DTT, dithiothreitol

DTT, 二硫苏糖醇
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MERS-CoV belongs to the coronavirus group. Recent years have seen a rash of coronavirus epidemics. In June 2012, MERS-CoV was discovered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with 2,591 MERSA cases confirmed by lab tests by the end of August 2022 and 894 deaths at a case-fatality ratio (CFR) of 34.5% documented worldwide. Saudi Arabia reported the majority of these cases, with 2,184 cases and 813 deaths (CFR: 37.2%), necessitating a thorough understanding of the molecular machinery of MERS-CoV. To develop antiviral medicines, illustrative investigation of the protein in coronavirus subunits are required to increase our understanding of the subject. In this study, recombinant expression and purification of MERS-CoV (PLpro), a primary goal for the development of 22 new inhibitors, were completed using a high throughput screening methodology that employed fragment-based libraries in conjunction with structure-based virtual screening. Compounds 2, 7, and 20, showed significant biological activity. Moreover, a docking analysis revealed that the three compounds had favorable binding mood and binding free energy. Molecular dynamic simulation demonstrated the stability of compound 2 (2-((Benzimidazol-2-yl) thio)-1-arylethan-1-ones) the strongest inhibitory activity against the PLpro enzyme. In addition, disubstitutions at the meta and para locations are the only substitutions that may boost the inhibitory action against PLpro. Compound 2 was chosen as a MERS-CoV PLpro inhibitor after passing absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion studies; however, further investigations are required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porphyromonas gingivalis, the cause of periodontitis, is also linked to many systemic disorders due to its citrullination capability from a unique peptidyl arginine deiminase (PPAD). Protein citrullination is able to trigger an autoimmune response, increasing the severity of rheumatoid arthritis. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the inhibitory activity of Cratoxylym cochinchinense leaves extract towards the PPAD in vitro and in silico. Methanolic extract of Cratoxylum cochinchinense (CCM) was tested for total phenolic and flavonoid contents along with antioxidative assays. Inhibition of PPAD activities was conducted thereafter using recombinant PPAD in cell lysate. Phytocompounds postulated present in the CCM such as mangiferin, vismiaquinone A, δ-tocotrienol and α-tocotrienol and canophyllol were used as ligands in a simulated docking study against PPAD. Results obtained indicated high antioxidant potential in CCM while recording abundant phenolic (129.0 ± 2.5495 mg GA/g crude extract) and flavonoid (159.0 ± 2.1529 mg QE/g crude extract) contents. A dose-dependent inhibition of PPAD was observed when CCM was evaluated at various concentrations. CCM at 1 mg/mL exhibited citrulline concentration of 24.37 ± 3.25 mM which was 5 times lower than the negative control (114.23 ± 3.31 mM). Molecular docking simulation revealed that mangiferin and vismiaquinone A engaged in H-bonding and pi-pi interactions with important active site residues (Asp130, Arg152, Arg154 and Trp127) of PPAD and could be the potential phytochemicals that accounted for the inhibitory activities observed in the methanolic leaves extract. As such, CCM could be further explored for its therapeutic properties not only for periodontitis, but also for other systemic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death globally and metastasis always leads to treatment failure. Here, we develop a versatile hydrogel loading photothermal agents, chemotherapeutics, and immune-adjuvants to eradicate orthotopic tumors and inhibit metastasis by combinational therapy. Hydrogel networks were synthesized via the thiol-Michael addition of polydopamine (PDA) with thiolated hyaluronic acid. PDA acted as a cross-linking agent and endowed the hydrogel with excellent photothermal property. Meanwhile, a chemotherapeutic agent, doxorubicin (DOX), was loaded in the hydrogel via π‒π stacking with PDA and an immune-adjuvant, CpG-ODN, was loaded via electrostatic interaction. The release of DOX from the hydrogel was initially slow but accelerated due to near infrared light irradiation. The hydrogels showed remarkably synergistic effect against 4T1 cancer cells and stimulated plenty of cytokines secreting from RAW264.7 cells. Moreover, the hydrogels eradicated orthotopic murine breast cancer xenografts and strongly inhibited metastasis after intratumoral injection and light irradiation. The high anticancer efficiency of this chemo-photothermal immunotherapy resulted from the strong synergistic effect of the versatile hydrogels, including the evoked host immune response. The combinational strategy of chemo-photothermal immunotherapy is promising for highly effective treatment of breast cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gradual increase of multidrug resistant infections is a threat to the human race as MDR plasmids have acquired.>10 mdr and drug efflux genes to inactivate antibiotics. Plants secret anti-metabolites to retard growth of soil and water bacteria and are ideal source of antibiotics.
    OBJECTIVE: Purpose of the study is to discover an alternate phyto-drug from medicinal plants of India that selectively kills MDR bacteria.
    METHODS: MDR bacteria isolated from Ganga river water, milk, chicken meat and human hair for testing phyto-extracts. Eighty medicinal plants were searched and six phyto-extracts were selected having good antibacterial activities as demonstrated by agar-hole assays giving 15 ​mm or greater lysis zone. Phyto-extracts were made in ethanol or methanol (1:5 w/v) for overnight and were concentrated. Preparative TLC and HPLC were performed to purify phytochemical. MASS, NMR, FTIR methods were used for chemical analysis of CU1. In vitro RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase assays were performed for target identification.
    RESULTS: CU1 belongs to a saponin bromo-polyphenol compound with a large structure that purified on HPLC C18 column at 3min. CU1 is bacteriocidal but three times less active than rifampicin in Agar-hole assay. While in LB medium it shows greater than fifteen times poor inhibitor due to solubility problem. CU1 inhibited transcription from Escherichia coli as well as Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA Polymerases. Gel shift assays demonstrated that CU1 interferes at the open promoter complex formation step. On the other hand CU1 did not inhibit DNA polymerase.
    CONCLUSIONS: Phyto-chemicals from Cassia fistula bark are abundant, less toxic, target specific and may be a safer low cost drug against MDR bacterial diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) reactions have grown in popularity with particular interest in applications such as gene construct prototyping, biosensor technologies and the production of proteins with novel chemistry. Work has frequently focussed on optimising CFPS protocols for improving protein yield, reducing cost, or developing streamlined production protocols. Here we describe a statistical Design of Experiments analysis of 20 components of a popular CFPS reaction buffer. We simultaneously identify factors and factor interactions that impact on protein yield, rate of reaction, lag time and reaction longevity. This systematic experimental approach enables the creation of a statistical model capturing multiple behaviours of CFPS reactions in response to components and their interactions. We show that a novel reaction buffer outperforms the reference reaction by 400% and importantly reduces failures in CFPS across batches of cell lysates, strains of E. coli, and in the synthesis of different proteins. Detailed and quantitative understanding of how reaction components affect kinetic responses and robustness is imperative for future deployment of cell-free technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Ravulizumab (RAVUL) is a new complement inhibitor, with a difference of 4 amino acids in the heavy chain from a predecessor compound, eculizumab (ECUL).
    UNASSIGNED: First, to utilize mass spectrometry (MS) to characterize RAVUL and verify differences from its predecessor and, second, to validate and implement a lab developed test (LDT) for RAVUL that will allow for quantitative therapeutic monitoring.
    UNASSIGNED: A time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) was used to characterize and differentiate the molecular weight differences between RAVUL and ECUL by both digest and reduction experiments. In parallel, an LDT for RAVUL was validated and implemented utilizing IgG4 enrichment with light chain detection and quantitation on a high throughput orbitrap MS platform.
    UNASSIGNED: The TOF-MS platform allowed for the mass difference between RAVUL and ECUL to be verified along with providing a proof of concept for a new intact protein quantitation software. An LDT on an orbitrap MS was validated and implemented using intact light chain quantitation, with the limitation that it cannot differentiate between ECUL and RAVUL. The LDT has an analytical measuring range from 5 to 600 mcg/mL, inter-assay imprecision of ≤13% CV (n = 13) and accuracy with <4% error from expected values (n = 20).
    UNASSIGNED: The TOF-MS is a versatile development platform that can be used to characterize and verify the molecular weight differences between the ECUL and RAVUL heavy chains. Routine laboratory testing for RAVUL was viable using an orbitrap-MS to quantitate using the mass of the intact light chain. These two platforms, combined, provide incomparable value in development of LDTs for the clinical laboratory.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inborn errors of propionate, cobalamin and methionine metabolism are targets for Newborn Screening (NBS) in most programs world-wide, and are primarily screened by analyzing for propionyl carnitine (C3) and methionine in dried blood spot (DBS) cards using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Single-tier NBS approaches using C3 and methionine alone lack specificity, which can lead to an increased false-positive rate if conservative cut-offs are applied to minimize the risk of missing cases. Implementation of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) second-tier testing for 2-methylcitric acid (MCA), methylmalonic acid (MMA), and homocysteine (HCY) from the same DBS card can improve disease screening performance by reducing the false-positive rate and eliminating the need for repeat specimen collection. However, DBS analysis of MCA, MMA, and HCY by LC-MS/MS is challenging due to limited specimen size and analyte characteristics leading to a combination of low MS/MS sensitivity and poor reverse-phase chromatographic retention. Sufficient MS response and analytical performance can be achieved for MCA by amidation using DAABD-AE and by butylation for MMA and HCY. Herein we describe the validation of a second-tier dual derivatization LC-MS/MS approach to detect elevated MCA, MMA, and HCY in DBS cards for NBS. Clinical utility was demonstrated by retrospective analysis of specimens, an interlaboratory method comparison, and assessment of external proficiency samples. Imprecision was <10.8% CV, with analyte recoveries between 90.2 and 109.4%. Workflows and analytical performance characteristics of this second-tier LC-MS/MS approach are amenable to implementation in the NBS laboratory.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aberrant activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in colonic macrophages strongly associates with the occurrence and progression of ulcerative colitis. Although targeting NLRP3 inflammasome has been considered to be a potential therapy, the underlying mechanism through which pathway the intestinal inflammation is modulated remains controversial. By focusing on the flavonoid lonicerin, one of the most abundant constituents existed in a long historical anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious herb Lonicera japonica Thunb., here we report its therapeutic effect on intestinal inflammation by binding directly to enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) histone methyltransferase. EZH2-mediated modification of H3K27me3 promotes the expression of autophagy-related protein 5, which in turn leads to enhanced autophagy and accelerates autolysosome-mediated NLRP3 degradation. Mutations of EZH2 residues (His129 and Arg685) indicated by the dynamic simulation study have found to greatly diminish the protective effect of lonicerin. More importantly, in vivo studies verify that lonicerin dose-dependently disrupts the NLRP3-ASC-pro-caspase-1 complex assembly and alleviates colitis, which is compromised by administration of EZH2 overexpression plasmid. Thus, these findings together put forth the stage for further considering lonicerin as an anti-inflammatory epigenetic agent and suggesting EZH2/ATG5/NLRP3 axis may serve as a novel strategy to prevent ulcerative colitis as well as other inflammatory diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Syndecans are membrane proteoglycans regulating extracellular matrix assembly, cell adhesion and signaling. Their ectodomains can be shed from the cell surface, and act as paracrine and autocrine effectors or as competitors of full-length syndecans. We report the first biophysical characterization of the recombinant ectodomains of the four human syndecans using biophysical techniques, and show that they behave like flexible random-coil intrinsically disordered proteins, and adopt several conformation ensembles in solution. We have characterized their conformational landscapes using native mass spectrometry (MS) and ion-mobility MS, and demonstrated that the syndecan ectodomains explore the majority of their conformational landscape, from minor compact, globular-like, conformations to extended ones. We also report that the ectodomain of syndecan-4, corresponding to a natural isoform, is able to dimerize via a disulfide bond. We have generated a three-dimensional model of the C-terminus of this dimer, which supports the dimerization via a disulfide bond. Furthermore, we have mapped the NXIP adhesion motif of syndecans and their sequences involved in the formation of ternary complexes with integrins and growth factor receptors on the major conformations of their ectodomains, and shown that these sequences are not accessible in all the conformations, suggesting that only some of them are biologically active. Lastly, although the syndecan ectodomains have a far lower number of amino acid residues than their membrane partners, their intrinsic disorder and flexibility allow them to adopt extended conformations, which have roughly the same size as the cell surface receptors (e.g., integrins and growth factor receptors) they bind to.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the whole GFP family, a few cases, when a single mutation in the chromophore environment strongly inhibits maturation, were described. Here we study EYFP-F165G - a variant of the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein - obtained by a single F165G replacement, and demonstrated multiple fluorescent states represented by the minor emission peaks in blue and yellow ranges (~470 and ~530 nm), and the major peak at ~330 nm. The latter has been assigned to tryptophan fluorescence, quenched due to excitation energy transfer to the mature chromophore in the parental EYFP protein. EYFP-F165G crystal structure revealed two general independent routes of post-translational chemistry, resulting in two main states of the polypeptide chain with the intact chromophore forming triad (~85%) and mature chromophore (~15%). Our experiments thus highlighted important stereochemical role of the 165th position strongly affecting spectral characteristics of the protein. On the basis of the determined EYFP-F165G three-dimensional structure, new variants with ~ 2-fold improved brightness were engineered.






