• 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper discusses the potential of an international agreement to ensure equitable vaccine distribution, addressing the failures witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVAX was unable to prevent vaccine monopolization and unequal distribution, which led to significant disparities in vaccination rates and avoidable deaths. Any future agreement on equitable vaccine distribution must address ethical and practical issues to ensure global health equity and access. The proposed agreement should recognize healthcare as a human right and consider vaccines beyond mere commodities, emphasizing the social responsibility of pharmaceutical companies to prioritize affordability, availability, and accessibility, particularly for low-income countries (LICs). Voluntary licensing agreements are suggested as a means to enhance access to essential medicines. The paper also outlines the necessity of international cooperation, with robust compliance mechanisms, to effectively enforce such an agreement and mitigate future health crises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To compare clinical characteristics of COVID-19 among vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in a major treatment facility in Ghana.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective study drawing on data from COVID-19 patients\' records visiting the facility from March 2021 to December 2021.
    UNASSIGNED: Ghana Infectious Disease Centre, Ga East Municipality, Greater Accra Region, Ghana.
    UNASSIGNED: In-patients and outpatients who reported to the facility from 1st March 2021 to December 2021 were included in the study, and patients with missing data on vaccination were excluded.
    UNASSIGNED: underlying conditions, symptoms, case management information, hospital service rendered (OPD, HDU or ICU), length of hospital stay, treatment outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: The study included 775 patient records comprising 615 OPD and 160 hospitalised cases. Less than one-third (26.25%; 42) of the patients hospitalised were vaccinated compared to almost 40.0% (39.02%; 240) of the patients seen at the OPD. Vaccinated individuals were nearly three times (aOR = 2.72, 95%CI:1.74-4.25) more likely to be managed on an outpatient basis as compared to the unvaccinated. The death rate among the vaccinated group and the unvaccinated were (0.71%; 2) and (3.45%; 17), respectively, with a significant reduction in the risk of dying among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated (aOR = 0.13, 95%CI: 0.028 0.554).
    UNASSIGNED: Less than half of the in-patient and OPD patients were vaccinated. Mild infections, fewer days of hospitalisation, outpatient treatment and higher chances of survival were associated with being vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. Prudent measures should be implemented to encourage the general public to take up SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.
    UNASSIGNED: None declared.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vaccine inequity is a reality facing the Sub-Saharan Africa region as vaccine nationalism from high-income countries (HICs) leads to limited access to the lifesaving vaccines needed to end the pandemic. In Africa, a significant portion of the population has yet to be vaccinated against Covid-19; however, the barriers to accessing such vaccines, including capacity challenges, still persist despite the implementation of the COVAX facility meant to support the lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to boost vaccination.
    METHODS: This study involved a systemic narrative review where literature search was conducted using the NCBI\'s PMC and BMC databases based on defined keywords. Three authors were involved in the literature search and consensus was applied to settle disagreements and validate the findings.
    RESULTS: In this systematic narrative review, we report that vaccine nationalism remains a challenge for LMICs as HICs still hoard vaccines and even bypass COVAX to procure doses directly from the manufacturers. Factors that promote vaccine hesitancy in Africa include misinformation regarding the Covid-19 vaccine, a lack of trust in politicians and the pharmaceutical industry, and concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy. The policies implemented to enhance vaccine coverage in Africa, such as mandates, community engagement, and partnerships, all seek to promote equity of vaccination and ending Covid-19.
    CONCLUSIONS: Covid-19 vaccine inequity persists and contributes to prolonged pandemic in LMICs. In response, African governments have taken certain measures to enhance vaccine uptake but more needs to be done to address resistance to vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Public health emergencies raise significant concerns about corruption and accountability; however, these concerns can manifest in different ways across diverse locations. For instance, more developed countries with a stronger rule of law may experience more corruption in vaccine procurement, whereas developing countries may experience more corruption at the point of distribution and delivery to end users. This research focuses on corruption concerns in Nigeria, specifically examining the procurement and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
    METHODS: This paper utilizes a scoping review and a qualitative research approach. Key informants (n = 40) involved in the procurement and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across two states in Nigeria were interviewed. Findings from the scoping review were summarized, and collected data were inductively coded and analysed in themes, revealing clear examples of implementation irregularities and corruption in the country\'s COVID-19 vaccination processes.
    RESULTS: Vaccination programme budgeting processes were unclear, and payment irregularities were frequently observed, resulting in vaccinators soliciting informal payments while in the field. Recruitment and engagement of vaccination personnel was opaque, while target vaccination rates incentivized data falsification during periods of vaccine hesitancy. Accountability mechanisms, such as health worker supervision, vaccination data review, and additional technical support provided by donors were implemented but not effective at preventing corruption among frontline workers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Future accountability measures should be evidence-driven based on findings from this research. Personnel recruitment, contracting, budgeting, and remuneration should focus on transparency and accountability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While global health leaders call disparities in access to COVID-19 vaccines an \'apartheid,\' this gap is not the first such disparity. The recurrence of these gaps in low and middle-income countries and especially in Africa, raises questions about their determinants and about the persistent failures of global health institutions to remediate them. We interrogate these determinants and questions by examining: (1) the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines; (2) primary determinants of vaccine access including availability and affordability; (3) factors affecting availability (hoarding, COVAX, and manufacturing capacity); and (4) factors affecting affordability (pricing, intellectual property rights (IPR), the TRIPS waiver and a potential pandemic treaty). We conclude that IPR constrained the affordability and availability of COVID-19 vaccines in ways inadequately addressed by COVAX and a waiver compromise thwarted by political, corporate, and philanthropic interests. While stronger limits to IPR in a pandemic treaty and a reformed International Health Regulations will not resolve structural inequities, they could meaningfully expand LMIC autonomy to protect public health. We urge equity-seeking Global South and North actors to fight for such IPR reforms as small and meaningful steps towards a more equitable global health order. Otherwise, criminally racist \'apartheids\' will continue to be the norm when it comes to the distribution of essential health goods during global health emergencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic showed the close relationship between the Canadian government and the pharmaceutical industry when it came to both domestic and international issues. Domestically, the government chose to prioritize advice about vaccine acquisition from a panel of heavily conflicted people; it signed contracts worth billions of dollars with companies for vaccines but the contents of contracts were largely kept secret. The government also committed over CAD$1 billion in funding for research on COVID-19 but without any requirement that any forthcoming intellectual property or diagnostic and therapeutic products had to be accessible and affordable in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). On the international stage, Canada did not support the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool that aimed to provide a one-stop shop for scientific knowledge, data, and intellectual property to be shared equitably by the global community. It delayed donating vaccines to LMICs and bought vaccines from a facility designed mainly to provide vaccines to that group of countries. The government did not dismantle roadblocks that prevented a Canadian company from sending vaccines to Bolivia. Finally, it was ambiguous about whether it supported a patent waiver for COVID-19 technologies at the World Trade Organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates South Korea\'s trials and errors in procuring COVID-19 vaccines from abroad, amid the limitations of a multilateral scheme for global provision through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) program via the World Health Organization (WHO) and the discussions on COVID-19 vaccine patent waivers at the World Trade Organization. Using the framework of \"self-help\" in the international system and country categorization to explicate country behaviors by state-business relations and expertise to explain South Korea\'s COVID-19 vaccine procurement process, this study argues that in the absence of a global mechanism that guarantees adequate and timely vaccine provision, countries are left to the sole option of depending on their own capabilities: expertise, budget, and policy planning by consolidating public and private capacities to acquire vaccines for the public. To support the argument, an in-depth case investigation of South Korea\'s Vaccine Procurement Task Force is presented. The case study focuses on the policy assessment of critical elements in South Korea\'s vaccine procurement and rollout on facing obstacles to sufficient procurement through COVAX: decision-making impacting the timing and dosage of procurement, diplomatic and business channels to sign bilateral contracts, setup of a smart-factory vaccination hub, and indigenous vaccine development for WHO approval.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been increasing recognition of vaccine access challenges in middle-income countries and the need for increased action, particularly in countries that are not eligible for or have transitioned out of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance support. These countries\' immunization systems are more vulnerable than ever as the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates existing programme challenges, increasing the risk of delayed vaccine introductions, backsliding immunization coverage rates, and increased coverage inequity. The potential health and equity impact of improving immunization outcomes in middle-income countries is substantial. Modelling suggests that the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and vaccines for rotavirus and human papillomavirus in this set of Gavi-transitioned and non-Gavieligible middle-income countries in 2020 could have saved an estimated 70,000 lives if 90 % coverage had been reached. Further, increasing coverage for already-introduced vaccines to 90 % could have saved an additional estimated 16,000 lives. Over the past decade, stakeholders have made considerable efforts to identify immunization challenges in middle-income countries as documented in the 2015 SAGE-endorsed Shared Partner Middle-Income Country Strategy. In the coming decade, new global platforms like Gavi 5.0 and the Immunization Agenda 2030 provide opportunities to align on MIC strategies and provide coordinated global support to middle-income countries. The international COVID-19 pandemic response has the potential to lay the foundation for long term support beyond the scope of COVID-19 to non-Gavi eligible middle-income countries. Meanwhile regional mechanisms to address immunization barriers in middle-income countries have grown in number and strength, offering sustainable platforms for cross-country collaboration and the provision of tailored technical support. To ensure that these opportunities are successfully acted upon and that middle-income countries achieve the Immunization Agenda 2030 goals, comprehensive, multi-stakeholder consultations were conducted to identify areas of action with the greatest potential to accelerate immunization progress. Stakeholders should work together to put these findings, highlighted in this paper, into action, adapting their approaches to specific country contexts and learning from and building on existing efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a political economy analysis of global inequities in access to COVID-19 vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic tests. We adapt a conceptual model used for analysing the political economy of global extraction and health to examine the politico-economic factors affecting access to COVID-19 health products and technologies in four interconnected layers: the social, political, and historical context; politics, institutions, and policies; pathways to ill-health; and health consequences. Our analysis finds that battles over access to COVID-19 products occur in a profoundly unequal playing field, and that efforts to improve access that do not shift the fundamental power imbalances are bound to fail. Inequitable access has both direct effects on health (preventable illness and death) and indirect effects through exacerbation of poverty and inequality. We highlight how the case of COVID-19 products reflects broader patterns of structural violence, in which the political economy is structured to improve and lengthen the lives of those in the Global North while neglecting and shortening the lives of those in the Global South. We conclude that achieving equitable access to pandemic response products requires shifting longstanding power imbalances and the institutions and processes that entrench and enable them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





