
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endemic to only three known provinces in South Central Vietnam, Cuora picturata have faced extensive collection pressures for the food, medicinal, and pet trades. Further exacerbating their decline is the lack of protected areas where wild populations exist, with only one known population occurring within a protected area. With threats to wild populations persisting, the development of an assurance colony has been prioritized for C. picturata. The Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar Conservation has been operating the Turtle Conservation Center (TCC) in Cuc Phuong National Park since 1998. From 2020 to 2022, 24 C. picturata were acquired by the TCC from the illegal trade. With no ideal repatriation plan, these animals provided an opportunity for developing a captive assurance colony at the TCC to safeguard the species from extinction. As semi-aquatic species, box turtles in the genus Cuora are a unique group that shows variations in habitat use and behavior between species. Herein, we documented some specific courtship behaviors not yet described for C. picturata, providing insight into the unique reproductive behaviors of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The transcription product of tramtrack (ttk) is an important transcription factor which plays many roles in the regulation of the development, differentiation and chromosome recombination of organisms. Few studies have been reported on the specific functions of ttk in other insects except Drosophila melanogaster. Our aims are to reveal the ttk effects on development and courtship of male rice pest brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens.
    RESULTS: In this study, we first assayed spatiotemporal expression of ttk in BPH, then treated the fourth nymphs of BPH with dsttk. We found most individuals died before emerging to adults, the adult eclosion rate was only 18.89%. No courtship behavior was found in individuals injected with dsttk. Further research showed that the main frequency of courtship vibration signal (CVS) 431.3 Hz in the individuals injected with dsttk was significantly higher than 223 Hz in the individuals injected with dsGFP, and female adults nearly had no response to the 431.3 Hz CVS.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that about 81% of the 4-instar nymphs of BPH treated with dsttk died before they emerged as adults, the successfully emerged adults emitted the 431.3 Hz CVS to which female adults did not respond and lost the ability of courtship. This was first finding about the functions of ttk in rice planthopper and illustrated the potential of ttk as target for RNAi to control rice planthopper. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex behavioral sequences such as courtship displays are often multimodal, and coordination between modalities is critically important. In learned and variable behavioral sequences such as songs, individual variability may also extend to multimodal coordination and the associations between modalities. However, individual variability in complex multimodal sequences and in coordination between distinct behaviors remains underexplored. Here, we report that budgerigars, which continuously learn and modify their complex warble songs, exhibit associations between body movements and song notes during courtship. Some associations are unique to individuals, and others are universal across individuals. Additionally, some individuals exhibit more unique associations than others. We also find that birds warbling in the absence of body movements emit all notes with broadly similar odds ratios. Our data suggests a hierarchy of associations, some individual-specific and others common to all individuals, between body movements and songs. We propose that these associations may be learnt and modified through social interactions, resulting in individual variability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recently reported Schizophrenia-associated genetic variant in the 3\'UTR of the human furin gene, a homolog of C. elegans kpc-1, highlights an important role of the furin 3\'UTR in neuronal development. We isolate three kpc-1 mutants that display abnormal dendrite arborization in PVD neurons and defective male mating behaviors. We show that the kpc-1 3\'UTR participates in dendrite branching and self-avoidance. The kpc-1 3\'UTR facilitates mRNA localization to branching points and contact points between sibling dendrites and promotes translation efficiency. A predicted secondary structural motif in the kpc-1 3\'UTR is required for dendrite self-avoidance. Animals with over-expression of DMA-1, a PVD dendrite receptor, exhibit similar dendrite branching and self-avoidance defects that are suppressed with kpc-1 over-expression. Our results support a model in which KPC-1 proteins are synthesized at branching points and contact points to locally down-regulate DMA-1 receptors to promote dendrite branching and self-avoidance of a mechanosensory neuron important for male courtship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Males display phenotypic characteristics that may be associated with their quality, allowing non-random mating and post-copulatory female choice. In the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis asturica, males have a conspicuous pink colouration in the underside of abdominal segments 8-10, which they exhibit during pre- and post-copulatory courtship. We hypothesized that this colouration functions to increase male mating success and/or to elicit females to oviposit. We estimated mating and oviposition success of 27 males, and on the following day, treated males had their segments 8-10 painted black and control males the seventh segment. We recorded the number of male-male fights and courtships, whether the courtship ended in copulation, and whether the female remained in the territory and laid eggs. Our results indicate that the mating success of male C. h. asturica was not significantly affected by the removal of the pink colouration of the abdominal tip, but this colouration clearly affected their success in enticing females to oviposit. Courtship frequency, fat content and muscle mass were positively correlated to male mating rate, and the number of aggressive encounters was negatively correlated. Our study yields experimental evidence for the function of pink colouration of male C. h. asturica, in the context of post-copulatory sexual selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The features of the physical environment set the stage upon which sexual selection operates, and consequently can have a significant impact on variation in realized individual fitness, and influence a population\'s evolutionary trajectory. This phenomenon has been explored empirically in several studies using fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) which have found that changing the spatial complexity of the mating environment influenced male-female interaction dynamics, (re)mating rates, and realized female fecundities. However, these studies did not explore mating patterns, which can dramatically alter the genetic composition of the next generation, and frequently only compared a single, small \"simple\" environment to a single larger \"complex\" environment. While these studies have shown that broadly changing the characteristics of the environment can have big effects on reproductive dynamics, the plasticity of this outcome to more subtle changes has not been extensively explored. Our study set out to compare patterns of mating and courtship between large- and small-bodied males and females, and female fecundities in both a simple environment and 2 distinctly different spatially complex environments. We found that realized offspring production patterns differed dramatically between all 3 environments, indicating that the effects of increasing spatial complexity on mating outcomes are sensitive to the specific type of environmental complexity. Furthermore, we observed female fecundities were higher for flies in both complex environments compared those in the simple environment, supporting its role as a mediator of sexual conflict. Together, these results show that the union of gametes within a population can be greatly influenced by the specific spatial features of the environment and that while some outcomes of increased environmental complexity are likely generalizable, other phenomena such as mating patterns and courtship rates may vary from one complex environment to another.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals plastically adjust their physiological and behavioural phenotypes to conform to their social environment-social niche conformance. The degree of sexual competition is a critical part of the social environment to which animals adjust their phenotypes, but the underlying genetic mechanisms are poorly understood. We conducted a study to investigate how differences in sperm competition risk affect the gene expression profiles of the testes and two brain areas (posterior pallium and optic tectum) in breeding male zebra finches (Taeniopygia castanotis). In this pre-registered study, we investigated a large sample of 59 individual transcriptomes. We compared two experimental groups: males held in single breeding pairs (low sexual competition) versus those held in two pairs (elevated sexual competition) per breeding cage. Using weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA), we observed significant effects of the social treatment in all three tissues. However, only the treatment effects found in the pallium were confirmed by an additional randomisation test for statistical robustness. Likewise, the differential gene expression analysis revealed treatment effects only in the posterior pallium (ten genes) and optic tectum (six genes). No treatment effects were found in the testis at the single gene level. Thus, our experiments do not provide strong evidence for transcriptomic adjustment specific to manipulated sperm competition risk. However, we did observe transcriptomic adjustments to the manipulated social environment in the posterior pallium. These effects were polygenic rather than based on few individual genes with strong effects. Our findings are discussed in relation to an accompanying paper using the same animals, which reports behavioural results consistent with the results presented here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fly Drosophila yakuba has lost an ancestral component of the male courtship song: this is due to ontogenetic death of effector neurons in the ventral nerve cord, a result of the D. yakuba sex-determining gene dsx producing a male isoform, dsxM, with cell-death-promoting activity similar to that of the female isoform, dsxF, in D. melanogaster.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Accurate detection of pheromones is crucial for chemical communication and reproduction in insects. In holometabolous flies and moths, the sensory neuron membrane protein 1 (SNMP1) is essential for detecting long-chain aliphatic pheromones by olfactory neurons. However, its function in hemimetabolous insects and its role for detecting pheromones of a different chemical nature remain elusive. Therefore, we investigated the relevance of SNMP1 for pheromone detection in a hemimetabolous insect pest of considerable economic importance, the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, which moreover employs the aromatic pheromone phenylacetonitrile (PAN) to govern reproductive behaviors.
    RESULTS: Employing CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing, a mutant locust line lacking functional SNMP1 was established. In electroantennography experiments and single sensillum recordings, we found significantly decreased electrical responses to PAN in SNMP1-deficient (SNMP1-/-) locusts. Moreover, calcium imaging in the antennal lobe of the brain revealed a substantially reduced activation of projection neurons in SNMP1-/- individuals upon exposure to PAN, indicating that the diminished antennal responsiveness to PAN in mutants affects pheromone-evoked neuronal activity in the brain. Furthermore, in behavioral experiments, PAN-induced effects on pairing and mate choice were altered in SNMP1-/- locusts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings emphasize the importance of SNMP1 for chemical communication in a hemimetabolous insect pest. Moreover, they show that SNMP1 plays a crucial role in pheromone detection that goes beyond long-chain aliphatic substances and includes aromatic compounds controlling reproductive behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) seasonally aggregate in coastal surface waters of the North Atlantic, providing opportunities for visual observation. While putative courtship displays have been observed, actual copulation has not been documented. Here we examine video collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle (\"drone\") of novel behavioral interactions between basking sharks in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts in May 2021. The behaviors, including close following and tight concentric circling, are consistent with pre-copulatory behavior observed in other shark species. These observations provide new insights into the pre-copulatory behavior of basking sharks.





