Conductive deafness

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: There is no study on the hearing features of congenital malformation of middle and outer ears (CMMOE), including classification, grades, and frequency characteristics, which play a decisive role in the selection of precise hearing solutions for patients. Aims/Objectives: To analyze the hearing features of CMMOE and provide guidance for clinical practice.Material and Methods: 298 cases (351 ears) with CMMOE were retrospectively analyzed for the features of 0.5 ∼ 4KHz pure tone hearing, including the classification, grades and frequency characteristics. Results: We observed conductive deafness in 84.3% (296/351), mixed deafness in 15.7% (55/351), and 0% (0/351) sensorineural deafness. Grades measured by average Air Conduction Thresholds (ACT) of pure tone: Mild deafness (26-40dB HL) 0.6% (2/351), moderate deafness (41-55dB HL) 10.3% (36/351), moderate to severe deafness (56-70dB HL) 46.1%(162/351), severe deafness (71-90dB HL) 39.9%(140/351), extremely severe deafness (> 90 dB HL) 3.1%(11/351). The average ACT of 296 ears conductive deafness was 67 ± 10 dB HL, of which 56-80dB HL accounted for 78.1% (274/351). In 55 ears with mixed deafness, 32 ears (32/55 = 58.2%) increased Bone Conduction Threshold (BCT) at a single frequency, and out of 32 ears, 31ears (31/55 = 56.4%) ≤40dB HL, 25(25/32 = 78.1%) ears at 2KHz. In 55 ears with mixed deafness, 87.3% (48/55) increased BCT at 2KHz, and the average BCT was 35 ± 10dB HL. Conclusions and Significance: CMMOE result mainly in conductive deafness, moderate to severe and severe deafness. In mixed deafness, the BCT increased mainly at a single frequency, 2KHz and ≤40dB HL. These data suggest that bone-conductive hearing devices are a good solution for CMMOE hearing impairment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thyroid hormone disorders are both congenital as well as acquired. According to a projection from several studies on thyroid diseases, it has been estimated that about 42 million people in India suffer from various kind of thyroid diseases (1) Thyroid hormone is closely associated with the development of the cognitive functions, thus deficiency of this hormone is said to have effect an overall impact on proper functioning of the body. The normal functioning of the thyroid gland and adequate levels in the blood are Needed for the formation and functioning of the middle ear, inner ear and the central auditory pathway. Thus, congenital hypothyroidism (CH) can be a potential risk factor for hearing impairment (2) if the hormones decrease or are absent during the development of the peripheral and central auditory system structures. This study was undertaken with the objective of studying the pattern of hearing loss in patients who have a deranged thyroid profile. The study was conducted among 50 patients who were known cases of thyroid disorder in the Otorhinolaryngology Department of our institute. The study was hospital based observational clinical study. The patients were subjected to thyroid profile test After this, those who satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included, after detailed history and examination, patients were subjected to PTA, hearing loss was classified according to WHO guidelines. The age group of the patients was from 30-55 yrs. with the mean age being 42. On the basis of the t3, t4 and tsh levels, in the current study out of 50 patients,40 were hypothyroid (80%),with male to female ratio of 6:4. On pure tone audiometry, 15 patients had decreased hearing. The other 25 had normal hearing. The incidence of hearing loss in hypothyoroid patients in our study is 37.5%. On analaysis the PTA reports of these patients,9 patients (22.5%) had conductive hearing loss of mild variety, the mean value of hearing loss being 26.2 decibels. 2 (5%) patients had mixed variety of hearing loss, with sensorineural hearing loss at higher frequencies. All the remaining patients had sensorineural type of hearing loss, i.e., 10%. Of the 10 patients, that have hyperthyroidism 8 were female and 2 were male. 3 patients (30%) had hearing loss, all these 3 patients reported hearing losses at high frequencies and had moderate type of sensorineural hearing loss. Conclusion- From our current study, we could see that hearing loss is present in both extremes of thyroid hormone imbalance The dominant variety of hearing loss in thyroid disorder is sensorineural type, because thyroid hormone imbalance affects the inner ear function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Otolaryngology is one of the branch where endoscopes is being widely used nowadays to perform different surgeries. Ear surgeries are of special interest among the ENT surgeons. It has several advantages compared to the microscopes. 60 patients underwent endoscopic transcanal myringoplasty by the postgraduate residents under direct supervision of same consultants, using temporalis facia graft. The overall success rate in terms of graft uptake was 86.67% and the AB gap closure of < 10 dB in 63.3% of cases and 10-20 dB in 33.3%. Endoscopic myringoplasty was found to be equally effective, less morbid and very cost effective than the microscopic myringoplasty. This was applicable irrespective of the size of the perforation and condition of the middle ear (dry/wet) in our centre.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural activity during early development is known to alter innervation pathways in the central and peripheral nervous systems. We sought to examine how reduced sound-induced sensory activity in the cochlea affected the consolidation of glutamatergic synapses between inner hair cells (IHC) and the primary auditory neurons as these synapses play a primary role in transmitting sound information to the brain. A unilateral conductive hearing loss was induced prior to the onset of sound-mediated stimulation of the sensory hair cells, by rupturing the tympanic membrane and dislocating the auditory ossicles in the left ear of P11 mice. Auditory brainstem responses at P15 and P21 showed a 40-50-dB increase in thresholds for frequencies 8-32kHz in the dislocated ear relative to the control ear. Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy were subsequently used to examine the effect of this attenuation of sound stimulation on the expression of RIBEYE, which comprises the presynaptic ribbons, Shank-1, a postsynaptic scaffolding protein, and the GluA2/3 and 4 subunits of postsynaptic AMPA receptors. Our results show that dislocation did not alter the number of pre- or postsynaptic protein puncta. However, dislocation did increase the size of RIBEYE, GluA4, GluA2/3 and Shank-1 puncta, with postsynaptic changes preceding presynaptic changes. Our data suggest that a reduction in sound stimulation during auditory development induces plasticity in the molecular make-up of IHC glutamatergic synapses, but does not affect the number of these synapses. Up-regulation of synaptic proteins with sound attenuation may facilitate a compensatory increase in synaptic transmission due to the reduced sensory stimulation of the IHC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To Evaluate I, II, III, IV, V wave latencies and I-III, III-V, I-V inter-peak latencies and V/I wave amplitude ratio in Normal subjects in Central India.
    METHODS: We recorded BAEP from 50 healthy normal subjects from the community of same sex and geographical setup. The absolute, interpeak and wave V/I amplitude ratio were measurement and recording was done using RMS EMG EP MARK II machine manufactured by RMS recorders and Medicare system, Chandigarh.
    RESULTS: Absolute, interpeak and wave V/I amplitude ratio were measured in normal subjects and compared with other previous studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study was conducted as exploratory pilot study only on male healthy controls. Since, the study conducted in different regions, there are some differences in the latencies and interpeak latencies and amplitude ratio but they are within range, so reference range of this study can be used for future studies in this Wardha region of Central India.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study was carried out to find out prevalence of secretory otitis media in 200 school going children between the age group of 5-7 years by impedance audiometry besides clinical evaluation. 100 children were taken from two different schools catering to higher and lower socioeconomic strata of society. The overall prevalence of secretory otitis media came out to be 20.75%. It was 28.5% in lower socioeconomic group and, 13% in the other group. This high prevalence warrants routine screening for secretory otitis media. Further impedance audiometry was found to be very good method of screening secretory otitis media.





