
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finding effective pathogen mitigation strategies is one of the biggest challenges humans face today. In the context of wildlife, emerging infectious diseases have repeatedly caused widespread host morbidity and population declines of numerous taxa. In areas yet unaffected by a pathogen, a proactive management approach has the potential to minimize or prevent host mortality. However, typically critical information on disease dynamics in a novel host system is lacking, empirical evidence on efficacy of management interventions is limited, and there is a lack of validated predictive models. As such, quantitative support for identifying effective management interventions is largely absent, and the opportunity for proactive management is often missed. We considered the potential invasion of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), whose expected emergence in North America poses a severe threat to hundreds of salamander species in this global salamander biodiversity hotspot. We developed and parameterized a dynamic multistate occupancy model to forecast host and pathogen occurrence, following expected emergence of the pathogen, and evaluated the response of salamander populations to different management scenarios. Our model forecasted that taking no action is expected to be catastrophic to salamander populations. Proactive action was predicted to maximize host occupancy outcomes relative to wait-and-see reactive management, thus providing quantitative support for proactive management opportunities. The eradication of Bsal was unlikely under all the evaluated management options. Contrary to our expectations, even early pathogen detection had little effect on Bsal or host occupancy outcomes. Our results provide quantitative support that proactive management is the optimal strategy for promoting persistence of disease-threatened salamander populations. Our approach fills a critical gap by defining a framework for evaluating management options prior to pathogen invasion and can thus serve as a template for addressing novel disease threats that jeopardize wildlife and human health.
    Apoyo cuantitativo para los beneficios de la gestión proactiva del control de enfermedades silvestres Resumen Uno de los mayores retos en la actualidad es encontrar estrategias eficaces de mitigación de patógenos. En el contexto de la fauna silvestre, las enfermedades infecciosas emergentes han causado en varias ocasiones una morbilidad generalizada de los hospedadores y el declive de las poblaciones de numerosos taxones. En zonas aún no afectadas por un patógeno, un enfoque de gestión proactivo tiene el potencial de minimizar o prevenir la mortalidad de los hospederos. Sin embargo, en general se carece de información crítica sobre la dinámica de la enfermedad en el nuevo sistema huésped, las pruebas empíricas sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones de gestión son limitadas y faltan modelos predictivos validados. Por lo tanto, no existe un apoyo cuantitativo para identificar intervenciones de gestión eficaces y a menudo se pierde la oportunidad de una gestión proactiva. Consideramos la posible invasión del hongo quitridio Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), cuya aparición prevista en América del Norte supone una grave amenaza para cientos de especies de salamandras en este punto caliente de la biodiversidad mundial de salamandras. Desarrollamos y parametrizamos un modelo dinámico de ocupación multiestado para predecir la presencia de hospederos y patógenos, tras la aparición esperada del patógeno, y evaluamos la respuesta de las poblaciones de salamandras a diferentes escenarios de gestión. Nuestro modelo predijo que no tomar ninguna medida sería catastrófico para las poblaciones de salamandras. También predijo que la acción proactiva maximizaría los resultados de ocupación de hospederos en relación con la gestión reactiva de esperar y ver, proporcionando así un apoyo cuantitativo a las oportunidades de gestión proactiva. La erradicación de Bsal fue improbable bajo todas las opciones de gestión evaluadas. Contrariamente a nuestras expectativas, incluso la detección temprana del patógeno tuvo poco efecto sobre los resultados de ocupación de Bsal o del hospedador. Nuestros resultados apoyan cuantitativamente a la gestión proactiva como la estrategia óptima para promover la persistencia de poblaciones de salamandras amenazadas por la enfermedad. Nuestro enfoque llena un vacío crítico al definir un marco para evaluar las opciones de gestión antes de la invasión de patógenos y, por lo tanto, puede servir como plantilla para hacer frente a nuevas amenazas de enfermedades que ponen en peligro la vida silvestre y la salud humana.
    【摘要】 保护文献涉及广泛的跨学科问题和利益。其中大部分文献的作者来自不同国家, 尤其是那些重点关注保护工作的国家。众所周知, 在其他学科中, 学术出版领域存在着阻碍和偏见, 这会影响研究成果的传播和作者的职业发展。本研究使用离散选择实验来确定七种期刊属性如何影响作者在发表保护研究论文时的选择。我们直接联系了在18种目标期刊上发表过论文的作者, 同时通过保护组织的交流渠道间接联系了其他作者。我们只纳入了曾在保护相关期刊上发表过文章的受访者。我们使用多项logit模型和潜在类别模型分析了所有受访者和不同亚群的偏好。我们将1038位曾在保护期刊上发表文章的受访者划分为三个群体(主要来自中等收入国家的年长作者、主要来自中等收入国家的年轻作者, 以及来自高收入国家的年轻作者)。每个群体都表现出不同的出版偏好。不同群体仅对两个期刊属性存在一致响应:出版费用对期刊选择有一致的负面影响, 包括高收入国家的作者;作者对双盲审稿有一致的偏好。与高收入国家的作者不同, 中等收入国家的作者愿意为学会主办的期刊支付更多费用。在三个群体中, 有两个群体偏好地域范围广、可开放获取且影响因子相对较高的期刊。然而, 在决定期刊选择方面, 期刊范围和开放获取比影响因子更重要。总体而言, 不同人群对期刊有不同偏好, 他们在选择期刊时会受到开放获取政策等因素的限制。然而, 来自低收入国家的受访者很少(占受访者的2%), 这凸显了保护研究中普遍存在的代表性阻碍。我们建议期刊提供双盲审稿, 降低或取消开放获取费用, 调研提供免费出版支持的选项, 并更好地认可局部尺度单一物种研究的价值。学术团体尤其应反思其期刊如何支持保护和保护研究者。 【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a pathogenic chytrid fungus that is particularly lethal for amphibians. Bd can extirpate amphibian populations within a few weeks and remain in water in the absence of amphibian hosts. Most efforts to determine Bd presence and quantity in the field have focused on sampling hosts, but these data do not give us a direct reflection of the amount of Bd in the water, which are useful for parameterizing disease models, and are not effective when hosts are absent or difficult to sample. Current methods for screening Bd presence and quantity in water are time, resource, and money intensive. Here, we developed a streamlined method for detecting Bd in water with low turbidity (e.g., water samples from laboratory experiments and relatively clear pond water from a natural lentic system). We centrifuged water samples with known amounts of Bd to form a pellet and extracted the DNA from that pellet. This method was highly effective and the resulting concentrations across all tested treatments presented a highly linear relationship with the expected values. While the experimentally derived values were lower than the inoculation doses, the values were highly correlated and a conversion factor allows us to extrapolate the actual Bd concentration. This centrifuge-based method is effective, repeatable, and would greatly expand the domain of tractable questions to be explored in the field of Bd ecology. Importantly, this method increases equity in the field, because it is time- and cost-efficient and requires few resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a widespread fungus causing amphibian declines across the globe. Although data on Bd occurrence in Eastern Europe are scarce, a recent species distribution model (SDM) for Bd reported that western and north-western parts of Ukraine are highly suitable to the pathogen. We verified the SDM-predicted range of Bd in Ukraine by sampling amphibians across the country and screening for Bd using qPCR. A total of 446 amphibian samples (tissue and skin swabs) from 11 species were collected from 36 localities. We obtained qPCR-positive results for 33 samples including waterfrogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) and fire- and yellow-bellied toads (Bombina spp.) from 8 localities. We found that Bd-positive localities had significantly higher predicted Bd habitat suitability than sites that were pathogen-free. Amplification and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of samples with the highest Bd load revealed matches with ITS haplotypes of the globally distributed BdGPL strain, and a single case of the BdASIA-2/BdBRAZIL haplotype. We found that Bd was non-randomly distributed across Ukraine, with infections present in the western and north-central forested peripheries of the country with a relatively cool, moist climate. On the other hand, our results suggest that Bd is absent or present in low abundance in the more continental central, southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, corroborating the model-predicted distribution of chytrid fungus. These areas could potentially serve as climatic refugia for Bd-susceptible amphibian hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases are influenced by local biotic and abiotic factors, with host declines occurring when conditions favour the pathogen. Deterioration in the population of the micro-endemic Tanzanian Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis) occurred after the construction of a hydropower dam, implicating habitat modification in this species decline. Population recovery followed habitat augmentation; however, a subsequent outbreak of chytridiomycosis caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) led to the spray toad\'s extinction in the wild. We show using spatiotemporal surveillance and mitogenome assembly of Bd from archived toad mortalities that the outbreak was caused by invasion of the BdCAPE lineage and not the panzootic lineage BdGPL. Molecular dating reveals an emergence of BdCAPE across southern Africa overlapping with the timing of the spray toad\'s extinction. That our post-outbreak surveillance of co-occurring amphibian species in the Udzungwa Mountains shows widespread infection by BdCAPE yet no signs of ill-health or decline suggests these other species can tolerate Bd when environments are stable. We conclude that, despite transient success in mitigating the impact caused by dams\' construction, invasion by BdCAPE caused the ultimate die-off that led to the extinction of the Kihansi spray toad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural history collections have long served as the foundation for understanding our planet\'s biodiversity, yet they remain a largely untapped resource for wildlife disease studies. Extended specimens include multiple data types and specimen preparations that capture the phenotype and genotype of an organism and its symbionts-but preserved tissues may not always be optimized for downstream detection of various pathogens. Frogs are infected by an array of pathogens including Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), Ranavirus (Rv), and Amphibian Perkinsea (Pr), which provides the opportunity to study differences in detection dynamics across tissue types. We used quantitative PCR protocols to screen two tissue types commonly deposited in museum collections, toe clips and liver, from two closely related host species, Rana catesbeiana and Rana clamitans. We compared Bd, Rv, and Pr infection prevalence and intensity between species and tissue types and found no significant difference in prevalence between species, but Bd intensity was higher in R. clamitans than R. catesbeiana. Toe tissue exhibited significantly higher Bd infection loads and was more useful than liver for detecting Bd infections. In contrast, Rv was detected from more liver than toe tissues, but the difference was not statistically significant. Our results support the use of extended specimen collections in amphibian disease studies and demonstrate that broader tissue sampling at the time of specimen preparation can maximize their utility for downstream multipathogen detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chytridiomycosis is a devastating disease and is a key cause of amphibian population declines around the world. Despite active research on this amphibian disease system for over 2 decades, we still do not have treatment methods that are safe and that can be broadly used across species. Here, we show evidence that voriconazole is a successful method of treatment for 1 species of amphibian in captivity and that this treatment could offer benefits over other treatment options like heat or itraconazole, which are not able to be used for all species and life stages. We conducted 2 treatments of chytridiomycosis using voriconazole. The treatment was effective and resulted in 100% pathogen clearance, and mortality ceased. Additionally, treating frogs with voriconazole requires less handling than treatment methods like itraconazole and requires no specialized equipment, like heat treatment. We highlight that clinical treatment trials should be conducted to identify an optimum dosage and treatment time and that trials should test whether this treatment is safe and effective for tadpoles and other species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat therapy has been reported as a safe, effective, and readily available treatment method for heat-tolerant frogs infected with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). We treated wild-caught Australian green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) infected with Bd using two periods of elevated ambient room temperature (28.2-30.3 °C for 7 weeks followed by 28.9-34.1 °C for 4 weeks). Frogs exhibited persistent and even increasing infection loads in the first treatment period despite prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures, likely due to the presence of cooler microenvironments within their enclosure (25.5-27.0 °C). All frogs eventually returned negative qPCR tests for Bd at the end of the second treatment period, but detectable infections reoccurred one month after frogs were returned to standard housing temperatures (21.2-28.7 °C). Our findings suggest that elevated ambient temperature alone might not eliminate Bd in vivo but can reduce infections loads such that they are undetectable by qPCR analysis of skin swabs. Additional factors, such as cooler microenvironments within enclosures or relative humidity, may influence the success of heat therapy. We recommend further research into the combined effects of temperature and humidity during heat therapy and emphasize the importance of accurate temperature measurements as well as post-treatment monitoring at Bd-permissive temperatures to confirm successful clearance of infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Working with aquatic organisms often requires handling multiple individuals in a single session, potentially resulting in cross-contamination by live pathogens or DNA. Most researchers address this problem by disposing of gloves between animals. However, this generates excessive waste and may be impractical for processing very slippery animals that might be easier to handle with cotton gloves. We tested methods to decontaminate cotton or nitrile gloves after contamination with cultured Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) or after handling heavily Bd-infected Xenopus laevis with layered cotton and nitrile gloves. Bleach eliminated detectable Bd DNA from culture-contaminated nitrile gloves, but gloves retained detectable Bd DNA following ethanol disinfection. After handling a Bd-infected frog, Bd DNA contamination was greatly reduced by removal of the outer cotton glove, after which either bleach decontamination or ethanol decontamination followed by drying hands with a paper towel lowered Bd DNA below the detection threshold of our assay. These results provide new options to prevent pathogen or DNA cross-contamination, especially when handling slippery aquatic organisms. However, tradeoffs should be considered when selecting an animal handling procedure, such as the potential for cotton gloves to abrade amphibian skin or disrupt skin mucus. Disposing of gloves between animals should remain the gold standard for maintaining biosecurity in sensitive situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a rich literature highlighting that pathogens are generally better adapted to infect local than novel hosts, and a separate seemingly contradictory literature indicating that novel pathogens pose the greatest threat to biodiversity and public health. Here, using Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the fungus associated with worldwide amphibian declines, we test the hypothesis that there is enough variance in \"novel\" (quantified by geographic and phylogenetic distance) host-pathogen outcomes to pose substantial risk of pathogen introductions despite local adaptation being common. Our continental-scale common garden experiment and global-scale meta-analysis demonstrate that local amphibian-fungal interactions result in higher pathogen prevalence, pathogen growth, and host mortality, but novel interactions led to variable consequences with especially virulent host-pathogen combinations still occurring. Thus, while most pathogen introductions are benign, enough variance exists in novel host-pathogen outcomes that moving organisms around the planet greatly increases the chance of pathogen introductions causing profound harm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extensive knowledge gains from research worldwide over the 25 years since the discovery of chytridiomycosis can be used for improved management. Strategies that have saved populations in the short term and/or enabled recovery include captive breeding, translocation into disease refugia, translocation from resistant populations, disease-free exclosures, and preservation of disease refuges with connectivity to previous habitat, while antifungal treatments have reduced mortality rates in the wild. Increasing host resistance is the goal of many strategies under development, including vaccination and targeted genetic interventions. Pathogen-directed strategies may be more challenging but would have broad applicability. While the search for the silver bullet solution continues, we should value targeted local interventions that stop extinction and buy time for evolution of resistance or development of novel solutions. As for most invasive species and infectious diseases, we need to accept that ongoing management is necessary. For species continuing to decline, proactive deployment and assessment of promising interventions are more valid than a hands-off, do-no-harm approach that will likely allow further extinctions.





