  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The current paper presents a nomenclatural checklist for vascular plants validated being (sub)endemic to and present in the flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians. This checklist is a part of the work targeted on an inventory of endemic plants distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is mainly based on the analysis of primary sources (i.e. original protologues and monographic works), but also uses the data provided in the recent online taxonomic aggregators, such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Catalogue of Life (CoL), Plants of the World Online (POWO), Euro+Med PlantBase, World Flora Online (WFO) and others. Over 7,000 specimens deposited in the leading Ukrainian herbaria were also revised and used as a supporting data source during the work on the checklist.
    UNASSIGNED: The checklist provides a revised nomenclature, including corrections on publication dates, rediscovered taxonomic protologues, corrected authorships and revised taxonomic status for (sub)endemic (sub)species of vascular plants occurring in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It contains 1,101 names, from which 78 species and subspecies have been accepted as valid and 1023 species and infraspecific taxa are provided as synonyms. It is completed with critical notes on the nomenclature of problematic taxa and brief annotations regarding their distribution in the Ukrainian Carpathians, indicating the endemicity range and sozological status for all analysed (sub)species.The current checklist is linked with the GBIF taxonomic backbone, provides notes on detected issues and primarily focuses on its update and correction of the nomenclatural issues and taxonomic inconsistencies, but also aims at discussing issues in other popular taxonomic databases.Sabulinapauciflora is proposed as a new combination to comply with a recent revision of the genus Sabulina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONSTANS-like (COL) genes play important regulatory roles in flowering, tuber formation and the development of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). However, the COL gene family in S. tuberosum has not been systematically identified, restricting our knowledge of the function of these genes in S. tuberosum. In our study, we identified 14 COL genes, which were unequally distributed among eight chromosomes. These genes were classified into three groups based on differences in gene structure characteristics. The COL proteins of S. tuberosum and Solanum lycopersicum were closely related and showed high levels of similarity in a phylogenetic tree. Gene and protein structure analysis revealed similarities in the exon-intron structure and length, as well as the motif structure of COL proteins in the same subgroup. We identified 17 orthologous COL gene pairs between S. tuberosum and S. lycopersicum. Selection pressure analysis showed that the evolution rate of COL homologs is controlled by purification selection in Arabidopsis, S. tuberosum and S. lycopersicum. StCOL genes showed different tissue-specific expression patterns. StCOL5 and StCOL8 were highly expressed specifically in the leaves of plantlets. StCOL6, StCOL10 and StCOL14 were highly expressed in flowers. Tissue-specific expression characteristics suggest a functional differentiation of StCOL genes during evolution. Cis-element analysis revealed that the StCOL promoters contain several regulatory elements for hormone, light and stress signals. Our results provide a theoretical basis for the understanding of the in-depth mechanism of COL genes in regulating the flowering time and tuber development in S. tuberosum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    9-Oxononanoic acid (9-ONA) was quantitated in peanuts roasted at 170 °C by GC-MS (EI). After roasting peanuts for 40 min, 9-ONA decreased from 1010 μmol/kg protein in the unheated sample to 722 μmol/kg protein, most likely due to modifications of nucleophilic side chains of protein-bound amino acids (lipation). After heating Nα-acetyl-l-lysine and 9-ONA in model experiments, a Schiff base in its reduced form, namely, Nε-carboxyoctyl-acetyl lysine, as well as two isomeric pyridinium derivatives, namely, dicarboxyhexylcarboxyheptylpyridinium-acetyl lysine 1 and 2, were tentatively identified by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Based on the identified lipation products of 9-ONA, it can be assumed that lipation reactions represent a mirror-image reaction. For quantitation of Nε-carboxyoctyllysine (COL) in roasted peanuts by means of HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, samples were reduced with sodium borohydride and acid hydrolyzed. For the first time, COL was quantitated after reduction in roasted peanuts. Furthermore, after prolonged roasting of peanuts for 40 min, COL decreased from 139.8 to 22.5 μmol/kg protein, which provides initial evidence for lipation of nucleophilic side chains of protein-bound amino acids by glycerol-bound oxidized fatty acids (GOFAs, e.g., 9-ONA) with the formation of neo-lipoproteins.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a hereditary disorder caused by a mutation in the COL gene, which leads to the faulty synthesis of the collagen protein. EDS can present with a wide array of manifestations depending upon which COL gene is mutated. Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder currently identified in 200 families worldwide. It presents clinically with cutaneous, renal, and pulmonary manifestations due to an autosomal dominant mutation in a tumor suppressor gene, FLCN, on chromosome 17p11.2. We present a case of a 22-year-old male with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome, showing typical features consistent with the classical type of EDS, with genetic testing revealing a COL5A1 mutation of \"uncertain clinical significance\", not yet reported in clinical literature. We discuss the treatment of this patient and describe the presentations of the two pathologies. Lastly, we put forth guidelines for the management of a dilated ascending aorta, with which this patient presents, for future patients who may present with this novel EDS mutation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogels are thought of as unique polymers utilized to build new materials, and two key factors that impact their features are their hydrophilicity and the degree of cross-linking of the polymer chains. An injectable hydrogel is based on the hypothesis that certain biomaterials can be injected into the body as a liquid and progressively solidify there. The scientific research community was intrigued and interested by its discovery. The hydrophilic polymers that are used to make hydrogels can typically be split into two groups: natural polymers derived from tissues or other sources of natural materials, and synthetic polymers produced by combining principles from organic chemistry and molecular engineering. A variety of organic and synthetic biomaterials, such as chitosan, collagen or gelatin, alginate, hyaluronic acid, heparin, chondroitin sulfate, polyethylene glycol, and polyvinyl alcohol, are used to generate injectable hydrogels. A promising biomaterial for the therapeutic injection of cells and bioactive chemicals for tissue regeneration in both dentistry and medicine, injectable hydrogels have recently attracted attention. Since injectable scaffolds can be implanted with less invasive surgery, their application is seen as a viable strategy in the regeneration of craniofacial tissue. Treatment for periodontitis that effectively promotes periodontal regeneration involves injecting a hydrogel that contains medications with simultaneous anti-inflammatory and tissue-regenerating capabilities. The advantages of injectable hydrogel for tissue engineering are enhanced by the capability of three-dimensional encapsulation. A material\'s injectability can be attributed to a variety of mechanisms. The hydrogels work well to reduce inflammation and promote periodontal tissue regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONSTANS-like (COL) genes play important regulatory roles in multiple growth and development processes of plants but have rarely been studied in Capsicum annuum. This study explored the evolutionary relationship and expression patterns of COL genes from C. annuum. A total of 10 COL genes were identified in the genome of the cultivated pepper Zunla-1 and were named CaCOL01-10. These genes were unequally distributed among five chromosomes and could be divided into three groups based on differences in gene structure characteristics. During evolutionary history, duplications and retentions were divergent among different groups of COL genes. Tandem duplication caused amplification of group I genes. Genetic distance among COL genes was the largest in group III, suggesting that group III genes undergo more relaxed selection pressure compared with the other groups. Expression patterns of CaCOLs in tissues were significantly different, with CaCOL08 exhibiting the highest expression in stem and leaf. Some COL orthologous genes showed markedly different expression patterns in pepper compared with tomato, such as COL_1 orthologs, which may be involved in fruit development in pepper. In addition, CaCOLs participated in the regulation of abiotic stresses to varying degrees. Five CaCOL genes were induced by cold, and CaCOL02 and CaCOL03 were specifically upregulated by cold and downregulated by heat. This study provides a theoretical basis for the in-depth understanding of the functions of COL genes in pepper and their molecular mechanisms involved in growth and development and responses to abiotic stresses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been suggested that trapeziometacarpal total joint arthroplasty be combined with complete release of the joint capsule to prevent ligament tethering and implant dislocation. Our goal was to evaluate the consequences of capsular release on range of motion. Trapeziometacarpal joint motion was measured with a 3D motion tracking system in seven fresh frozen human cadaver hands before and after capsular release and total joint arthroplasty with subsequently longer neck lengths. Relative to the native trapeziometacarpal joint with intact joint capsule, mean flexion-extension was significantly increased after the arthroplasty with released capsule and lengthening up to 6 mm. Mean abduction-adduction did not increase significantly. Total joint replacement combined with capsular release increases the trapeziometacarpal joint\'s range of motion, but not beyond the limits of most trapeziometacarpal implant designs. Lengthening of the implant neck progressively decreases the excess motion.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women after skin cancer.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of general practitioners with regard to cervical cancer in the province of Benimellal, Morocco.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study using a self-reported questionnaire given to 71 general practitioners operating in public and private healthcare centres in the province of Benimellal.
    RESULTS: Almost half of general practitioners (49.3%) were not aware of a national plan for the prevention and control of cancer in Morocco, and only 18.2% gave a correct response on the incidence rate for cervical cancer. The human papilloma virus as the principle risk factor was identified by 21% of general practitioners.
    CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of general practitioners was deficient and therefore initial and continuing training on cervical cancer is required.
    معرفة المُمارسين العامّين بسرطان عنق الرحم، وتحرّيه في إقليم بني ملال في المغرب.
    سميرة ناني، سميرة حسّون، محمد بنغلال، دنيا قيسي، عبد الرحمن معروفي.
    UNASSIGNED: سرطان عنق الرحم هو ثاني نوع من السرطان يُصيب السيدات بعد سرطان الثَّدي.
    UNASSIGNED: هدفت دراستنا إلى تقييم معرفة الممارسين العامّين بسرطان عنق الرحم، وتحرّيه في إقليم بني ملال في المغرب.
    UNASSIGNED: أُجريَت دراسة وصفيّة مقطعية باستخدام استبيان سبق اختبارُه ويملَؤُه المستجيبون بأنفسهم، وذلك في إقليم بني ملال. وتضمنت الدراسة 71 مُارسًا عامًا من القطاعيْ الخاص والعام.
    UNASSIGNED: أظهرت الدراسة أن 49.3 % من المُمارسين العامّين لم يكن على علم بوجود خطة وطنية للوقاية من السرطان ومكافحته في المغرب، بينما أدلى 18.2 % فقط بإجابات صحيحة حول معدلات الإصابة بسرطان عنق الرحم في المغرب. وحدّد 21 % من المُمارسين العامّين فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري كأحد عوامل الخطر المرتفع للإصابة بسرطان عنق الرحم.
    UNASSIGNED: اتّسم المستوى المعرفي لدى الممارسين العامّين بسرطان عنق الرحم بالانخفاض، وهو ما يُؤكّد الحاجة إلى تحسين التدريب الأوّلي والمستمر المُقدَّم لهم حول سرطان الرحم.
    Connaissances des médecins généralistes marocains de la province de Béni Mellal sur le cancer du col de l’utérus et son dépistage.
    BACKGROUND: Le cancer du col de l\'utérus constitue le deuxième cancer chez les femmes après le cancer du sein.
    OBJECTIVE: Évaluer les connaissances des médecins généralistes concernant le cancer du col dans la province de Benimellal au Maroc.
    UNASSIGNED: Il s\'agit d\'une étude transversale utilisant un questionnaire auto-administré qui inclut 71 généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Béni Mellal.
    UNASSIGNED: Près de la moitié des médecins généralistes (49,3 %) ne connaissait pas l\'existence d\'un plan national de prévention et de contrôle du cancer au Maroc et seulement 18,2 % ont donné une réponse correcte sur l\'incidence du cancer du col. Le papillomavirus humain a été identifié comme principal facteur de risque par 21 % des généralistes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Les connaissances des généralistes étaient défaillantes, d\'où la nécessité de promouvoir la formation initiale et continue sur le cancer du col pour ce type de médecins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a proof of concept, here it is established that curcumin integrated chitosan oligosaccharide lactate (COL) self-assembles on silica nanoparticle surface to form nano hybrid particles (NHPs). These NHPs have size in the ranges of 25-35nm with silica nanoparticle as its core and curcumin-COL as outer layer having thickness of 4-8nm. The fluorescence intensity of these NHPs are found to be quenched and emission maximum is ~50nm red shifted compared to free curcumin implying inner filter effect and/or homo-FRET between curcumin molecules present on the surface of individual nano hybrid particle. Although fluorescence of free curcumin is remarkably quenched by Hg2+/Cu2+ ions due to chelation through keto-enol form, the fluorescence of NHPs is unaffected by Hg2+/Cu2+ ion that boosts analytical selectivity. The fluorescence intensity is outstandingly enhanced in the presence of cholesterol but is not influenced by ascorbic acid, uric acid, glucose, albumin, lipid and other potential interfering substances that either obstruct during enzymatic reaction or affect fluorescence of free curcumin. Thus, NHPs outstandingly improve analytical specificity, selectivity and sensitivity during cholesterol estimation compared to free curcumin. The interaction between cholesterol and NHPs is found to be a combination of ground state electrostatic interaction through the free hydroxyl group of cholesterol along with hydrophobic interaction between NHPs and cholesterol and excited state interaction. The proposed cholesterol biosensor illustrates a wider linear dynamic range, 0.002-10mmolL-1, (upper limit is due to lack of solubility of cholesterol) needed for biomedical application and better than reported values during enzymatic reaction. In addition, the NHPs are found to be photo-stable potentially making it suitable for simple, quick and cost-effective cholesterol estimation and opening an alternative approach other than enzymatic reaction using nano hybrid structure to tune analytical specificity, selectivity and sensitivity of probe molecule.





