); (2) in vitro propagation (TC: tissue culture); (3) pretreatment before cryopreservation (-LN: non-liquid nitrogen exposure); and (4) cryopreservation (+LN: liquid nitrogen exposure). To test the performance of phenotypic traits, we measured six vegetative and five fruit traits. There were no distinct differences in most of the characteristics, but a few traits, such as sugar content and pH of fruits in three accessions, showed higher values in +LN compared to GH. However, the differences disappeared in the first runner generation. To test genetic variations, a total of 102 bands were generated by twelve inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers. A few polymorphic bands were found only in plants derived from TC of IT245860, which was not cryopreserved. The sequencing analysis of four polymorphic bands produced by ISSR_15 showed that none of these sequences matched the characterized genes in NCBI. Phenotypic abnormality was not observed across all plants. This study indicates that cryopreserved plants of the six strawberry accessions are phenotypically and genetically stable. Therefore, the results of this study can help to implement cryobanking of strawberry germplasm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Availability of the methods for long-term virus preservation facilitates easy acquirement of viruses, which are needed in many basic and applied virological studies. Cryopreservation is currently considered an ideal means for long-term preservation of plant germplasm. Recent studies have shown that cryopreservation provided an efficient and reliable method for long-term preservation of plant viruses. Here, we describe the detailed procedures of droplet vitrification for long-term preservation of apple stem grooving virus (ASGV), which represents a type of viruses that can invade meristematic cells of the shoot tips, and potato leafroll virus (PLRV), which is a phloem-limited virus that does not infect the apical meristem. Shoot tip cryopreservation provides an advantageous strategy for the long-term preservation of plant viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cannabis has developed into a multi-billion-dollar industry that relies on clonal propagation of elite genetics with desirable agronomic and chemical phenotypes. While the goal of clonal propagation is to produce genetically uniform plants, somatic mutations can accumulate during growth and compromise long-term genetic fidelity. Cryopreservation is a process in which tissues are stored at cryogenic temperatures, halting cell division and metabolic processes to facilitate high fidelity germplasm preservation. In this study, a series of experiments were conducted to optimize various stages of cryopreservation and develop a protocol for long-term germplasm storage of Cannabis sativa. The resulting protocol uses a standard vitrification procedure to cryopreserve nodal explants from in vitro shoots as follows: nodes were cultured for 17 h in a pre-culture solution (PCS), followed by a 20-min treatment in a loading solution (LS), and a 60 min incubation in plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2). The nodes were then flash frozen in liquid nitrogen, re-warmed in an unloading solution at 40 °C, and cultured on basal MS culture medium in the dark for 5 days followed by transfer to standard culture conditions. This protocol was tested across 13 genotypes to assess the genotypic variability. The protocol was successful across all 13 genotypes, but significant variation was observed in tissue survival (43.3-80%) and regrowth of shoots (26.7-66.7%). Plants grown from cryopreserved samples were morphologically and chemically similar to control plants for most major traits, but some differences were observed in the minor cannabinoid and terpene profiles. While further improvements are likely possible, this study provides a functional cryopreservation system that works across multiple commercial genotypes for long-term germplasm preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryopreservation is currently the only method which allows long-term conservation of living clonal plant material in the vapor or liquid phase of nitrogen (at -140 to -196 °C) allowing tissue to be viable for decades or perhaps centuries. Specifically, for species with recalcitrant seeds or requiring constant vegetative propagation, it is the method of choice for the long-term conservation of its genetic resources. The protocol described here is a modification of a previously developed plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2)-droplet vitrification method of potato shoot tips, adapted from Musa species. Utilizing this protocol, the International Potato Center (CIP) has successfully stored in the cryobank more than 3000 cultivated potato accessions, belonging to seven species and nine different taxa [16], originating principally from ten countries in South and Central America. As part of CIP\'s quality management system, all vegetative material placed in cryo is routinely subsampled, thawed, and assessed to confirm that whole plantlets can be produced after storage in liquid nitrogen. Complete plant recovery rates of thawed shoot tips range from 20% to 100% (average rate: 60%). This chapter describes the complete set of steps from the routine procedure of cryopreserving potato shoot tips for long-term conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Droplet vitrification has emerged as a promising ice-free cryopreservation approach to provide a supply chain for off-the-shelf cell products in cell therapy and regenerative medicine applications. Translation of this approach requires the use of low concentration (i.e., low toxicity) permeable cryoprotectant agents (CPA) and high post cryopreservation viability (>90%), thereby demanding fast cooling and warming rates. Unfortunately, with traditional approaches using convective heat transfer, the droplet volumes that can be successfully vitrified and rewarmed are impractically small (i.e., 180 picoliter) for <2.5 m permeable CPA. Herein, a novel approach to achieve 90-95% viability in micro-liter size droplets with 2 m permeable CPA, is presented. Droplets with plasmonic gold nanorods (GNRs) are printed onto a cryogenic copper substrate for improved cooling rates via conduction, while plasmonic laser heating yields >400-fold improvement in warming rates over traditional convective approach. High viability cryopreservation is then demonstrated in a model cell line (human dermal fibroblasts) and an important regenerative medicine cell line (human umbilical cord blood stem cells). This approach opens a new paradigm for cryopreservation and rewarming of dramatically larger volume droplets at lower CPA concentration for cell therapy and other regenerative medicine applications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryopreservation is a reliable and cost-effective method for the long-term preservation of clonally propagated species. The number of vegetatively propagated species conserved by cryopreservation is increasing through development of vitrification-based methods; droplet vitrification in particular is becoming the preferred method for many species, as it ensures fast freezing and thawing rates. This research investigated if cold, antioxidant and osmotic pre-treatments could maintain the structural integrity of cells, thence aid in developing a droplet vitrification protocol for kiwifruit using Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis \'Hort16A\' as a model. Cold acclimation of donor plantlets at 4 °C for 2 weeks followed by sucrose pre-culture of shoot tips and supplementation of ascorbic acid (0.4 mM) in all media throughout the procedure registered 40% regeneration after cryopreservation. Transmission electron microscope imaging of meristematic cells confirmed sucrose and ascorbic acid pre-treatment of shoot tips from cold acclimated plantlets following treatment in vitrification solution exhibited severe plasmolysis and some disruption of membrane and vacuoles. In contrast cells without cold acclimation or sucrose and ascorbic acid pre-treatments exhibited minimal change after exposure to vitrification solution. After cryopreservation and recovery, all cells of untreated shoot tips showed rupture of the plasma membrane, loss of cytoplasmic contents and organelle distortions. By comparison, most pre-treated shoot-tip cells from cold acclimated plantlets retained their structural integrity, showing that only those cells that have been dehydrated and plasmolysed can withstand cryopreservation by vitrification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C.H. Stirton is a drought tolerant, perennial legume pasture species and a source of pharmaceutical compounds. Bituminaria breeding programs aim to develop and conserve hybrids with desirable traits such as high forage quality, tolerance to biotic or abiotic stresses, and high contents of furanocoumarins. In this work we present a cryopreservation study of different B. bituminosa accessions: two varieties and eight intervarietal hybrids resulting from crosses between the three botanical varieties: var. bituminosa, var. crassiuscula, and var. albomarginata. No previous work on cryopreservation of Bituminaria species has been reported. We applied the ultra-fast cooling method, using droplet vitrification on aluminum foil strips. First, we investigated the PVS2 toxicity and cryopreservation damage in two genotypes, comparing three PVS2 treatments and two culture media. An incubation of 30 min in PVS2 resulted in regeneration rates after cryopreservation higher than 80%. The MS medium was selected for optimal meristem outgrowth, in order to avoid the prominent callus formation that was observed in the presence of BAP. These conditions were subsequently used to cryopreserve eight other genotypes. The results were highly variable; 45 days after cryopreservation, survival ranged between 22% and 98% while regeneration ranged between 0% and 96%, depending on the accession. A significant and positive correlation was observed between survival and regeneration. At 90 days post culture plantlets could be recovered from cryopreserved explants of all genotypes. This study shows that the droplet vitrification method is promising for the cryopreservation of eight of the 10 genotypes assayed and the method can thus be applied to develop a cryobank of B. bituminosa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryopreservation is becoming a very important tool for the long-term storage of plant genetic resources and efficient cryopreservation protocols have been developed for a large number of plant species. Practical procedures, developed using in vitro tissue culture, can be a simple and reliable preservation option of potato genetic resources rather than maintaining by vegetative propagation in genebanks due their allogamous nature. Cryopreserved materials insure a long-term backup of field collections against loss of plant germplasm. Occurrence of genetic variation, in tissue culture cells during prolonged subcultures, can be avoided with suitable cryopreservation protocols that provide high regrowth, leading and facilitating a systematic and strategic cryo-banking of plant genetic resources. Cryopreservation protocols for potato reviewed here, can efficiently complement field and in vitro conservation, providing for preservation of genotypes difficult to preserve by other methods, wild types and other species decided as priority collections.






