Developmental age

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to comprehensively report the epidemiological and clinical features of atypical anorexia nervosa (AAN) in children and adolescents.
    METHODS: In May 2024, a systematic review was performed using Medline, Cochrane Library,, and relevant websites. Following PRISMA guidelines, 234 articles were screened for studies on DSM-5-defined AAN. A standardized checklist-the JBI critical appraisal tool-was adopted in assessing methodology, and 13 retained studies passed the screening and critical appraisal process for the final review. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was utilized to assess the risk of bias in cohort and case-control studies, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of methodological quality.
    RESULTS: AAN prevalence in young age groups is 2.8%, with a cumulative 2.8% incidence over 8 years. Incidence is 366 per 100,000 person-years, and the average episode duration is 11.6 months, with a 71% remission rate. Diagnostic persistence for AAN is less stable than other restrictive feeding and eating disorders (FEDs). AAN individuals exhibit higher EDE-Q scores, more severe distress, and distinct BMI differences compared to those with anorexia nervosa and controls. The diagnostic transition from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5 shows that AAN patients are predominantly female, slightly older, and with higher weight.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study yields concrete insights into the features of AAN in the developmental age, highlighting demographic variations, clinical presentations, and treatment outcomes. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by AAN individuals is vital for tailoring effective interventions and improving overall care within the FED spectrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Strategies of prevention for psychiatric disorders need a deep understanding of the aetiological factors involved in the psychopathological processes. Our twin study aims at disentangling the contributions of genes and environment to schizotypal and hypomanic dimensions, considering the role of stressful life events (LEs) and the quality of family relationships.
    METHODS: The Magical Ideation Scale (MIS) and Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS) were used to assess positive schizotypy, while Hypomanic Personality Scale (HPS) and its sub-scales were used to investigate proneness to affective disorders. 268 twins (54.5 % female; aged 18.0 ± 6.68) were included. Participants filled out a questionnaire on LEs and their parents provided an evaluation of intra-family relationship (Relationship Quality Index, RQI). Classic univariate twin models for quantitative traits were fitted for scales, and the effects of covariates (LEs and RQI) were assessed.
    RESULTS: For MIS, HPS and its sub-scales, significant common and unique environmental effects were detected, with genetic factors affecting only HPS Social Vitality sub-scale. Unique environment was the only source of variance of PAS score. The number of recent LEs influenced MIS and PAS models, while RQI score affected MIS model.
    CONCLUSIONS: The main limitation of the study is the small sample size, which reduces statistical power and may potentially lead to an underestimation of heritability. Additionally, the cross-sectional design limits the possibility to draw causal considerations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings provide preliminary evidence for a significant environmental role in modulating states of vulnerability. Moreover, the expression of positive schizotypy resulted influenced by recent stressors and intra-family relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulation of gene expression plays a crucial role in developmental processes and adaptation to changing environments. expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) mapping is a technique used to study the genetic regulation of gene expression using the transcriptomes of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Typically, the age of the inbred lines at the time of RNA sampling is carefully controlled. This is necessary because the developmental process causes changes in gene expression, complicating the interpretation of eQTL mapping experiments. However, due to genetics and variation in ambient micro-environments, organisms can differ in their \"developmental age,\" even if they are of the same chronological age. As a result, eQTL patterns are affected by developmental variation in gene expression. The model organism Caenorhabditis elegans is particularly suited for studying the effect of developmental variation on eQTL mapping patterns. In a span of days, C. elegans transitions from embryo through 4 larval stages to adult while undergoing massive changes to its transcriptome. Here, we use C. elegans to investigate the effect of developmental age variation on eQTL patterns and present a normalization procedure. We used dynamical eQTL mapping, which includes the developmental age as a cofactor, to separate the variation in development from genotypic variation and explain variation in gene expression levels. We compare classical single marker eQTL mapping and dynamical eQTL mapping using RNA-seq data of ∼200 multi-parental RILs of C. elegans. The results show that (1) many eQTLs are caused by developmental variation, (2) most trans-bands are developmental QTLs, and (3) dynamical eQTL mapping detects additional eQTLs not found with classical eQTL mapping. We recommend that correction for variation in developmental age should be strongly considered in eQTL mapping studies given the large impact of processes like development on the transcriptome.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase II
    Intravenous idursulfase is standard treatment for mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) in Japan. In the interim analysis of this open-label, phase 1/2 study (Center for Clinical Trials, Japan Medical Association: JMA-IIA00350), intracerebroventricular (ICV) idursulfase beta was well tolerated, suppressed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) heparan sulfate (HS) levels, and stabilized developmental decline over 100 weeks in Japanese children with MPS II. Here, we report the final study results, representing 5 years of ICV idursulfase beta treatment. Six male patients with MPS II and developmental delay were enrolled starting in June 2016 and followed until March 2021. Patients received up to 30 mg ICV idursulfase beta every 4 weeks. Outcomes included CSF HS levels, developmental age (DA) (assessed by the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development), and safety (adverse events). Monitoring by laboratory biochemistry tests, urinary uronic tests, immunogenicity tests, and head computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were also conducted regularly. Following ICV idursulfase beta administration, mean CSF HS concentrations decreased from 7.75 μg/mL at baseline to 2.15 μg/mL at final injection (72.3% reduction). Mean DA increased from 23.2 months at screening to 36.0 months at final observation. In five patients with null mutations, mean DA at the final observation was higher than or did not regress compared with that of historical controls receiving intravenous idursulfase only, and the change in DA was greater in patients who started administration aged ≤3 years than in those aged >3 years (+28.7 vs -6.5 months). The difference in DA change versus historical controls in individual patients was +39.5, +40.8, +17.8, +10.5, +7.6 and - 4.5 (mean + 18.6). Common ICV idursulfase beta-related adverse events were vomiting, pyrexia, gastroenteritis, and upper respiratory tract infection (most mild/moderate). These results suggest that long-term ICV idursulfase beta treatment improved neurological symptoms in Japanese children with neuronopathic MPS II.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating behaviors develop in early life and refine during childhood, shaping long-term food choice and dietary habits, which underpin optimum growth and health. The development of Food Oral Processing (FOP) is of major importance in the establishment of eating behaviors at two scale levels: for the initial acceptance of food texture and for the longer-term development of eating behaviors associated to food intake. To date, both processes have been studied as independent topics and the current review proposes a parallel vision on their development from the onset of complementary feeding to later childhood. Individual factors affecting these FOP-related behaviors as they relate to food texture acceptance are discussed, alongside examples of interventions aiming at modifying them. Opportunity to better consider food textures when designing foods for children is addressed. Altogether, the review demonstrates the critical role of food texture in the development of a child\'s FOP skills, eating habits, and dietary patterns. These scientific knowledges need to be considered for the development of healthier eating behavior. We identify research gaps that need to be addressed and highlight the need to design foods that can support the development of healthy oral processing and eating behaviors among infants and children.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at greater risk of mathematical learning disabilities due to associated motor and cognitive limitations. However, there is currently little evidence on how to support the development of arithmetic skills within such a specific profile. The aim of this single-case study was to assess the effectiveness of a neuropsychological rehabilitation of arithmetic skills in NG, a 9-year-old boy with CP who experienced math learning disability and cumulated motor and short-term memory impairments. This issue was explored combining multiple-baseline and changing-criterion designs. The intervention consisted of training NG to solve complex additions applying calculation procedures with a tailor-made computation tool. Based on NG\'s strengths, in accordance with evidence-based practice in psychology, the intervention was the result of a co-construction process involving N, his NG\'s parents and professionals (therapist and researchers). Results were analyzed by combining graph visual inspections with non-parametric statistics for single-case designs (NAP-scores). Analyses showed a specific improvement in NG\'s ability to solve complex additions, which maintained for up to 3 weeks after intervention. The training effect did not generalize to his ability to perform mental additions, and to process the symbolic magnitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migraine is a common neurological disorder in developmental age, involving up to 20% of children and adolescents. Although gender differences in migraine epidemiology and clinical characteristics have been largely investigated in adulthood, this issue is considerably less known in pediatric patients. We aim at providing an overview of gender differences in pediatric migraine. The most recent literature was reviewed taking into account the epidemiological, pathophysiological, and clinical differences between boys and girls with migraine. Although many aspects need to undergo further investigation, we conclude that different aspects of childhood migraine syndrome may vary depending on the gender and age, especially with regard to pubertal development.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    the present research represents the first systematic review of the literature on the relation between happiness (i.e., subjective well-being, life satisfaction, positive affect) and family functioning in families with children aged 6-18 years.
    relevant articles were systematically searched in three scientific databases (i.e., PsycInfo, Pubmed, and Web of Science) in June 2022. The databases were searched for original articles published after 1968 with the keywords \"happiness\" and \"family functioning.\"
    of the 2683 records recovered, 124 original articles met the eligibility criteria and were included in the review. The articles were divided according to four emergent themes: (1) family dimensions and happiness; (2) global family functioning (i.e., family functioning, and family relationships), environmental variables, and happiness; (3) parental differences; (4) longitudinal studies.
    the results of the review provide evidence for a positive relation between happiness and family functioning, across different cultures and age groups: Family dimensions (e.g., cohesion, communication) were found to strongly predict children\'s and adolescents\' happiness. Future studies should investigate the differences between fathers and mothers using multi-informant and mixed methods procedures and a longitudinal research approach. The implications of the findings for children\'s positive development are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Jumping ability in basketball is usually assessed using standardized vertical jump tests. However, they lack specificity and do not consider the player’s basketball skills. Several studies have suggested performing specific jump tests, which are tailored to the movement patterns and requirements of a basketball game. The pivot step jump test (PSJT) is a novel test designed to evaluate the specific jumping abilities of basketball players by combining a pivot step on one leg with a maximum bilateral vertical jump. This study had two aims: to determine the reliability and validity of the PSJT using typical jump tests as the criterion measure and to demonstrate the PSJT as a practical test to evaluate specific jumping ability in young male and female basketball players. Twenty female (EGA; 14.0 ± 0.7 years, 59.3 ± 7.9 kg, 162.1 ± 5.5 cm) and fifteen male (EGB; 14.0 ± 0.7 years, 58.1 ± 7.7 kg, 170.3 ± 6.4 cm) basketball players participated in the study. The test−retest reliability of the PSJT within sessions (intrasession reliability) and across sessions (intersession reliability) was assessed within EGA. For the evaluation of validity, EGB performed the PSJT and a series of criterion jumping tests. For EGA, no changes (p > 0.05) were found in PSJT performance between test sessions and excellent intra- and intersession reliability was observed (ICCs > 0.75). Correlation coefficients indicated high factorial validity between the jumping tests and PSJT (r = 0.71−0.91, p < 0.001). The PSJT appears to offer a valid assessment of jumping ability in basketball and is a practical test for assessing sport-specific jumping skills in young basketball players.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating disorders (EDs) are characterized by behavioral and cognitive aspects that result in a significant impairment of an individual\'s well-being. COVID-19 pandemic consequences negatively impacted healthcare services and people\'s mental health. Particularly, in developmental ages, difficulties in coping with the situation could have had an impact on eating behaviors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess EDs\' hospitalization trend before, during and after the pandemic peak to evaluate whether it has been influenced. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on the hospital discharge forms of patients from 5 to 19 years old in Piedmont, which is a region in northern Italy. Overall, hospitalization, age, and gender-specific rates due to EDs that occurred in 2020 and 2021 were compared to those that occurred in 2018-2019. Since 2020, there has been a 55% reduction in overall hospitalizations, while the total proportion of EDs admissions has doubled from 2020 to 2021 (from 13.9‱ to 22.2‱). Significant hospitalization rate increases were observed both in 15-19 and in 10-14 females\' age groups in 2021. Non-significant increases were observed in all males\' age groups. The increase in hospitalizations for EDs should be further investigated, as it might be the tip of an iceberg not yet acknowledged.





