Climate change adaptation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Given the emergence of climate change and health risks, this review examined potential relationships between varying indicators of climate change, movement behaviors (ie, physical activity [PA], sedentary behavior, and sleep), and health.
    METHODS: Seven databases were searched in March 2020, April 2023, and April 2024. To be included, studies must have examined indicators of climate change and at least one of the movement behaviors as either an exposure or a third variable (ie, mediator/moderator), and a measure of health as outcome. Evidence was summarized by the role (mediator/moderator) that either climate change or movement behavior(s) has with health measures. Relationships and directionality of each association, as well as the strength and certainty of evidence were synthesized.
    RESULTS: A total of 79 studies were eligible, representing 6,671,791 participants and 3137 counties from 25 countries (40% low- and middle-income countries). Of 98 observations from 17 studies that examined PA as a mediator, 34.7% indicated that PA mediated the relationship between climate change and health measure such that indicators of adverse climate change were associated with lower PA, and worse health outcome. Of 274 observations made from 46 studies, 28% showed that PA favorably modified the negative association between climate change and health outcome. Evidence was largely lacking and inconclusive for sedentary behavior and sleep, as well as climate change indicators as an intermediatory variable.
    CONCLUSIONS: PA may mitigate the adverse impact of climate change on health. Further evidence is needed to integrate PA into climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migration, from rural to urban settings is a common phenomenon in Latin America, due to social, economic, political, and other factors. Young people in search of economic and educational opportunities, financial, and social stability, have been migrating to larger urban centers, thus crafting important shifts in rural labor, generational transfer, and domestic economies. Through a systematic literature review of scientific literature, and documents from public institutions and international organizations, published between 2012 and 2022, this article addresses rural-urban migration of youth in Colombia and Guatemala\'s cattle sector, particularly identifying (i) driving factors, (ii) their impacts on cattle farming, and (iii) public policies implemented to counteract prejudicial effects. Results show that unemployment, lack of educational opportunities, and insecurity are the main reasons for youth migration to cities or abroad, with Mexico, the United States, and Spain being the most common destinations. Additionally, impacts on the cattle sector include shortage of labor and a perfectible generational transfer, hindering the modernization of the industry and investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Despite various implemented public policies, the results are partial, and the issue of accelerated youth migration remains relevant. Consequently, without more effective measures adopted by national governments, the cattle sector will lag behind its regional and international competitors, deterring the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. As the main contribution of the study, the analysis of migration is highlighted based on its effects on a specific economic sector and not focused on its causes, as evidenced in a wide range of literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nature-based solutions (NbSs) are recognised as relevant to spatial planning in addressing societal challenges, although their uptake is limited and fragmented to some case studies, and difficulties emerge from their implementation and operationalisation. The research developed a literature review to investigate how NbS has been considered for its implementation and operationalisation in spatial planning and how NbS has been included across different policy instruments and used to address climate change adaptation (CCA). The results highlighted: Firstly, the review contributed to bridge the gap in NbS implementation and operationalisation by proposing a novel three-dimensional categorisation system to guide the selection of suitable NbS principles to address societal challenges; secondly, this study still revealed gaps in some policy areas, despite the effort to extensively apply NbS across diverse policy instruments to CCA. Overall, the review further emphasises the need for future research focused on monitoring and evaluating NbS\'s effectiveness to CCA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Passive cooling strategies were implemented in 11 school buildings in Barcelona within a pilot project to improve thermal conditions. The present study aimed to evaluate the intervention\'s impact on students\' comfort and well-being at school. A quasi-experimental pre-post study based on mixed methods was conducted. Quantitative data were collected through self-reported questionnaires administrated to sixth-grade students in 21 schools (11 in an intervention group, IG, and 10 in a comparison group, CG). The authors measured changes in satisfaction with indoor temperature and indoor air quality (IAQ), the presence of bothering factors (temperature too high, temperature too low, unpleasant odours, and lighting problems), and students\' well-being and performance. Difference-in-difference analysis was conducted to evaluate differences between the IG and CG in pre-post changes. Qualitative data were collected through photovoice-based sessions (59 sixth grade students) and interviews (7 teachers) in the IG. A thematic content analysis identified three main categories: changes in perceptions of indoor environmental conditions, indoor environment-related health and well-being, and indoor environment and their reported impact on learning. Quantitative findings show positive changes among the IG in perceived indoor temperature, air quality, and well-being at school, while suggest no significant changes in perceptions of temperature too low, lighting problems, and students\' performance, in relation to the CG. Compared to the CG, students in the IG perceiving temperature too high significantly decreased among girls, while unpleasant odours decreased only among boys. In the qualitative assessment, participants reported that school transformations improved their indoor thermal and visual comfort, IAQ, and unpleasant odours. Participants also reported a reduction of fatigue, stress, irritability, and stifling sensation, as well as enhanced concentration. This study highlights the benefits of school passive design for student\'s comfort and well-being in Mediterranean climates and suggests the need to extend these interventions to other school buildings in similar contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The water, energy, land and food (WELF) nexus has been touted as a cross-sectoral systems approach that presents an opportunity to address the grand challenges related to poverty, unemployment, inequality and climate change, especially in the global South. However, as with any other developmental approach, the WELF nexus needs to mainstream gender, which often lies at the heart of poverty, unemployment, and inequality in sub-Saharan Africa. Access to water, energy, land and food is gendered, and so are livelihood strategies and climate change responses. Inequitable access to these resources, gender inequalities, socio-economic vulnerability and cultural norms contribute to women\'s susceptibility to the impacts of climate change and limit their ability to harness opportunities arising from it. Reducing women\'s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in SSA and improving equity in natural resource access and resource use efficiencies will require transformation of gender relations and the active participation of both men and women in decision-making processes. Moreover, policies and interventions that cater to the WELF nexus need be updated to be more gender-aware and sensitive, as this will also contribute to addressing Sustainable Development Goal 5, in addition to Goals 1, 2, 6, 7, and 15.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional crop species are reported to be drought-tolerant and nutrient-dense with potential to contribute to sustainable food and nutrition security within marginal production systems under climate change. We hypothesized that intercropping maize landraces (Zea mays L.) with bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.), together with optimum management strategies, can improve productivity and water use efficiency (WUE) under climate change. Using an ex-ante approach, we assessed climate change impacts and agronomic management options, such as plant ratios, and plant sequences, on yield and WUE of intercropped maize landrace and bambara groundnut. The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) model was applied over four time periods; namely past (1961-1991), present (1995-2025), mid-century (2030-2060) and late-century (2065-2095), obtained from six GCMs. Across timescales, there were no significant differences with mean annual rainfall, but late century projections of mean annual temperature and reference crop evaporation (ET0) showed average increases of 3.5°C and 155mm, respectively. By late century and relative to the present, the projected changes in yield and WUE were -10 and -15% and 5 and 7% for intercropped bambara groundnut and maize landrace, respectively. Regardless of timescale, increasing plant population improved yield and WUE of intercropped bambara groundnut. Asynchronous planting increased yield and WUE for both maize landrace (5 and 14%) and bambara groundnut (35 and 47%, respectively). Most significant improvements were observed when either crop was planted 2-3 months apart. To reduce yield gaps in intercrop systems, low-cost management options like changing plant populations and sequential cropping can increase yield and WUE under projected climate change. To further increase sustainability, there is a need to expand the research to consider other management strategies such as use of other traditional crop species, fertilization, rainwater harvesting and soil conservation techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atmospheric heat has become a major public concern in a rapidly warming world. Evapotranspiration, however, provides effective land surface cooling during the vegetation period. Adversely, modern cultural landscapes - due to both water and potential evapotranspiration pathways lacking - are increasingly incapable of offering this important benefit. We hypothesised that concerted measures for a revived landscape water retention can fuel plant transpiration, especially during dry periods, and thus contribute to climate change adaptation by stabilising the regional climate. Seeking nature-based ways to an improved landscape water retention, we used the land surface temperature (LST) as a proxy for landscape mesoclimate. For our drought-prone rural study area, we identified potential candidate environmental predictors for which we established statistical relationships to LST. We then, from a set of potential climate change adaptation measures, mapped selected items to potential locations of implementation. Building on that, we evaluated a certain measures\' probable cooling effect using (i) the fitted model and (ii) the expected expression of predictors before and after a hypothetical measure implementation. In the modelling, we took into account the spatial and temporal autocorrelation of the LST data and thus achieved realistic parameter estimates. Using the candidate predictor set and the model, we were able to establish a ranking of the effectiveness of climate adaptation measures. However, due to the spatial variability of the predictors, the modelled LST is site-specific. This results in a spatial differentiation of a measure\'s benefit. Furthermore, seasonal variations occur, such as those caused by plant growth. On average, the afforestation of arable land or urban brownfields, and the rewetting of former wet meadows have the largest cooling capacities of up to 3.5 K. We conclude that heat countermeasures based on fostering both evapotranspiration and landscape water retention, even in rural regions, offer promising adaptation ways to atmospheric warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potential of ecosystem-based interventions, also known as Nature-based Solutions (NbS), for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) is now recognized by major national policies and international framework agreements. However, there is limited scientific evidence about their economic viability and equity impacts. We examined English-language peer-reviewed studies, published between 2000 and 2021, which undertook economic evaluations of NbS for DRR and CCA. Based on our results, 71 % of studies indicated that NbS have consistently proven to be a cost-effective approach to mitigating hazards and 24 % of studies found NbS cost-effective under certain conditions. The ecosystem-based interventions most frequently found effective in mitigating hazards are associated with mangroves (80 %), forests (77 %), and coastal ecosystems (73 %). Studies comparing the cost-effectiveness of NbS and engineering-based solutions for mitigating certain hazards showed that NbS are no less effective than engineering-based solutions. Among these studies, 65 % found that NbS are always more effective in attenuating hazards compared to engineering-based solutions and 26 % found that NbS are partially more effective. Our findings illustrate a range of factors, including the geographic locations of the NbS analyzed, their contribution to the restoration and increase of biodiversity, their property rights structure, their source of financing, and the economic methodologies employed to assess cost-effectiveness and distributional effects. The geographic location of the NbS observations included in this analysis was examined considering global projected temperature and precipitation changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic climate change has led to globally increasing temperatures at an unprecedented pace and, to persist, wild species have to adapt to their changing world. We, however, often fail to derive reliable predictions of species\' adaptive potential. Genomic selection represents a powerful tool to investigate the adaptive potential of a species, but constitutes a \'blind process\' with regard to the underlying genomic architecture of the relevant phenotypes. Here, we used great tit (Parus major) females from a genomic selection experiment for avian lay date to zoom into this blind process. We aimed to identify the genetic variants that responded to genomic selection and epigenetic variants that accompanied this response and, this way, might reflect heritable genetic variation at the epigenetic level. We applied whole genome bisulfite sequencing to blood samples of individual great tit females from the third generation of bidirectional genomic selection lines for early and late lay date. Genomic selection resulted in differences at both the genetic and epigenetic level. Genetic variants that showed signatures of selection were located within genes mostly linked to brain development and functioning, including LOC107203824 (SOX3-like). SOX3 is a transcription factor that is required for normal hypothalamo-pituitary axis development and functioning, an essential part of the reproductive axis. As for epigenetic differentiation, the early selection line showed hypomethylation relative to the late selection line. Sites with differential DNA methylation were located in genes important for various biological processes, including gonadal functioning (e.g., MSTN and PIK3CB). Overall, genomic selection for avian lay date provided insights into where within the genome the heritable genetic variation for lay date, on which selection can operate, resides and indicates that some of this variation might be reflected by epigenetic variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Donor-funded climate and disaster resilience programmes and projects aim to help build the capacities and resilience of communities. Measuring resilience is critical, therefore, in providing feedback, evidence, and accountability. This paper presents recent two-year time-series findings from an ongoing multi-partner academic and practical collaboration pertaining to a climate change adaption project with rural communities in Cambodia. To measure community resilience, the study used the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities, which measures, using mixed methods, disaster resilience capacities across five key dimensions of resilience: human, social, physical, natural, and financial capitals. The study analysed and reported changes in these areas of resilience in the selected villages, generating insights into the strengths and weaknesses of flood resilience capacities in the region. This paper provides valuable guidance as to where investment can be most effective in different communities, confirming the usefulness of the tool in measuring resilience and assessing the effectiveness of the project concerned.





