Dietary fibre

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To prevent losses before consumption due to the rapid ripening of bananas, turning unripe bananas into flour and using it in bakery products can both enhance the functional properties of the product and transform bananas into a high-value product. In this study, it is aimed to enhance the functional properties of banana flour through fermentation, thereby investigating its potential use in the production of healthy snack biscuits which are widely consumed, especially by children and busy people. Different proportions (0%, 15%, and 30%) of unripe banana flour (UBF) and fermented unripe banana flour (FUBF) were added to biscuits, evaluating their impact on physical (color, diameter, thickness, spread ratio), textural (hardness), and functional properties (total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, dietary fiber, glycemic index). The effect of FUBF on biscuit spread ratio compared to UBF was positive (p < 0.05). The addition of UBF or FUBF significantly increased total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (p < 0.05), with the highest TPC (1167.88 mg GAE/kg) observed in biscuits containing 30% FUBF (p < 0.05). Fermentation showed no significant effect on antioxidant activity of samples (p > 0.05). The glycemic index (GI) values were notably high across all samples, with the control at 78.59 and the 30% FUBF sample at 72.74 (p < 0.05), indicating all samples fell into the high GI food category. Biscuit hardness decreased significantly with UBF or FUBF addition (p < 0.05), while fermentation had no significant impact on hardness (p > 0.05). This study underscores the potential of UBF or FUBF to contribute to healthier snack options with improved functional characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Metabolic flexibility (MetF), defined as the ability to switch between fat and glucose oxidation, is increasingly recognised as a critical marker for assessing responses to dietary interventions. Previously, we showed that the consumption of multifibre bread improved insulin sensitivity and reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc) levels in overweight and obese individuals. As a secondary objective, we aimed to explore whether our intervention could also improve MetF.
    METHODS: In this study, 39 subjects at cardiometabolic risk participated in a double-blind, randomised, crossover trial lasting 8 weeks, repeated twice. During each phase, participants consumed either 150 g of standard bread daily or bread enriched with a mixture of seven dietary fibres. MetF response was assessed using a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT), analysing changes in respiratory quotient (∆RQ) measured using indirect calorimetry.
    RESULTS: Although there were no significant differences in ∆RQ changes induced by dietary fibre between the two diets, these changes were positively correlated with postprandial triglyceride excursion (∆TG) at baseline. Subgroup analysis of baseline fasting and postprandial plasma metabolites was conducted to characterise MetF responders. These responders exhibited higher baseline fasting LDLc levels and greater post-MMTT ∆TG.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, although dietary fibres did not directly impact MetF in this study, our findings highlight potential determinants of MetF response, warranting further investigation in dedicated future interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds plays a major role in the nutritional value of foods, but there is a lack of systematic studies assessing the effect of the food matrix on bioaccessibility. Curcuminoids are phytochemicals extracted from Curcuma longa that have captured public attention due to claimed health benefits. The aim of this study is to develop a mathematical model to predict curcuminoid\'s bioaccessibility in biscuits and custard based on different fibre type formulations. Bioaccessibilities for curcumin-enriched custards and biscuits were obtained through in vitro digestion, and physicochemical food properties were characterised. A strong correlation between macronutrient concentration and bioaccessibility was observed (p = 0.89) and chosen as a main explanatory variable in a Bayesian hierarchical linear regression model. Additionally, the patterns of food matrix effects on bioaccessibility were not the same in custards as in biscuits; for example, the hemicellulose content had a moderately strong positive correlation to bioaccessibility in biscuits (p = 0.66) which was non-significant in custards (p = 0.12). Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach to model these interactions resulted in an optimisation performance of r2 = 0.97 and a leave-one-out cross-validation score (LOOCV) of r2 = 0.93. This decision-support system could assist the food industry in optimising the formulation of novel food products and enable consumers to make more informed choices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to analyse the impact of a simulated human digestion process on the composition and functional properties of dietary fibres derived from pomegranate-peel, tomato-peel, broccoli-stem and grape-stem by-products. For this purpose, a computer-controlled simulated digestion system consisting of three bioreactors (simulating the stomach, small intestine and colon) was utilised. Non-extractable phenols associated with dietary fibre and their influence on antioxidant capacity and antiproliferative activity were investigated throughout the simulated digestive phases. Additionally, the modifications in oligosaccharide composition, the microbiological population and short-chain fatty acids produced within the digestion media were examined. The type and composition of each dietary fibre significantly influenced its functional properties and behaviour during intestinal transit. Notably, the dietary fibre from the pomegranate peel retained its high phenol content throughout colon digestion, potentially enhancing intestinal health due to its strong antioxidant activity. Similarly, the dietary fibre from broccoli stems and pomegranate peel demonstrated anti-proliferative effects in both the small and the large intestines, prompting significant modifications in colonic microbiology. Moreover, these fibre types promoted the growth of bifidobacteria over lactic acid bacteria. Thus, these results suggest that the dietary fibre from pomegranate peel seems to be a promising functional food ingredient for improving human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fructans are commonly used as dietary fibre supplements for their ability to promote the growth of beneficial gut microbes. However, fructan consumption has been associated with various dosage-dependent side effects. We characterised side effects in an exploratory analysis of a randomised trial in healthy adults (n = 40) who consumed 18 g/day inulin or placebo. We found that individuals weighing more or habitually consuming higher fibre exhibited the best tolerance. Furthermore, we identified associations between gut microbiome composition and host tolerance. Specifically, higher levels of Christensenellaceae R-7 group were associated with gastrointestinal discomfort, and a machine-learning-based approach successfully predicted high levels of flatulence, with [Ruminococcus] torques group and (Oscillospiraceae) UCG-002 sp. identified as key predictive taxa. These data reveal trends that can help guide personalised recommendations for initial inulin dosage. Our results support prior ecological findings indicating that fibre supplementation has the greatest impact on individuals whose baseline fibre intake is lowest.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    In response to \"Stribling & Ibrahim 2023: Commentary to the Editor\", we wish to thank all authors for their interest in our work. The sole motive behind our narrative review, after learning the lesson from the trans-fat history and its impact on the science and food industry, is to prevent harm before it is too late. We agree with the authors regarding the importance of a worldwide unified definition of dietary fibre, but this should not have potential to worsen symptoms of those with functional bowel disorders nor cause more confusion among the public regarding the health benefits of dietary fibre. Thus, we aim to address the authors\' views and concerns, and to provide future recommendations, which will be summarised below. The following abbreviations will be used: FBDs, functional bowel disorders; DF, dietary fibre; LMW DF, low molecular weight dietary fibre; HMW DF, high molecular weight dietary fibre.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dietary fibre is mainly classified according to its chemical characteristics but structure and particle size of fibre-rich feedstuff can also be decisive for digestion and performance. So far, only few studies investigated this in pigs. This experiment aimed to compare coarse and finely ground dried hemp plants and apple pomace regarding performance and ileal and total tract nutrient digestibility of growing pigs. Coarse or finely ground apple pomace or dried hemp plants were added to the diet of 56 nine weeks old growing pigs (DanBred x Duroc), housed in flat decks with each 2 animals. The growing pigs received the experimental diets for three weeks while performance was recorded. Eight pigs per group were sacrificed and digesta and organ tissue sampled. The stomach health was evaluated by visually scoring of the mucosa integrity. Apparent ileal (AID) and total tract digestibility (ATTD) were calculated using titanium dioxide as marker. Statistical analyses were performed using two-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). The highest feed intake (fibre particle size, p = 0.018) and bodyweight gain (fibre particle size, p = 0.018; fibre source x particle size interaction, p = 0.040), was observed in animals fed finely ground apple pomace, while the feed conversion ratio was 8-12% lower in pigs fed finely ground fibre sources (p = 0.012). No differences in stomach mucosa integrity were detected between the groups. The relative pancreas (p = 0.045), stomach (p < 0.001), and jejunum (p = 0.010) weights were higher in animals fed diets containing apple pomace. In contrast, the relative liver, caecum and colon weights were not affected by fibre source or particle size. The AID of protein and amino acids was not affected, while ATTD was increased by fibre source (hemp vs. apple pomace) reducing faecal nitrogen excretion. The AID of calcium was increased when diets contained apple pomace (p < 0.001), while zinc AID and ATTD were enhanced when diets contained dried hemp (p = 0.016; p = 0.016, respectively). Our results suggest that the structure as well as the chemical characteristics should be considered in a future fibre evaluation system in pigs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functionally distinct dietary fibre sources may be combined in reformulated foods to restore a natural spectrum of health attributes. Effects of wheat bran (WB), psyllium husk, guar gum and Raftilose™ combinations on hydrated faecal mass (HFM), were determined. A valid rat model was fed diets supplemented with 10% WB, 10% WB with 1-6% psyllium in 1% steps, and 10% WB/5% psyllium with 1-7% guar gum or 1-6% Raftilose in 1% steps. Fully hydrated faecal pellets gave HFM values in the human range, increasing by 2.4 ± 0.29 g per gram of WB ingested, and by 15.6 ± 1.52 g per g of psyllium. Equations for incremental changes in HFM predicted intakes of fibre combinations required for adequate daily HFM, and it is shown how expressing relative effects of foods on HFM as functional equivalents would allow quantitative personalised management of HFM for reduced constipation and colorectal cancer in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common cooking methods were used to prepare basmati rice products, including boiling 1 (boiling by absorption), boiling 2 (boiling in extra amount of water), frying, and pressure cooking. The cooked rice was held at various temperatures and times as follows: it was made fresh (T1), kept at room temperature (20-22 °C) for 24 h (T2), kept at 4 °C for 24 h (T3), and then reheated after being kept at 4 °C for 24 h (T4). The proximate composition, total dietary fibre, resistant starch (RS), and in vitro starch digestion rate of products were examined. The effect of RS on blood glucose and lipid profiles was measured in humans and rats, including a histopathological study of the liver and pancreas in rats. The basmati rice that was prepared via boiling 1 and stored with T3 was found to be low in glycaemic index and glycaemic load, and to be high in resistant starch. Similarly, in rats, the blood glucose level, cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL were reduced by about 29.7%, 37.9%, 31.3%, and 30.5%, respectively, after the consumption of basmati rice that was prepared via boiling 1 and stored with T3. Awareness should be raised among people about the health benefits of resistant starch consumption and the right way of cooking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even though dietary fibres are often used as prebiotic supplements in dogs, the effect of individual types of fibres on canine microbiota composition is unknown. The objective of this study was to assess changes in faecal microbiota richness, diversity and taxonomic abundance with three different fibre supplements in dogs. These were psyllium husk, resistant starch from banana flour and methylcellulose. They were administered to 17 healthy dogs in a cross-over trial after transition to the same complete feed. Faecal scores and clinical activity indices were recorded, and faecal samples were collected before and at the end of supplementation, as well as 2 weeks after each supplement (washout). Illumina NovaSeq paired-end 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed on all samples. After quality control and chimera removal, alpha diversity indices were calculated with QIIME. Differences in specific taxa between groups were identified using Metastats. Methylcellulose significantly increased faecal scores but had no effect on microbiota. Psyllium resulted in minor changes in the abundance of specific taxa, but with questionable biological significance. Resistant starch reduced microbiota richness and resulted in the most abundant changes in taxa, mostly a reduction in short-chain fatty acid-producing genera of the phylum Bacillota, with an increase in genera within the Bacteroidota, Pseudomonadota, Actinomycetota and Saccharibacteria. In conclusion, while psyllium and methylcellulose led to few changes in the microbiota composition, the taxonomic changes seen with resistant starch may indicate a less favourable composition. Based on this, the type of resistant starch used here cannot be recommended as a prebiotic in dogs.





