
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Onychomycosis (OM) is a widespread infection requiring prolonged treatment with potential side effects. Diagnostic certainty is therefore essential before initiating antifungal therapy. Molecular biology has already shown benefits in reducing the time to diagnosis, providing technical ease, and increasing sensitivity for the respective species that molecular tests can detect. Nevertheless, causative agents are numerous, and culture remains essential, particularly for detecting non-dermatophytes mold infections. This study compared the performance of three different diagnostic strategies: conventional culture technique, the multiplex DermaGenius® 2.0 PCR (DG), and a mixed PCR/culture algorithm guided by the result of direct examination with calcofluor (DEC). The mixed algorithm (MA) prioritizes DG PCR and DEC as the primary diagnostic tools, supplemented by selective sample inoculation when mycelial elements are visualized in DEC and when DG PCR fails to detect any fungus or identifies a fungus with morphology differing from that observed in DEC (filamentous fungi versus yeasts). With only 13% of samples requiring inoculation, MA emerged as the most effective strategy, demonstrating significantly higher sensitivity (98.18%; p < 0.001) compared to single-method approaches (78.18% for DG PCR alone and 74.55% for culture alone) while maintaining a specificity comparable to DG PCR (100%). This new approach saves time in result delivery, requires fewer human resources, and increases diagnostic accuracy to better meet the needs of clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In flowering plants, proper seed development is achieved through the constant interplay of fertilization products, embryo and endosperm, and maternal tissues. Understanding such a complex biological process requires microscopy techniques able to unveil the seed internal morphological structure. Seed thickness and relatively low permeability make conventional tissue staining techniques impractical unless combined with time-consuming dissecting methods. Here, we describe two techniques to imaging the three-dimensional structure of Arabidopsis seeds by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Both procedures, while differing in their time of execution and resolution, are based on cell wall staining of seed tissues with fluorescent dyes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The peritrophic matrix (or peritrophic membrane, PM) is present in most insects where it acts as a barrier to mechanical insults and pathogens, as well as a facilitator of digestive processes. The PM is formed by the binding of structural PM proteins, referred to as peritrophins, to chitin fibrils and spans the entire midgut in lepidopterans. To investigate the role of peritrophins in a highly polyphagous lepidopteran pest, namely the cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis), we generated Insect Intestinal Mucin (IIM-) and non-mucin Peritrophin (PER-) mutant strains via CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis. Both strains exhibited deformed PMs and retarded developmental rates. Bioassays conducted with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliNPV) formulations showed that both the IIM- and PER- mutant larvae were more susceptible to these bioinsecticides compared to the wild-type (WT) larvae with intact PM. Interestingly, the provision of chitin-binding agent Calcofluor (CF) in the diet lowered the toxicity of Bt formulations in both WT and IIM- larvae and the protective effect of CF was significantly lower in PER- larvae. This suggested that the interaction of CF with PER is responsible for Bt resistance mediated by CF. In contrast, the provision of CF caused increased susceptibility to SpliNPV in both mutants and WT larvae. The study showed the importance of peritrophins in the defense against pathogens in S. littoralis and revealed novel insights into CF-mediated resistance to Cry toxin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostatic carcinomas are a leading cancer and leading cause of mortality in the developed world. The etiology is diverse with underlying patient genetics, environmental factors, and microbial associations. Sequencing DNA for microbes allows the detection of potential disease relationships.
    Targeted 16S (prokaryotic) and 18S (eukaryotic) rDNA sequencing was performed to map the tumor microbial flora.
    Twelve patients undergoing elective laparoscopic prostatectomy for biopsy proven adenocarcinoma of the prostate were enrolled. PCR and amplicon based sequencing was conducted; a portion of the sequencing results were confirmed by special stains.
    Patients were recruited by the urologist were prospectively scheduled for radical prostatectomy by \'Da Vinci\' robotically assisted procedure in an outpatient setting. Samples were portioned in the hospital surgical suite at the time of prostatectomy.
    Male patients were requested to enter the study on a first come basis.
    Average age of the 12 participants was 64.3 years.
    DNA reads were detected and by \'best match\' were identified belonging to Perkinsus, Hydrurus, Diversispora and Funneliformis genera, few samples displayed bacteria. Out of the 12 total patients, 11 patients had detectable DNA sequences matching arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Glomeromycetes Class; Funneliformis mosseae and Diversasporum versiformis. Specific PCR for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi failed to confirm Glomeromycetes Class; in-depth taxonomic analysis suggests a newer fungal grouping, not falling within an accepted Phylum of fungi. Calcoflour white staining of histological sections confirmed potential fungal markers in all 12 cases. Ochratoxin A antigen was identified by immunofluorescence in all 12 patient samples. The study was limited by the low sample volume and disease free normal controls.
    Fungi may play a significant role in adenocarcinoma of the prostate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chitin is an aminopolysaccharide present in yeast cells and arthropod cuticle and is one of the most abundant biopolymers. The conventional methods for the quantitation of chitin content in biological samples are based on its hydrolysis (acid or enzymatic), and the assessment of the byproduct, glucosamine. However, previously described methodologies are time-consuming, laborious, low throughput, and not applicable to insect samples in many cases. Here we describe a new approach to chitin content quantitation based on calcofluor fluorescent brightener staining of samples, followed by microplate fluorescence readings. Calcofluor is a specific chitin stain commonly used for topological localization of the polymer. The protocol was tested in three important disease vector species, namely Lutzomyia longipalpis, Aedes aegypti, and Rhodnius prolixus, and then compared to a classic colorimetric chitin assessment method. Results show that chitin content in the tested insects can vary largely in a range of 8-4600 micrograms of chitin per insect, depending on species, sex, and instar. Comparisons between measurements from the previous protocol and calcofluor method showed statistically significant differences in some samples. However, the difference might be due to interference in the classic method from non-chitin sources of glucosamine and reducing agents. Furthermore, chitinase hydrolysis reduces the total chitin mass estimated between 36 and 74%, consolidating the fluorescent measurements as actual stained chitin in the same extent that was observed with the standard protocol. Therefore, the calcofluor staining method revealed to be a fast and reliable technique for chitin quantitation in homogenized insect samples.







  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    The insect midgut peritrophic membrane (or peritrophic matrix) (PM) is an extracellular structure, lining the midgut epithelium. The PM facilitates the food digestion process and plays important roles in insect-microbe interactions as a barrier against microbial pathogens. The soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), and its proteinaceous toxins are widely used for insect control. To understand the protective role of PM in insects against Bt toxins, the effect of PM on larval susceptibility to Bt toxin Cry1Ac was examined in Cry1Ac-susceptible and -resistant strains of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni. The PM in T. ni was disrupted, using a baculovirus enhancin (TnGV enhancin) to degrade the major PM mucin protein IIM and a chitin binding chemical, Calcofluor, to inhibit the binding of PM proteins to chitin. Bioassays of the susceptibility of T. ni larvae to Cry1Ac with treatment of TnGV enhancin showed significantly increased larval mortality in both the Cry1Ac susceptible and resistant strains, confirming that the PM is a protective barrier to the passage of Cry1Ac and plays a protective role against the toxin. However, treatment of T. ni larvae with Calcofluor significantly reduced the larval susceptibility to Cry1Ac. The level of mortality reduction by treatment with Calcofluor was more significant in the resistant T. ni strains than in the susceptible strain. The mechanism for the decrease of susceptibility to Cry1Ac in T. ni treated with Calcofluor needs to be understood. It may result from binding of the toxin to the over expressed PM proteins, preventing the Cry1Ac from reaching the midgut receptor for the toxin or from potential binding of Calcofluor to the midgut receptor for Cry1Ac, leading to inhibition of the toxicity of Cry1Ac in larvae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mosquitoes transmit many vector-borne infectious diseases including malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, and Japanese encephalitis. The insecticidal δ-endotoxins Cry4, Cry11, and Cyt produced from Bacillus thuringiensis have been used for bio-control of mosquito larvae. Cry δ-endotoxins are synthesised as inactive protoxins in the form of crystalline inclusions in which they are processed to active toxins in larval midgut lumen. Previously, we demonstrated that the activated Cry4Ba toxin has to alter the permeability of the peritrophic membrane (PM), allowing toxin passage across PM to reach specific receptors on microvilli of larval midgut epithelial cells, where the toxin undergoes conformational changes, followed by membrane insertion and pore formation, resulting in larval death. A peritrophic membrane (PM)-binding calcofluor has been proposed to inhibit chitin formation and enhance baculovirus infection of lepidopteran Trichoplusia ni.
    METHODS: In this study, Aedes aegypti larvae were fed with the calcofluor and Cry4Ba toxin to investigate the effect of this agent on the toxicity of the Cry4Ba toxin.
    RESULTS: Calcofluor displayed an enhancing effect when co-fed with the Cry4Ba wild-type toxin. The agent could restore the killing activity of the partially active Cry4Ba mutant E417A/Y455A toward Ae. aegypti larvae. PM destruction was observed after larval challenge with calcofluor together with the toxin. Interestingly, calcofluor increased Cry4Ba toxin susceptibility toward semi-susceptible Culex quinquefasciatus larvae. However, calcofluor alone or in combination with the toxin showed no mortality effect on non-susceptible fresh-water fleas, Moina macrocopa.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that PM may contribute to the resistance of the mosquito larvae to Cry4Ba toxin. The PM-permeability alternating calcofluor might be a promising candidate for enhancing insect susceptibility, which will consequently improve Cry4Ba efficacy in field settings in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Congo Red (CR) assay is a standard biofilm test assessing the colony morphology of bacteria growing on agar plates supplemented with the diazo dye Congo Red. Biofilm forming Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Escherichia coli produce a red, dry, and rough (rdar) morphotype on CR-plates. The phenotype is characterized by staining of the extracellular matrix components curli (brown color) and cellulose (pink color) by CR. This method allows semiquantitative determination of the expression level of the individual matrix components and dissection of the regulatory networks controlling their production in response to c-di-GMP levels. Here, we describe the CR-assay and its variations and discuss the effect of deletion or overexpression of c-di-GMP turnover proteins on colony morphology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    β-Glucan benefits are related with its molar mass and it would be of interest to better understand how this parameter can be changed by processing and variety for design of food with specific health effects. For this purpose, extracts from barley malts and brewers\' spent grain, processed at different conditions, were analysed regarding β-glucan content, molar mass, and protein content. Molar mass distribution was assessed using asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) with multiangle light scattering (MALS), differential refractive index (dRI) and fluorescence (FL) detection. β-Glucan was detected in a wide molar mass range, <2000 to approximately 6.7×106g/mol. Differences in molar masses were more noticeable between barley varieties and steeping malting conditions than by mashing of malt. Barley products processed to preserve β-glucan contained more β-glucan of high molar mass with potential to shift the fermentation site to the distal colon. Enzymatic degradation of proteins indicated presence of aggregates containing β-glucan and protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil microorganisms are vital for ecosystem functioning because of the role they play in soil nutrient cycling. Agricultural practices and the intensification of land use have a negative effect on microbial activities and fungal biomass has been widely used as an indicator of soil health. The aim of this study was to analyze fungal biomass in soils from southwestern Buenos Aires province using direct fluorescent staining and to contribute to its use as an indicator of environmental changes in the ecosystem as well as to define its sensitivity to weather conditions. Soil samples were collected during two consecutive years. Soil smears were prepared and stained with two different concentrations of calcofluor, and the fungal biomass was estimated under an epifluorescence microscope. Soil fungal biomass varied between 2.23 and 26.89μg fungal C/g soil, being these values in the range expected for the studied soil type. The fungal biomass was positively related to temperature and precipitations. The methodology used was reliable, standardized and sensitive to weather conditions. The results of this study contribute information to evaluate fungal biomass in different soil types and support its use as an indicator of soil health for analyzing the impact of different agricultural practices.





