CHK1, checkpoint kinase 1

Chk1 , 检查点激酶 1
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic instability remains an enabling feature of cancer and promotes malignant transformation. Alterations of DNA damage response (DDR) pathways allow genomic instability, generate neoantigens, upregulate the expression of programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) and interact with signaling such as cyclic GMP-AMP synthase-stimulator of interferon genes (cGAS-STING) signaling. Here, we review the basic knowledge of DDR pathways, mechanisms of genomic instability induced by DDR alterations, impacts of DDR alterations on immune system, and the potential applications of DDR alterations as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer immunotherapy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cullin-RING ligases (CRLs) recognize and interact with substrates for ubiquitination and degradation, and can be targeted for disease treatment when the abnormal expression of substrates involves pathologic processes. Phosphorylation, either of substrates or receptors of CRLs, can alter their interaction. Phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination and proteasome degradation influence various cellular processes and can contribute to the occurrence of various diseases, most often tumorigenesis. These processes have the potential to be used for tumor intervention through the regulation of the activities of related kinases, along with the regulation of the stability of specific oncoproteins and tumor suppressors. This review describes the mechanisms and biological functions of crosstalk between phosphorylation and ubiquitination, and most importantly its influence on tumorigenesis, to provide new directions and strategies for tumor therapy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To examine the potential effects of lifestyle factors on male reproductive health. Evidence of a global decline in human sperm quality over recent decades has been accumulating. Environmental, occupational, and modifiable lifestyle factors may contribute to this decline. This review focuses on key lifestyle factors that are associated with male infertility such as smoking cigarettes, alcohol intake, use of illicit drugs, obesity, psychological stress, advanced paternal age, dietary practices, and coffee consumption. Other factors such as testicular heat stress, intense cycling training, lack of sleep and exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone use are briefly discussed.
    UNASSIGNED: A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify and synthesise all relevant information, mainly from within the last decade, on the major lifestyle factors associated with male infertility and semen quality. Database searches were limited to reports published in English only. A manual search of bibliographies of the reports retrieved was conducted to identify additional relevant articles.
    UNASSIGNED: In all, 1012 articles were identified from the database search and after reviewing the titles and abstract of the reports, 104 articles met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 30 reports were excluded as the full-text could not be retrieved and the abstract did not have relevant data. The remaining 74 reports were reviewed for data on association between a particular lifestyle factor and male infertility and were included in the present review.
    UNASSIGNED: The major lifestyle factors discussed in the present review are amongst the multiple potential risk factors that could impair male fertility. However, their negative impact may well be mostly overcome by behaviour modification and better lifestyle choices. Greater awareness and recognition of the possible impact of these lifestyle factors are important amongst couples seeking conception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although every organism shares some common features of replication, this process varies greatly among eukaryotic species. Current data show that mathematical models of the organization of origins based on possibility theory may be applied (and remain accurate) in every model organism i.e. from yeast to humans. The major differences lie within the dynamics of origin firing and the regulation mechanisms that have evolved to meet new challenges throughout the evolution of the organism. This article elaborates on the relations between chromatin structure, organization of origins, their firing times and the impact that these features can have on genome stability, showing both differences and parallels inside the eukaryotic domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The apical damage kinase, ATR, is activated by replication stress (RS) both in response to DNA damage and during normal S-phase. Loss of function studies indicates that ATR acts to stabilize replication forks, block cell cycle progression and promote replication restart. Although checkpoint failure and replication fork collapse can result in cell death, no direct cytotoxic pathway downstream of ATR has previously been described. Here, we show that ATR directly reduces survival by inducing phosphorylation of the p50 (NF-κB1, p105) subunit of NF-кB and moreover, that this response is necessary for genome maintenance independent of checkpoint activity. Cell free and in vivo studies demonstrate that RS induces phosphorylation of p50 in an ATR-dependent but DNA damage-independent manner that acts to modulate NF-кB activity without affecting p50/p65 nuclear translocation. This response, evident in human and murine cells, occurs not only in response to exogenous RS but also during the unperturbed S-phase. Functionally, the p50 response results in inhibition of anti-apoptotic gene expression that acts to sensitize cells to DNA strand breaks independent of damage repair. Ultimately, loss of this pathway causes genomic instability due to the accumulation of chromosomal breaks. Together, the data indicate that during S-phase ATR acts via p50 to ensure that cells with elevated levels of replication-associated DNA damage are eliminated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) and Chk1 are potential molecular targets in radiotherapy. However, their molecular association in the regulation of radiation sensitivity has been rarely studied. Here, we show that XIAP modulates radiation sensitivity by regulating stability of Chk1 in lung cancer cells. Both Chk1 and XIAP are highly expressed in various lung cancer cells. Overexpression of XIAP increased cell survival following genotoxic treatments by preventing downregulation of Chk1. However, XIAP reversed Chk1-protective activity in the presence of XIAP-associated factor 1 (XAF1) by degrading Chk1 via ubiquitination-dependent proteasomal proteolysis. The XIAP-XAF1 complex-mediated Chk1 degradation also required CUL4A and DDB1. Chk1 or XIAP was associated with DDB1 and CUL4A. Depletion of CUL4A or DDB1 prevented the XIAP-XAF1-mediated Chk1 degradation suggesting involvement of a CUL4A/DDB1-based E3 ubiquitin ligase in the process or its collaboration with XIAP E3 ligase activity. Taken together, our findings show that XIAP plays a dual role in modulation of Chk1 stability and cell viability following IR. In the absence of XAF1, XIAP stabilizes Chk1 under IR with corresponding increase of cell viability. By contrast, when XAF1 is overexpressed, XIAP facilitates Chk1 degradation, which leads to enhancement of radiation sensitivity. This selective regulation of Chk1 stability by XIAP and XAF1 could be harnessed to devise a strategy to modulate radiation sensitivity in lung cancer cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whereas many components regulating the progression from S phase through G2 phase into mitosis have been identified, the mechanism by which these components control this critical cell cycle progression is still not fully elucidated. Cyclin A/Cdk2 has been shown to regulate the timing of Cyclin B/Cdk1 activation and progression into mitosis although the mechanism by which this occurs is only poorly understood. Here we show that depletion of Cyclin A or inhibition of Cdk2 during late S/early G2 phase maintains the G2 phase arrest by reducing Cdh1 transcript and protein levels, thereby stabilizing Claspin and maintaining elevated levels of activated Chk1 which contributes to the G2 phase observed. Interestingly, the Cyclin A/Cdk2 regulated APC/C(Cdh1) activity is selective for only a subset of Cdh1 targets including Claspin. Thus, a normal role for Cyclin A/Cdk2 during early G2 phase is to increase the level of Cdh1 which destabilises Claspin which in turn down regulates Chk1 activation to allow progression into mitosis. This mechanism links S phase exit with G2 phase transit into mitosis, provides a novel insight into the roles of Cyclin A/Cdk2 in G2 phase progression, and identifies a novel role for APC/C(Cdh1) in late S/G2 phase cell cycle progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For proper development, cells need to coordinate proliferation and cell cycle-exit. This is mediated by a cascade of proteins making sure that each phase of the cell cycle is controlled before the initiation of the next. Retinal progenitor cells divide during the process of interkinetic nuclear migration, where they undergo S-phase on the basal side, followed by mitoses on the apical side of the neuroepithelium. The final cell cycle of chicken retinal horizontal cells (HCs) is an exception to this general cell cycle behavior. Lim1 expressing (+) horizontal progenitor cells (HPCs) have a heterogenic final cell cycle, with some cells undergoing a terminal mitosis on the basal side of the retina. The results in this study show that this terminal basal mitosis of Lim1+ HPCs is not dependent on Chk1/2 for its regulation compared to retinal cells undergoing interkinetic nuclear migration. Neither activating nor blocking Chk1 had an effect on the basal mitosis of Lim1+ HPCs. Furthermore, the Lim1+ HPCs were not sensitive to cisplatin-induced DNA damage and were able to continue into mitosis in the presence of γ-H2AX without activation of caspase-3. However, Nutlin3a-induced expression of p21 did reduce the mitoses, suggesting the presence of a functional p53/p21 response in HPCs. In contrast, the apical mitoses were blocked upon activation of either Chk1/2 or p21, indicating the importance of these proteins during the process of interkinetic nuclear migration. Inhibiting Cdk1 blocked M-phase transition both for apical and basal mitoses. This confirmed that the cyclin B1-Cdk1 complex was active and functional during the basal mitosis of Lim1+ HPCs. The regulation of the final cell cycle of Lim1+ HPCs is of particular interest since it has been shown that the HCs are able to sustain persistent DNA damage, remain in the cell cycle for an extended period of time and, consequently, survive for months.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effectiveness of DNA damaging chemotherapy drugs can be limited by activation of survival signaling pathways and cell cycle checkpoints that allow DNA repair. Targeting survival pathways and inhibiting cell cycle checkpoints may increase chemotherapy-induced cancer cell killing. AKT and Chk1 are survival and cell cycle checkpoint kinases, respectively, that can be activated by DNA damage. Cisplatin (CP) is a standard chemotherapy agent for osteosarcoma (OS). CP induced apoptosis to varying extents and activated AKT and Chk1 in multiple p53 wild-type and p53-null OS cell lines. A Chk1 inhibitor increased CP-induced apoptosis in all OS cell lines regardless of p53 status. In contrast, an AKT inhibitor increased CP-induced apoptosis only in p53 wild-type OS cells, but not p53 nulll cells. The increased apoptosis in p53 wild-type cells was coincident with decreased p53 protein levels, but increased expression of p53-responsive apoptotic genes Noxa and PUMA. Further studies revealed the inability of AKT inhibitor to CP-sensitize p53-null OS cells resulted from 2 things: 1) AKT inhibition stabilized/maintained p27 levels in CP-treated cells, which then mediated a protective G1-phase cell cycle arrest, 2) AKT inhibition increased the levels of activated Chk1. Finally, schedule dependent inhibition of AKT and Chk1 evaded the protective G1 arrest mediated by p27 and maximized CP-induced OS cell killing. These data demonstrate AKT and Chk1 activation promote survival in CP-treated OS cells, and that strategic, scheduled targeting of AKT and Chk1 can maximize OS cell killing by CP.





