
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salmonella enterica is a foodborne pathogen associated with both typhoid and non-typhoid illness in humans and animals. This problem is further exacerbated by the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella enterica. Therefore, to meet public health and safety, there is a need for an alternative strategy to tackle antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bacteriophages or (bacterial viruses), due to their specificity, self-dosing, and antibiofilm activity, serve as a better approach to fighting against drug-resistant bacteria. In the current study, a broad-host range lytic phage phiSalP219 was isolated against multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotypes Paratyphi from a pond water sample. Salmonella phage phiSalP219 was able to lyse 28/30 tested strains of Salmonella enterica. Salmonella phage phiSalP219 exhibits activity in acidic environments (pH3) and high temperatures (70°C). Electron microscopy and genome analysis revealed that phage phiSalP219 is a member of class Caudoviricetes. The genome of Salmonella phage phiSalP219 is 146Kb in size with 44.5% GC content. A total of 250 Coding Sequence (CDS) and 25 tRNAs were predicted in its genome. Predicted open reading frames (ORFs) were divided into five groups based on their annotation results: (1) nucleotide metabolism, (2) DNA replication and transcription, (3) structural proteins, (4) lysis protein, and (5) other proteins. The absence of lysogeny-related genes in their genome indicates that Salmonella phage phiSalP219 is lytic in nature. Phage phiSalP219 was also found to be microbiologically safe (due to the absence of toxin or virulence-related genes) in the control of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infections in the ready-to-eat meat and also able to eradicate biofilm formed by the same bacterium on the borosilicate glass surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few studies have addressed viral diversity in lemurs despite their unique evolutionary history on the island of Madagascar and high risk of extinction. Further, while a large number of studies on animal viromes focus on fecal samples, understanding viral diversity across multiple sample types and seasons can reveal complex viral community structures within and across species. Groups of captive lemurs at the Duke Lemur Center (Durham, NC, USA), a conservation and research center, provide an opportunity to build foundational knowledge on lemur-associated viromes. We sampled individuals from seven lemur species, i.e., collared lemur (Eulemur collaris), crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus), blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons), ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), Coquerel\'s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli), black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata variegata), and red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra), across two lemur families (Lemuridae, Indriidae). Fecal, blood, and saliva samples were collected from Coquerel\'s sifaka and black-and-white ruffed lemur individuals across two sampling seasons to diversify virome biogeography and temporal sampling. Using viral metagenomic workflows, the complete genomes of anelloviruses (n = 4), cressdnaviruses (n = 47), caudoviruses (n = 15), inoviruses (n = 34), and microviruses (n = 537) were determined from lemur blood, feces, and saliva. Many virus genomes, especially bacteriophages, identified in this study were present across multiple lemur species. Overall, the work presented here uses a viral metagenomics approach to investigate viral communities inhabiting the blood, oral cavity, and feces of healthy captive lemurs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Over the past decade, Corynebacterium striatum (C. striatum), an emerging multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen, has significantly challenged healthcare settings, especially those involving individuals with weakened immune systems. The rise of these superbugs necessitates innovative solutions.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to isolate and characterize bacteriophages targeting MDR-C. striatum. Utilizing 54 MDR-C. striatum isolates from a local hospital as target strains, samples were collected from restroom puddles for phage screening. Dot Plaque and Double-layer plate Assays were employed for screening.
    UNASSIGNED: A novel temperate bacteriophage, named CSP1, was identified through a series of procedures, including purification, genome extraction, sequencing, and one-step growth curves. CSP1 possesses a 39,752 base pair circular double-stranded DNA genome with HK97-like structural proteins and potential for site-specific recombination. It represents a new species within the unclassified Caudoviricetes class, as supported by transmission electron microscopy, genomic evolutionary analysis, and collinearity studies. Notably, CSP1 infected and lysed 21 clinical MDR-C. striatum isolates, demonstrating a wide host range. The phage remained stable in conditions ranging from -40 to 55°C, pH 4 to 12, and in 0.9% NaCl buffer, showing no cytotoxicity.
    UNASSIGNED: The identification of CSP1 as the first phage targeting clinical C. striatum strains opens new possibilities in bacteriophage therapy research, and the development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools against pathogenic bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We isolated and characterized two lytic bacteriophages against Staphylococcus aureus named TANUVAS_MVC-VPHSA1 and TANUVAS_MVC-VPHSA2, with the aim of investigating their genomic and structural features. The bacteriophages belong to the Caudoviricetes, and their genomes have sizes of 50,505 and 50,516 base pairs with a GC content of 41.4%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia mainly causes respiratory infections that are associated with a high mortality rate among immunocompromised patients. S. maltophilia exhibits a high level of antibiotic resistance and can form biofilms, which complicates the treatment of patients infected with this bacterium. Phages combined with antibiotics could be a promising treatment option. Currently, ~60 S. maltophilia phages are known, and their effects on biofilm formation and antibiotic sensitivity require further examination. Bacteriophage StM171, which was isolated from hospital wastewater, showed a medium host range, low burst size, and low lytic activity. StM171 has a 44kbp dsDNA genome that encodes 59 open-reading frames. A comparative genomic analysis indicated that StM171, along with the Stenotrophomonas phage Suso (MZ326866) and Xanthomonas phage HXX_Dennis (ON711490), are members of a new putative Nordvirus genus. S. maltophilia strains that developed resistance to StM171 (bacterial-insensitive mutants) showed a changed sensitivity to antibiotics compared to the originally susceptible strains. Some bacterial-insensitive mutants restored sensitivity to cephalosporin and penicillin-like antibiotics and became resistant to erythromycin. StM171 shows strain- and antibiotic-dependent effects on the biofilm formation of S. maltophilia strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stenotrophomonas rhizophila was first discovered in soil; it is associated with the rhizosphere and capable of both protecting roots and stimulating plant growth. Therefore, it has a great potential to be used in biocontrol. The study of S. rhizophila phages is important for a further evaluation of their effect on the fitness and properties of host bacteria. A novel phage StenR_269 and its bacterial host S. rhizophila were isolated from a soil sample in the remediation area of a coal mine. Electron microscopy revealed a large capsid (~Ø80 nm) connected with a short tail, which corresponds to the podovirus morphotype. The length of the genomic sequence of the StenR_269 was 66,322 bp and it contained 103 putative genes; 40 of them encoded proteins with predicted functions, 3 corresponded to tRNAs, and the remaining 60 were identified as hypothetical ones. Comparative analysis indicated that the StenR_269 phage had a similar genome organization to that of the unclassified Xanthomonas phage DES1, despite their low protein similarity. In addition, the signature proteins of StenR_269 and DES1 had low similarity and these proteins clustered far from the corresponding proteins of classified phages. Thus, the StenR_269 genome is orphan and the analyzed data suggest a new family in the class Caudoviricetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This work was undertaken because plasmid-dependent phages can reduce the prevalence of conjugative plasmids and can be leveraged to prevent the acquisition and dissemination of ARGs by bacteria. The two novel phages described in this study, Lu221 and Hi226, can infect Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Kluyvera sp. and Enterobacter sp. carrying conjugative plasmids. This was verified with plasmids carrying resistance determinants and belonging to the most common plasmid families among Gram-negative pathogens. Therefore, the newly isolated phages could have the potential to help control the spread of ARGs and thus help combat the antimicrobial resistance crisis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myxococcus xanthus is the best-studied member of the phylum Myxococcota, but the bacteriophages infecting it and their characterization remain limited. Here, we present complete genomes of Mx1, the first Myxococcus phage isolated, and of an Mx4 derivative widely used for generalized transduction, both unclassified Caudoviricetes with long, contractile tails.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metagenomics provides detection of phage genome sequences in various microbial communities. However, the use of alternative genetic codes by some phages precludes the correct analysis of their genomes. In this study, the unusual phage genome (phAss-1, 135,976 bp) was found after the de novo assembly of the human gut virome. Genome analysis revealed the presence of the TAG stop codons in 41 ORFs, including characteristic phage ORFs, and three genes of suppressor tRNA. Comparative analysis indicated that no phages with similar genomes were described. However, two phage genomes (BK046881_ctckW2 and BK025033_ct6IQ4) with substantial similarity to phAss-1 were extracted from the human gut metagenome data. These two complete genomes demonstrated 82.7% and 86.4% of nucleotide identity, respectively, similar genome synteny to phAss-1, the presence of suppressor tRNA genes and suppressor TAG stop codons in many characteristic phage ORFs. These data indicated that phAss-1, BK046881_ctckW2, and BK025033_ct6IQ4 are distinct species within the proposed Phassvirus genus. Moreover, a monophyletic group of divergent phage genomes containing the proposed Phassvirus genus was found among metagenome data. Several phage genomes from the group also contain ORFs with suppressor TAG stop codons, indicating the need to use various translation tables when depositing phage genomes in GenBank.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diversity of viruses identified from the various niches of the human oral cavity-from saliva to dental plaques to the surface of the tongue-has accelerated in the age of metagenomics. This rapid expansion demonstrates that our understanding of oral viral diversity is incomplete, with only a few studies utilizing passive drool collection in conjunction with metagenomic sequencing methods. For this pilot study, we obtained 14 samples from healthy staff members working at the Duke Lemur Center (Durham, NC, USA) to determine the viral diversity that can be identified in passive drool samples from humans. The complete genomes of 3 anelloviruses, 9 cressdnaviruses, 4 Caudoviricetes large bacteriophages, 29 microviruses, and 19 inoviruses were identified in this study using high-throughput sequencing and viral metagenomic workflows. The results presented here expand our understanding of the vertebrate-infecting and microbe-infecting viral diversity of the human oral virome in North Carolina (USA).





