
D é ficit
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To obtain a new cut-off point (CP) for a lumbar flexion-relaxation (RF) test established with tetrapolar (e.) electrodes, from values already defined with bipolar devices.
    METHODS: The study sample consists of 47 patients in a situation of temporary disability due to low back pain (DL). They were evaluated by means of an isometric dynamometry test, a kinematic test and an assessment of the FR phenomenon. Two experiments with ROC curves are proposed. The first, with 47 patients who consecutively performed the RF test with both types of electrodes, using the cut-off point (CP) known for the e. bipolar (2.49μV). In the second, with the EMG data recorded with e. tetrapolar in 17 patients, a DeLong test was performed that compares the 2 ROC curves that were constructed on the one hand, by classifying the sample from dynamometry and kinematic tests, and on the other, by classifying them with the bipolar EMG values.
    RESULTS: A total of 34 patients adequately completed the evaluations of the first experiment and 17 patients the second. The first study shows a cut-off point of 1.2μV, with an AUC of 87.7%; Sensitivity 84.2% and Specificity 80%. The second shows a PC for e. bipolars of 1.21μV (AUC 87.5%) and for e. tetrapolar values of 1.43 (AUC 82.5%) with a DeLong test without significant differences between both curves (p>0.4065).
    CONCLUSIONS: The validation methodology with ROC curves has made it possible to obtain a new PC for the RF test in a practical way, simply by simultaneously performing both tests on the same group of patients until a significant sample is obtained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is the best known consequence of thiamine deficiency, frequently associated with patients with chronic and excessive alcohol consumption, but it can be produced by any cause that produces thiamine deficiency. The disease is underdiagnosed so it is essential to have a high clinical suspicion, mainly in patients who do not have alcohol consumption as a risk factor. For this, the diagnosis continues to be eminently clinical, with the difficulty of high clinical variability. Complementary tests are used to support the diagnosis and rule out other causes that can produce similar symptoms, with magnetic resonance imaging being the most cost-effective imaging test. Treatment is based on the administration of thiamine, which should be started early, and parenterally at the appropriate doses, in all patients with compatible symptoms, without waiting to confirm the diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated whether carbohydrate-energy replacement immediately after prolonged endurance exercise attenuates insulin sensitivity the following morning, and whether exercise improves insulin sensitivity the following morning independent of an exercise-induced carbohydrate deficit. Oral glucose tolerance and whole-body insulin sensitivity were compared the morning after 3 evening conditions, involving (1) treadmill exercise followed by a carbohydrate replacement drink (200 or 150 g maltodextrin for males and females, respectively; CHO-replace); (2) treadmill exercise followed by a non-caloric, taste-matched placebo (CHO-deficit); or (3) seated rest with no drink provided (Rest). Treadmill exercise involved 90 minutes at ∼80% age-predicted maximum heart rate. Seven males and 2 females (aged 23 ± 1 years; body mass index 24.0 ± 2.7 kg·m-2) completed all conditions in a randomised order. Matsuda index improved by 22% (2.2 [0.3, 4.0] au, p = 0.03) and HOMA2-IR improved by 10% (-0.04 [-0.08, 0.00] au, p = 0.04) in CHO-deficit versus CHO-replace, without corresponding changes in postprandial glycaemia. Outcomes were similar between Rest and other conditions. These data suggest that improvements to insulin sensitivity in healthy populations following acute moderate/vigorous intensity endurance exercise may be dependent on the presence of a carbohydrate-energy deficit. Novelty: Restoration of carbohydrate balance following acute endurance exercise attenuated whole-body insulin sensitivity. Exercise per se failed to enhance whole-body insulin sensitivity. Maximising or prolonging the post-exercise carbohydrate deficit may enhance acute benefits to insulin sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To define the role of the flexion-relaxation phenomenon (FRP), assessed through ratios (FRR), as a diagnostic test to define impairment in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP).
    METHODS: The study sample consisted of 180 participants (16 healthy volunteers and 164 patients on work disability due to CLBP), who were consecutively referred for evaluation at the Biomechanics Laboratory of a workplace accident insurance company from January 2012 to December 2017. The evaluations consisted of an isometric dynamometry test, a kinematic test and assessment of the FRP phenomenon. Minimum criteria were established in the performance of the tests for their acceptance as valid for the study. Lumbar impairment or clinical recovery was defined on the basis of the results of the dynamometry and kinematic tests. The FRP response was assessed with FRRs. A total of 4 different ratios were taken for analysis with ROC curves.
    RESULTS: A total of 86 valid tests were obtained (16 classified as lumbar impairment and 71 as recovered cases). The best ratio obtained an area under the ROC curve of 0.87, with a sensitivity of 0.84, a specificity of 0.87, and a positive predictive value of 97%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The FRP test, along with dynamometry and kinematic evaluations, is effective in identifying lumbar impairment and is the easiest test for patients with CLBP to perform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schwannomas are the most frequent benign tumors of the peripheral nerves. Tumor enucleation is the traditional surgical treatment. The incidence of neurological complications after surgery varies and predictive factors for these complications are not clearly defined. The aim of this study was to find predictive factors of postoperative neurological deficit after surgical treatment of schwannomas of the upper limb. Twenty-four schwannomas removed from 21 patients were analyzed retrospectively. The patients\' mean age was 45.4years and the mean follow-up was 64.4months. Clinical parameters studied were age, gender, nature of preoperative symptoms, duration of symptoms, type of surgery performed, tumor location and size, nerve involved, QuickDASH and DN4 scores. Postoperative neurological deficits occurred in 14 patients (67%), with 11 having a sensory deficit and 7 a motor weakness. Eleven did not exist before surgery (6 sensory, 5 motor). In the postoperative deficit subgroup, 6 schwannomas involved the brachial plexus, 4 the ulnar nerve, and 4 the median nerve. All patients who had a fascicular resection because tumor enucleation was not feasible were in the postoperative deficit subgroup. Ten patients had either unchanged or worse QuickDASH and/or DN4 scores after surgery. Surgical treatment of schwannomas can lead to postoperative complications. Although none of our findings were statistically significant, advanced age, large tumor size, more than 16months between the first symptoms and surgery, and brachial plexus location seem to be more frequently observed in those with a postoperative neurological deficit.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The capacity to recognise others as being different from oneself is an essential element of empathy. Achille\'s treatment in a child psychiatry unit illustrates the clinical presentation of a teenager who lacks this social skill. The use of the Griffith Empathy Measure improves the screening and evaluation of this disorder, with the aim of being able to provide the young patient with adapted support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vitamin B12 levels are usually measured in Primary Care when the patients have symptoms or risk factors associated with its deficiency, mostly in the elderly. However, no evidence has been found to support the recommendation of screening in the general population. The aim of this study is to assess the relevance of having extended the screening of vitamin B12 deficiency to a younger population, after observing an increase in the prescription of this injected vitamin in a population under 65 years, by analysing the vitamin B12 values obtained.
    METHODS: A descriptive, retrospective, observational study was conducted on a sample consisting of 5,531 patients from Barajas Health Primary Centre, Madrid, between 2008 and 2012, and on whom a blood test was performed for any reason, with values of vitamin B12.
    RESULTS: A deficiency was found in 9.1% (SD 2.3) of the patients, of whom 49.4% were less than 65 years. The deficiencies were associated (P<.001, 95% CI) with age, dementia, changes in blood red cell counts, memory, and with the taking of metformin and proton pump inhibitors (P=.007).
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in our served population is similar in patients older and younger than 65 years. The extended screening was relevant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Contradictory findings have recently been published on the association between atopic dermatitis (AD) severity and vitamin D deficiency. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration and AD severity.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2011 to March 2013 in dermatology departments in adults and children with a diagnosis of AD. The severity of AD was assessed using the SCORAD and PO-SCORAD indexes and serum 25(OH)D concentrations were determined for all patients.
    RESULTS: Sixty patients were included: 30 with severe AD and 30 with mild-to-moderate AD. The 25(OH)D concentration was lower in patients with severe AD than in patients with mild-to-moderate AD (15.9 ± 8.3 ng/mL vs. 21.5 ± 8.2 ng/mL; P=0.01). There was a negative correlation between 25(OH)D concentration and respectively, SCORAD (r=-0.47; P<0.001) and PO-SCORAD (r=-0.4; P=0.004) values. The correlation between 25(OH)D concentrations and SCORAD values remained valid after adjustment for age, phototype and season.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated an association between vitamin D deficiency and AD severity but showed no causal link between these variables. Confounding variables such as sun exposure and socioeconomic status were not recorded. A large-sale, comparative interventional study could confirm a real link between these two variables.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the medical management of a 32-year-old primigravida, after she was found to have a combined factor V (FV) and factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency during pregnancy. A routine coagulation profile performed during the 6th month of pregnancy showed a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) of 78 seconds, giving a patient/control ratio of 2.29, combined with a prothrombin time (PT) of 28 seconds. An investigation of the coagulation factors showed a combined FV and FVIII deficiency of 29% and 21% respectively. The bleeding risk was considered to be high. A multidisciplinary approach permitted a specific and individualized FVIII substitution protocol. At 39 weeks of amenorrhea, the patient was admitted to the labor room. An infusion of 2000IU of FVIII was implemented over 5 minutes; soon thereafter, PT was 17 seconds, aPTT patient/control ratio had decreased to 1.9 and FV and FVIII reached 38% and 36% respectively. Six hours later, the patient delivered an infant weighing 2850g who had an Apgar score of 10. No bleeding was detected. The patient was then closely monitored for 2 hours in the recovery room. Twelve hours after administration of the first dose of FVIII, another infusion of 2000IU of FVIII was administered. This substitution treatment was continued every 12 hours in ever-decreasing doses, allowing maintenance of FVIII level >50% for 5days. At D7 post-partum, the patient was discharged uneventfully.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Isolated vitamin B12 deficiency is a common condition in elderly patients but uncommon in patients younger than 30 years, with an average age of onset between 60 and 70 years. This is because the dietary cobalamin, which is normally split by enzymes in meat in the presence of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach, is not released in the stomachs of elderly patients, usually due to achlorhydria. Although the body may be unable to release cobalamin it does retain the ability to absorb vitamin B12 in its crystalline form, which is present in multivitamin preparations. Other causes are due to drugs that suppress gastric acid production. Neurological signs of vitamin B12 deficiency can occur in patients with a normal haematocrit and red cell indices. They include paresthesia, loss of sensation and strength in the limbs, and ataxia. Reflexes may be slowed down or increased. Romberg and Babinsky signs may be positive, and vibration and position sensitivity often decreases. Behavoural disorders range from irritability and memory loss to severe dementia. The symptoms often do not fully respond to treatment. A case is presented of an isolated vitamin B12 deficiency in 27 year-old female patient who was seen in primary health care. During anamnesis she mentioned low back pain, to which she attributed the loss of strength and tenderness in the right side of the body, as well as the slow and progressive onset of accompanied headache for the previous 4 days.





