DNA Damage Tolerance

DNA 损伤耐受性
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Timely and accurate DNA replication is critical for safeguarding genome integrity and ensuring cell viability. Yet, this process is challenged by DNA damage blocking the progression of the replication machinery. To counteract replication fork stalling, evolutionary conserved DNA damage tolerance (DDT) mechanisms promote DNA damage bypass and fork movement. One of these mechanisms involves \"skipping\" DNA damage through repriming downstream of the lesion, leaving single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) gaps behind the advancing forks (also known as post-replicative gaps). In vertebrates, repriming in damaged leading templates is proposed to be mainly promoted by the primase and polymerase PRIMPOL. In this review, we discuss recent advances towards our understanding of the physiological and pathological conditions leading to repriming activation in human models, revealing a regulatory network of PRIMPOL activity. Upon repriming by PRIMPOL, post-replicative gaps formed can be filled-in by the DDT mechanisms translesion synthesis and template switching. We discuss novel findings on how these mechanisms are regulated and coordinated in time to promote gap filling. Finally, we discuss how defective gap filling and aberrant gap expansion by nucleases underlie the cytotoxicity associated with post-replicative gap accumulation. Our increasing knowledge of this repriming mechanism - from gap formation to gap filling - is revealing that targeting the last step of this pathway is a promising approach to exploit post-replicative gaps in anti-cancer therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fidelity of replication, especially in the presence of DNA damage, is essential for the proper function of cells. Mutations that inactivate genes involved in DNA damage repair or bypass are enriched in several types of cancer cells. Thus, it is important to further our understanding of the mechanisms governing replication fidelity. PCNA is a ring-shaped complex that encircles DNA at the front of the replication fork, at the double-stranded/single-stranded DNA junction. It serves as a processivity factor for the different DNA replication polymerases, allowing them to replicate longer stretches of DNA by physically tethering them to the DNA and preventing their detachment. In addition, PCNA also regulates and coordinates different DNA damage bypass pathways meant to allow DNA replication in the presence of DNA damage. Due to its essentiality and the numerous functions it has in the cell, much is still unclear about PCNA. Here, we utilize PCNA mutants that lower the stability of the PCNA complex on the chromatin, and thus tend to disassociate and fall from the DNA. Using these mutants, we show that PCNA\'s physical presence on the DNA can prevent DNA misalignment at repetitive sequences, leading to increased mutation formation. We also show that PCNA-interacting proteins play an important role in strengthening the ring\'s stability on the chromatin. Such repetitive sequence-induced mutations are common in several human diseases and it is important to study their formation and the mechanisms guarding against them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At the core of cellular life lies a carefully orchestrated interplay of DNA replication, recombination, chromatin assembly, sister-chromatid cohesion and transcription. These fundamental processes, while seemingly discrete, are inextricably linked during genome replication. A set of replisome factors integrate various DNA transactions and contribute to the transient formation of sister chromatid junctions involving either the cohesin complex or DNA four-way junctions. The latter structures serve DNA damage bypass and may have additional roles in replication fork stabilization or in marking regions of replication fork blockage. Here, we will discuss these concepts based on the ability of one replisome component, Ctf4, to act as a hub and functionally link these processes during DNA replication to ensure genome maintenance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication is remarkably accurate with estimates of only a handful of mutations per human genome per cell division cycle. Replication stress caused by DNA lesions, transcription-replication conflicts, and other obstacles to the replication machinery must be efficiently overcome in ways that minimize errors and maximize completion of DNA synthesis. Replication fork reversal is one mechanism that helps cells tolerate replication stress. This process involves reannealing of parental template DNA strands and generation of a nascent-nascent DNA duplex. While fork reversal may be beneficial by facilitating DNA repair or template switching, it must be confined to the appropriate contexts to preserve genome stability. Many enzymes have been implicated in this process including ATP-dependent DNA translocases like SMARCAL1, ZRANB3, HLTF, and the helicase FBH1. In addition, the RAD51 recombinase is required. Many additional factors and regulatory activities also act to ensure reversal is beneficial instead of yielding undesirable outcomes. Finally, reversed forks must also be stabilized and often need to be restarted to complete DNA synthesis. Disruption or deregulation of fork reversal causes a variety of human diseases. In this review we will describe the latest models for reversal and key mechanisms of regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translesion synthesis (TLS) is a mechanism of DNA damage tolerance utilized by eukaryotic cells to replicate DNA across lesions that impede the high-fidelity replication machinery. In TLS, a series of specialized DNA polymerases are employed, which recognize specific DNA lesions, insert nucleotides across the damage, and extend the distorted primer-template. This allows cells to preserve genetic integrity at the cost of mutations. In humans, TLS enzymes include the Y-family, inserter polymerases, Polη, Polι, Polκ, Rev1, and the B-family extender polymerase Polζ, while in S. cerevisiae only Polη, Rev1, and Polζ are present. To bypass DNA lesions, TLS polymerases cooperate, assembling into a complex on the eukaryotic sliding clamp, PCNA, termed the TLS mutasome. The mutasome assembly is contingent on protein-protein interactions (PPIs) between the modular domains and subunits of TLS enzymes, and their interactions with PCNA and DNA. While the structural mechanisms of DNA lesion bypass by the TLS polymerases and PPIs of their individual modules are well understood, the mechanisms by which they cooperate in the context of TLS complexes have remained elusive. This review focuses on structural studies of TLS polymerases and describes the case of TLS holoenzyme assemblies in action emerging from recent high-resolution Cryo-EM studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-free extracts derived from Xenopus eggs have been widely used to decipher molecular pathways involved in several cellular processes including DNA synthesis, the DNA damage response, and genome integrity maintenance. We set out assays using Xenopus cell-free extracts to study translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), a branch of the DNA damage tolerance pathway that allows replication of damaged DNA. Using this system, we were able to recapitulate TLS activities that occur naturally in vivo during early embryogenesis. This chapter describes protocols to detect chromatin-bound TLS factors by western blotting and immunofluorescence microscopy upon induction of DNA damage by UV irradiation, monitor TLS-dependent mutagenesis, and perform proteomic screening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Replication fork reversal, a critical protective mechanism against replication stress in higher eukaryotic cells, is orchestrated via a series of coordinated enzymatic reactions. The Bloom syndrome gene product, BLM, a member of the highly conserved RecQ helicase family, is implicated in this process, yet its precise regulation and role remain poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that the GCFC domain-containing protein TFIP11 forms a complex with the BLM helicase. TFIP11 exhibits a preference for binding to DNA substrates that mimic the structure generated at stalled replication forks. Loss of either TFIP11 or BLM leads to the accumulation of the other protein at stalled forks. This abnormal accumulation, in turn, impairs RAD51-mediated fork reversal and slowing, sensitizes cells to replication stress-inducing agents, and enhances chromosomal instability. These findings reveal a previously unidentified regulatory mechanism that modulates the activities of BLM and RAD51 at stalled forks, thereby impacting genome integrity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well-established that, through canonical functions in transcription and DNA repair, the tumor suppressor p53 plays a central role in safeguarding cells from the consequences of DNA damage. Recent data retrieved in tumor and stem cells demonstrated that p53 also carries out non-canonical functions when interacting with the translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerase iota (POLι) at DNA replication forks. This protein complex triggers a DNA damage tolerance (DDT) mechanism controlling the DNA replication rate. Given that the levels of p53 trigger non-binary rheostat-like functions in response to stress or during differentiation, we explore the relevance of the p53 levels for its DDT functions at the fork. We show that subtle changes in p53 levels modulate the contribution of some DDT factors including POLι, POLη, POLζ, REV1, PCNA, PRIMPOL, HLTF and ZRANB3 to the DNA replication rate. Our results suggest that the levels of p53 are central to coordinate the balance between DDT pathways including (i) fork-deceleration by the ZRANB3-mediated fork reversal factor, (ii) POLι-p53-mediated fork-slowing, (iii) POLι- and POLη-mediated TLS and (iv) PRIMPOL-mediated fork-acceleration. Collectively, our study reveals the relevance of p53 protein levels for the DDT pathway choice in replicating cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is widely accepted that DNA replication fork stalling is a common occurrence during cell proliferation, but there are robust mechanisms to alleviate this and ensure DNA replication is completed prior to chromosome segregation. The SMC5/6 complex has consistently been implicated in the maintenance of replication fork integrity. However, the essential role of the SMC5/6 complex during DNA replication in mammalian cells has not been elucidated. In this study, we investigate the molecular consequences of SMC5/6 loss at the replication fork in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), employing the auxin-inducible degron (AID) system to deplete SMC5 acutely and reversibly in the defined cellular contexts of replication fork stall and restart. In SMC5-depleted cells, we identify a defect in the restart of stalled replication forks, underpinned by excess MRE11-mediated fork resection and a perturbed localization of fork protection factors to the stalled fork. Previously, we demonstrated a physical and functional interaction of SMC5/6 with the COP9 signalosome (CSN), a cullin deneddylase that enzymatically regulates cullin ring ligase (CRL) activity. Employing a combination of DNA fiber techniques, the AID system, small-molecule inhibition assays, and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses, we show that SMC5/6 promotes the localization of fork protection factors to stalled replication forks by negatively modulating the COP9 signalosome (CSN). We propose that the SMC5/6-mediated modulation of the CSN ensures that CRL activity and their roles in DNA replication fork stabilization are maintained to allow for efficient replication fork restart when a replication fork stall is alleviated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Completion of DNA replication relies on the ability of replication forks to traverse various types of DNA damage, actively transcribed regions, and structured DNA. The mechanisms enabling these processes are here referred to as DNA damage tolerance pathways. Here, we depict the stalled DNA replication fork structures with main DNA transactions and key factors contributing to the bypass of such blocks, replication restart, and completion. To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.





