
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Newly synthesized membrane proteins pass through the secretory pathway, starting at the endoplasmic reticulum and packaged into COPII vesicles, to continue to the Golgi apparatus before reaching their membrane of residence. It is known that cargo receptor proteins form part of the COPII complex and play a role in the recruitment of cargo proteins for their subsequent transport through the secretory pathway. The role of cornichon proteins is conserved from yeast to vertebrates, but it is poorly characterized in plants. Here, we studied the role of the two cornichon homologs in the secretory pathway of the moss Physcomitrium patens. Mutant analyses revealed that cornichon genes regulate different growth processes during the moss life cycle by controlling auxin transport, with CNIH2 functioning as a specific cargo receptor for the auxin efflux carrier PINA, with the C terminus of the receptor regulating the interaction, trafficking and membrane localization of PINA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative splicing of AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) and allosteric modulation by auxiliary subunits, such as transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (TARPs), are two important mechanisms that regulate the time course of glutamatergic neurotransmission. Prior work has shown that alternative splicing of the flip/flop cassette profoundly regulates TARP γ2 modulation, where flip receptor gating exhibits robust sensitivity to TARPs while flop isoforms are relatively insensitive to TARP modulation. Whether this splice variant-specific regulation extends to other auxiliary subunit families, such as cornichons (CNIHs), GSG1L, or CKAMPs, remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that CNIH-3 modulation is unaffected by AMPAR alternative splicing due to inherent differences in how CNIH-3 and TARP γ2 modify channel gating. CNIH-3 slows receptor deactivation from the outset of current decay, consistent with structural evidence showing its point of contact at the level of the pore. In contrast, TARP γ2 acts via the KGK site of the ligand-binding domain (LBD) to slow the onset of desensitization. Although GSG1L and CKAMP44 primarily slow recovery from desensitization, their effects on channel gating are unaffected by alternative splicing, further underlining that structural events leading to the onset and recovery from desensitization are separable. Together, this work establishes that alternative splicing and TARP auxiliary subunits form a unique partnership that governs fast glutamatergic signaling at central synapses. Since proteomic studies suggest that all native AMPARs co-assemble with at least two TARPs, allosteric coupling between the flip/flop cassette and TARPs may represent a common design element in all AMPAR complexes of the mammalian brain.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT All fast excitatory neurotransmission in the mammalian brain is mediated by AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs). The time course of AMPAR gating can be regulated by two distinct mechanisms: alternative splicing of the flip/flop cassette and association with auxiliary subunits. Although these regulatory mechanisms have been well studied individually, it is not clear whether alternative splicing impacts auxiliary protein modulation of AMPARs. Here, we compare the four main families of AMPAR auxiliary subunits, transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (TARPs; γ2), cornichons (CNIH-3), GSG1L and CKAMPs (CKAMP44), and find a privileged relationship between TARPs and the flip/flop cassette that is not shared by others. The flop cassette acts as a master switch to override TARP action, and this coupling represents a way to fine-tune AMPAR signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cornichon is a functionally conserved transmembrane protein family that generally acts as a cargo-sorting receptor and cycles between the ER and the Golgi. Four Cornichon family members (CNIH1-4) have been identified. The key residues responsible for CNIH1-3 to bind to AMPA receptors are not conserved in CNIH4. Additionally, the function of CNIH1-3 in GPCR signaling is less established, while more established in case of CNIH4 protein that interact with GPCR and control their exportation. Many GPCRs are known for their essential roles in male and female gonad development. But whether CNIH4 plays a role in gametogenesis remains unknown.
    Mice carrying the Cnih4 knockout allele (Cnih4tm1a-/-) were generated by insertion of a LacZ reporter and a polyadenylation site after exon 1. Western blot, Immunofluorescence, computer-aided sperm analysis and other methods were used in the functional analysis.
    We identified that both Cnih4tm1a-/- male and female mice have normal fertility. Though, the sperm count, morphology, and motility of Cnih4tm1a-/- mice were slightly impaired compared to those of wild-type mice, the testes to body weight ratio and testicular histology were similar to those in control mice. Histological examination of Cnih4tm1a-/- ovaries detected follicles from primordial to antral stages and the numbers of follicles at each stage were also comparable to wild-type controls. Normal fertility was noticed after six-month fertility tests. That was likely due to the compensatory role of Chin3, which significantly upregulated in the Cnih4tm1a-/- mice to preserve the fertility role.
    Despite CNIH4 showing enriched expression in mouse germ cells, our genetic knockout studies demonstrated that CNIH4 is not essential for gametogenesis and fertility in mice although with a slight reduction in count, motility and morphology of sperm in male mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the start site of the secretory pathway, where newly synthesized secreted and membrane proteins are packaged into COPII vesicles through direct interaction with the COPII coat or aided by specific cargo receptors. Little is known about how post-translational modification events regulate packaging of cargo into COPII vesicles. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Erv14, also known as cornichon, belongs to a conserved family of cargo receptors required for the selection and ER export of transmembrane proteins. In this work, we show the importance of a phosphorylation consensus site (S134) at the C-terminus of Erv14. Mimicking phosphorylation of S134 (S134D) prevents the incorporation of Erv14 into COPII vesicles, delays cell growth, exacerbates growth of sec mutants, modifies ER structure and affects localization of several plasma membrane transporters. In contrast, the dephosphorylated mimic (S134A) had less deleterious effects, but still modifies ER structure and slows cell growth. Our results suggest that a possible cycle of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is important for the correct functioning of Erv14.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AMPA receptors are tetrameric glutamate-gated ion channels that mediate a majority of fast excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. They exist as calcium-impermeable (CI-) and calcium-permeable (CP-) subtypes, the latter of which lacks the GluA2 subunit. CP-AMPARs display an array of distinctive biophysical and pharmacological properties that allow them to be functionally identified. This has revealed that they play crucial roles in diverse forms of central synaptic plasticity. Here we summarise the functional hallmarks of CP-AMPARs and describe how these are modified by the presence of auxiliary subunits that have emerged as pivotal regulators of AMPARs. A lasting change in the prevalence of GluA2-containing AMPARs, and hence in the fraction of CP-AMPARs, is a feature in many maladaptive forms of synaptic plasticity and neurological disorders. These include modifications of glutamatergic transmission induced by inflammatory pain, fear conditioning, cocaine exposure, and anoxia-induced damage in neurons and glia. Furthermore, defective RNA editing of GluA2 can cause altered expression of CP-AMPARs and is implicated in motor neuron damage (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and the proliferation of cells in malignant gliomas. A number of the players involved in CP-AMPAR regulation have been identified, providing useful insight into interventions that may prevent the aberrant CP-AMPAR expression. Furthermore, recent molecular and pharmacological developments, particularly the discovery of TARP subtype-selective drugs, offer the exciting potential to modify some of the harmful effects of increased CP-AMPAR prevalence in a brain region-specific manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammalian synapses, the function of ionotropic glutamate receptors is critically modulated by auxiliary subunits. Most of these specifically regulate the synaptic localization and electrophysiological properties of AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs). Here, we comprehensively investigated the animal evolution of the protein families that contain AMPAR auxiliary subunits (ARASs). We observed that, on average, vertebrates have four times more ARASs than other animal species. We also demonstrated that ARASs belong to four unrelated protein families: CACNG-GSG1, cornichon, shisa and Dispanin C. Our study demonstrates that, despite the ancient origin of these four protein families, the majority of ARASs emerged during vertebrate evolution by independent but convergent processes of neo/subfunctionalization that resulted in the multiple ARASs found in present vertebrate genomes. Importantly, although AMPARs appeared and diversified in the ancestor of bilateral animals, the ARAS expansion did not occur until much later, in early vertebrate evolution. We propose that the surge in ARASs and consequent increase in AMPAR functionalities, contributed to the increased complexity of vertebrate brains and cognitive functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs), the key elements of fast excitatory neurotransmission in the brain, are receptor ion channels whose core is assembled from pore-forming and three distinct types of auxiliary subunits. While it is well established that this assembly occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), it has remained largely enigmatic how this receptor-building happens. Here we review recent findings on the biogenesis of AMPARs in native neurons as a multistep production line that is defined and operated by distinct ER-resident helper proteins, and we discuss how impairment of these operators by mutations or targeted gene-inactivation leads to severe phenotypes in both humans and rodents. We suggest that the recent data on AMPAR biogenesis provide new insights into a process that is key to the formation and operation of excitatory synapses and their activity-dependent dynamics, as well as for the operation of the mammalian brain under normal and pathological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The export of membrane proteins along the secretory pathway is initiated at the endoplasmic reticulum after proteins are folded and packaged inside this organelle by their recruiting into the coat complex COPII vesicles. It is proposed that cargo receptors are required for the correct transport of proteins to its target membrane, however, little is known about ER export signals for cargo receptors. Erv14/Cornichon belong to a well conserved protein family in Eukaryotes, and have been proposed to function as cargo receptors for many transmembrane proteins. Amino acid sequence alignment showed the presence of a conserved acidic motif in the C-terminal in homologues from plants and yeast. Here, we demonstrate that mutation of the C-terminal acidic motif from ScErv14 or OsCNIH1, did not alter the localization of these cargo receptors, however it modified the proper targeting of the plasma membrane transporters Nha1p, Pdr12p and Qdr2p. Our results suggest that mistargeting of these plasma membrane proteins is a consequence of a weaker interaction between the cargo receptor and cargo proteins caused by the mutation of the C-terminal acidic motif.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutamate excitotoxicity contributes to damage following injury to the central nervous system via mechanisms including changes in the expression of receptors, calcium overload, oxidative stress and cell death. Excitotoxicity is triggered by glutamate binding to receptors, including calcium permeable AMPA receptors, which can be upregulated under injury conditions. However, the transcriptional response of AMPA receptor regulatory proteins to excitotoxic conditions is unknown. Here, we use real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), to determine the effect of prolonged glutamate excitotoxicity on the expression of mRNA encoding for GluR1 and AMPA receptor regulatory proteins in dissociated rat retinal cultures that include neuronal (retinal ganglion cell (RGCs)) and glial (Müller) cell populations. mRNA levels of GluR1 and regulators of the GluR1 subunit of AMPA receptors, including Sap97, Cnih2 and Cnih3, decreased following 6, 24 and 48 h incubation with 5 mM glutamate: related regulators not associated with GluR1 were unaffected. In contrast, GluR1 protein, assessed immunohistochemically, was increased in both RGCs and Müller cells after 24 h glutamate exposure: western blotting analysis was inconclusive. Reductions in mRNA of GluR1 and associated regulators occurred prior to cell death, which was first detected at 24 h, and substantial by 48 h. Exposure to glutamate acutely increased the intracellular calcium concentration in the cultures and by 24 h, reactive oxygen species were increased. Our data suggest a negative feedback mechanism in retinal cells, that down-regulates transcription of genes encoding GluR1 regulatory proteins in response to glutamate exposure. Despite this mechanism, GluR1 protein levels remain increased, and are associated with increased reactive species and cell death. Therapeutic strategies targeting calcium permeable AMPA receptors should take into account that increases in GluR1 protein are not necessarily associated with increases in associated mRNA levels over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane proteins are synthesized and folded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and continue their path to their site of residence along the secretory pathway. The COPII system has been identified as a key player for selecting and directing the fate of membrane and secretory cargo proteins. Selection of cargo proteins within the COPII vesicles is achieved by cargo receptors. The cornichon cargo receptor belongs to a conserved protein family found in eukaryotes that has been demonstrated to participate in the selection of integral membrane proteins as cargo for their correct targeting. Here it is demonstrated at the cellular level that rice cornichon OsCNIH1 interacts with OsHKT1;3 and, in yeast cells, enables the expression of the sodium transporter to the Golgi apparatus. Physical and functional HKT-cornichon interactions are confirmed by the mating-based split ubiquitin system, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, and Xenopus oocyte and yeast expression systems. The interaction between the two proteins occurs in the ER of plant cells and their co-expression in oocytes leads to the sequestration of the transporter in the ER. In the yeast cornichon mutant erv14, OsHKT1;3 is mistargeted, preventing the toxic effects of sodium transport in the cell observed in wild-type cells or in the erv14 mutant that co-expressed OsHKT1;3 with either OsCNIH1 or Erv14p. Identification and characterization of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor opens up the opportunity to improve our knowledge on membrane protein targeting in plant cells.





