
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Baby schema refers to physical features perceived as cute, known to trigger attention, induce positive emotions, and prompt social interactions. Given the reduced visual attention to social stimuli observed in individuals on the autism spectrum, the current study examines whether the sensitivity to baby schema is also affected. We expected that the looking time towards cute-featured stimuli would vary with symptom severity levels and would be associated with social affect. Ninety-four children (31 typically developing; 63 diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder - ASD) aged 20-83 months (M = 49.63, SD = 13.59) completed an eye-tracking visual exploration task. Autistic participants were separated into two groups based on symptom severity: children with high autism severity symptoms (HS ASD; N = 23) and low-moderate autism symptoms (LMS ASD; N = 40). Animals and neutral objects were simultaneously presented on the screen along with either human babies (condition 1) or adults (condition 2). The results indicated that visual attention oriented to cute-featured stimuli varied with autism symptom severity: only LMS and TD groups spend more time looking at cute-featured stimuli (babies; animals) than neutral objects. Moreover, children with higher severity in the social affect domain spent less time on the stimuli depicting cute than non-cute stimuli. These findings suggest that autism symptom severity and social skills are linked to variations in visual attention to cute stimuli. Implications of baby schema sensitivity are discussed in relation to the development of social competencies and play, responsiveness to robot-based interventions, as well as appraised relevance in autistic children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \'organizational-activational hypothesis\' posits that the fetal environment has a lasting impact on offspring physical, cognitive, and behavioral phenotype. An established biomarker for human prenatal testosterone exposure is the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D). While related facial characteristics and their social perceptions have been investigated in young adults, studies focusing on younger or older age groups are scarce. Standardized facial photographs of 17 Austrian boys aged 4 to 11 years were each rated by 162 adults in Austria (78 female, 84 male) for masculinity, dominance, physical strength, maturity, independence, cuteness, and prettiness. Following high interrater agreement (Cronbach\'s alphas >0.96), average ratings per face were subjected to a principal component analysis. The first principal component (52 % var. expl.) correlated positively with the boys\' age (r = 0.685), whereas the second principal component (37 % var. expl.) reflected organizational effects of prenatal androgen exposure (i.e. androgenization), as shown by a negative correlation with the boys\' 2D:4D (r = -0.487). Geometric morphometrics was employed to extract the facial shapes corresponding to these two principal components. Overall, adults consistently attributed masculinity in line with prenatal testosterone exposure, whereby masculinity was assessed as neither pretty nor cute. In contrast to findings within adults, boys\' face ratings of dominance and physical strength did not correspond with their masculinity assessments, but rather with the social attributions reflecting age-related developmental progress (maturity and independence). This adds an ontogenetic layer of complexity. Prenatal testosterone exposure influences the development of boys\' facial features, which in turn even shape social stereotypes in adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Konrad Lorenz introduced the concept of a \'baby schema\', suggesting that infants have specific physical features, such as a relatively large head, large eyes and protruding cheeks, which function as an innate releaser to promote caretaking motivation from perceivers. Over the years, a large body of research has been conducted on the baby schema. However, there are two critical problems underpinning the current literature. First, the term \'baby schema\' lacks consistency among researchers. Some researchers use the term baby schema to refer to infant stimuli (often faces) in comparison with adults (categorical usage), while others use the term to refer to the extent that features contribute to cuteness perception (spectrum usage). Second, cross-species continuity of the \'baby schema\' has been assumed despite few empirical demonstrations. The evolutionary and comparative relevance of the concept is, therefore, debatable, and we cannot exclude the possibility that extreme sensitivity to the baby schema is a uniquely human trait. This article critically reviews the state of the existing literature and evaluates the significance of the baby schema from an evolutionary perspective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While waiting has been a prevalent and mentally taxing experience for consumers in marketing scenarios, little research has explored situational factors that enhance consumer patience. Drawing on the priming theory, attachment theory, and conservation of resources theory, the current research examines how cuteness as a situational factor affects consumer patience. Across five experiments (N = 1030), we demonstrate that exposure to cuteness enhances consumer patience (Study 1). Moreover, we uncover that the effect is driven by perceived social support employing both mediation (Study 2) and moderation approaches (Study 3). Furthermore, we identify time pressure as the moderator, such that the effect of cuteness on consumer patience only exists among individuals under low time pressure and disappears for those under high time pressure (Study 4). Finally, we examine the downstream consequence of consumer patience for word-of-mouth positivity (Study 5). These findings contribute to the literature on cuteness, patience, and perceived social support, while also offering practical implications for companies seeking to enhance consumer patience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research has demonstrated that attractiveness evaluations of adult faces were less accurate when faces were inverted than upright. It remains unknown, however, whether a similar effect applies to perceived cuteness of infants, which is assumed to be based on elemental facial features called the \"baby schema.\" In this research, we studied the face inversion effect on perceived cuteness of infant faces in a rating task and a two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) task. We also examined beauty as a control dimension. Although the rating task revealed no inversion effect, the 2AFC task showed poorer discrimination performance with inverted faces than with upright faces in both evaluations. These results indicate that infant cuteness and beauty dimensions are correlated well with each other, and their perception not only relies on elemental features that are not strongly affected by inversion but is also affected by holistic facial configurations when a detailed comparison is required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social media users are often exposed to cute content that evokes emotional reactions and influences them to feel or behave certain ways. The cuteness phenomenon in social media has been scarcely studied despite its prevalence and potential to spread quickly and affect large audiences. The main framework for understanding cuteness and emotions related to cuteness outside of social media is baby schema (having juvenile characteristics), which triggers parental instincts. We propose that baby schema is a necessary but not sufficient component of explaining what constitutes cuteness and how people react to it in the social media context. Cute social media content may also have characteristics that evoke approach motivations (a desire to interact with an entity, generally with the expectation of having a positive experience) that can manifest behaviorally in sharing and other prosocial online behaviors. We developed and performed initial validation for measures in social media contexts of: (1) cute attributes that encompass both baby schema and other proposed cuteness characteristics (the Cuteness Attributes Taxonomy, CAT) and (2) the emotional reactions they trigger (Heartwarming Social Media, HSM). We used the Kama Muta Multiplex Scale (KAMMUS Two), as previously validated measure of kama muta (an emotion akin to tenderness; from Sanskrit, \"moved by love\") as a measure of emotional reaction to cute stimuli and the dimension Cute Content of the Social Media Emotions Annotation Guide (SMEmo-Cute Content) as a developed measure of gestalt cute content to help validate our newly developed measures. Using 1,875 Polish tweets, our results confirmed that cute social media content predicted a kama muta response, but not all KAMMUS Two subscales were sensitive to cute content, and that the HSM measure was a better indicator of the presence of cute content. Further, the CAT measure is an effective means of categorizing cute attributes of social media content. These results suggest potential differences between in-person, online, and social media experiences evoking cute emotional reactions, and the need for metrics that are developed and validated for use in social media contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the lockdown, more and more people are used to communicating with AI voice assistants during the post-COVID era. This study investigates the relationship between the perceived cuteness of AI voice assistants and the intention to purchase via a moderated serial-mediation model. We tested a PLS-SEM model with 284 survey data from an online experiment. The findings indicate that: (1) different cuteness appearances lead to different levels of perceived cuteness; (2) perceived cuteness positively affects intention to purchase; (3) the positive direct effect is serial mediated by social presence and user engagement; (4) the serial mediation effect is negatively moderated by perceived risk of service failure, which means the positive influence of perceived cuteness on intention to purchase is weakened at a high level of perceived risk. Our research has both theoretical and managerial contributions, which also reminds enterprises to grasp the cuteness degree of the product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Konrad Lorenz, an ethologist, proposed that certain physical elements are perceived as cute and induce caretaking behavior in other individuals, with the evolutionary function of enhancing offspring survival. He called these features Kindchenschema, baby schema. According to his introspection, these include a large forehead, chubby round features, and chubby cheeks. Previous studies are limited to examining the effects of these facial features on perceived cuteness. However, other morphological factors may be related to perceived cuteness. This study uses Bayesian optimization, one of the global sequential optimization methods for estimating unknown functions, to search for facial morphological features that enhance the perceptions of facial cuteness. We applied Bayesian optimization incorporating Gaussian process ordinal regression (GPOR), which allows an estimation of the latent cuteness function based on evaluations using the Likert scale. A total of 96 preschool children provided the facial images used in this study. We summarized the facial shape variations using methodologies of geometric morphometrics and principal component analysis (PCA) up to the third principal component (PC), which we refer to as the face space. A total of 40 participants evaluated the images created by warping the average facial texture of the children\'s faces with randomly generated parameters in the face space. Facial traits related to perceived cuteness were estimated based on the averaged cuteness function. Perceived cuteness was linked to the relative lower position of facial components and narrower jawline but not to the forehead height.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the link between autistic traits and mother-to-child attachment by introducing two mediators: emotional responsiveness to the infantile cuteness of children and negative parental self-concept. We screened 1,317 mothers and recruited those who have a child with high or low autistic traits based on their Autism Spectrum Quotient score. Fifty mothers in the high autistic and 71 mothers in the low autistic groups participated. Results showed that the autistic traits of children are related to weak maternal attachment. Reduced emotional responses to cuteness and negative self-concept mediated the link. These findings suggest that supporting mothers who have a child with autism spectrum disorder may benefit securing mother-to-child attachment as well as the wellbeing of both mother and child.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research interest in cuteness perception and its effects on subsequent behavior and physiological responses has recently been increasing. The purpose of the present study was to produce a dataset of Japanese infant faces that are free of portrait rights and can be used for cuteness research. A total of 80 original facial images of 6-month-old infants were collected from their parents. The cuteness level of each picture was rated on a 7-point scale by 200 Japanese people (100 men and 100 women in their 20s-60s). Prototypical high- and low-cuteness faces were created by averaging the top 10 and bottom 10 faces according to the mean cuteness ratings. Then, 50 composite faces were made by mixing two faces randomly chosen from the 60 unused middle-cuteness faces. The normative cuteness ratings of these composite faces were obtained from 229 Japanese men and women in their 20s-60s. The shape of each composite face was transformed to be cuter (+50%) or less cute (-50%) along a continuum between the high- and low-cuteness prototypical faces. A two-alternative forced-choice task (N = 587) confirmed that cuteness discrimination was better than the chance level for all 50 face pairs. Moreover, the results showed that young men had poorer sensitivity to cuteness differences in infant faces than older men and women of any age. This Japanese Cute Infant Face (JCIF, \"jay-sif\") dataset, including composite face images and normative rating scores, is publicly available online.





