DNA profile

DNA 图谱
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disaster victim identification (DVI) refers to the forensic identification of unknown individuals following a mass disaster event. Human dental structures can contain viable DNA sources when other soft tissues are compromised. However, labor-intensive sample preparation performed by extensively trained personnel is needed to expose the nuclear material for traditional forensic DNA workflows. With this in mind, we evaluated two simplified sample preparation protocols for processing tooth samples using either a conventional forensic DNA workflow or the Applied Biosystems® RapidHIT™ ID instrument. Briefly, sample sets for both protocols included 10 deciduous teeth that were cleaned prior to either fragmentation with a claw hammer (for RapidHIT™ ID processing) or fine-powder pulverization with a consumer-grade coffee grinder (for traditional workflows). The average percentage of expected STR alleles that were detected above analytical threshold for these tooth samples were comparable between methods: RapidHIT™ ID = 99.0% and GlobalFiler™ = 99.8%. Average intralocus heterozygote peak height ratios (PHRs) were comparable: RapidHIT™ ID = 0.80 and GlobalFiler™ = 0.86. Importantly, 9 of 10 samples analyzed via the RapidHIT™ ID required analyst review for flagged artifact peaks and quality issues. Across all profiles, 91% of alleles passed quality metrics for the RapidHIT™ workflow versus 100% for conventional GlobalFiler™ analysis. Collectively, these results suggest that quick, low-tech tooth sample fragmentation followed by analysis with the RapidHIT™ ID instrument can produce complete STR profiles from aged tooth samples. Future studies should include larger samples sets, more challenging tooth samples, and further simplification of sample preparation to enable field-forward, on-scene DVI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Employed for the first time in 1986, DNA profiling is nowadays established as one of the most widely used forensic techniques worldwide. However, until today, no efficient sampling technique existed to collect DNA from human skin cells from a large area, not to say from the floor of an entire room. This has been extremely unfortunate, as there is enormous forensic potential in these DNA traces from the ground to provide clues as to who has been present at a particular location, i.e. at the crime scene. By desquamation, humans loose several millions of skin cells per day, everywhere they stand, sit or walk; and they can do little about it. We developed a fast and simple method by which we can make use of all those lost skin cells. We use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a specialized filter cartridge to sample the ground. Fragmentation of the filter membrane and subsequent parallel processing of the filter fragments, using a modified Chelex® 100 extraction protocol, significantly reduce the complexity of the dust mixture. In this way, a large number of interpretable major contributor DNA profiles can be generated from individuals who have been present on the sampled surface. Overall, at least 38 % of the generated DNA profiles from all sampled test areas fulfilled the criteria for submission of single major contributor profiles to the Swiss DNA database. As demonstrated through a mock crime scene scenario simulating an indoor stabbing event, the perpetrator\'s DNA could be found on the floor even after a very short stay in the room of less than one minute. Furthermore, already the first application of the method at a real crime scene led to relevant case information for the police. Given its large investigative potential, we recommend Total Human DNA Sampling as a helpful complemental forensic tool to conventional DNA trace collection in major crimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Touch DNA recovery from firearms can be central to many criminal investigations, yet the generation of DNA profiles from these items remains poor. Currently in Australia, published casework data highlights extremely poor DNA success from samples recovered from firearms. Only between 5% and 25% of samples result in useful DNA data and therefore increasing the success of DNA recovered from firearms is highly important but has not yet been explored in-depth. This study focused on increasing the recovery of DNA from ten firearm components that were held for 15 s. Multiple recovery methods were used, and the resulting genetic data compared. DNA evidence may be deliberately removed from firearms after discharge to hamper forensic investigations, therefore this study examined the effect of wiping down the components or handling them with gloves. A standard double swab and rinse swab recovery method resulted in an average of 73% cellular recovery. A cumulative swab process had the highest average recovery at 86%, although it was found that increasing the DNA yield led to an increase in mixture complexity. Wiping over the components was observed to remove on average 69% of cellular material, compared with 33% when handed with gloves. However, the size and texture of the components affected the efficiency of cellular material removal. The results from this study allow for prioritisation of areas to sample on firearms, as well as suggesting techniques that can be applied for the optimum process of cellular recovery and subsequent generation of STR DNA data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic DNA profiles are established by multiplex PCR amplification of a set of highly variable short tandem repeat (STR) loci followed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) as a means to assign alleles to PCR products of differential length. Recently, CE analysis of STR amplicons has been supplemented by high-throughput next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques that are able to detect isoalleles bearing sequence polymorphisms and allow for an improved analysis of degraded DNA. Several such assays have been commercialised and validated for forensic applications. However, these systems are cost-effective only when applied to high numbers of samples. We report here an alternative, cost-efficient shallow-sequence output NGS assay called maSTR assay that, in conjunction with a dedicated bioinformatics pipeline called SNiPSTR, can be implemented with standard NGS instrumentation. In a back-to-back comparison with a CE-based, commercial forensic STR kit, we find that for samples with low DNA content, with mixed DNA from different individuals, or containing PCR inhibitors, the maSTR assay performs equally well, and with degraded DNA is superior to CE-based analysis. Thus, the maSTR assay is a simple, robust and cost-efficient NGS-based STR typing method applicable for human identification in forensic and biomedical contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the genetic substructure of a population is essential for proper forensic genetic analysis. The Lebanese population has a high rate of endogamous and consanguineous marriages and is segregated based on religious belongings. However, no genetic population studies have been performed up to date to estimate the degree of genetic substructure and inbreeding coefficients.
    The present study analyzed a compendium of 23 autosomal STRs typed in 1400 individuals belonging to the seven major Lebanese religious subcommunities. Inbreeding coefficients such as F statistics were estimated.
    Results showed a Fst (theta) value of 0.002, indicating a low genetic subdivision within the Lebanese population.
    This study aimed at assessing the genetic substructure of the Lebanese population by analyzing 1400 Lebanese citizens\' samples using 23 STR markers. F statistics were computed to evaluate the degree of genetic substructure. Results showed a Fst value of 0.002, indicating a low genetic subdivision within the Lebanese population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In forensic crime scene investigations, biological fluids such as blood are commonly found in soil. However, the analysis of blood-stained soil can be challenging due to the presence of inhibitors which limit the effective extraction and amplification of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) required to produce a reportable DNA profile. There are some extraction methods that have been applied to blood-stained soil in forensic science, but these have produced sporadic results. This research has taken a number of different extraction methods from the fields of ancient DNA and environmental DNA and broken them down into the individual steps of pre-treatment, incubation, separation and purification. These steps were assessed independently then combined into various extraction methods to determine the best technique that can effectively and reliably profile human DNA from blood-stained soil. Testing involved assessment of three extraction buffers, (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, guanidine thiocyanate, and proteinase K), four pre-treatment methods, (polyvinylpyrrolidone, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide), three separation steps, (centrifugation, phenol chloroform, and chloroform) and four purification steps, (size exclusion chromatography, bind elute columns, isopropanol precipitation and silica magnetic beads). The most effective procedure was found to be a polyvinylpyrrolidone pre-treatment with a proteinase K extraction buffer followed by magnetic silica bead purification with or without centrifugation. However, centrifugation separation was found to be equally effective after the pre-treatment step as after the incubation step. Our results shows that most of the current forensic procedures would benefit from the addition of a pre-treatment step prior to processing through the automated DNA profiling pipeline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance of DNA evidence for gaining investigative leads demands a fast workflow for forensic DNA profiling performed in large volumes. Therefore, we developed software solutions for automated DNA profile analysis, contamination check, major donor inference, DNA database (DDB) comparison and reporting of the conclusions. This represents the Fast DNA IDentification Line (FIDL) and this study describes its development, validation and implementation in criminal casework at the authors\' institute. This first implementation regards single donor profiles and major contributors to mixtures. The validation included testing of the software components on their own and examination of the performance of different DDB search strategies. Furthermore, end-to-end testing was performed under three conditions: (1) testing of scenarios that can occur in DNA casework practice, (2) tests using three months of previous casework data, and (3) testing in a casework production environment in parallel to standard casework practices. The same DNA database candidates were retrieved by this automated line as by the manual workflow. The data flow was correct, results were reproducible and robust, results requiring manual analysis were correctly flagged, and reported results were as expected. Overall, we found FIDL valid for use in casework practice in our institute. The results from FIDL are automatically reported within three working days from receiving the trace sample. This includes the time needed for registration of the case, DNA extraction, quantification, polymerase chain reaction and capillary electrophoresis. FIDL itself takes less than two hours from intake of the raw CE data to reporting. Reported conclusions are one of five options: (1) candidate retrieved from DDB, (2) no candidate retrieved from DDB, (3) high evidential value with regards to reference within the case, (4) results require examination of expert, or (5) insufficient amount of DNA obtained to generate a DNA profile. In our current process, the automated report is sent within three working days and a complete report, with confirmation of the FIDL results, and signed by a reporting officer is sent at a later time. The signed report may include additional analyses regarding e.g. minor contributors. The automated report with first case results is quickly available to the police enabling them to act upon the DNA results prior to receiving the full DNA report. This line enables a uniform and efficient manner of handling large numbers of traces and cases and provides high value investigative leads in the early stages of the investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Touch DNA is pivotal in forensic science therefore understanding the mechanisms and variations of deposition and composition of genetic material in touched deposits is essential. Shedder status is still poorly understood, and the consistency and cohesiveness of research is less developed compared to other transfer and persistence considerations. In this study, the inter- and intra-variations between shedder categories and individuals were investigated by use of a nucleic acid binding dye. Ten volunteers deposited 30 thumbprints under two different time points post handwashing: 15 after a period of 15 min post handwashing (defined) and 15 after a period of at least 60 min post handwashing (undefined). Thumbprints were made on glass slides, marked with a grid of 55 squares, then the marks were stained with Diamond Dye and the cells that fluoresced in each square (7500 total) counted to determine the total number of cells. Shedders were less consistent in cellular deposition when thumbprints were made in the defined condition compared to waiting at least 60 min. Heavy shedders consistently generated informative profiles (defined here as 12 or more alleles); this occurred 73% of the time in the defined condition and 87% in the undefined. Intermediate shedders produced informative profiles, which occurred 50% of the time in the defined and 80% in the undefined condition. Light shedders consistently produced uninformative profiles with only 33% being considered uploadable to a DNA database for the defined condition and 27% informative for the undefined condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid DNA technology is being utilized for reference profiles worldwide. There is also strong data in the literature to support its use for high-template DNA sources, the same is not true for low-template sources, such as touch DNA; this is a requirement before wider implementation to forensic casework is considered. We report on the Rapid HIT Intel cartridge\'s ability to facilitate successful amplification of touch DNA to obtain profiles from template deposited on items commonly encountered in forensic casework. Eight items were touched in ten replicates- two were tapelifted, three swabbed, and three directly inserted. Significance was observed in the alleles amplified and RFU with respect to sample type. Three samples performed well: cable tie, fabric, and matchstick. As two of these were directly inserted, this should be considered for any sample small enough. Placement of highly absorbent substrates into the cartridge is not advised as it can cause a lysate-pull error. Heterozygote loci often presented as homozygous (32%-78% loci per profile); this was influenced by substrate type and profile RFU. Loci with larger masses exhibited higher false homozygosity also. Comparison of the donor\'s profile analyzed was performed against previous datasets analyzing touch DNA through standard workflow, including manual DNA extraction, PCR, and CE separation. These data show that for all substrates, except for a fabric swatch, standard processing is preferential to Rapid HIT analysis. In its current form, rapid DNA technology is not fit for the routine analysis of touch DNA samples in forensic casework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is a valued companion animal throughout the world. Over 60 different cat breeds are accepted for competition by the cat fancy registries in different countries. Genetic markers, including short tandem repeats and SNPs, are available to evaluate and manage levels of inbreeding and genetic diversity, population and breed structure relationships, and individual identification for forensic and registration purposes. The International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) hosts the Applied Genetics in Companion Animals Workshop, which supports the standardization of genetic marker panels and genotyping for the identification of cats via comparison testing. SNP panels have been in development for many species, including the domestic cat. An ISAG approved core panel of SNPs for use in cat identification and parentage analyses is presented. SNPs (n = 121) were evaluated by different university-based and commercial laboratories using 20 DNA samples as part of the ISAG comparison testing procedures. Different SNP genotyping technologies were examined, including DNA arrays, genotyping-by-sequencing and mass spectroscopy, to select a robust and efficient panel of 101 SNPs as the ISAG core panel for cats. The SNPs are distributed across all chromosomes including two on the X chromosome and an XY pseudo-autosomal sexing marker (zinc-finger XY; ZFXY). A population study demonstrated that the markers have an average polymorphic information content of 0.354 and a power of exclusion greater than 0.9999. The SNP panel should keep testing affordable while also allowing for the development of additional panels to monitor health, phenotypic traits, hybrid cats and highly inbred cats.






