Chronic cystitis

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    文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Chronic recurrent cystitis (CRC) is a complex multifaceted problem of modern uroinfectology.
    OBJECTIVE: To study the immunological parameters of urine in patients with chronic recurrent cystitis depending on the etiological factor.
    METHODS: The prospective study included 71 patients aged 20-45 years who had previously been diagnosed with recurrent lower urinary tract infection: chronic recurrent cystitis (CRC) during an exacerbation period. Based on the results of bacteriological and PCR studies of urine, scraping of the urethra and vagina, depending on the dominant etiological factor, the patients were divided into three groups: group 1 (n=30) - with papillomavirus CRC (PVI-CRC), group 2 (n=30) - with bacterial CRC (B - CRC), group 3 (n=11) - with candida CRC (C - CRC). Analysis of the assessment of immunological parameters of urine was carried out using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA-BEST).
    RESULTS: Based on the results of an immunological study of urine in the study groups, characteristic specific changes in the level of interleukins and interferons were identified, which made it possible to determine a protocol for the differential diagnosis of CRC.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows the advisability of testing interleukins in urine (IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8); these indicators can serve as scoring criteria in the differential diagnosis of CRC of various origins.
    CONCLUSIONS: , it is reasonable to study the level of IFN-2b and IFN; when identifying the functional inferiority of the IFN system in women with CRC, correction of the IFN system is necessary.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    Lower urinary tract infections (LUTI) are one of the most common urological diseases. Prevention of recurrences and development of chronic cystitis are among the key tasks in the treatment of women with LUTI. It consists of choosing adequate antibacterial therapy and preventive measures. Phytotherapy using various herbal preparations is considered to be one of the most common and effective preventive measure. Three clinical cases of effective treatment of patients with recurrent LUTI with Phytolysin paste and Phytolysin capsules as part of complex therapy are presented in the article, demonstrating the high efficiency of long-term courses of phytotherapy.






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    文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections. At the request \"cystitis\", there are 12,067 publications in the RSCI system (e.library) as of 10/08/2023 and 16,332 articles were screened in the Pubmed. This is evidence that the problem of cystitis is far from being resolved.
    METHODS: A total of 425 patients with bacterial vaginosis and 77 women with chronic recurrent cystitis were included in the study. In all patients, the vaginal biocenosis was assessed through molecular genetic testing. The examination included filling out the Russian version of the Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS), urinalysis, and urine culture. In addition, local microcirculation was measured using laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). After examination, patients were prescribed basic therapy and randomly assigned to one of three groups. In a control group (n=17), only basic therapy, consisting of fosfomycin 3.0 once at night + furagin 100 mg after meals 3 times a day for 5 days was prescribed. In the main group 1, 29 women received basic therapy plus Superlymph suppositories 10 units 2 times a day vaginally for 10 days. In the main group 2, 31 patients received basic therapy plus suppositories Superlymph 10 units (rectally in the morning) and Acylact Duo (vaginally in the evening) for 10 days.
    RESULTS: Among 425 patients with bacterial vaginosis, 78 (18.3%) complained of various urinary disorders, but only 21 women (4.9% of those with vaginal dysbiosis and 26.9% with dysuria) had a diagnosis of cystitis. In all cases, it was an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Among 77 patients with chronic cystitis, normal vaginal flora was initially present in 32 patients (41.6%), and bacterial vaginosis was found in 45 (58.4%) cases. After therapy, positive results were noted in patients of all groups. Complete eradication of the pathogen occurred in 15 women (88.2%) who received only basic therapy; in the main groups 1 and 2, uropathogens were not detected in 27 (93.1%) and 28 (90.3%) cases, respectively. In the control group, the proportion of patients with normal vaginal flora remained virtually unchanged (41.2% [n=7] vs. 47.1% [n=8]). In the main group 1, the proportion of patients with normal vaginal flora almost doubled: from 41.4% (n=12) to 79.3% (n=23). In main group 2, restoration of vaginal flora was noted in 87.1% of cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to our data, only 4.9% of patients with bacterial vaginosis were diagnosed with chronic cystitis, however, 58.4% of patients with chronic cystitis had vaginal dysbiosis. The use of a complex of antimicrobial peptides and cytokines has significantly increased the bidirectional effect of therapy. Suppositories Superlymph in a combination with vaginal use of Acylact Duo allow to obtain the best results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The urothelium is a vital permeability barrier that prevents the uncontrolled flow of urinary components into and out of the bladder interstitium. Our study addressed the question of possible sex-specific variations in the urothelium of healthy mice and their impact on chronic bladder inflammation. We found that healthy female bladders have a less robust barrier function than male bladders, as indicated by significant differences in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) values. These differences could be attributed to detected higher claudin 2 mRNA expression and a less pronounced glycocalyx in females than in males. In addition, TEER measurements showed delayed barrier recovery in chronically inflamed female bladders. We found subtle differences in the expressions of genes involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton between the sexes, as well as pronounced urothelial hyperplasia in females compensating for attenuated barrier function. The identified genetic variations in glycosylation pathways may also contribute to this divergence. Our findings add to the growing body of literature on the intricate sex-specific nuances of urothelial permeability function and their implications for chronic bladder inflammation. Understanding these differences could lead to tailored diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the treatment of bladder disorders in the future.






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    文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Chronic cystitis predominates in the structure of urinary tract infections (UTIs). International guidelines are mainly focused on the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis; the approaches for managing patients with chronic cystitis has not been sufficiently developed.
    METHODS: A total of 91 patients were included in prospective multicenter randomized comparative controlled study. They were divided into three groups. In the group 1, 32 women received only standard antibiotic therapy for 5 days. In the group 2, 28 patients (received standard therapy plus rectal suppositories Superlymph 25 IU 1 time per day for 10 days). In the main group, 31 women received standard therapy in combination with the use of rectal suppositories Superlymph at a dose of 10 IU 1 time per day for 20 days. Standard antibiotic therapy included fosfomycin trometamol 3.0 g once and furazidin 100 mg three times for 5 days. To assess the long-term results, patients were invited for a follow-up 6 months after the end of therapy.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the long-term results of combined etiologic and pathogenetic therapy, including Superlymph rectal suppositories at a dose of 10 U and 25 U, in patients with chronic cystitis.
    RESULTS: Six months later, 82/91 (90.1%) women were examined to assess the long-term results. At 6 months, in group 1 a relapse of the cystitis developed in 17 women (60.7%) after an average of 67.3+/-9.4 days. In group 2, recurrence was observed in 12 patients (44.4%), and the relapse-free period was longer, averaging of 84.3+/-9.2 days. The best results were demonstrated in the main group, in which the relapse-free period lasted an average of 123.5+/-8.7 days, and a relapse developed in only 8 cases (29.6%). In 19 patients (70.4%) there were no symptoms after six months. Differences between groups were highly significant (p<0.001). In all groups, none of the patients had more than one recurrence of the cystitis during the follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Combined antibiotic therapy results in the absence of recurrence within six months in 39.3% of patients with chronic cystitis. Complex etiologic and pathogenetic therapy, including Superlymph rectal suppositories, allows to significantly reduce the number of recurrences and prolong the relapse-free period. Among the patients who received a course of local cytokine therapy at a dose of 25 units for 10 days, 55.6% did not have a recurrence of chronic cystitis within 6 months. In the group of patients who, along with etiologic therapy, received Superlymph rectal suppositories at a dose of 10 IU for 20 days, a relapse was absent in 70.4% of patients.






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    文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) remain an important problem in urology due to their high prevalence and tendency to relapse. The improvement of the treatment outcomes in chronic cystitis is still relevant.
    METHODS: A total of 91 patients were included in prospective, multicenter, randomized, comparative, controlled study. They were randomized into three groups: in the comparison group 1 (n=32) basic therapy was administered for 5 days. In the comparison group 2 (n=28) basic therapy was combined with rectal suppositories Superlymph 25 IU once a day for 10 days. In the main group (n=31) basic therapy in combination with rectal suppositories Superlymph 10 IU once a day for 20 days were prescribed. The basic therapy included a combination of two antimicrobial drugs: fosfomycin trometamol 3.0 g at night once on the first day of therapy, and furazidin 100 mg three times a day after meals for 5 days. Pathogenetic treatment was not prescribed in comparison group 1, but administered for 10 days and 20 days in comparison group 2 and main group, respectively.
    RESULTS: After the completion of etiotropic therapy, a significant effect in all groups was shown. At the same time, at the 2nd visit, there was a significantly better results in patients who received Superlymph rectal suppositories, both at a dose of 10 U and at a dose of 25 U, without any differences between two schemes. The frequency and severity of cystitis symptoms at the end of etiopathogenetic therapy in the main group was less pronounced than in the comparison groups (p=0.0001), and a significant difference was found between comparison groups 1 and 2 (p=0.0001). The use of Superlymph significantly improved the parameters of microcirculation in the urethra, however, there was no difference between comparison group 2 and main group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Etiopathogenetic therapy, including Superlymph rectal suppositories at a dose of 10 IU and 25 IU in patients with chronic cystitis, can significantly improve the results of combination therapy. Analysis of the symptoms score of acute cystitis showed the superiority of longer-term use of Superlymph rectal suppositories at a reduced dosage (10 units). Peptide-cytokine therapy led to a significant improvement in local microcirculation in comparison group 2 and the main group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate how women with uncomplicated antibiotic-recalcitrant recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTIs) and extensive inflammatory bladder lesions on office cystoscopy responded to electro-fulguration (EF) to eliminate these chronic bladder sites.
    METHODS: After IRB approval, a retrospective study of non-neurogenic women with RUTIs, inflammatory lesions on cystoscopy, and who underwent EF was performed. Lesions were classified through a simplified staging system based on the extent of bladder wall involvement. Only those with extensive bladder wall involvement (stages 3 and 4) at the time of EF were analyzed in this report. Six months after EF, an office cystoscopy was performed, with endoscopic success defined as no lesions seen. The primary clinical outcome was number of symptomatic UTIs after EF, defined as cure (0/year), improvement (1-2/year), and failure (≥3/year).
    RESULTS: From 2007 to 2019, a total of 57 women met the study criteria, 30 stage 3 and 27 stage 4. Nineteen (63%) were endoscopically successful in stage 3 and 11 (41%) in stage 4. Mean follow-up was 2.9 years (stage 3) and 3.1 years (stage 4). All had at least a 6-month UTI follow-up after the 6 months of office cystoscopy, with 15 patients cured, 37 improved, and 5 failed (all stage 4).
    CONCLUSIONS: Although EF only resulted in 63% complete endoscopic resolution, the majority experienced a decrease in the frequency of UTIs, suggesting that EF can be durably effective even in women with very extensive cystitis lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a child, cystitis (non-specific microbial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder) is considered to be a dangerous disease; the prolongation of the process is usually associated with a delayed diagnosis. The aim of this work was to analyze the health status of the child population of the Chernivtsi region, especially the dynamics of the prevalence and incidence of cystitis. The official statistical data have been studied (reports on the state of medical care for children in the Chernivtsi region and data from the Center of Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Healthcare from 2006 to 2017); information-analytical and statistical methods have been used for the purpose of this study. Attention should be drawn to the significantly high prevalence of cystitis among children aged 15-17 years, especially in the Chernivtsi region as during period I (8.7±0.6 vs. 4.3±0.3 in Ukraine) and II (11.7±1.0 and 5.7±0.4, respectively, per 1000 people). Moreover, over the years, the growth of indicators acquires intensity, while this process is more than twice as pronounced in Chernivtsi. Thus, the growth rate was 65.0% in 2006-2011 and 90.3% in 2012-2017 vs. 27.2% and 32.8% in Ukraine, respectively. The identified data indicate the need to provide specialized care to children with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system of the Chernivtsi region and the need to improve regional clinical routes of patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Follicular cystitis is a non-specific inflammatory condition of the bladder where the aetiology is unknown. The extent of the disease can be mild or proliferative and bulky. Antibiotics, steroids, therapies used for interstitial cystitis, palliative cystectomy and radiotherapy have been reported as successful treatment options. We report a case of follicular cystitis that responded to a course of oral diethyl carbamazine.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the efficiency of the dietary supplement NefroBest in women with chronic cystitis.
    METHODS: On the basis of the Department of Urology and Nephrology of the Altai State Medical University and the urological department of the NUZ CH \"RJD Medicine\", Barnaul, from September 2019 to August 2020 a total of 40 women with chronic cystitis were treaeted. Depending on the type of treatment, all women were divided into the main and control groups, each of 20 people. In the main group, patients received standard therapy and dietary supplements NefroBest. In the control group, patients were prescribed only to standard therapy.
    RESULTS: The results were evaluated one and two months after the start of therapy. In the main group a more rapid resolution of symptoms and laboratory abnormalities were seen, as well as an improvement of the endoscopic picture and urodynamic parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: The complex of biologically active substances in the dietary supplement NefroBest has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, and reduces the risk of recurrence of chronic cystitis. Thus, the dietary supplement NefroBest can be recommended as a component of the complex therapy of recurrences of chronic cystitis, as well as a prophylactic treatment during relapse-free period.





