CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper promotes a basic, quick, stature adaptable, and direct approach to selecting exceptionally suitable materials in polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) and silicon for microneedle fabrication. Researchers and scientists are facing challenges in readily selecting biocompatible materials for microneedle fabrication. Solid porous silicon and PEGDA microneedles are particularly biocompatible and desirable for vaccine delivery by the transdermal vaccine delivery method if microneedle arrays are fabricated successfully using lithography techniques as they belong to enhanced patient concurrence and well-being. Moreover, silicon and PEGDA microneedles are the ultimate for conveying coronavirus vaccines. In this work, we applied the ANSYS workbench tool to investigate the properties of triangular pyramidal-shaped solid silicon and PEGDA microneedle array to perform structural analysis on microneedle for estimating the capability of an array of needles to enter and convey vaccines along with the skin. These outcomes demonstrated that microneedles of porous silicon are better than polymers such as PEGDA as far as mechanical strength and capacity to convey drugs. Buckling was anticipated as the fundamental method to estimate the failure of microneedles and finally, by analysis, it was clear that buckling does not impact the potential of the silicon microneedle needle array. Silicon and PEGDA microneedles are penetrated against human skin surfaces in explicit dynamics by utilizing the ANSYS tool to select the best material. Along these lines, the current strategy can work with silicon and PEGDA microneedles for useful applications. The von Mises stresses generated by applying loads on silicon and PEGDA arrays were greater than the skin resistance of 3.18 MPa and suitable for skin insertion. Silicon microneedles are sustained due to buckling but PEGDA needles fail if the loading is more than 0.1 N. Vaccination can be provided to humans if needle arrays are fabricated based on this approach and design analysis and considering parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The termite Reticulitermes flavipes causes extensive damage due to the high efficiency and broad specificity of the ligno- and hemicellulolytic enzyme systems produced by its symbionts. Thus, the R. flavipes gut microbiome is expected to constitute an excellent source of enzymes that can be used for the degradation and valorization of plant biomass. The symbiont Opitutaceae bacterium strain TAV5 belongs to the phylum Verrucomicrobia and thrives in the hindgut of R. flavipes. The sequence of the gene with the locus tag opit5_10225 in the Opitutaceae bacterium strain TAV5 genome has been classified as a member of glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5), and provisionally annotated as an endo-β-mannanase. We characterized biochemically and structurally the opit5_10225 gene product, and show that the enzyme, Op5Man5, is an exo-β-1,4-mannosidase [EC] that is highly specific for β-1,4-mannosidic bonds in mannooligosaccharides and ivory nut mannan. The structure of Op5Man5 was phased using electron cryo-microscopy and further determined and refined at 2.2 Å resolution using X-ray crystallography. Op5Man5 features a 200-kDa large homotrimer composed of three modular monomers. Despite insignificant sequence similarity, the structure of the monomer, and homotrimeric assembly are similar to that of the GH42-family β-galactosidases and the GH164-family exo-β-1,4-mannosidase Bs164 from Bacteroides salyersiae. To the best of our knowledge Op5Man5 is the first structure of a glycoside hydrolase from a bacterial symbiont isolated from the R. flavipes digestive tract, as well as the first example of a GH5 glycoside hydrolase with a GH42 β-galactosidase-type homotrimeric structure.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellulases are industrially important enzymes, e.g., in the production of bioethanol, in pulp and paper industry, feedstock, and textile. Thermostability is often a prerequisite for high process stability and improving thermostability without affecting specific activities at lower temperatures is challenging and often time-consuming. Protein engineering strategies that combine experimental and computational are emerging in order to reduce experimental screening efforts and speed up enzyme engineering campaigns. Constraint Network Analysis (CNA) is a promising computational method that identifies beneficial positions in enzymes to improve thermostability. In this study, we compare CNA and directed evolution in the identification of beneficial positions in order to evaluate the potential of CNA in protein engineering campaigns (e.g., in the identification phase of KnowVolution). We engineered the industrially relevant endoglucanase EGLII from Penicillium verruculosum towards increased thermostability. From the CNA approach, six variants were obtained with an up to 2-fold improvement in thermostability. The overall experimental burden was reduced to 40% utilizing the CNA method in comparison to directed evolution. On a variant level, the success rate was similar for both strategies, with 0.27% and 0.18% improved variants in the epPCR and CNA-guided library, respectively. In essence, CNA is an effective method for identification of positions that improve thermostability.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have been conducting research on esophageal regenerative therapy using cell sheet technology. In particular, in the endoscopic field, we have pushed forward clinical research on endoscopic transplantation of cultured autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets to esophageal ulcer after endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). We started research in this direction using animal models in 2004 and performed clinical research in 2012 in collaboration with Nagasaki University and Karolinska Institute. Although in full-circumferential cases it was difficult to prevent esophageal stricture after ESD, there were no complications and stricture could be suppressed. The cell sheet technology is still in its infancy. However, we are convinced that it has a high potential for application in various areas of gastrointestinal science. In this review, we focus on the pre-clinical and clinical trial results obtained and on the theoretical aspects of (1) stricture prevention, (2) esophageal tissue engineering research, and (3) endoscopic transplantation, and review the esophageal regenerative therapy by cell sheet technology.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The therapeutic utility of the effective chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin is hampered by its nephrotoxic effect. We aimed from the current study to examine the possible protective effects of amlodipine through gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) enzyme inhibition against cisplatin nephrotoxicity.
    METHODS: Amlodipine (5 mg/kg, po) was administered to rats for 14 successive days. On the 10th day, nephrotoxicity was induced by a single dose of cisplatin (6.5 mg/kg, ip). On the last day, blood samples were collected for estimation of kidney function, while kidney samples were used for determination of GGT activity, oxidative stress, inflammatory, and apoptotic markers, along with histopathological evaluation.
    RESULTS: Amlodipine alleviated renal injury that was manifested by significantly diminished serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, compared to cisplatin group. Amlodipine inhibited GGT enzyme, which participates in the metabolism of extracellular glutathione (GSH) and platinum-GSH-conjugates to a reactive toxic thiol. Besides, amlodipine diminished mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase in the kidney, while enhanced the anti-oxidant defense by activating Nrf2/HO-1 signaling. Additionally, it showed marked anti-inflammatory response by reducing expressions of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), with subsequent down-regulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Moreover, amlodipine reduced Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and elevated hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), thus favoring renal cell survival.
    CONCLUSIONS: Effective GGT inhibition by amlodipine associated with enhancement of anti-oxidant defense and suppression of inflammatory signaling and apoptosis support our suggestion that amlodipine could replace toxic GGT inhibitors in protection against cisplatin nephrotoxicity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellulosomes are synthesized by anaerobic bacteria and fungi to degrade lignocellulose via synergistic action of multiple enzymes fused to a protein scaffold. Through templating key protein domains (cohesin and dockerin), designer cellulosomes have been engineered from bacterial motifs to alter the activity, stability, and degradation efficiency of enzyme complexes. Recently a parts list for fungal cellulosomes from the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota) was determined, which revealed sequence divergent fungal cohesin, dockerin, and scaffoldin domains that could be used to expand the available toolbox to synthesize designer cellulosomes. In this work, multi-domain carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) from 3 cellulosome-producing fungi were analyzed to inform the design of chimeric proteins for synthetic cellulosomes inspired by anaerobic fungi. In particular, Piromyces finnis was used as a structural template for chimeric carbohydrate active enzymes. Recombinant enzymes with retained properties were engineered by combining thermophilic glycosyl hydrolase domains from Thermotoga maritima with dockerin domains from Piromyces finnis. By preserving the protein domain order from P. finnis, chimeric enzymes retained catalytic activity at temperatures over 80 °C and were able to associate with cellulosomes purified from anaerobic fungi. Fungal cellulosomes harbor a wide diversity of glycoside hydrolases, each representing templates for the design of chimeric enzymes. By conserving dockerin domain position within the primary structure of each protein, the activity of both the catalytic domain and dockerin domain was retained in enzyme chimeras. Taken further, the domain positioning inferred from native fungal cellulosome proteins can be used to engineer multi-domain proteins with non-native favorable properties, such as thermostability.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Septilin (Spt) is a polyherbal drug formulation from Himalaya Drug Company, consisting of extracts from different medicinal plants and minerals. In the traditional system of medicine, septilin is being used as immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. In the present study, the protective effects of septilin against the genotoxicity of cyclophosphamide (CP) a widely used alkylating anticancer drug was evaluated by using in vivo micronucleus (MN) and sperm shape abnormality assays in Swiss albino mice. CP administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 50 mg/kg b.w. was used as positive mutagen. Different doses of septilin viz., 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg b.w. was orally administered for 5 consecutive days. CP was administered intraperitoneally on 5th day. MN and sperm preparations were made after 24 h and 35 days respectively. CP induced significant MN in both bone marrow and peripheral blood cells and also a high frequency of abnormal sperms. In septilin supplemented animals, no significant induction of MN and abnormal sperms was recorded. In septilin supplemented groups, a dose dependent significant decrease in CP induced clastogenicity was observed. Thus the current in vivo study revealed the antigenotoxic effects of septilin against CP induced damage, in both somatic and germ cells of Swiss albino mice.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spurred by significant progress in materials chemistry and drug delivery, charge-reversal nanocarriers are being developed to deliver anticancer formulations in spatial-, temporal- and dosage-controlled approaches. Charge-reversal nanoparticles can release their drug payload in response to specific stimuli that alter the charge on their surface. They can elude clearance from the circulation and be activated by protonation, enzymatic cleavage, or a molecular conformational change. In this review, we discuss the physiological basis for, and recent advances in the design of charge-reversal nanoparticles that are able to control drug biodistribution in response to specific stimuli, endogenous factors (changes in pH, redox gradients, or enzyme concentration) or exogenous factors (light or thermos-stimulation).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a complex, multi-factorial disease thought to arise from an inappropriate immune response to commensal bacteria in a genetically susceptible person that results in chronic, cyclical, intestinal inflammation. Dietary and environmental factors are implicated in the initiation and perpetuation of IBD; however, a singular causative agent has not been identified. As of now, the role of environmental priming or triggers in IBD onset and pathogenesis are not well understood, but these factors appear to synergize with other disease susceptibility factors. In previous work, we determined that the polysaccharide dietary additive, maltodextrin (MDX), impairs cellular anti-bacterial responses and suppresses intestinal anti-microbial defense mechanisms. In this addendum, we review potential mechanisms for dietary deregulation of intestinal homeostasis, postulate how dietary and genetic risk factors may combine to result in disease pathogenesis, and discuss these ideas in the context of recent findings related to dietary interventions for IBD.





