Cross-cultural validation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work focused on the translation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of two widely used scales for assessing sense of purpose in life - the Revised Sense of Purpose Scale (SOPS-2) and the Specific Purpose Orientations (SPO) scale - in the Ukrainian language. The SOPS-2 consisted of 14 items measuring three dimensions of purpose: awakening to purpose, awareness of purpose, and altruistic purpose. Meanwhile, the SPO included 12 items assessing three types of purpose: others-growth, self-growth, and career-focused purpose orientations. Renamed as the Revised Sense of Purpose Scale - Ukrainian Version (SOPS-2U) and the Specific Purpose Orientations - Ukrainian Version (SPO-U), these two scales underwent a thorough translation process by two multilingual scholars proficient in both Ukrainian and English languages, employing the committee approach. Then through analyses of two datasets, the factorial validity, construct validity, and reliability of the SOPS-2U and SPO-U were established. These translated scales provide reliable and valid tools for assessing life purpose among Ukrainian-speaking adults.•Recognizing the profound impact of life purpose on adult wellbeing, the availability of a psychometrically robust measurement tool for assessing this construct in the Ukrainian language becomes crucial; thus, we translated and validated two such tools.•The Revised Sense of Purpose Scale - Ukrainian Version (SOPS-2U) is valid for assessing awakening to purpose, awareness of purpose, and altruistic purpose dimensions in Ukrainian adults.•The Specific Purpose Orientations - Ukrainian Version (SPO-U) can be used with Ukrainian adults to further examine the specific types of purpose, such as others-growth, self-growth, and career-focused purpose orientations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to validate the Jenkins Sleep Scale (JSS-4) in six Spanish-Speaking countries. A total of 1726 people participated and were distributed between men (32.4%) and women (67.6%). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the unidimensional structure and high reliability of the JSS-4 overall (α = 0.85, ω = 0.81) and within each country. The invariance analysis revealed that JSS-4 exhibited complete invariance across countries, thus establishing a robust foundation for inter-group comparisons. Interestingly, a comparative analysis revealed significant differences in the average levels of sleep difficulties, with particularly high rates in Spain and Chile. Item Response Theory (IRT) showed sufficient discrimination parameters for all items, and a correlation of 0.998 between Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and IRT highlighted the robustness and reliability of the results obtained. In summary, JSS-4 exhibits strong evidence of validity and consistency in measurement invariance across the six countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mental health is conceptualized differently across cultures, making cross-cultural validation of screening tools critical. In Uganda, we used cognitive interviewing to assess and adapt three scales for measuring psychological distress: the Thinking a Lot Questionnaire, the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), and the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL). We recruited 12 people living with HIV from the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) and interviewed seven potential users of the scales (four RCCS survey interviewers and three local health workers). Data were analyzed systematically using a team-based matrix approach. The HSCL was generally well understood, with minor clarifications needed. The Thinking a Lot Questionnaire was also well understood, though differences between \"how much\" and \"how often\" required specificity. Both included local idioms of distress from prior adaptations. The PHQ-9 performed less well, with many questions interpreted variably or showing unclear local applicability, especially among people living with HIV. For example, questions about trouble concentrating were misunderstood, focusing on examples like newspapers rather than the broader issue of concentration. Future research should explore the validity and utility of commonly used instruments as mental health research expands in Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The internet has become an integral part of daily life, impacting various aspects, especially among children and adolescents. Internet overuse has been associated with numerous physical and mental health issues. Despite its significant implications, there is no universally accepted assessment tool for internet addiction. This study focuses on validating the Georgian version of the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) among pediatric patients aged 9 to 17, specifically the Internet Addiction Test - Adolescence (IAT - A).
    METHODS: The study, conducted in 2022-2023, involved pediatric patients from Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic, generally healthy but with parental concerns about screen time. The IAT-A, a self-administered questionnaire, was adapted for cultural relevance. Translation-back-translation was employed for linguistic validation. Data was collected twice, with a 6-month interval. Statistical analyses included the Kappa coefficient, Kendall\'s tau test, paired t-test, and Bland-Altman plots.
    RESULTS: The translation process ensured linguistic accuracy and cultural relevance. The study included 100 participants (59 % boys, 41 % girls) with a mean age of 12 years. The mean IAT - A score remained consistently high over both testing periods. Kendall\'s tau correlation coefficient indicated a strong correlation (0.97), and Bland-Altman plots confirmed repeatability. The cut-off of 40 points identified 84 % as problematic internet users. Individual question analysis showed strong correlation and agreement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Georgian version of the IAT - A demonstrated reliability and consistency in assessing internet addiction among pediatric patients. The prevalence of problematic internet use among children referred to a university hospital because parents were worried about their internet use was indeed high. The study contributes valuable insights into internet addiction research in Georgia and underscores the importance of a standardized assessment tool. The repeatability of the scores of each question was strong among both groups of problematic internet users and non-problematic internet users, confirming that the Georgian version of IAT - A has high level of accuracy and can be used in internet addiction research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to validate the Chinese version of the Novelty Need Satisfaction Scale (NNSS) within physical education (PE) contexts, incorporating three distinct studies to examine its reliability, validity, and measurement invariance across gender and different samples.
    UNASSIGNED: Study 1 involved translating the original NNSS into Chinese and evaluating it through confirmatory factor analysis, item analysis, and assessments of internal consistency reliability among 390 students (53.8% male, 46.2% female), averaging 14.5 years in age. Study 2 assessed the discriminant validity of the Chinese NNSS by exploring correlations between novelty need satisfaction and three conventional basic psychological needs (BPNs) - autonomy, competence, and relatedness, in a larger cohort of 845 students (51.7% male, 48.3% female), with an average age of 14.8 years. This study also investigated the relationships between novelty need satisfaction, autonomous motivation, and enjoyment in PE. Study 3 examined the measurement invariance of the Chinese NNSS across gender and different samples, using a sample of 1235 students (52.6% male, 47.4% female), with an average age of 14.6 years.
    UNASSIGNED: The one-factor, five-item structure of the Chinese NNSS was confirmed in Study 1. Study 2 demonstrated the distinct yet covariant nature of novelty need satisfaction among BPNs and its predictive capability for enjoyment in PE through autonomous motivation. Study 3 confirmed the measurement invariance of the Chinese NNSS across gender and samples, validating its reliability and applicability.
    UNASSIGNED: The validation of the Chinese NNSS within PE settings not only adds the need for novelty to the motivational sequence proposed by self-determination theory (SDT) but also emphasizes its significant role in enhancing autonomous motivation and enjoyment. This study suggests the scale\'s utility for future research in exploring the dynamics among BPNs and provides deeper insights into the motivational processes in PE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to validate the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) among healthcare students in Brazil. The validation process occurred in three phases from August 2022 to July 2023: translation and cross-cultural adaptation; content validity assessment involving four experts; and evaluation of psychometric properties among 553 healthcare students from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. We used exploratory factor analysis and convergent validity for structural validation. The average scale content validity index was 0.90, while the evaluation of validity evidence based on the internal structure indicated a robust explanatory model. Parallel analysis indicated that the scale is composed by two dimensions: \"Discrimination/Prejudice\" and \"Stereotype\"; the composite reliability values for these dimensions were 0.96 and 0.85, respectively. The Brazilian version of HPASS has shown to be a simple, reliable, and psychometrically valid measure to quantify HIV stigma among healthcare students who speak Brazilian Portuguese.Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue validar la \"Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale\" (HPASS) entre estudiantes de salud en Brasil. El proceso de validación se llevó a cabo en tres etapas: traducción y adaptación transcultural; evaluación de la validez de contenido; y evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas con estudiantes de salud de la Universidad Federal de Espírito Santo. El índice de validez de contenido promedio de la escala fue de 0.90, mientras que la evaluación de la evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna indicó un modelo explicativo sólido. El análisis paralelo indicó que la escala está compuesta por dos dimensiones: \"Discriminación/Prejuicio\" y \"Estereotipo\". La versión brasileña de HPASS ha demostrado ser una medida simple, confiable y psicométricamente válida para cuantificar el estigma del VIH entre estudiantes de salud que hablan portugués brasileño.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to translate the Flourishing Scale, which is a brief 8-item measure, into Ukrainian and examine its construct validity. The Flourishing Scale has been previously validated into various languages, including Russian. While Ukrainian is a distinct language with its unique characteristics, it shares some similarities with Russian due to historical and geographical connections. These similarities encompass words with similar or related meanings, comparable sentence structures, and certain cultural references and idiomatic expressions. Accordingly, the Ukrainian version of the Flourishing Scale was developed based on the Russian version. The translation process involved two proficient researchers fluent in Ukrainian, English, and Russian. Following the committee approach, one researcher conducted the initial translation, while the other ensured the accuracy and linguistic equivalence of the translated items. The eight items were pilot-tested with Ukrainian-speaking adult participants. Results from confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the Ukrainian version of the Flourishing Scale showed evidence of construct validity and reliability, thereby resulting in a tool that can be used with Ukrainian adults to further examine their flourishing.•The Flourishing Scale was translated into Ukrainian and pilot-tested to assess it psychometric properties.•Results indicated good construct validity and reliability of the Ukrainian version of the Flourishing Scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the ABILHAND-Kids and to examine its psychometric properties for Japanese children with cerebral palsy (CP).
    UNASSIGNED: The experimental version of 75 items was developed using forward-backward translation method. Parents of 137 children with CP answered it. Their responses were analyzed to successive items, and psychometric properties of the final version were investigated through the Rasch measurement model.
    UNASSIGNED: The Japanese version of the ABILHAND-Kids contained 22 items. It showed valid item-patient targeting, no significant floor and ceiling effects, and no differential item functioning for demographic and clinical subgroups. All items contributed to the definition of one-dimensional measure. For internal consistency, the person separation index was 0.94. For test-retest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.96 (95% CI: 0.92-0.98). The minimal detectable difference was calculated with a logit score of 0.79 and a total raw score of 4.50. The logit score showed a strong correlation with the Manual Ability Classification System level (ρ= -0.70) and the Gross Motor Function Classification System level (ρ= -0.62).
    UNASSIGNED: The Japanese version of the ABILHAND-Kids was found to be valid and reliable. It appears to be a good tool for assessing manual abilities in daily activities in children with CP.
    Impairment of upper limb function affects participation and quality of life in children with cerebral palsy, and adequate assessment tools are essential to appropriate planning and evaluation of interventions.The Japanese version of the ABILHAND-Kids is a valid and reliable measure of manual ability in children with cerebral palsy.The Japan-specific items and calibrations allows for evaluation that takes Japanese culture into consideration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cambodian youth face many unique challenges, such as high instances of poverty and intergenerational trauma. Grit, a person-level trait defined as having \"perseverance and passion for long-term goals\", may be particularly important in helping Cambodian youth to succeed despite the extreme challenges they face. To date, the Original Grit Scale (Grit-O) has not been translated in Khmer or validated for a sample of Cambodian youth.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to assess the reliability and validity of a Khmer translation of the Original Grit Scale (Grit-O) among urban Cambodian youth.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-section survey battery -including Grit-O and other relevant covariates -was administered to Cambodian youth.
    UNASSIGNED: Data were collected from 580 Cambodian adolescents (Mage = 15.85 years, SDage = 2.05, 63.7% female).
    UNASSIGNED: Paper and pencil surveys were sent home from school with each participant and returned to the study team the next day. Analyses included calculating Cronbach\'s alphas, interitem correlations, correlations with relevant covariates and both a confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Cronbach\'s alphas and interitem correlations indicated that the full scale was not reliable for this sample, and that reliability improved when two items (I become interested in new pursuits every few months -reverse-scored and I finish whatever I begin) were excluded. The subscales Consistency of Interests and Perseverance of Effort were more reliable than the full scale. Correlations with relevant covariates indicated that the full scale was moderately valid. Factor analyses suggested that items 6 and 7 did not load well onto either identified factor.
    UNASSIGNED: Investigators measuring grit in a sample of Cambodian youth should consider excluding items 6 and 7 of Grit-O, and assessing the two subscales on their own, rather than treating them as indicators of a single higher-order construct.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Given the growing evidence on the health benefits associated with physical literacy (PL), it is necessary to develop sound measures to assess the levels of PL in children. The Physical Literacy in Children Questionnaire (PL-C Quest) is the first self-report pictorial-based scale to assess children\'s perceived PL. It has good validity and reliability in Australian children aged 7 to 12 years, but little is known in younger children and in other cultural contexts. The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability in an expanded age range.
    METHODS: A total of 1,870 Chinese children (girls, n = 871; 46.6%), aged 4 to 12 years (M = 8.07 ± 2.42) participated in validity testing. Structural equation modeling with the Weighted Least Squares with Mean and Variance approach was used to assess construct validity. The hypothesized theoretical model used the 30 items and four hypothesized factors: physical, psychological, social and cognitive capabilities. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess sex and age group (4-6 years, 7-9 years and 10-12 years) measurement invariance. Internal consistency analyses were conducted using polychoric alpha. A random subsample (n = 262) was selected to determine test-retest reliability using Intra-Class Correlations (ICC).
    RESULTS: All items except one (moving with equipment-skateboarding) loaded on sub-domains with λ > 0.45. The hypothesized model had a good fit (CFI = 0.954, TLI = 0.950, RMSEA = 0.042), with measurement equivalence across sex and age groups separately. Internal consistency values were good to excellent (overall: α = 0.94; physical: α = 0.86; psychological: α = 0.83; social: α = 0.81; cognitive: α = 0.86). Test-retest reliability was adequate to excellent (overall: ICC = 0.90, physical: ICC = 0.86, psychological: ICC = 0.75, social: ICC = 0.71, cognitive: ICC = 0.72).
    CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese version of the PL-C Quest is valid and reliable for testing the self-reported PL of Chinese children aged 4 to 12. This study provides the first evidence of validity for this tool in children aged 4-6 years and also evidence that the PL-C Quest would be a meaningful instrument to assess PL in Chinese children.





