
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited diseases that lead to degeneration of the retina and decreased vision. The World Health Organization reports around 1,300 million people affected by some type of visual impairment worldwide. The prevalence is 1 in every 4000 inhabitants and it is the first cause of blindness of genetic origin, frequent in men with a percentage of 60% and 40% in women. There is a lack of information on this pathology in the world, mainly on the existing treatments for this disease, so this bibliographic review aims to update the existing or under-study treatments and inform the limitations of each of these therapies. This review of scientific literature was carried out by consulting databases such as PubMed and Web of science, the search will be limited to articles from the years 2018-2022. There are several types of therapy in studies: gene therapy, transcorneal electrical stimulation, use of neuroprotectors, optogenic therapy, stem cell transplants and oligonucleotide therapy, which will be discussed in this article, both their benefits and the existing barriers in each treatment experimental. In conclusion, each of these therapies promises a viable treatment in the future for selective groups of people with retinitis pigmentosa, however, some therapies have shown benefit at the beginning of the disease, losing their efficacy in the long term.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 57-year-old woman with no premorbidities presented with symptoms of sudden painless vision loss in the right eye (RE). Best-corrected visual acuity in the RE was counting fingers to. A relative afferent pupillary defect was observed in the RE. Ocular fundus examination of RE was suggestive of central retinal artery occlusion. Systemic evaluation was normal. The most interesting fact in this case is that a hemorrhagic edema in the right glabellar region was the basis for the diagnostic suspicion. The patient recognized the loss of vision 24 h after hyaluronic acid injection as a facial rejuvenation treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the logistics and methodology of a high yield surgical non-profitable campaign.
    METHODS: A descriptive study based on previous non-profitable campaigns dedicated to cataract surgery.
    RESULTS: The method is based on planification, finance acquisition, volunteer support, foreign affairs with the collaborating country where the surgeries are going to be performed, team organization, and overall, summoning all the stated items to materialize a global humanitarian campaign to eradicate cataracts by clinical and surgical procedures.
    CONCLUSIONS: Blindness due to cataracts can be over-ruled. We consider that through our planification and methodology, other organizations may acquire some knowledge to improve their methodology and carry out similar volunteering surgical campaigns. Planification, coordination, financial aid, determination, and a strong will power are altogether compulsory for a successful non-profitable surgical campaign.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Blindness after periocular cosmetic filler injection is a rare but devastating complication. Complication management protocols recommend injecting retrobulbar hyaluronidase if visual loss related to accidental intravascular injection of hyaluronic acid occurs. Given the dramatic increase in cosmetic filler injections and the variety of professionals that can deliver them, it is reasonable to assume that the incidence of complications will rise significantly.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if there is evidence-based efficacy of retrobulbar hyaluronidase injection in visual loss secondary to periocular cosmetic filler injection.
    METHODS: The authors performed a search of English and Spanish language articles following the PRISMA statement published on the use of retrobulbar hyaluronidase to reverse vision loss precipitated by hyaluronic acid gel fillers. Articles reviewed included case reports/series and experimental investigations. We identified a total of 13 patients in this review following defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Finally, we included 15 articles in the study, 12 of them were cases / case series. The 2 remaining articles are experimental studies in animals with a control group, in which after causing selective occlusion of the ophthalmic artery, serial injections of retroocular hyaluronidase are administered with control of visual function.
    RESULTS: Of the 15 articles included in the study, we studied 17 patients treated with retrobulbar hyaluronidase for hyaluronic acid-induced blindness. Improvement was demonstrated in 3 cases. Animal studies demonstrate variable data are provided regarding the recovery of visual acuity.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is no confirmed evidence of retrobulbar hyaluronidase injection effectiveness in treating visual loss due to accidental intravascular injection of hyaluronic acid. More studies are needed to show the efficacy of hyaluronidase as a treatment for blindness caused by hyaluronic acid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with the development of ocular hypertension and glaucoma, in patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty, in the Eye Clinic of the city of Bogotá.
    METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted, and 130 eyes of patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty were analyzed at the Eye Clinic in Bogotá, between January 2015 and August 2018. Demographic and clinical data were obtained, and it was determined by bivariate analysis, the association factors and the prevalence of the pathology under study.
    RESULTS: Prevalence of ocular hypertension was 27.69% and glaucoma 10%. Average age 48.93 ± 18.63 years; higher frequency of presentation in men (61.5%). Statistically significant association factors were male sex (PR 2.59), presence of peripheral anterior synechiae (PR 1.83), history of trauma (PR 2.16), prior PK (PR 2.10) and graft failure (PR 2.04). Post-KP glaucoma only had statistically significant association with bullous keratopathy (PR 2.76).
    CONCLUSIONS: Ocular hypertension and glaucoma had a high prevalence after penetrating keratoplasty, and the association factors were similar to those reported in other international studies. Knowing these factors, allows focusing surveillance and treatment in these patients to avoid blindness due to damage of the optic nerve or corneal graft.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    METHODS: A 31-year-old male was referred for evaluation after being diagnosed with Cushing syndrome secondary to a pituitary microadenoma. He presented with a reduced visual acuity and high intraocular pressure (IOP) of 48mmHg in both eyes. The examination with biomicroscopy showed normal anterior segment, increased cup to disc ratio, and open angle. There was a moderate-advanced involvement in the visual field. The patient was diagnosed with glaucoma secondary to endogenous corticosteroids, and medical treatment was initiated pending the removal of the adenoma. The IOP did not return to normal after the incomplete removal of the adenoma, so a trabeculectomy was performed to control the IOP. As conclusions: In the case of an ocular hypertension with pituitary tumour, secondary glaucoma to endogenous cortisone should be suspected. Early treatment of the tumour is necessary to bring the cortisone and IOP levels back to normal. Late diagnosis or incomplete treatment of these tumours may lead to not obtaining adequate IOP control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness and safety of the micropulse transscleral technique in lowering intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma.
    METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 143 eyes with various glaucoma subtypes between October 2016 and December 2018. Patients were grouped for analysis based on glaucoma subtypes, preoperative demographics, previous surgical procedures, and postoperative results. The data collected was based on intra- and post-operative complications, intraocular pressure, visual acuity, the need of micropulse re-treatment, incisional glaucoma surgery, and increasing the dose/quantity of medications. A logistic and Cox regression model was performed to determine predictors of therapeutic failure, in addition to building Kaplan-Meier curves.
    RESULTS: The mean follow-up was 268 days, and 63% of the patients completed one year. The micropulse procedure achieved a mean intraocular pressure decline of 7.3mmHg (excluding neovascular glaucoma), independent of the glaucoma subtype. The percentage of patients who achieved intraocular pressure less than 20mmHg at 24h was 78%, with 80% at 3 months, 77% at 6 months, and 78% at 12 months. During the follow-up, 29.6% of the patients required additional treatment or a dose increase. Only 2patients presented with minimal postoperative complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: The treatment with transscleral micropulse is a safe and efficient technique for use in glaucoma, attaining a reduction in intraocular pressure and decrease in need of antihypertensive medications within the first year following the procedure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The ageing of the population has led to a progressive increase in age-related diseases, such as dementia or visual impairment, due to chronic diseases. This work describes and analyses the efficacy and feasibility of an individualised intervention carried out with two male users of a day-care centre with a diagnosis of dementia and a severe visual impairment, which made it difficult for them to take part in the regular activities of the centre.
    METHODS: The intervention process had a time frame of three months, and had an assessment phase before and after the intervention. For the assessment, use was made of the Mini-Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale, and an observational tool based on the Dementia Categorization Recording Observational System. The intervention lasted for eight weeks, and consisted of different dynamics adjusted to the preferences of the participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: After the intervention, a clinically significant reduction in the depressive symptomatology was observed for both participants, along with a reduction in the frequency of apathetic behaviour during the time they spent in the centre. Furthermore, an increase was observed in the prosocial behaviour and on the engagement with the task. The results show that the personalisation of the activities for particular users increases the stimulation of the participants, improving their well-being through small and inexpensive adaptations to the interventions that are carried out in the centres.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    The works of Argentinian scholar Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) have captivated physicians. An assiduous reader, he was given, with magnificent irony, \"books and the night\". Borges suffered from chronic and irreversible blindness, which influenced much of his work and has been the subject of different literary and diagnostic analyses from the ophthalmological point of view. However, the characteristics of his visual impairment have escaped the neurological approach, which is why we reviewed his work looking for data suggesting a concomitant brain injury. On his autobiography, he recounts how, during an episode of septicemia, he suffered hallucinations and loss of speech; in addition, in some poems and essays he describes data that suggest \"phantom chromatopsia\", a lesion of cortical origin. After that accident, Borges survived with a radical change in literary style. Although a precise diagnosis is impossible, his literary work allows recognizing some elements in favor of concomitant brain involvement.
    La obra del erudito argentino Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) ha cautivado a los médicos. Asiduo lector con magnífica ironía, le fueron dados “los libros y la noche”. Borges padeció una ceguera crónica e irreversible que impulsó gran parte de su obra y ha sido objeto de distintos análisis literarios y diagnósticos desde el punto de vista oftalmológico. Sin embargo, las características de su ceguera han escapado al abordaje neurológico, por lo cual revisamos su obra en busca de datos que sugieran una lesión cerebral concomitante. En su autobiografía relata cómo durante un episodio de septicemia padeció alucinaciones y pérdida del habla; además, en algunos poemas y ensayos describe datos que sugieren “cromatopsia fantasma”, lesión de origen cortical. Tras dicho accidente, Borges sobrevivió con un cambio radical en su estilo literario. Aunque un diagnóstico preciso es imposible, su obra literaria nos permite reconocer algunos elementos que sugieren involucramiento cerebral concomitante.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attachment studies with diverse populations enrich the understanding of infants\' socioemotional development by documenting both universal and idiosyncratic aspects of attachment. Given the effects of attachment in children\'s socioemotional outcomes, such studies are necessary to investigate the impact of children\'s sensory impairments on attachment development. Yet, very little attachment research has focused on infants with visual impairment (VI infants), a population in which infant-caregiver emotional exchanges through visual means are reduced/absent. We investigated the applicability of the Strange Situation Paradigm (SSP), with added instructions to compensate for degraded visual input, in 20 VI infants (with no additional disabilities and who were receiving developmental counseling). In all but 1 of the SSPs coded, VI infants displayed observable attachment behavior that was classifiable. Nineteen VI infants showed attachment by 12 months of age. Across the ages tested (fractional age range = 0.9-2.33 months), most VI infants\' attachment patterns were classified as secure and organized.
    Los estudios sobre la afectividad con grupos diversos enriquecen la comprensión acerca del desarrollo socio-emocional de los infantes ya que documentan tanto los aspectos universales como idiosincráticos de la afectividad. Dados los efectos de la afectividad en los resultados socio-emocionales de los niños, tales estudios son necesarios para investigar el impacto que los impedimentos sensoriales de los niños tienen en el desarrollo de la afectividad. Aun así, poca investigación sobre la afectividad se ha enfocado en infantes con impedimentos visuales (infantes VI), un grupo en el cual los intercambios emocionales por medios visuales entre el infante y quien le cuida son reducidos o no existen. Nosotros investigamos la aplicabilidad del Paradigma de la Situación Extraña (SSP), con instrucciones adicionales para compensar por la debilitada interacción visual, en 20 infantes VI (que no presentaban ninguna discapacidad adicional y quienes recibían consejería sobre el desarrollo). En todos los casos codificados como SSP, excepto en uno, los infantes VI mostraron una conducta de afectividad observable la cual era clasificable. Diecinueve infantes VI mostraron afectividad para los 12 meses de edad. A lo largo de la gama de edades examinadas (promedio de edad fraccional = 0.9-2.33), la mayoría de los patrones de afectividad de los infantes VI fueron clasificados como seguros y organizados.
    Les études sur l\'attachement avec des populations diverses enrichissent la compréhension du développement socio-émotionnel des nourrissons en documentant à la fois les aspects universels et les aspects idiosyncratiques de l\'attachement. Au vu des effets de l\'attachement dans les résultats socio-émotionnels des enfants, de telles études sont nécessaires afin d\'enquêter sur l\'impact des déficiences sensorielles des enfants sur le développement de l\'attachement. Cependant très peu de recherches sur l\'attachement ont porté sur le handicap visuel des nourrissons (nourrissons VI), une population chez qui l’échange émotionnel nourrisson-personne s\'occupant du nourrisson au travers de moyens visuels est réduit/absent. Nos recherches ont porté sur l\'applicabilité du Paradigme de Situation Etrange (SSP), avec des directives ajoutées pour compenser la saisie visuelle dégradée, chez 20 nourrissons (sans aucun autre handicap et qui étaient en consultation pour leur développement). Dans tous sauf 1 des points SSP codés, les nourrissons VI ont fait état d\'un comportement d\'attachement observable qui était classifiable. Dix-neuf des nourrissons CI ont fait preuve d\'attachement à l’âge de 12 mois. Au travers des âges testés (étendue fractionnelle d’âge = 0,9-2,33), la plupart des patterns d\'attachement des nourrissons ont été classifiés comme étant sécures et organisés.
    Anwendbarkeit und Ergebnisse zu Bindung des Fremde-Situation-Paradigmas bei Kleinkindern mit Sehbehinderung Bindungsforschung mit diversen Stichproben bereichert unser Verständnis von sozio-emotionaler Entwicklung, indem sowohl universale als auch idiosynkratische Aspekte von Bindung beleuchtet werden. Angesichts der Effekte von Bindung auf die kindliche sozio-emotionale Entwicklung, sind solche Studien notwendig, um den Einfluss zu untersuchen, den sensorische Beeinträchtigungen auf die Entwicklung von Bindung haben. Nichtsdestotrotz gibt es bisher sehr wenig Bindungsforschung zu Kleinkindern mit Sehbehinderung (visual impairment; VI), eine Population, in der zwischen Kleinkind und Bezugsperson der emotionale Austausch auf visuelle Weise beeinträchtigt bzw. verhindert wird. Wir untersuchten die Anwendbarkeit des Fremde-Situation-Paradigmas (Strange Situation Paradigm; SSP) mit zusätzlichen Instruktionen, die den verminderten visuellen Input kompensieren sollten, bei 20 VI Kleinkindern (die keine weiteren Beeinträchtigungen hatten und entwicklungstherapeutische Unterstützung erhielten). Mit einer Ausnahme zeigten alle VI Kinder, die mithilfe des SSP kodiert wurden, beobachtbares und klassifizierbares Bindungsverhalten. Bei 19 VI Kleinkinder zeigte sich im Alter von 12 Monaten ein Bindungsstil. Über alle getesteten Altersstufen (dezimale Altersspanne = 0.9-2.33) wurden die Bindungsstile der meisten VI Kinder als sicher und organisiert klassifiziert.
    視力障害のある乳児におけるストレンジ • シチュエーション • パラダイムの 妥当性及び愛着に関する発見 多様な集団における愛着の研究は、愛着の一般的な面及び特異的な面の両側面を考証することによって、乳児の社会情緒的発達の理解を豊富にしている。子どもの社会情緒的な行動等に対する愛着の効果がわかるので、愛着の発達において子どもの感覚障害の影響を調査するような研究が必要である。今のところ、視覚障害の乳児 (VI infants) に焦点を当てた愛着の研究はほとんどなく、視覚的な手段で乳幼児-養育者の情緒的交流をする集団は少ないか、全くない。我々は、20 人の視覚障害の乳児(他の障害はなく、発達促進的なカウンセリングを受けている)において、視覚障害を補うために加えられた指示を伴った、ストレンジ • シチュエーション • パラダイム (SSP) の妥当性を調査した。SSP を行った乳児の1人を除くすべてにおいて、視覚障害の乳児は、分類可能な観察できる愛着行動を示した。19 人の視覚障害の乳児は、生後 12 か月までに愛着を示した。実験をした年齢層に関して (分画年齢範囲 = 0.9-2.33)、ほとんどの視覚障害の乳児の愛着 • パターンは、安定型で秩序だったものとして分類された。.
    陌生情境範式在視力障礙嬰兒中的適用性和依附研究發現 不同人群的依附研究通過記錄依附的普遍性和特殊性, 豐富了對嬰兒社會情感發展的理解。考慮到依附對兒童社會情感結果的影響, 這些研究對於調查兒童感覺障礙對依附發展的影響是必要的。然而, 很少有依附研究關注視力障礙嬰兒 (VI嬰兒), 這些嬰兒與看護者交流情感時, 減少/缺少使用視覺手段。我們調查陌生情境範例 (SSP) 的適用性, 並在 20 名 VI 嬰兒 (無其他殘疾和正在接受發育諮詢) 中補充說明以補償減低的視覺信息輸入。除了 1 個 SSP 編碼外, VI 嬰兒顯示出可分類的依附行為。19 名 VI 嬰兒在 12 個月大時表現出依附行為。不論測試年齡 (分數年齡範圍 = 0.9-2.33), 大多數 VI 嬰兒的依附模式被分類為安全和有組織。.
    قابلية التطبيق ونتائج التعلق الخاصة بنموذج الموقف الغريب لدى الرضع ذوي الإعاقة البصرية دراسات التعلق مع مجموعات سكانية متنوعة تثري فهم النمو الاجتماعي العاطفي للرضع من خلال توثيق كل من الجوانب العالمية والفريدة لمنظور التعلق . وبالنظر إلى آثار التعلق في النتائج الاجتماعية والعاطفية للأطفال، فإن هذه الدراسات ضرورية للتحقيق في أثر العاهات الحسية للأطفال على تطور التعلق. ومع ذلك، لم تركز أبحاث التعلق إلا القليل جداً على الرضع ذوي الإعاقة البصرية (VI) ، وهي مجموعة تكون فيعا يتم فيها التبادلات العاطفية بين الرضع ومقدمي الرعاية محدودة أو غائبة تماما من خلال الوسائل البصرية. لقد بحثنا في إمكانية تطبيق نموذج الموقف الغريب (SSP)، مع تعليمات إضافية للتعويض عن المدخلات البصرية المتدهورة، في 20 من الرضع (VI) (بدون إعاقات إضافية والذين كانوا يتلقون جلسات استشارة نمو). في كل المواقف ما عدا واحد من مواقف SSP ، آظهر الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة البصرية سلوك تعلق ملحوظ قابل للتصنيف. وأظهر 19 من الرضع التعلق قبل 12 شهرا من العمر. وعلى مدى الأعمار التي تم اختبارها (الفئة العمرية الكسرية = 0.9 إلى 2.33)، صُنفت أنماط تعلق الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة البصرية على أنها آمنة ومنظمة.





