Cis-regulatory element

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Throughout embryonic development, the shaping of the functional and morphological characteristics of embryos is orchestrated by an intricate interaction between transcription factors and cis-regulatory elements. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of deuterostome cis-regulatory landscapes during gastrulation, focusing on four paradigmatic species: the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum, the urochordate Ciona intestinalis, and the vertebrate Danio rerio. Our approach involved comparative computational analysis of ATAC-seq datasets to explore the genome-wide blueprint of conserved transcription factor binding motifs underlying gastrulation. We identified a core set of conserved DNA binding motifs associated with 62 known transcription factors, indicating the remarkable conservation of the gastrulation regulatory landscape across deuterostomes. Our findings offer valuable insights into the evolutionary molecular dynamics of embryonic development, shedding light on conserved regulatory subprograms and providing a comprehensive perspective on the conservation and divergence of gene regulation underlying the gastrulation process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition (EHT) process during definitive hematopoiesis is highly conserved in vertebrates. Stage-specific expression of transposable elements (TEs) has been detected during zebrafish EHT and may promote hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) formation by activating inflammatory signaling. However, little is known about how TEs contribute to the EHT process in human and mouse.
    RESULTS: We reconstructed the single-cell EHT trajectories of human and mouse and resolved the dynamic expression patterns of TEs during EHT. Most TEs presented a transient co-upregulation pattern along the conserved EHT trajectories, coinciding with the temporal relaxation of epigenetic silencing systems. TE products can be sensed by multiple pattern recognition receptors, triggering inflammatory signaling to facilitate HSC emergence. Interestingly, we observed that hypoxia-related signals were enriched in cells with higher TE expression. Furthermore, we constructed the hematopoietic cis-regulatory network of accessible TEs and identified potential TE-derived enhancers that may boost the expression of specific EHT marker genes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides a systematic vision of how TEs are dynamically controlled to promote the hematopoietic fate decisions through transcriptional and cis-regulatory networks, and pre-train the immunity of nascent HSCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To withstand a hostile cellular environment and replicate, viruses must sense, interpret, and respond to many internal and external cues. Retroviruses and DNA viruses can intercept these cues impinging on host transcription factors via cis-regulatory elements (CREs) in viral genomes, allowing them to sense and coordinate context-specific responses to varied signals. Here, we explore the characteristics of viral CREs, the classes of signals and host transcription factors that regulate them, and how this informs outcomes of viral replication, immune evasion, and latency. We propose that viral CREs constitute central hubs for signal integration from multiple pathways and that sequence variation between viral isolates can rapidly rewire sensing mechanisms, contributing to the variability observed in patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent evidence suggests that human gene promoters display gene expression regulatory mechanisms beyond the typical single gene local transcription modulation. In mammalian genomes, genes with an associated bidirectional promoter are abundant; bidirectional promoter architecture serves as a regulatory hub for a gene pair expression. However, it has been suggested that its contribution to transcriptional regulation might exceed local transcription initiation modulation. Despite their abundance, the functional consequences of bidirectional promoter architecture remain largely unexplored. This work studies the long-range gene expression regulatory role of a long non-coding RNA gene promoter using chromosome conformation capture methods. We found that this particular bidirectional promoter contributes to distal gene expression regulation in a target-specific manner by establishing promoter-promoter interactions. In particular, we validated that the promoter-promoter interactions of this regulatory element with the promoter of distal gene BBX contribute to modulating the transcription rate of this gene; removing the bidirectional promoter from its genomic context leads to a rearrangement of BBX promoter-enhancer interactions and to increased gene expression. Moreover, long-range regulatory functionality is not directly dependent on its associated non-coding gene pair expression levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding and predicting the relationships between genotype and phenotype is often challenging, largely due to the complex nature of eukaryotic gene regulation. A step towards this goal is to map how phenotypic diversity evolves through genomic changes that modify gene regulatory interactions. Using the Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) and related species, we integrate mRNA-seq, proteomic, ATAC-seq and whole-genome resequencing data to understand how specific evolutionary modifications to gene regulatory network components produce differences in venom gene expression. Through comparisons within and between species, we find a remarkably high degree of gene expression and regulatory network variation across even a shallow level of evolutionary divergence. We use these data to test hypotheses about the roles of specific trans-factors and cis-regulatory elements, how these roles may vary across venom genes and gene families, and how variation in regulatory systems drive diversity in venom phenotypes. Our results illustrate that differences in chromatin and genotype at regulatory elements play major roles in modulating expression. However, we also find that enhancer deletions, differences in transcription factor expression, and variation in activity of the insulator protein CTCF also likely impact venom phenotypes. Our findings provide insight into the diversity and gene-specificity of gene regulatory features and highlight the value of comparative studies to link gene regulatory network variation to phenotypic variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cis-regulatory elements (CREs) play crucial roles in regulating gene expression during erythroid cell differentiation. Genome-wide erythroid-specific CREs have not been characterized in chicken erythroid cells, which is an organism model used to study epigenetic regulation during erythropoiesis.
    UNASSIGNED: Analysis of public genome-wide accessibility (ATAC-seq) maps, along with transcription factor (TF) motif analysis, CTCF, and RNA Pol II occupancy, as well as transcriptome analysis in fibroblasts and erythroid HD3 cells, were used to characterize erythroid-specific CREs. An α-globin CRE was identified, and its regulatory activity was validated in vitro and in vivo by luciferase activity and genome-editing assays in HD3 cells, respectively. Additionally, circular chromosome conformation capture (UMI-4C) assays were used to distinguish its role in structuring the α-globin domain in erythroid chicken cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Erythroid-specific CREs displayed occupancy by erythroid TF binding motifs, CTCF, and RNA Pol II, as well as an association with genes involved in hematopoiesis and cell differentiation. An α-globin CRE, referred to as CRE-2, was identified as exhibiting enhancer activity over αD and αA genes in vitro and in vivo. Induction of terminal erythroid differentiation showed that α-globin CRE-2 is required for the induction of αD and αA. Analysis of TF binding motifs at α-globin CRE-2 shows apparent regulation mediated by GATA-1, YY1, and CTCF binding.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings demonstrate that cell-specific CREs constitute a key mechanism that contributes to the fine-tuning gene regulation of erythroid cell differentiation and provide insights into the annotation and characterization of CREs in chicken cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene encodes an anion-selective channel found in epithelial cell membranes. Mutations in CFTR cause cystic fibrosis (CF), an inherited disorder that impairs epithelial function in multiple organs. Most men with CF are infertile due to loss of intact genital ducts. Here we investigated a novel epididymis-selective cis-regulatory element (CRE), located within a peak of open chromatin at -9.5 kb 5\' to the CFTR gene promoter. Activation of the -9.5 kb CRE alone by CRISPRa had no impact on CFTR gene expression. However, CRISPRa co-activation of the -9.5 kb CRE and the CFTR gene promoter in epididymis cells significantly augmented CFTR mRNA and protein expression when compared to promoter activation alone. This increase was accompanied by enhanced chromatin accessibility at both sites. Furthermore, the combined CRISPRa strategy activated CFTR expression in other epithelial cells that lack open chromatin at the -9.5 kb site and in which the locus is normally inactive. However, the -9.5 kb CRE does not function as a classical enhancer of the CFTR promoter in transient reporter gene assays. These data provide a novel mechanism for activating/augmenting CFTR expression, which may have therapeutic utility for mutations that perturb CFTR transcription.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medicinal plant Spatholobus suberectus Dunn is easily exposed to shade stress during growth, but its shade responses and shade stress resistant mechanisms have not been clarified. In this study, shade treatments including four attenuated sunlight intensities (100%, 60%, 40%, and 10%) and three shade durations (30 d, 45 d, and 60 d) were applied to S. suberectus. The shade-induced morphological indicators, phytohormonal regulations, metabolic flavonoids contents, transcriptomic flavonoid pathway gene expressions, and stress physiological changes of S. suberectus were analyzed. The putative promoter cis-regulatory elements (CREs) of 18 flavonoid biosynthetic pathway genes were identified. Results showed the stem growth indicators of S. suberectus were better at 40% light intensity. Phytohormones were involved in the shade-induced responses. Short-term shade (30 d) increased total flavonoids, gallated catechins and especially epigallocatechin gallate contents and favored for boosting medicinal value. Long-term shade (45 d, 60 d) tended to decrease flavonoids. The shade-induced flavonoids changes were attributed to their corresponding biosynthesizing genes expression variations. The high antioxidant capacity and the presence of phytohormone-, stress-, and development-related CREs provided the basis for stress resistance. In conclusion, the multiple responses under shade and the CREs analysis elucidated S. suberectus\' shade tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growing evidence indicates that transposable elements (TEs) play important roles in evolution by providing genomes with coding and non-coding sequences. Identification of TE-derived functional elements, however, has relied on TE annotations in individual species, which limits its scope to relatively intact TE sequences. Here, we report a novel approach to uncover previously unannotated degenerate TEs (degTEs) by probing multiple ancestral genomes reconstructed from hundreds of species. We applied this method to the human genome and achieved a 10.8% increase in coverage over the most recent annotation. Further, we discovered that degTEs contribute to various cis-regulatory elements and transcription factor binding sites, including those of a known TE-controlling family, the KRAB zinc-finger proteins. We also report unannotated chimeric transcripts between degTEs and human genes expressed in embryos. This study provides a novel methodology and a freely available resource that will facilitate the investigation of TE co-option events on a full scale.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Functional analysis of non-coding variants associated with human congenital disorders remains challenging due to the lack of efficient in vivo models. Here we introduce dual-enSERT, a robust Cas9-based two-color fluorescent reporter system which enables rapid, quantitative comparison of enhancer allele activities in live mice of any genetic background. We use this new technology to examine and measure the gain- and loss-of-function effects of enhancer variants linked to limb polydactyly, autism, and craniofacial malformation. By combining dual-enSERT with single-cell transcriptomics, we characterize variant enhancer alleles at cellular resolution, thereby implicating candidate molecular pathways in pathogenic enhancer misregulation. We further show that independent, polydactyly-linked enhancer variants lead to ectopic expression in the same cell populations, indicating shared genetic mechanisms underlying non-coding variant pathogenesis. Finally, we streamline dual-enSERT for analysis in F0 animals by placing both reporters on the same transgene separated by a synthetic insulator. Dual-enSERT allows researchers to go from identifying candidate enhancer variants to analysis of comparative enhancer activity in live embryos in under two weeks.





