Correctional health care

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: - The purpose of this paper is to explore HIV risk behaviors of inmates during incarceration and gain an in-depth understanding of the context within which these behaviors occur.
    METHODS: - In total, 47 recently released ex-offenders participated in focus group discussions that explored the contexts surrounding inmate engagement in HIV risk behaviors in prison. Data were analyzed using NVivo 7 and results were organized into themes.
    RESULTS: - Inmates engaged behaviors that could predispose them to HIV infection. These behaviors include unprotected sexual intercourse, transactional sex, injection drug use, tattooing, and body piercing. The results of this study show that the contexts within which risk behaviors occur among inmates are complex, involving inmates, corrections staff, and visitors. The reasons why inmates engage in risk behaviors are also myriad: finance; addiction; boredom; deprivation; prison culture; slack security and monitoring; indifference by correctional officers; and violence.
    CONCLUSIONS: - Prevention of risk behaviors and ultimately HIV transmission in prison requires a multi-dimensional ecological approach that focusses on the inmates, prison staff, prison system, policies, and policy makers.
    CONCLUSIONS: - This paper attempts to explore HIV risk behaviors of prison inmates. It is of value to health professionals, security agents, administrators, and non-governmental organizations that work with the incarcerated population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: - Injecting drug use is a global concern, with an estimated 16 million people who inject drugs (PWIDs) in over 148 countries. A number of Asian countries detain PWIDs for compulsory treatment. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
    METHODS: - The authors reviewed the literature on compulsory drug treatment in seven Asian countries.
    RESULTS: - The authors identified 1,269 closed settings which held over 600,000 drug users in eight countries. The average detainee was aged from 20 to 30 years and was predominantly male. HIV risk behaviour continued in detention in some countries. In most countries treatment comprised physical labour, military drills. Methadone maintenance treatment and antiretroviral therapy were rarely available. No data were located to show detention in a closed setting treated drug dependency. Issues of concern were; no due legal process for the detention of drug users, lack of evidence-based drug treatment, lack of HIV prevention and treatment, abusive conditions, forced labour and exercise, arbitrary exit procedures and very high relapse rates.
    CONCLUSIONS: - The review of compulsory treatment of drug users failed to find any evaluation of effective drug treatment for detainees. Instead serious breaches in human rights conditions were evident. Prominent international organisations have called for the compulsory treatment of drug users to cease.
    CONCLUSIONS: - Many countries are spending vast amounts of funding on ineffective treatments for drug users.
    CONCLUSIONS: - Funding should be directed to community-based drug treatments that have been shown to work.
    CONCLUSIONS: - This is the largest review of compulsory treatment of drug users to date.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to research studies in the literature regarding the role of the occupational therapist within penitentiary facilities.
    METHODS: The study design is a systematic review using five different databases.
    RESULTS: Findings can therefore ascertain the potential role of occupational therapists in penitentiary institutions because they can contribute to the rehabilitation of prisoners both inside and outside prisons with a view to their reintegration into society.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary for clinical practice, and especially to increase the health of people within prisons, to update the occupational therapist interventions in the literature that are effective within prisons.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to this study, the intervention of occupational therapists in the prison setting reduces recidivism and contributes to social and work reintegration. This has positive effects in terms of costs related to incarceration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings can therefore ascertain the potential role of occupational therapists in penitentiary institutions because they can contribute to the rehabilitation of prisoners both inside and outside prisons with a view to their reintegration into society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Public health experts and advocates have long raised concerns about the pandemic preparedness of prison systems worldwide - an issue that became increasingly salient at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. People in prison experience poorer health outcomes compared to the general population, making timely access to adequate health services in prison critical for their health and wellbeing. This study aims to identify the extent of the literature on initial changes in mental health and substance use services for people in prison during the COVID-19 pandemic, summarize and synthesize the findings and identify areas in need of further study.
    METHODS: The authors conducted a review of the academic literature published internationally in English between 2019 and December 1, 2020 to describe the disruptions and adaptations to mental health and substance use services in prisons during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    RESULTS: The authors found that mental health and substance use services in prisons around the world were widely disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic - predominantly consisting of the complete suspension of services, discontinuation of transfers to off-site treatment sites and limitations on service capacity. Adaptations ranged from virtual service delivery and changes to treatment dispensation processes to information sessions on overdose prevention.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of the authors\' knowledge, this is the first review to examine the nature and extent of the literature on delivery of mental health and substance use services in prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The case fatality rate (CFR) is an important metric in the correctional setting because it permits assessment of the lethality of an infectious agent independent of its underlying variations in transmissibility and incidence. Several studies have reported that incarceration is associated with both increased COVID-19 incidence and mortality. CFR, sometimes referred to as infection fatality rate for COVID-19, was used to compare mortality in a population at two points in time. A retrospective cohort study design was used to assess age-adjusted mortality among people diagnosed with COVID-19 in the Texas prison system and the Texas nonincarcerated population from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021. For each 6-month period under study, the Texas prison population had a substantially lower age-adjusted CFR compared with the Texas nonincarcerated population. However, in the absence of information on underlying COVID-19 severity, comorbidities, and other potential confounding factors in these two populations, it is difficult to make strong inferences based on a comparison of their CFRs. Future research, with careful attention to bias and confounding, should examine the specific health system factors that may be used to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with infectious disease outbreaks in prisons.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: People living with opioid use disorder (OUD) disproportionately encounter the criminal justice system. Although incarcerated individuals with OUD face higher risk for withdrawals, relapses and overdoses, most jails fail to offer comprehensive medications for OUD (MOUD), including recovery support services and transition of care to a community provider. The purpose of this paper is to describe the development and implementation of a comprehensive MOUD program at a large county jail system in Maricopa County, Arizona.
    METHODS: The authors used the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) to develop a community-based, multi-organizational program for incarcerated individuals with OUD. The SIM is a mapping process of the criminal justice system and was applied in Maricopa County, Arizona to identify gaps in services and strengthen resources at each key intercept. The program applies an integrated care framework that is person-centered and incorporates medical, behavioral and social services to improve population health.
    RESULTS: Stakeholders worked collaboratively to develop a multi-point program for incarcerated individuals with OUD that includes an integrated care service with brief screening, MOUD and treatment; a residential treatment program; peer support; community provider referrals; and a court diversion program. Recovery support specialists provide education, support and care coordination between correctional and community health services.
    CONCLUSIONS: OUD is a common problem in many correctional health centers. However, many jails do not provide a comprehensive approach to connect incarcerated individuals with OUD treatment. The Maricopa County, Arizona jail system opioid treatment program is unique because of the ongoing support from recovery support specialists during and after incarceration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnant individuals in incarcerated settings have unique healthcare needs. Rates of mental health, infectious diseases, and chronic disease are higher among nonpregnant incarcerated women compared with those who are not, but the prevalence of these conditions among pregnant people in custody has not been documented.
    The objective of this study is to describe the prevalence of metabolic, infectious, and mental health conditions in pregnant people to identify the medical needs of high-risk pregnancies in US state prisons and local jails.
    This was a prospective epidemiologic surveillance of a convenience sample of state prisons (n = 20) and local jails (n = 3).
    We used purposive and snowball sampling to recruit a national sample of prisons and jails of a range of sizes and geographies. Reporters submitted to our study database monthly data on selected pregnancy comorbidities for 6 months between 2016 and 2017. Screening, diagnosis, and tracking of these conditions are derived from each facility\'s medical record and health care delivery systems.
    Of the 445 newly admitted pregnant people in prisons and 243 in jails, the most prevalent conditions were mental health conditions and hepatitis C. Specifically, 34.1% (n = 152) in prison and 23.5% (n = 57) in jail had a substance use disorder, and 27.4% (n = 122) of those in prison and 17.7% (n = 43) in jail had a psychiatric diagnosis. Finally, 20.2% (n = 91) in prison and 6.6% (n = 16) in jail had hepatitis C.
    This study demonstrates that chronic medical and mental health conditions are prevalent among pregnant people in US prisons and jails. However, significant variability in the reported number of cases of these conditions from state to state and between facility types implies a lack of or inadequate screening practices. These data indicate the need for comprehensive screening and appropriate care for the complex needs of pregnant incarcerated people.
    Health care conditions among pregnant persons in US state prisons and local jails 2016–2017Background: Pregnant individuals in incarcerated settings have unique health care needs. Rates of mental health, infectious diseases, and chronic disease are higher among nonpregnant incarcerated women compared with those who are not, but the prevalence of these conditions among pregnant people in custody has not been documented.
    The objective of this study is to describe the prevalence of these conditions in pregnant people to identify the medical needs of high-risk pregnancies in US state prisons and local jails.
    The study involved ongoing systematic data collection, analysis and interpretation of pregnancy data from a convenience sample of state prisons (n = 20) and local jails (n = 3).
    We intentionally recruited a national sample of prisons and jails of a range of sizes and geographies that house pregnant individuals. Some study facilities were referred from others. Reporters submitted to our study database monthly data on selected pregnancy comorbidities for 6 months between 2016 and 2017. Screening, diagnosis, and tracking of these conditions derived from each facility’s medical record and health care delivery systems.
    Of the 445 newly admitted pregnant people in prisons and 243 in jails, the most prevalent conditions were mental health conditions and hepatitis C. Specifically, 34.1% (n = 152) in prison and 23.5% (n = 57) in jail had a substance use disorder and 27.4% (n = 122) of those in prison and 17.7% (n = 43) in jail had a psychiatric diagnosis. Finally, 20.2% (n = 91) in prison and 6.6% (n = 16) in jail had hepatitisc.
    This study demonstrates that chronic medical and mental health conditions are prevalent among pregnant people in US prisons and jails. However, significant variability in the reported number of cases of these conditions from state to state and between facility types implies a lack of or inadequate screening practices. These data indicate the need for comprehensive screening and appropriate care for the complex needs of pregnant incarcerated people.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This viewpoint was developed to revisit the burden and risks associated with postpartum depression (PPD) among incarcerated women based on a thematic review of the literature. Around one third of incarcerated pregnant women have symptoms of moderate to severe depression perinatally. In particular, PPD negatively impacts the well-being of parents and their children. Mitigating the consequences of PPD through screening, promotion of protective factors, and early identification coupled with treatment may have a substantial impact on the overall well-being of the affected children and postpartum individuals. Important risk factors for PPD in correctional populations include previous mental illness diagnosis, a lack of social support, poor pre- and perinatal care, inability to breastfeed, a lack of skin-to-skin contact, and partner violence. We recommend that correctional facilities promote the development of on-site mother-baby units and streamline the visitation process for newborns to visit parents. Improved access to pre- and postnatal care, education, and doula support is highly recommended, as well as consideration of community-based alternatives to incarceration, particularly in correctional settings with underserved mental health care needs. Future studies are needed to estimate the burden of PPD in correctional settings, identify system-related risk factors, and implement evidence-based guidelines for PPD and associated psychosocial sequelae.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Adequate nutritional intake during pregnancy is critical to infant health and development. People with the capacity for pregnancy who are incarcerated have limited control over their diets and rely on prisons and jails to meet their nutritional needs. This study examined state and federal statutes pertaining to nutrition care for pregnant people while incarcerated. Following a systematic search and review, we identified four qualitative codes relating to access to vitamins, supplemental food, additional hydration, and prenatal nutrition education. Summaries of state and federal statutes pertaining to nutrition were developed and compared with current prenatal nutrition recommendations. Less than a third of states had nutrition-related mandates and no states had statutes that included all key nutrition recommendations. No federal statutes addressed nutrition during pregnancy. Additionally, our review found no provisions for enforcement of the limited nutritional statutes that do exist. To mitigate adverse health consequences for pregnant people and their fetuses, policymakers should enact or amend legislation to align nutrition standards in all prisons and jails with national policy recommendations and provide mechanisms to oversee compliance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    American jails process millions of bookings each year, and prior research has documented high rates of mental and physical ailments among people held in jails. The existing literature, however, provides only minimal insight into the occurrence of multiple health conditions. This study sought to estimate the prevalence of physical and mental health multimorbidity among people held in jails in the United States. Using a nationally representative sample of responses to the National Inmate Survey, 2011-2012 (N = 5,494), we analyzed reports of physical health conditions, mental health conditions, and disabilities among people in local jails. Prevalence of two or more conditions was 28.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 27.3%, 29.7%) for mental health, 55.5% (95% CI = 54.2%, 56.8%) for physical health, and 15.5% (95% CI = 14.6%, 16.5%) for disabilities. At least one condition across all three health domains was estimated at 29.4% (95% CI = 28.2%, 30.6%). Prevalence of two or more co-occurring conditions without regard for domain was 76.9% (95% CI = 75.8%, 78.0%). Rates were consistently higher among women than among men. Jailed people show a high rate of co-occurring mental and physical health conditions.





