
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In Europe, avian schistosomes of the genus Trichobilharzia are the most common etiological agents involved in human cercarial dermatitis (swimmer\'s itch). Manifested by a skin rash, the condition is caused by an allergic reaction to cercariae of nonhuman schistosomes. Humans are an accidental host in this parasite\'s life cycle, while water snails are the intermediate, and waterfowl are the final hosts. The study aimed to conduct a molecular and phylogenetic analysis of Trichobilharzia species occurring in recreational waters in North-Eastern Poland.
    UNASSIGNED: The study area covered three water bodies (Lake Skanda, Lake Ukiel, and Lake Tyrsko) over the summer of 2021. In total, 747 pulmonate freshwater snails (Radix spp., Lymnaea stagnalis) were collected. Each snail was subjected to 1-2 h of light stimulation to induce cercarial expulsion. The phylogenetic analyses of furcocercariae were based on the partial sequence of the ITS region (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, ITS2 and 28SrDNA). For Radix spp. phylogenetic analyses were based on the ITS-2 region.
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of the Trichobilharzia species infection in snails was 0.5%. Two out of 478 (0.4%) L. stagnaliswere found to be infected with Trichobilharzia szidati. Moreover, two out of 269 (0.7%) snails of the genus Radix were positive for schistosome cercariae. Both snails were identified as Radix auricularia. One of them was infected with Trichobilharzia franki and the other with Trichobilharzia sp.
    UNASSIGNED: Molecular identification of avian schistosome species, both at the intermediate and definitive hosts level, constitutes an important source of information on a potential threat and prognosis of local swimmer\'s itch occurrence, and helps to determine species diversity in a particular area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schistosomiasis, one of the neglected tropical diseases which affects both humans and animals, is caused by trematode worms of the genus Schistosoma. The disease is caused by several species of Schistosoma which affect several organs such as urethra, liver, bladder, intestines, skin and bile ducts. The life cycle of the disease involves an intermediate host (snail) and a mammalian host. It affects people who are in close proximity to water bodies where the intermediate host is abundant. Common clinical manifestations of the disease at various stages include fever, chills, headache, cough, dysuria, hyperplasia and hydronephrosis. To date, most of the control strategies are dependent on effective diagnosis, chemotherapy and public health education on the biology of the vectors and parasites. Microscopy (Kato-Katz) is considered the golden standard for the detection of the parasite, while praziquantel is the drug of choice for the mass treatment of the disease since no vaccines have yet been developed. Most of the previous reviews on schistosomiasis have concentrated on epidemiology, life cycle, diagnosis, control and treatment. Thus, a comprehensive review that is in tune with modern developments is needed. Here, we extend this domain to cover historical perspectives, global impact, symptoms and detection, biochemical and molecular characterization, gene therapy, current drugs and vaccine status. We also discuss the prospects of using plants as potential and alternative sources of novel anti-schistosomal agents. Furthermore, we highlight advanced molecular techniques, imaging and artificial intelligence that may be useful in the future detection and treatment of the disease. Overall, the proper detection of schistosomiasis using state-of-the-art tools and techniques, as well as development of vaccines or new anti-schistosomal drugs may aid in the elimination of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bulinus are intermediate snail hosts of Schistosoma haematobium. Despite their vectorial role, the transmission dynamics and infectivity of these intermediate snail hosts remain understudied in the Ase River. This longitudinal study evaluated the geospatial and seasonal transmission patterns and infectivity of three S. haematobium vectors between November 2020 and October 2022 in the Ase River catchment, Delta State, Nigeria. Eleven (11) geospatial water contact coordinates were mapped for monthly spatiotemporal collection of Bulinus species along the Ase River and its catchment, for two years. Snail sampling was performed for 45 min at each study site using scooping/hand-picking techniques and subsequently counted, identified and recorded. Snails of the Bulinus genus were individually placed in a beaker containing distilled water and exposed to light to shed cercariae which were identified to be human schistosome type. The number of infected snails for each month and season was also documented to analyze the spatiotemporal and seasonal transmission dynamics of infectivity. Out of the 2345 Bulinus snails collected, a total of 41.45% were found to be infected with S. haematobium. The monthly infectivity of Bulinus snails varied significantly (P < 0.05) throughout the study period (P =  < 0.0001; F = 23.11; df = 11). Further analysis showed a strong significant association (χ2 = 23.57; df = 11; p = 0.015) between the study years. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results suggest that Bulinus infectivity within the Ase River catchment area was primarily associated with the months of February and January. B. truncatus consistently had the highest transmission potential, followed by B. globosus and B. senegalensis. ANOVA confirms that the monthly/study site infectivity and transmission potential in B. truncates, B. globosus and S. senegalensis were statistically, significant (P < 0.05). These results demonstrated a clear distinction in the patterns and relationships between the different months in terms of snail infectivity and seasonal transmission potential. This understanding will help in the continuous monitoring and targeted interventions to control schistosomiasis transmission in Ase River.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Leptophallus nigrovenosus, an esophageal parasite that primarily affects water snakes of the genus Natrix, has a known life cycle that involves snail and amphibian hosts. However, the biological aspects, chaetotaxic patterns, and pathogeny of this parasite in its hosts have not been fully elucidated. (2) Methods: Snails (Planorbarius metidjensis) were collected in Spain and examined for cercaria emergence. The larvae were used to experimentally infect Salamandra salamandra, and metacercariae were isolated. Their chaetotaxy was studied using microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The eye histology was also examined. (3) Results: The cercariae displayed distinctive morphological characteristics. The results of this study revealed three types of ciliated sensory papillae on the cercarial teguments, suggesting an adaptation for host detection and orientation. The metacercariae isolated from subcutaneous tissues showed oval bodies covered in spines. The chaetotaxy patterns matched those of Leptophallinae species. This is the first report of the presence of L. nigrovenosus in the snail P. metidjensis. Additionally, this study detected metacercariae in the eyes of S. salamandra, emphasizing the need for further research on trematode infections in amphibian eyes. (4) Conclusions: Members of the genus Salamandra can serve as secondary intermediate hosts for L. nigrovenosus, and the presence of metacercariae in amphibian eyes may have implications for the survival and habitat management of these amphibians. Understanding this parasite\'s prevalence, transmission dynamics, and impacts on host populations is crucial for conservation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the importance of fish-borne trematodes of the family Opisthorchiidae as causative agents of human liver fluke disease, studies on these parasites outside Asia are relativally scarce. In South America, human focus of amphimerosis is known in Ecuador since the mid-20th century, and Amphimerus spp. have also been reported in wild and domestic mammals. Nevertheless, the knowledge on the snails that act as the first intermediate host of these potentially zoonotic parasites are scarce. Herein, a new cercaria of the pleurolophocercous morphotype found in the freshwater snail Idiopyrgus souleyetianus from Brazil was subjected to morphological and molecular studies. Multigene phylogenetic analyses based on 28S, 5.8S-ITS-2 and Cox-1 sequences enabled the identification of Amphimerus sp., a species distinct from that reported in humans from Ecuador. This cercariae was morphologically compared with other opisthorchiid cercariae known. The possible occurrence of human amphimerosis in Brazil is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasites have evolved a variety of astonishing strategies to survive within their hosts, yet the most challenging event in their personal chronicles is the passage from one host to another. It becomes even more complex when a parasite needs to pass through the external environment. Therefore, the free-living stages of parasites present a wide range of adaptations for transmission. Parasitic flatworms from the group Digenea (flukes) have free-living larvae, cercariae, which are remarkably diverse in structure and behavior.1,2 One of the cercariae transmission strategies is to attain a prey-like appearance for the host.3 This can be done through the formation of a swimming aggregate of several cercariae adjoined together by their tails.4 Through the use of live observations and light, electron, and confocal microscopy, we described such a supposedly prey-mimetic colony comprising cercariae of two distinct morphotypes. They are functionally specialized: larger morphotype (sailors) enable motility, and smaller morphotype (passengers) presumably facilitate infection. The analysis of local read alignments between the two samples reveals that both cercaria types have identical 18S, 28S, and 5.8S rRNA genes. Further phylogenetic analysis of these ribosomal sequences indicates that our specimen belongs to the digenean family Acanthocolpidae, likely genus Pleorchis. This discovery provides a unique example and a novel insight into how morphologically and functionally heterogeneous individuals of the same species cooperate to build colonial organisms for the purpose of infection. This strategy bears resemblance to the cooperating castes of the same species found among insects.5.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arguably the most unique biological features of trematode parasites involve their clonal parthenitae and cercariae. These life stages are biologically fascinating, medically and scientifically important, and often studied for years, lacking knowledge of their corresponding sexual adult stages. But sexual adults are the focus of trematode species-level taxonomy, partially explaining the relative neglect of documenting the diversity of parthenitae and cercariae and why researchers who do describe them give them only provisional names. Provisional names are unregulated, unstable, often ambiguous, and, I argue, often unnecessary. I suggest that we recommence formally naming parthenitae and cercariae using an improved naming scheme. The scheme should permit us to reap the benefits of formal nomenclature and thereby enhance research involving these diverse and important parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis, due to S. mansoni, is prevalent in Rwanda. However, there is a paucity of information related to the abundance, species, distribution, and infectivity of Schistosoma intermediate host snails.
    METHODS: Snails were collected from 71 sites, including lakeshores and wetlands. Snails obtained were morphologically identified, and cercariae were shed using standard procedures. Cercariae were molecularly characterized using PCR. GPS coordinates were used to generate geospatial maps of snail distribution that were overlaid with geospatial distribution of schistosomiasis among pre-school children in the same areas.
    RESULTS: Overall, 3653 snails were morphologically classified as Bulinus spp. and 1449 as Biomphalaria spp. A total of 306 snails shed cercariae, 130 of which were confirmed as S. mansoni cercaria by PCR. There was no significant difference in the proportion of S. mansoni cercariae in wetlands compared to lakeshores.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rwandan water bodies harbor an important number of snails that shed S. mansoni cercariae. Furthermore, a strong spatial correlation was observed between the distribution of schistosomiasis in children and the spatial distribution of snail infectivity with S. mansoni. The presence of Bulinus spp. Suggests a potential risk of S. haematobium, although molecular analysis did not show any current transmission of this parasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater snails are intermediate hosts for several snail-borne diseases affecting humans and animals. Understanding the distribution of snail intermediate hosts and their infection status is very important to plan and implement effective disease prevention and control interventions. In this study, we determined the abundance, distribution, and trematode infection status of freshwater snails in two agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia. We sampled snails from 13 observation sites and examined them for trematode infections using a natural cercarial shedding method. A redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to examine the relationship between snail abundance and environmental variables. Overall, a total of 615 snails belonging to three species were identified. Lymnea natalensis and Bulinus globosus were the dominant snail species, representing 41% and 40% of the total collection, respectively. About one-third of the total snail population (33%) shed cercariae. The cercariae species recorded were Xiphidiocercaria, Brevifurcate apharyngeate distome (BAD), Echinostome, and Fasciola. Snail species were found in high abundance in aquatic habitats located in the agricultural landscape. Therefore, land-use planning and protection of aquatic habitats from uncontrolled human activities and pollution can be considered as important strategies to prevent and control the spread of snail-borne diseases in the region.





