• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repeated exposure to word forms and meanings improves lexical knowledge acquisition. However, the roles of domain-general and language-specific brain regions during this process remain unclear. To investigate this, we applied intermittent theta burst stimulation over the domain-general (group left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and domain-specific (Group L IFG) brain regions, with a control group receiving sham intermittent theta burst stimulation. Intermittent theta burst stimulation effects were subsequently assessed in functional magnetic resonance imaging using an artificial word learning task which consisted of 3 learning phases. A generalized psychophysiological interaction analysis explored the whole brain functional connectivity, while dynamic causal modeling estimated causal interactions in specific brain regions modulated by intermittent theta burst stimulation during repeated exposure. Compared to sham stimulation, active intermittent theta burst stimulation improved word learning performance and reduced activation of the left insula in learning phase 2. Active intermittent theta burst stimulation over the domain-general region increased whole-brain functional connectivity and modulated effective connectivity between brain regions during repeated exposure. This effect was not observed when active intermittent theta burst stimulation was applied to the language-specific region. These findings suggest that the domain-general region plays a crucial role in word formation rule learning, with intermittent theta burst stimulation enhancing whole-brain connectivity and facilitating efficient information exchange between key brain regions during new word learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Our previous study synthesized the analgesic effects of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) trials up to 2019. There has been a significant increase in pain trials in the past few years, along with methodological variabilities such as sample size, stimulation intensity, and rTMS paradigms.
    OBJECTIVE: This study therefore updated the effects of DLPFC-rTMS on chronic pain and quantified the impact of methodological differences across studies.
    RESULTS: A total of 36 studies were included. Among them, 26 studies were clinical trials (update = 9, 307/711 patients), and 10 (update = 1, 34/249 participants) were provoked pain studies. The updated meta-analysis does not support an effect on neuropathic pain after including the additional trials (pshort-term = 0.20, pmid-term = 0.50). However, there is medium-to-large analgesic effect in migraine trials extending up to six weeks follow-up (SMDmid-term = -0.80, SMDlong-term = -0.51), that was not previously reported. Methodological differences wthine the studies were considered. DLPFC-rTMS also induces potential improvement in the emotional aspects of pain (SMDshort-term = -0.28).
    CONCLUSIONS: The updated systematic meta-analysis continues to support analgesic effects for chronic pain overall. However, the updated results no longer support DLPFC-rTMS for pain relief in neuropathic pain, and do supports DLPFC-rTMS in the management of migraine. There is also evidence for DLPFC-rTMS to improve emotional aspects of pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Abnormalities in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) oscillations are neurophysiological signatures of schizophrenia thought to underlie its cognitive deficits. Transcranial magnetic stimulation with electroencephalography (TMS-EEG) provides a measure of cortical oscillations unaffected by sensory relay functionality and/or patients\' level of engagement, which are important confounding factors in schizophrenia. Previous TMS-EEG work showed reduced fast, gamma-range oscillations and a slowing of the main DLPFC oscillatory frequency, or natural frequency, in chronic schizophrenia. However, it is unclear whether this DLPFC natural frequency slowing is present in early-course schizophrenia (EC-SCZ) and is associated with symptom severity and cognitive dysfunction.
    METHODS: We applied TMS-EEG to the left DLPFC in 30 EC-SCZ and 28 healthy control (HC) subjects. Goal-directed working memory performance was assessed using the \"AX\" Continuous Performance Task (AX-CPT). The EEG frequency with the highest cumulative power at the stimulation site, or natural frequency, was extracted. We also calculated the local Relative Spectral Power (RSP) as the average power in each frequency band divided by the broadband power.
    RESULTS: Compared to HC, EC-SCZ had reduced DLPFC natural frequency (p=0.0000002, Cohen\'s d=-2.32) and higher DLPFC beta-range RSP (p=0.0003, Cohen\'s d=0.77). In EC-SCZ, the DLPFC natural frequency was inversely associated with negative symptoms. Across all participants, the beta-band RSP negatively correlated with the AX-CPT performance.
    CONCLUSIONS: A DLPFC oscillatory slowing is an early pathophysiological biomarker of schizophrenia that is associated with its symptom severity and cognitive impairments. Future work should assess whether non-invasive neurostimulation can ameliorate prefrontal oscillatory deficits and related clinical functions in EC-SCZ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The balance between goal-directed and habitual control has been proposed to determine the flexibility of instrumental behaviour, in both humans and animals. This view is supported by neuroscientific studies that have implicated dissociable neural pathways in the ability to flexibly adjust behaviour when outcome values change. A previous Diffusion Tensor Imaging study provided preliminary evidence that flexible instrumental performance depends on the strength of parallel cortico-striatal white-matter pathways previously implicated in goal-directed and habitual control. Specifically, estimated white-matter strength between caudate and ventromedial prefrontal cortex correlated positively with behavioural flexibility, and posterior putamen-premotor cortex connectivity correlated negatively, in line with the notion that these pathways compete for control. However, the sample size of the original study was limited, and so far, there have been no attempts to replicate these findings. In the present study, we aimed to conceptually replicate these findings by testing a large sample of 205 young adults to relate cortico-striatal connectivity to performance on the slips-of-action task. In short, we found only positive neural correlates of goal-directed performance, including striatal connectivity (caudate and anterior putamen) with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. However, we failed to provide converging evidence for the existence of a neural habit system that puts limits on the capacity for flexible, goal-directed action. We discuss the implications of our findings for dual-process theories of instrumental action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is entering increasingly widespread use in treating depression. The most common stimulation target, in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), emerged from early neuroimaging studies in depression. Recently, more rigorous casual methods have revealed whole-brain target networks and anti-networks based on the effects of focal brain lesions and focal brain stimulation on depression symptoms. Symptom improvement during therapeutic DLPFC-TMS appears to involve directional changes in signaling between the DLPFC, subgenual and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and salience-network regions. However, different networks may be involved in the therapeutic mechanisms for other TMS targets in depression, such as dorsomedial prefrontal cortex or orbitofrontal cortex. The durability of therapeutic effects for TMS involves synaptic neuroplasticity, and specifically may depend upon dopamine acting at the D1 receptor family, as well as NMDA-receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity mechanisms. Although TMS protocols are classically considered \'excitatory\' or \'inhibitory\', the actual effects in individuals appear quite variable, and might be better understood at the level of populations of synapses rather than individual synapses. Synaptic meta-plasticity may provide a built-in protective mechanism to avoid runaway facilitation or inhibition during treatment, and may account for the relatively small number of patients who worsen rather than improve with TMS. From an ethological perspective, the antidepressant effects of TMS may involve promoting a whole-brain attractor state associated with foraging/hunting behaviors, centered on the rostrolateral periaqueductal gray and salience network, and suppressing an attractor state associated with passive threat defense, centered on the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray and default-mode network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) have been found to play important roles in negative emotion processing. However, the specific time window of their involvement remains unknown. This study addressed this issue in three experiments using single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We found that TMS applied over the VLPFC at 400 ms after negative emotional exposure significantly enhanced negative feelings compared to the vertex condition. Furthermore, TMS applied over the DLPFC at both 0 ms and 600 ms after negative emotional exposure also resulted in deteriorated negative feelings. These findings provide potential evidence for the VLPFC-dependent semantic processing (∼400 ms) and the DLPFC-dependent attentional and cognitive control (∼0/600 ms) in negative emotion processing. The asynchronous involvement of these frontal cortices not only deepens our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying negative emotion processing but also provides valuable temporal parameters for neurostimulation therapy targeting patients with mood disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a serious mental illness with complex pathology, including abnormalities in the glutamate system. Glutamate is rapidly removed from the synapse by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). Changes in the expression and localization of the primary glutamate transporter EAAT2 are found in the brain in central nervous system (CNS) disorders including SCZ. We hypothesize that neuronal expression and function of EAAT2 are increased in the frontal cortex in subjects diagnosed with SCZ.
    METHODS: EAAT2 protein expression and glutamate transporter function were assayed in synaptosome preparations from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of SCZ subjects and age- and sex-matched nonpsychiatrically ill controls. EAAT2 splice variant transcript expression was assayed in enriched populations of neurons and astrocytes from the DLPFC. Pathway analysis of publicly available transcriptomic datasets was carried out to identify biological changes associated with EAAT2 perturbation in different cell types.
    RESULTS: We found no significant changes in EAAT2 protein expression or glutamate uptake in the DLPFC in SCZ subjects compared with controls (n = 10/group). Transcript expression of EAAT2 and signaling molecules associated with EAAT2b trafficking (CaMKIIa and DLG1) were significantly altered in enriched populations of astrocytes and pyramidal neurons (P < .05) in SCZ (n = 16/group). These changes were not associated with antipsychotic medications. Pathway analysis also identified cell-type-specific enrichment of biological pathways associated with perturbation of astrocyte (immune pathways) and neuronal (metabolic pathways) EAAT2 expression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these data support the growing body of evidence for the role of dysregulation of the glutamate system in the pathophysiology of SCZ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent work showed an association of prefrontal dysfunctions in patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and social stress induced rumination. However, up to date it is unclear which etiological features of MDD might cause prefrontal dysfunctions. In the study at hand, we aimed to replicate recent findings, that showed prefrontal activation alterations during the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and subsequently increased stress-reactive rumination in MDD compared to healthy controls. Moreover, we aimed to explore the role of adverse childhood experiences and other clinical variables in this relationship. N = 55 patients currently suffering from MDD and n = 42 healthy controls (HC) underwent the TSST, while cortical activity in areas of the Cognitive Control Network (CCN) was measured via functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). The TSST successfully induced a stress reaction (physiologically, as well as indicated by subjective stress ratings) and state rumination in all subjects with moderate to large effect sizes. In comparison to HC, MDD patients showed elevated levels of state rumination with large effect sizes, as well as a typical pattern of reduced cortical oxygenation during stress in the CCN with moderate effect sizes. Self-reported emotional abuse and social anxiety were moderately positively associated with increased stress-reactive rumination. Within the MDD sample, emotional abuse was negatively and social anxiety positively associated with cortical oxygenation within the CCN with moderate to large effect sizes. In conclusion, our results replicate previous findings on MDD-associated prefrontal hypoactivity during stress and extends the research toward specific subtypes of depression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for alleviating negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia commonly targets the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDLPFC). However, the therapeutic effectiveness of rTMS at this site remains inconclusive and increasingly, studies are focusing on cerebellar rTMS. Recently, prolonged intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) has emerged as a rapid-acting form of rTMS with promising clinical benefits. This study explored the cognitive and neurophysiological effects of prolonged iTBS administered to the LDLPFC and cerebellum in a healthy cohort. 50 healthy participants took part in a cross-over study and received prolonged (1800 pulses) iTBS targeting the LDLPFC, cerebellar vermis, and sham iTBS. Mixed effects repeated measures models examined cognitive and event-related potentials (ERPs) from 2-back (P300, N200) and Stroop (N200, N450) tasks after stimulation. Exploratory non-parametric cluster-based permutation tests compared ERPs between conditions. There were no significant differences between conditions for behavioural and ERP outcomes on the 2-back and Stroop tasks. Exploratory cluster-based permutation tests of ERPs did not identify any significant differences between conditions. We did not find evidence that a single session of prolonged iTBS administered to either the LDLPFC or cerebellum could cause any cognitive or ERP changes compared to sham in a healthy sample.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is essential for airlines to have a deep understanding of the cognitive impact of aging among pilots. The current literature on executive function indicates that compensatory mechanisms in the brain may counteract age-related cognitive decline, at least up to certain task load levels. However, few studies have been administered to evaluate changes in aircrew competence as they age. The present study focuses on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) activity as it is implicated in cognitive performance and working memory, which are associated with skill proficiency. We measured the DLPFC activity for airline pilots, including trainees, during maneuvering using a flight simulator. Our preliminary results indicated that only expert (aged) pilots demonstrated higher activity of the left DLPFC than the right one. However, for youth trainees, not only was the error rate high while using the flight simulator, but the activity of the DLFPC was also lower than that of the expert pilots, and there was no statistically significant difference between the left and right DLPFC. Although these findings partially differ from those reported in previous studies on age-related changes, it is evident that training as an airline pilot for over 20 years may affect such results. We believe that this noninvasive approach to objective quantification of skill will facilitate the development of effective assessment competence in aging.





