Captive management

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chytridiomycosis is a devastating disease and is a key cause of amphibian population declines around the world. Despite active research on this amphibian disease system for over 2 decades, we still do not have treatment methods that are safe and that can be broadly used across species. Here, we show evidence that voriconazole is a successful method of treatment for 1 species of amphibian in captivity and that this treatment could offer benefits over other treatment options like heat or itraconazole, which are not able to be used for all species and life stages. We conducted 2 treatments of chytridiomycosis using voriconazole. The treatment was effective and resulted in 100% pathogen clearance, and mortality ceased. Additionally, treating frogs with voriconazole requires less handling than treatment methods like itraconazole and requires no specialized equipment, like heat treatment. We highlight that clinical treatment trials should be conducted to identify an optimum dosage and treatment time and that trials should test whether this treatment is safe and effective for tadpoles and other species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity is common in zoo animals, and both dietary management and the provision of adequate opportunities for exercise are needed to tackle it. We used 30 years of records from Jersey Zoo to compare the weight and forearm length of wild and captive-born Livingstone\'s fruit bats (Pteropus livingstonii), and to assess the impact on weight of enclosure space. The mean capture weight of wild-caught male Livingstone\'s bats was 657 g, significantly higher than that of females (544 g). In both wild and captive-born bats, males had significantly longer forearms than females, but there was no effect of birth location. Males weighed more in the mating season than at other times of year. Both sexes gained more weight during development if born in enclosures that restricted flight rather than a large aviary; this was particularly noticeable in females. After reaching maturity at 3 years, weights of bats born in restricted enclosures continued to increase, reached a peak of over 1000 g at 8-10 years, and then declined in both sexes. The weight of bats born in the aviary remained more stable after the age of three. Like wild bats, adult females born in the aviary weighed less than males. However, females born in restricted enclosures weighed more than males born in the same enclosures. Enclosure designs that maximize opportunities for flight can limit excessive weight gain in captive fruit bats and may therefore improve fitness and health, essential in planning for future reintroduction programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Keystone individuals are expected to disproportionately contribute to group stability. For instance, rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) who police conflict contribute towards stability. Not all individuals\' motivations align with mechanisms of group stability. In wild systems, males typically disperse at maturity and attempt to ascend via contest competition. In a captive system, dispersal is not naturally enabled - individuals attempt to ascend in their natal groups, which can be enabled by matrilineal kin potentially destabilizing group dynamics. We relocated select high-ranking natal males from five groups and assessed group stability before and after. We quantified hierarchical metrics at the individual and group level. After removal, we found significantly higher aggression against the established hierarchy (reversals), indicative of opportunistic attempts to change the hierarchy. Mixed-sex social signaling became more hierarchical, but the strength of this effect varied. Stable structure was not uniformly reached across the groups and alpha males did not all benefit. Indiscriminate natal male removal is an unreliable solution to group instability. Careful assessment of how natal males are embedded within their group is necessary to balance individual and group welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demand for nonhuman primates in research has increased over the past several years, while nonhuman primate supply remains a challenge in the United States. Global nonhuman primate supply issues make it increasingly important to maximize domestic colony production. To explore how housing conditions across primate breeding colonies impact infant survival and animal production more broadly, we collected medical records from 7959 rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and 492 pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) across seven breeding facilities and used generalized mixed-effect modeling to determine prenatal and infant survival odds by housing type and group size. Infant survival odds for each housing type and group size varied for prenatal, neonatal, early infant, and late infant age groups. Odds of prenatal survival were lowest in paired indoor housing and small and medium outdoor groups. No housing type performed better than large outdoor groups for neonatal survival. Odds of early infant survival was greatest in indoor and mixed indoor/outdoor housing compared to large outdoor enclosures. Large outdoor housing was associated with higher survival odds for late infant survival compared to small and medium outdoor housing. These results may influence housing choices at macaque breeding facilities hoping to maximize infant success, although there are relative care costs, the promotion of species-typical behaviors, and infrastructure factors to also consider. Our study used an interinstitutional collaboration that allowed for the analysis of more infant macaque medical records than ever before and used the broad variations across the seven national primate research centers to make the results applicable to many other facilities housing macaques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insectivores are represented in virtually all taxa, although more is known about mammalian and avian insectivore nutrition than for reptiles, amphibia and fish. Establishing nutrient requirements is challenging but recommendations should be based on data from similar taxa, similar GI tract physiology, and known nutritional concerns. In order to provide an appropriate diet for insectivores, consideration must be given to anatomy and method for procuring insects in free-ranging habitats, availability of feeder insects and the resulting dietary nutrient profiles, and complementing those profiles with appropriate diet items from various other categories including formulated feed, produce, animal matter, seeds or grains etc. Consideration of known nutritional concerns for a given species, and the variation in energy requirements in a captively managed situation are essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blastocystis sp. is a common intestinal anaerobic parasite infecting non-human primates and many other animals. This taxon threatens the health of NHPs due to its high genetic diversity, impeding efforts to improve confined management and subsequent conservation practices. This study collected 100 and 154 fecal samples from captive macaques, gibbons, and slow lorises in the summer and winter, respectively. The Blastocystis infection, its gene subtypes, and its zoonotic potential based on small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) were analyzed. The prevalence of Blastocystis in the three primate genera was 57.79% (89/154) in the summer (2021) and 29.00% (29/100) in the winter (2020). Four zoonotic subtypes-ST1, ST2, ST3, and ST4-were identified. ST2 was the most prevalent subtype, suggesting that these animals may serve as reservoirs for pathogens of human Blastocystis infections. The macaques showed a more significant variation in Blastocystis infection between seasons than gibbons and slow lorises. The slow lorises in small cages and enclosure areas were potentially more infected by Blastocystis in the summer, indicating that inappropriate captive management may have detrimental effects on their health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study demonstrates the utility of the analysis of fecal hormone metabolites as a reproductive management tool for captive short-beaked echidnas. Over three breeding seasons daily fecal samples were collected from female echidnas (n = 8) that were monitored continuously by video surveillance to confirm key reproductive events. Fecal progesterone metabolite concentrations were elevated above baseline values (448.0 ± 156.3 ng/g) during pregnancy and the luteal phase. However, compared to plasma progesterone the rise in fecal progesterone metabolite concentrations after copulation was delayed (3.3 ± 0.4 versus 8.3 ± 0.6 days, respectively), such that pregnancy was more reliably detected in its latter half when using fecal samples. Mating and oviposition were observed for 14 of the 19 pregnancies resulting in an estimated gestation of 16.7 ± 0.2 days (range 16.0-18.1 d). The estrogen enzyme-immunoassays tested (n = 3) in this study were not suitable for the fecal samples of the echidna. Fecal progesterone metabolites are an effective tool for confirming the timing and occurrence of estrous cycles in captive echidna colonies and can assist zookeepers in identifying possible causes of sub-optimal reproductive success without the unnecessary stress of repeated capture and anaesthesia for blood collection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blastocystis is a common protistan parasite inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of hosts including humans and domestic and wild animals. Many studies have revealed the associations between Blastocystis and gut microbiome in humans. However, only a few studies have focused on the associations between Blastocystis and gut microbiome of animals, especially in forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii). We investigated the effects of the Blastocystis colonization on the intestinal bacterial community compositions using amplicon sequencing targeting the V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA. Two subtypes of Blastocystis (ST5 and ST10) and Blastocystis-free (control) were included in this study. We found that compared with the forest musk deer without Blastocystis, ST10-colonized forest musk deer had higher bacterial richness and diversity, while ST5-colonized forest musk deer showed a comparable bacterial diversity. Likewise, beta diversity revealed significant differences in bacterial community structure between ST10-colonized and Blastocystis-free forest musk deer. The proportion of Bacteroidetes were significantly enriched in ST10-colonized forest musk deer. Bacterial community structure between ST5-colonized and Blastocystis-free forest musk deer did not differ significantly. The present study explored the associations between Blastocystis and gut microbial community of forest musk deer for the first time, and revealed ST10 colonization, instead of ST5, is associated with higher bacterial diversity and shifted microbial structure. Our data provides valuable insights into the associations between gut microbiomes and parasites. IMPORTANCE Forest musk deer is listed as an endangered species by International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, and the Chinese government has introduced captivity breeding measures to curb the rapid decline of the musk deer population since the 1950s. It has been suggested that Blastocystis colonization can modulate the composition of the host\'s intestinal microbiota, thereby affecting the host health. The present study investigated the effects of the Blastocystis colonization on the gut microbiota in the feces of forest musk deer in Sichuan Province, China. Two subtypes (ST5 and ST10) have differential effects on the bacterial diversity and community composition, suggesting that the study of Blastocystis should be distinguished at the subtype level. Because the pathogenicity of Blastocystis is controversial, pathogenic, or commensal, continuous monitoring of the impact of Blastocystis colonization on the intestinal microbiota is of great significance to assess its health effects on forest musk deer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protocols for managing dwarf mongooses (Helogaleparvula) in zoological institutions do not currently account for the introduction of separate social groups. The Association of Zoo and Aquarium Dwarf Mongoose Species Survival Program© and Saint Louis Zoo collaborated in the first documented introduction of multiple individuals spanning three separate social groups. Taking into consideration the social structure of this species, we developed a modified process for performing such an introduction. Neutral territories, olfactory introductions, visual introductions with limited physical contact (\"howdy\"), and keeper-animal relationship-building proved to be strong components leading to successful introductions. The result was a cohesive social group of four male and six female dwarf mongooses. This successful introduction is described and presented to provide a foundation for other institutions seeking to conduct similar introductions in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Until the last decade, gentoo penguins were usually split into two subspecies, northern gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua papua) breeding in the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and other subantarctic islands and southern gentoo penguins (P. papua ellsworthi) breeding in the South Sandwich, South Orkney and South Shetland islands, and Antarctic Peninsula. Recent genetics research, however, suggests that the population at South Georgia is much more closely related to those further south and should be included in P. papua ellsworthi. In Japanese zoos and aquariums, captive breeding of gentoo penguins is conducted separately in three populations: \"Captive-South Georgia,\" originating from South Georgia, \"Captive-South Shetlands,\" originating from South Shetlands, and \"Captive-Unknown,\" originating from at least one founder of unknown subspecies. The aims of the present study were to investigate the genetic diversity and differentiation of these captive populations using microsatellite analysis. Genetic diversity in each captive population was similar to that found in the wild, although they had much lower contemporary effective population sizes. Pairwise genetic differentiation indexes (FST ) among the three captive populations were as follows: 0.0309 (\"Captive-South Georgia\" and \"Captive-Unknown\"), 0.1094 (\"Captive-South Georgia\" and \"Captive-South Shetlands\"), and 0.1214 (\"Captive-South Shetlands\" and \"Captive-Unknown\"). Using Bayesian clustering, there was relatively high genetic differentiation between the \"Captive-South Shetlands\" group, which formed a distinct cluster, and individuals of the \"Captive-Unknown\" group, which were assigned to clusters in common with \"Captive-South Georgia.\" The results from the present study are useful for future management of captive gentoo penguin populations in Japan.





