Critical discourse analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the depathologisation movement in 2007 to challenge the pathologisation of trans identities in Western psychiatry, significant developments have occurred, including revisions to Standards of Care and diagnostic criteria such as ICD-11\'s gender incongruence and DSM-5\'s gender dysphoria, acknowledging gender diversity as an expected part of human development. This paper argues that Japanese medical models reflect global issues but also have unique aspects shaped by cultural and linguistic nuances. Using critical discourse analysis, this paper examines how depathologisation discourses are perceived in the Japanese medical community, focusing on the term seidouitsusei-syōgai (gender identity disorder), presenting three ways in which seidouitsusei-syōgai is used: psychiatric disorder, syōgai/sikkan (impairment/disability/disorder), and diagnostic category. These uses are influenced by legal and social reforms, healthcare access and alignment with international classifications, while the medical profession\'s authority remains unexamined. Reflecting the structural challenges of diagnostic models in trans medicine, the interpretation of seidouitsusei-syōgai differs from the English phrase \'gender identity disorder\' due to the specific connotations of syōgai in the Japanese context. By examining Japan\'s approach to depathologisation and medicalisation, this paper enriches the understanding of trans medicine and the impact of depathologisation discourse in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article uses critical discourse analysis to investigate artificial intelligence (AI) generated images of aged care nurses and considers how perspectives and perceptions impact upon the recruitment and retention of nurses. The article demonstrates a recontextualization of aged care nursing, giving rise to hidden ideologies including harmful stereotypes which allow for discrimination and exploitation. It is argued that this may imply that nurses require fewer clinical skills in aged care, diminishing the value of working in this area. AI relies on existing data sets, and thus represent existing stereotypes and biases. The discourse analysis has highlighted key issues which may further impact upon nursing recruitment and retention, and advocates for stronger ethical consideration, including the use of experts in data validation, for the way that aged care services and nurses are depicted and thus valued.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    批判性语篇分析是一种方法论方法,可以对使某些思想和某些人陷入边缘的结构进行质疑。在健康科学中,这种方法,它起源于批判语言学领域,对于突出强调许多社会过程,这些过程对健康和医疗保健的某些概念具有特权,同时将其他观点标记为« 替代”或“边缘”。然而,尽管批判性语篇分析具有解放潜力,但在护理科学中仍未得到充分利用。我们认为这种不情愿,除其他外,它的理论锚定,它的语言起源,以及其分析方法的模糊性和变异性。因此,本文的目的是更好地理解如何在护理学科中使用批判性的语篇分析来阐明持续存在的权力动态和社会不平等。还提供了使用批判性语篇分析进行的不同研究示例,以具体说明如何在护理科学中使用这种方法。
    Critical discourse analysis is a methodological approach that allows for the questioning of structures that relegate certain ideas and certain people to the margins. In health sciences, this approach, with its origins in the field of critical linguistics, is useful for highlighting the many societal processes that privilege certain conceptions of health and health care while labelling other perspectives as « alternative” or “fringe”. However, critical discourse analysis is still underused in nursing science despite its emancipatory potential. We attribute this reluctance, among other things, to its theoretical anchoring, to its linguistic origin, and to the vagueness and variability of its analysis methods. The objective of this article is therefore to better understand how critical discourse analysis can be used in the discipline of nursing to shed light on the power dynamics and social inequalities that persist. Different examples of studies carried out using critical discourse analysis are also presented to concretely illustrate how this approach can be used in nursing sciences.
    L’analyse critique du discours est une approche méthodologique qui permet une remise en question des structures qui relèguent certaines idées et personnes à la marge. Dans le domaine de la santé, cette approche, issue de la linguistique critique, est utile pour mettre en relief les nombreux processus sociétaux qui privilégient une certaine conception de la santé et des soins au profit d’autres perspectives considérées comme « alternatives ». Pourtant, en sciences infirmières, l’analyse critique du discours est encore trop peu utilisée malgré son potentiel émancipatoire. Nous attribuons cette réticence entre autres à ses ancrages théoriques, à son origine linguistique, et au flou et à la variabilité dans ses méthodes d’analyse. L’objectif de cet article est donc de mieux comprendre comment l’analyse critique du discours peut être utilisée dans la discipline des sciences infirmières afin de mettre en exergue les inégalités sociales et enjeux de pouvoir. Différents exemples d’études réalisées en utilisant l’analyse critique de discours sont aussi présentés afin d’illustrer concrètement comment cette approche peut être utilisée en sciences infirmières.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nursing care for older women represent a challenge worldwide due to its characteristics. When communication is impaired between primary care nurses and older women living alone, an imbalance in power relations occurs. The main objective of this study is to analyse the power relations between older women and primary care nurses in situations of active listening, shared decision-making and participation in care.
    METHODS: We developed a qualitative study in southern Spain using a discursive and gender approach. We used purposeful sampling to interview older women who lived alone and received home nursing care. Simultaneously, we conducted focus groups with primary care nurses who provided home care to older women. A linguistic analysis of the transcripts was carried out.
    RESULTS: Nine semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with older women who lived alone and two face-to-face focus groups with four primary care nurses in each. The discourse of the participants demonstrated an imbalance in power relations. Influenced by work overload, active listening was considered a privilege in primary care nurses´ discourse. Regarding shared decision-making, older women´s discourses revealed \"mirages\" of real situations where they thought they were deciding. Participation in care was difficult since older women saw themselves as a nuisance in nurses´ presence, and primary care nurses did not facilitate older women\'s engagement. Older women weren´t considered when organising home visits and had interiorised a subordinated feeling. Similarly, a strict sense of identity made primary care nurses feel powerful in their relationships with older women.
    CONCLUSIONS: The discourse of older women represented them as victims of a hostile panorama whilst they were sometimes satisfied with the deficient care received. The discourse of primary care nurses used more discursive strategies to represent themselves as professionals committed to caring. However, it also revealed deficiencies in care, discriminatory elements, and feelings of being limited by their working conditions. Active listening to older women and engagement in decision-making readjust empower the older women. Attending to the needs and concerns of primary care nurses could recalibrate the power imbalance between them and healthcare organisations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the narrated experiences of individuals with advanced stages of late-onset dementia, focusing on their diagnosis awareness. Such framing is motivated by 2 reasons. Firstly, there is a lack of consensus regarding the prevalence of anosognosia among people with dementia. Secondly, research on anosognosia often neglects to address the important issues of shame and stigma associated with receiving a dementia diagnosis.
    For this qualitative study, a total of 27 participants ranging in age from 66 to 94 were involved. The data collected were analyzed using textual-oriented discourse analysis.
    Our findings indicated that individuals with dementia struggled to comprehend the medical terminology used to describe their experiences within biomedical standards. The interviewees utilized 5 negative discourses on dementia, which shaped their attitudes toward the condition and people diagnosed with it. These discourses depicted dementia as an illness, negative aging, a devaluation, a burden, and a life tragedy. Moreover, study participants did not outright reject the diagnosis but rather negotiated its acceptance within the context of shame associated with dementia.
    The concept of anosognosia can serve as a mechanism of social control and stigmatization of people with dementia within the dominant biomedical discourse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research investigates the representation of older adults in Turkish newspaper reports during the first national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey in order to understand the representation and reinforcement of ageism in this context. To this end, fifty newspaper reports from five top-selling Turkish newspapers at the time were selected randomly and analysed using critical discourse analysis for the text producers\' linguistic choices in the representations of older adults. The findings show that the older adults were represented predominantly in relation to the lockdown measures and as members of a homogeneous group. They were mainly evaluated negatively as a vulnerable, passive, and at risk group who lacked truthfulness and exhibited unusual behaviour. They were also found to be not among the intended readers of the newspaper reports. This resulted in the infantilisation of older adults and the removal of their agency. Our findings point to the linguistic choices realising these discursive practices in the Turkish context. We argue that these findings follow a trend of representation of older adults in discursive practices and that these practices are instrumental in forming ageist stereotypes and reinforcing age-related bias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Due to the global aging trend, the number of older people who will spend the last years of their lives in nursing homes is increasing. However, nursing homes have long confronted negative social and public discourses, including stigmas on dementia and life in such facilities. Nevertheless, the remaining time of residents with dementia holds significance, for them and their families, as they seek respect and the ability to make meaningful end-of-life decisions.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore how nursing home nurses advocate for the remaining lifetimes of residents with dementia.
    METHODS: A qualitative research design.
    METHODS: Four nursing homes in Korea from January 2023 to February 2023.
    METHODS: Twenty nurses who provide direct caregiving for residents with dementia and have a minimum of two years\' experience in nursing homes were recruited.
    METHODS: This study employed a critical discourse analysis. Twenty interviews conducted with nursing home nurses were examined to explore the connections between the grammatical and lexical aspects of the language used by the nurses to construct their identities as advocates for residents with dementia and the broader sociocultural context.
    RESULTS: Four discourses regarding nursing home nurses advocating for the value of life of residents with dementia were identified: (1) Bridging perspectives: I am a negotiator between medical treatment and residents\' families with differing views; (2) Embracing a shared humanity: Residents are no different from me; they just need professional help; (3) Affirming belongingness: Residents still belong to their families, even when care has been delegated; and (4) Empowering voices for change: We are struggling to provide better care in a challenging reality.
    CONCLUSIONS: This paper highlights the importance of nursing advocacy in safeguarding the remaining time and dignity of individuals with dementia, challenging the stigma surrounding dementia and nursing homes and calling for greater societal and political recognition of the efforts nurses make to preserve the personhood and well-being of these older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing concerns about the health impacts of sugar consumption has led to the proposition of a sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax in Canada. However, competing concerns related to stigma and equity remain and have not been explored in a Canadian context. As part of a broader study examining the perspectives of various populations on SSB tax acceptability, we examined how residents of an upper-middle class neighborhood conceptualize SSB tax acceptability, and we explored the discourses that inform their discussion. We conducted and analyzed qualitative, semi-structured interviews with residents of an upper-middle class neighborhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Recruitment criteria were residence, adults, and English speaking. Critical discourse analysis methodology was used, and healthism (health moralism) and tax psychology informed the analysis. Eighteen participants volunteered: 15 females and 3 males; all self-identified as white, and all spoke about (grand)parenting. Healthist discourse was utilized in supportive discussion of SSB taxation. With the mobilization of healthism, ideal citizens and parents were described as \"health conscious\" and those who might be likely to reduce SSB intake because of taxation. Healthism also contributed to their identification of beverages targeted by a tax, versus those they deemed as having redeeming nutritional qualities. Limits to SSB tax support were expressed as fairness concerns, with a focus on the procedural justice of the tax. Participants supported SSB taxation and the discourses they employed suggested support for the tax was perceived as contributing to their construction of the kind of ideal, health-valuing citizens they hoped to embody. However, participants were also concerned about the fairness of implementation, although this did not outweigh the prioritization of good health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on online pornography abstinence movements has predominantly focused on men\'s perspectives, often within the context of the broader manosphere. This focus has overshadowed the unique experiences and viewpoints of women in these movements. Our study aimed to fill this gap by exploring women-centric perspectives in pornography abstinence forums, particularly Porn Free Women (r/pornfreewomen). Using a mixed methods approach, this study examined the sexual scripts presented in women-dominated pornography abstinence communities. Our structural topic modeling analysis delineated the interplay of therapeutic, heteronormative, and empowerment themes that were evident in women\'s narratives and expressions. Further, our discourse analysis elucidated three specific scripts: the addiction script, the heterosexual script, and the liberation script. These interweaving narratives show that discussions of women\'s pornography abstinence are multifaceted and include a variety of perspectives to negotiate. These results contribute to a nuanced understanding of the values of health and well-being, sexual liberation, and feminism within women\'s pornography abstinence communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article considers how reporting about work during the COVID-19 pandemic operated as a field of discourse that challenged the ideological workings of neoliberalism. By documenting the risks and stresses workers of all classes faced during the first year of the pandemic, the reporting began to question neoliberal capitalism as socially unsustainable. Drawing on a corpus of 151 long-form articles and commentary, we show how journalistic discourse structured relationships between different classes of workers and implicated institutions for failing to properly mitigate the risks associated with COVID-19, even though the discourse largely centered on professionals working from home. As the reporting substantiated the precarities revealed by the pandemic as social facts, it challenged presumptions that undergird neoliberal ideologies, though it remains to be seen whether journalism will discursively re-center neoliberal logics in the wake of the pandemic.





