Cell dynamics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organisms display a remarkable diversity in their shapes. Although substantial progress has been made in unraveling the mechanisms that govern cell fate determination during development, the mechanisms by which fate-determined cells give rise to the final shapes of organisms remain largely unknown. This study describes in detail the process of the final shape formation of the tarsus, which is near the distal tip of the adult leg, during the pupal stage in Drosophila melanogaster. Days-long live imaging revealed unexpectedly complicated cellular dynamics. The epithelial cells transiently form the intriguing structure, which we named the Parthenon-like structure. The basal surface of the epithelial cells and localization of the basement membrane protein initially show a mesh-like structure and rapidly shrink into the membranous structure during the formation and disappearance of the Parthenon-like structure. Furthermore, macrophage-like cells are observed moving around actively in the Parthenon-like structure and engulfing epithelial cells. The findings in this research are expected to significantly contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms involved in shaping the final structure of the adult tarsus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organisms utilize gene regulatory networks (GRN) to make fate decisions, but the regulatory mechanisms of transcription factors (TF) in GRNs are exceedingly intricate. A longstanding question in this field is how these tangled interactions synergistically contribute to decision-making procedures. To comprehensively understand the role of regulatory logic in cell fate decisions, we constructed a logic-incorporated GRN model and examined its behavior under two distinct driving forces (noise-driven and signal-driven). Under the noise-driven mode, we distilled the relationship among fate bias, regulatory logic, and noise profile. Under the signal-driven mode, we bridged regulatory logic and progression-accuracy trade-off, and uncovered distinctive trajectories of reprogramming influenced by logic motifs. In differentiation, we characterized a special logic-dependent priming stage by the solution landscape. Finally, we applied our findings to decipher three biological instances: hematopoiesis, embryogenesis, and trans-differentiation. Orthogonal to the classical analysis of expression profile, we harnessed noise patterns to construct the GRN corresponding to fate transition. Our work presents a generalizable framework for top-down fate-decision studies and a practical approach to the taxonomy of cell fate decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have designed a stochastic model of embryonic neurogenesis in the mouse cerebral cortex, using the formalism of compound Poisson processes. The model accounts for the dynamics of different progenitor cell types and neurons. The expectation and variance of the cell number of each type are derived analytically and illustrated through numerical simulations. The effects of stochastic transition rates between cell types, and stochastic duration of the cell division cycle have been investigated sequentially. The model does not only predict the number of neurons, but also their spatial distribution into deeper and upper cortical layers. The model outputs are consistent with experimental data providing the number of neurons and intermediate progenitors according to embryonic age in control and mutant situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Advancements in label-free microscopy could provide real-time, non-invasive imaging with unique sources of contrast and automated standardized analysis to characterize heterogeneous and dynamic biological processes. These tools would overcome challenges with widely used methods that are destructive (e.g., histology, flow cytometry) or lack cellular resolution (e.g., plate-based assays, whole animal bioluminescence imaging).
    UNASSIGNED: This perspective aims to (1) justify the need for label-free microscopy to track heterogeneous cellular functions over time and space within unperturbed systems and (2) recommend improvements regarding instrumentation, image analysis, and image interpretation to address these needs.
    UNASSIGNED: Three key research areas (cancer research, autoimmune disease, and tissue and cell engineering) are considered to support the need for label-free microscopy to characterize heterogeneity and dynamics within biological systems. Based on the strengths (e.g., multiple sources of molecular contrast, non-invasive monitoring) and weaknesses (e.g., imaging depth, image interpretation) of several label-free microscopy modalities, improvements for future imaging systems are recommended.
    UNASSIGNED: Improvements in instrumentation including strategies that increase resolution and imaging speed, standardization and centralization of image analysis tools, and robust data validation and interpretation will expand the applications of label-free microscopy to study heterogeneous and dynamic biological systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hematophagous mosquitoes transmit many pathogens that cause human diseases. Pathogen acquisition and transmission occur when female mosquitoes blood feed to acquire nutrients for reproduction. The midgut epithelium of mosquitoes serves as the point of entry for transmissible viruses and parasites.
    RESULTS: We studied midgut epithelial dynamics in five major mosquito vector species by quantifying PH3-positive cells (indicative of mitotic proliferation), the incorporation of nucleotide analogs (indicative of DNA synthesis accompanying proliferation and/or endoreplication), and the ploidy (by flow cytometry) of cell populations in the posterior midgut epithelium of adult females. Our results show that the epithelial dynamics of post-emergence maturation and of mature sugar-fed guts were similar in members of the Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles genera. In the first three days post-emergence, ~ 20% of cells in the posterior midgut region of interest incorporated nucleotide analogs, concurrent with both proliferative activity and a broad shift toward higher ploidy. In mature mosquitoes maintained on sugar, an average of 3.5% of cells in the posterior midgut region of interest incorporated nucleotide analogs from five to eight days post-emergence, with a consistent presence of mitotic cells indicating constant cell turnover. Oral bacterial infection triggered a sharp increase in mitosis and nucleotide analog incorporation, suggesting that the mosquito midgut undergoes accelerated cellular turnover in response to damage. Finally, blood feeding resulted in an increase in cell proliferation, but the nature and intensity of the response varied by mosquito species and by blood source (human, bovine, avian or artificial). In An. gambiae, enterocytes appeared to reenter the cell cycle to increase ploidy after consuming blood from all sources except avian.
    CONCLUSIONS: We saw that epithelial proliferation, differentiation, and endoreplication reshape the blood-fed gut to increase ploidy, possibly to facilitate increased metabolic activity. Our results highlight the plasticity of the midgut epithelium in mosquitoes\' physiological responses to distinct challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CDK4, along with its regulatory subunit, cyclin D, drives the transition from G1 to S phase, during which DNA replication and metabolic activation occur. In this canonical pathway, CDK4 is essentially a transcriptional regulator that acts through phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (RB) and subsequent activation of the transcription factor E2F, ultimately triggering the expression of genes involved in DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression to S phase. In this review, we focus on the newly reported functions of CDK4, which go beyond direct regulation of the cell cycle. In particular, we describe the extranuclear roles of CDK4, including its roles in the regulation of metabolism, cell fate, cell dynamics and the tumor microenvironment. We describe direct phosphorylation targets of CDK4 and decipher how CDK4 influences these physiological processes in the context of cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How morphogenetic movements are robustly coordinated in space and time is a fundamental open question in biology. We study this question using the wing of Drosophila melanogaster, an epithelial tissue that undergoes large-scale tissue flows during pupal stages. Previously, we showed that pupal wing morphogenesis involves both cellular behaviors that allow relaxation of mechanical tissue stress, as well as cellular behaviors that appear to be actively patterned (Etournay et al., 2015). Here, we show that these active cellular behaviors are not guided by the core planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, a conserved signaling system that guides tissue development in many other contexts. We find no significant phenotype on the cellular dynamics underlying pupal morphogenesis in mutants of core PCP. Furthermore, using laser ablation experiments, coupled with a rheological model to describe the dynamics of the response to laser ablation, we conclude that while core PCP mutations affect the fast timescale response to laser ablation they do not significantly affect overall tissue mechanics. In conclusion, our work shows that cellular dynamics and tissue shape changes during Drosophila pupal wing morphogenesis do not require core PCP as an orientational guiding cue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of multiple antivirals in a single patient increases the risk of emergence of multidrug-resistant viruses, posing a public health challenge and limiting management options. Cell-to-cell viral transmission allows a pair of viruses that are each resistant to a single drug to persist for a prolonged period of passages although neither can survive alone under double-drug treatment. This pair should then persist until they accumulate a second mutation to generate resistance to both drugs. Accordingly, we here propose a hypothesis that viruses have a much higher probability of developing double-drug resistance when they are transmitted via a cell-to-cell mode than when they are transmitted via a cell-free mode through released virions. By using a stochastic model describing the changes in the frequencies of viral genotypes over successive infections, we analytically demonstrate that the emergence probability of double resistance is approximately the square of the number of viral genomes that establish infection times greater in cell-to-cell transmission than in cell-free transmission. Our study suggests the importance of inhibiting cell-to-cell transmission during multidrug treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a fundamental process whereby epithelial cells acquire mesenchymal phenotypes and the ability to migrate. EMT is the hallmark of gastrulation, an evolutionarily conserved developmental process. In mammals, epiblast cells ingress at the primitive streak to form mesoderm. Cells ingress and exit the epiblast epithelial layer and the associated EMT is dynamically regulated and involves a stereotypical sequence of cell behaviors. 3D time-lapse imaging of gastrulating mouse embryos combined with cell and tissue scale data analyses revealed the asynchronous ingression of epiblast cells at the primitive streak. Ingressing cells constrict their apical surfaces in a pulsed ratchet-like fashion through asynchronous shrinkage of apical junctions. A quantitative analysis of the distribution of apical proteins revealed the anisotropic and reciprocal enrichment of members of the actomyosin network and Crumbs2 complexes, potential regulators of asynchronous shrinkage of cell junctions. Loss of function analyses demonstrated a requirement for Crumbs2 in myosin II localization and activity at apical junctions, and as a candidate regulator of actomyosin anisotropy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    [Ca2+]-dependent crystallization of the Ca2+-ATPase molecules in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles isolated from scallop striated muscle elongated the vesicles in the absence of ATP, and ATP stabilized the crystals. Here, to determine the [Ca2+]-dependence of vesicle elongation in the presence of ATP, SR vesicles in various [Ca2+] environments were imaged using negative stain electron microscopy. The images obtained revealed the following phenomena. (i) Crystal-containing elongated vesicles appeared at ≤1.4 µM Ca2+ and almost disappeared at ≥18 µM Ca2+, where ATPase activity reaches its maximum. (ii) At ≥18 µM Ca2+, almost all SR vesicles were in the round form and covered by tightly clustered ATPase crystal patches. (iii) Round vesicles dried on electron microscopy grids occasionally had cracks, probably because surface tension crushed the solid three-dimensional spheres. (iv) [Ca2+]-dependent ATPase crystallization was rapid (<1 min) and reversible. These data prompt the hypothesis that SR vesicles autonomously elongate or contract with the help of a calcium-sensitive ATPase network/endoskeleton and that ATPase crystallization may modulate physical properties of the SR architecture, including the ryanodine receptors that control muscle contraction.





