Cofilin phosphorylation

Cofilin 磷酸化
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The LIM-domain kinase (LIMK) family consists of two isoforms, LIMK1 and LIMK2, which are highly homologous, making selective inhibitor development challenging. LIMK regulates dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, thereby impacting many cellular functions including cell morphology and motility. Here, we designed and synthesised analogues of a known pyrrolopyrimidine LIMK inhibitor with moderate selectivity for LIMK1 over LIMK2 to gain insights into which features contribute to both activity and selectivity. We incorporated a different stereochemistry around a cyclohexyl central moiety to achieve better selectivity for different LIMK isoforms. Inhibitory activity was assessed by kinase assays, and biological effects in cells were determined using an in vitro wound closure assay. Interestingly, a slight change in stereochemistry alters LIMK isoform selectivity. Finally, a docking study was performed to predict how the new compounds interact with the target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overactive bladder (OAB) is the most bothersome symptom in lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Current pharmacologic treatment aims to inhibit detrusor contraction; however, shows unsatisfied efficacy and high discontinuation rate. LIM kinases (LIMKs) promote smooth muscle contraction in the prostate; however, their function in the bladder smooth muscle remains unclear. Here, we studied effects of the LIMK inhibitors on bladder smooth muscle contraction and proliferation both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Bladder expressions of LIMKs are elevated in OAB rat detrusor tissues. Two LIMK inhibitors, SR7826 and LIMKi3, inhibit contraction of human detrusor strip, and cause actin filament breakdown, as well as cell proliferation reduction in cultured human bladder smooth muscle cells (HBSMCs), paralleled by reduced cofilin phosphorylation. Silencing of LIMK1 and LIMK2 in HBSMCs resulted in breakdown of actin filaments and decreased cell proliferation. Treatment with SR7826 or LIMKi3 decreased micturition frequency and bladder detrusor hypertrophy in rats with bladder outlet obstruction. Our study suggests that LIMKs may promote contraction and proliferation in the bladder smooth muscle, which could be inhibited by small molecule LIMK inhibitors. LIMK inhibitors could be a potential therapeutic strategy for OAB- related LUTS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aspergillus fumigatus causes most of aspergillosis in clinic and comprehensive function analysis of its key protein would promote anti-aspergillosis. In a previous study, we speculated actin depolymerizing factor cofilin might be essential for A. fumigatus viability and found its overexpression upregulated oxidative response and cell wall polysaccharide synthesis of this pathogen. Here, we constructed a conditional cofilin mutant to determine the essential role of cofilin. And the role of cofilin downregulation and phosphorylation in A. fumigatus was further analyzed. Cofilin was required for the polarized growth and heat sensitivity of A. fumigatus. Downregulation of cofilin caused hyphal cytoplasmic leakage, increased the sensitivity of A. fumigatus to sodium dodecyl sulfonate but not to calcofluor white and Congo Red and farnesol, and enhanced the basal phosphorylation level of MpkA, suggesting that cofilin affected the cell wall integrity (CWI) signaling. Downregulation of cofilin also increased the sensitivity of A. fumigatus to alkaline pH and H2O2. Repressing cofilin expression in A. fumigatus lead to attenuated virulence, which manifested as lower adherence and internalization rates, weaker host inflammatory response and shorter survival rate in a Galleria mellonella model. Expression of non-phosphorylated cofilin with a mutation of S5A had little impacts on A. fumigatus, whereas expression of a mimic-phosphorylated cofilin with a mutation of S5E resulted in inhibited growth, increased phospho-MpkA level, and decreased pathogenicity. In conclusion, cofilin is crucial to modulating the polarized growth, stress response, CWI and virulence of A. fumigatus.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal MHC class I proteins have been previously reported to regulate synaptic plasticity. Several reports indicate MHC class I proteins are expressed early during development of the nervous system, suggesting they may also play a role in neuronal development. Using cultured cortical neurons, we show MHC class I proteins aggregate at specific sites in neuronal cell bodies, which overlap with the actin cytoskeleton. Knockout of MHC class I in cultured neurons increases total dendritic length and the number of branch points. These effects are abolished by reintroducing MHC class I expression. Similarly, blocking of MHC class I proteins or PirB by an MHCI antibody or a soluble PirB ectodomain respectively, mimics the knock out phenotype of increased dendritic branching. This effect is correlated with decreased phosphorylation of both LIMK and cofilin, suggesting it may be mediated by an induction of cofilin activity. Finally, layer II and III cortical neurons in the sensorimotor region of an MHC class I deficiency mouse model show increased dendritic growth and branching. Altogether, our results suggest MHC class I plays a role in inhibiting or limiting the degree of dendrite arborization during the development of cortical neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal migration is an essential step in the formation of laminated brain structures. In the developing cerebral cortex, pyramidal neurons migrate toward the Reelin-containing marginal zone. Reelin is an extracellular matrix protein synthesized by Cajal-Retzius cells. In this review, we summarize our recent results and hypotheses on how Reelin might regulate neuronal migration by acting on the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. By binding to ApoER2 receptors on the migrating neurons, Reelin induces stabilization of the leading processes extending toward the marginal zone, which involves Dab1 phosphorylation, adhesion molecule expression, cofilin phosphorylation and inhibition of tau phosphorylation. By binding to VLDLR and integrin receptors, Reelin interacts with Lis1 and induces nuclear translocation, accompanied by the ubiquitination of phosphorylated Dab1. Eventually Reelin induces clustering of its receptors resulting in the endocytosis of a Reelin/receptor complex (particularly VLDLR). The resulting decrease in Reelin contributes to neuronal arrest at the marginal zone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal migration is essential for the formation of cortical layers, and proper neuronal migration requires the coordination of cytoskeletal regulation. LIMK1 is a serine/threonine protein kinase that mediates actin dynamics by regulating actin depolymerization factor/cofilin. However, the role of LIMK1 in neuronal migration and its potential mechanism remains elusive. Here, we found that using the in utero electroporation to overexpress LIMK1 and its mutants, constitutively active LIMK1 (LIMK1-CA) and dominant-negative LIMK1 (LIMK1-DN), impaired neuronal migration in the embryonic mouse brain. In addition, the aberrant expression of LIMK1-WT and LIMK1-CA induced abnormal branching and increased the length of the leading process, while LIMK1-DN-transfected neurons gave rise to two leading processes. Furthermore, the co-transfection of LIMK1-CA and cofilin-S3A partially rescued the migration deficiency and fully rescued the morphological changes in migrating neurons induced by LIMK1-CA. Our results indicated that LIMK1 negatively regulated neuronal migration by affecting the neuronal cytoskeleton and that its effects were partly mediated by cofilin phosphorylation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In reeler mutant mice, which are deficient in reelin (Reln), the lamination of the cerebral cortex is disrupted. Reelin signaling induces phosphorylation of LIM kinase 1, which phosphorylates the actin-depolymerizing protein cofilin in migrating neurons. Conditional cofilin mutants show neuronal migration defects. Thus, both reelin and cofilin are indispensable during cortical development. To analyze the effects of cofilin phosphorylation on neuronal migration we used in utero electroporation to transfect E14.5 wild-type cortical neurons with pCAG-EGFP plasmids encoding either a nonphosphorylatable form of cofilin 1 (cofilin(S3A)), a pseudophosphorylated form (cofilin(S3E)) or wild-type cofilin 1 (cofilin(WT)). Wild-type controls and reeler neurons were transfected with pCAG-EGFP. Real-time microscopy and histological analyses revealed that overexpression of cofilin(WT) and both phosphomutants induced migration defects and morphological abnormalities of cortical neurons. Of note, reeler neurons and cofilin(S3A)- and cofilin(S3E)-transfected neurons showed aberrant backward migration towards the ventricular zone. Overexpression of cofilin(S3E), the pseudophosphorylated form, partially rescued the migration defect of reeler neurons, as did overexpression of Limk1. Collectively, the results indicate that reelin and cofilin cooperate in controlling cytoskeletal dynamics during neuronal migration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extracellular matrix protein Reelin, secreted by Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells in the marginal zone (MZ) of the cerebral cortex, is important for neuronal migration during development. Two lipoprotein receptors for Reelin have been identified, apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) and the very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR). The binding of Reelin to these receptors induces tyrosine phosphorylation of an adapter protein, disabled 1 (Dab1) by src family kinases (SFKs). In the Reelin-deficient mutant reeler, cortical lamination is inverted with many neurons invading the marginal zone and others that are unable to migrate to their destinations and accumulate underneath their predecessors, suggesting a role for Reelin signaling in dynamic cytoskeletal reorganization. At present these effects of Reelin are poorly understood. In our recent study, we showed that Reelin induces serine3 phosphorylation of n-cofilin, an actin-depolymerizing protein promoting the disassembly of F-actin. Phosphorylation of cofilin renders it unable to depolymerize F-actin, thus stabilizing the cytoskeleton. We provided evidence for ApoER2, Dab1, SFKs and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) to be involved in Reelin-induced cofilin phosphorylation. We found that phosphorylation of cofilin occurs in the leading processes of radially migrating neurons as they grow towards the Reelin-containing marginal zone. By cofilin phosphorylation, Reelin may act as a stop signal for radially migrating neurons.






