
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gymnolaemata bryozoans produce CaCO3 skeletons of either calcite, aragonite, or both. Despite extensive research, their crystallography and biomineralization patterns remain unclear. We present a detailed study of the microstructures, mineralogy, and crystallography of eight extant cheilostome species using scanning electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and micro-computed tomography. We distinguished five basic microstructures, three calcitic (tabular, irregularly platy, and granular), and two aragonitic (granular-platy and fibrous). The calcitic microstructures consist of crystal aggregates that transition from tabular or irregularly platy to granular assemblies. Fibrous aragonite consists of fibers arranged into spherulites. In all cases, the crystallographic textures are axial, and stronger in aragonite than in calcite, with the c-axis as the fiber axis. We reconstruct the biomineralization sequence in the different species by considering the distribution and morphology of the growth fronts of crystals and the location of the secretory epithelium. In bimineralic species, calcite formation always predates aragonite formation. In interior compound walls, growth proceeds from the cuticle toward the zooecium interior. We conclude that, with the exception of tabular calcite, biomineralization is remote and occurs within a relatively wide extrapallial space, which is consistent with the inorganic-like appearance of the microstructures. This biomineralization mode is rare among invertebrates.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42995-024-00233-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transgenerational plasticity (TGP)-when a parent or previous generation\'s environmental experience affects offspring phenotype without involving a genetic change-can be an important mechanism allowing for rapid adaptation. However, despite increasing numbers of empirical examples of TGP, there appears to be considerable variation in its strength and direction, yet limited understanding of what causes this variation. We compared patterns of TGP in response to stress across two populations with high versus low historical levels of stress exposure. Specifically, we expected that exposure to acute stress in the population experiencing historically high levels of stress would result in adaptive TGP or alternatively fixed tolerance (no parental effect), whereas the population with low levels of historical exposure would result in negative parental carryover effects. Using a common sessile marine invertebrate, Bugula neritina, and a split brood design, we exposed parents from both populations to copper or control treatments in the laboratory and then had them brood copper-naïve larvae. We then exposed half of each larval brood to copper and half to control conditions before allowing them to grow to maturity in the field. Maternal copper exposure had a strong negative carryover effect on adult offspring growth and survival in the population without historical exposure, especially when larvae themselves were exposed to copper. We found little to no maternal or offspring treatment effect on adult growth and survival in the population with a history of copper exposure. However, parents from this population produced larger larvae on average and were able to increase the size of their larvae in response to copper exposure, providing a potential mechanism for maintaining fitness and suggesting TGP through maternal provisioning. These results indicate that the ability to adjust offspring phenotype via TGP may be a locally adapted trait and potentially influenced by past patterns of exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dispersal has far-reaching implications for individuals, populations, and communities, especially in sessile organisms. Escaping competition with conspecifics and with kin are theorized to be key factors leading to dispersal as an adaptation. However, manipulative approaches in systems in which adults are sessile but offspring have behaviors is required for a more complete understanding of how competition affects dispersal. Here, we integrate a series of experiments to study how dispersal affects the density and relatedness of neighbors, and how the density and relatedness of neighbors in turn affects fitness. In a marine bryozoan, we empirically estimated dispersal kernels and found that most larvae settled within ~1 m of the maternal colony, although some could potentially travel at least 10s of meters. Larvae neither actively preferred or avoided conspecifics or kin at settlement. We experimentally determined the effects of spreading sibling larvae by manipulating the density and relatedness of settlers and measuring components of fitness in the field. We found that settler density reduced maternal fitness when settler neighbors were siblings compared with when neighbors were unrelated or absent. Genetic markers also identified very few half sibs (and no full sibs) in adults from the natural population, and rarely close enough to directly interact. In this system, dispersal occurs over short distances (meters) yet, in contrast with expectations, there appears to be limited kinship between adult neighbors. Our results suggest that the limited dispersal increases early offspring mortality when siblings settle next to each other, rather than next to unrelated conspecifics, potentially reducing kinship in adult populations. High offspring production and multiple paternity could further dilute kinship at settlement and reduce selection for dispersal beyond the scale of 10s of meters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines how microscale differences in skeletal ultrastructure affect the crystallographic and nanomechanical properties of two related bryozoan species: (i) Hornera currieae, which is found at relatively quiescent depths of c. 1000 m, and (ii) Hornera robusta, which lives at depths of 50-400 m where it is exposed to currents and storm waves. Microstructural and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) observations show that in both species the secondary walls are composed of low-Mg calcite crystallites that grow with their c-axes perpendicular to the wall. Branches in H. currieae develop a strong preferred orientation of the calcite c-axes, while in H. robusta the c-axes are more scattered. Microstructural observations suggest that the degree of scattering is controlled by the underlying morphology of the skeletons: in H. currieae the laminated branch walls are smooth and relatively uninterrupted, whereas the wall architecture of H. robusta is modified by numerous deflections, forming pustules and ridges associated with microscopic tubules. Modelling of the Young\'s modulus and measurements of nanoindentation hardness indicate that the observed scattering of the crystallite c-axes affects the elastic modulus and nanohardness of the branches, and therefore controls the mechanical properties of the skeletal walls. At relatively high pressure in deep waters, the anisotropic skeletal architecture of H. currieae is aimed at concentrating elasticity normal to the skeleton wall. In comparison, in the relatively shallow and active hydrographic regime of the continental shelf, the elastically isotropic skeleton of H. robusta is designed to increase protection from external predators and stronger omni-directional currents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, a myxozoan endoparasite, causes proliferative kidney disease in salmonids. The life cycle of T. bryosalmonae occurs between invertebrate bryozoan and vertebrate fish hosts. T. bryosalmonae develops in the body cavity of colonial bryozoan and spores are released from mature spore sacs into the water likely through the vestibular pore and infect fish by attaching to their gills. However, very little is known about the transcriptome of this important parasite, which hampers studies into the molecular mechanisms of host-parasite interactions and understanding the parasite biology. In order to circumvent this limitation, we performed de novo transcriptome assembly on the sacs of T. bryosalmonae, collected from infected bryozoan Fredericella sultana. A total of 111.5 million filtered paired-end reads was obtained and assembled into 25,908 contigs corresponding to putative transcripts that were functionally annotated. More than 50% of the assembled transcripts (13,071 contigs) had a significant hit in NCBI non-redundant database. Based on Gene ontology annotation, the most highly scored categories of molecular function of the contigs were related to binding and catalytic activities in T. bryosalmonae. This study provides a global overview of the T. bryosalmonae transcriptome that will be a valuable resource for identifying virulence factors, gene discovery, genome annotation, and vaccine development applications. This data is accessible via NCBI BioProject (PRJNA680464).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two new steroid sulfates 1 and 2 were obtained from a lipophilic extract of an undescribed bryozoan species in the genus Calyptotheca. The structures of compounds 1 and 2 were elucidated by spectroscopic methods and chemical modifications. Steroids 1 and 2 exhibited moderate cytotoxicity at IC50 54 and 30 µM, respectively, against NBT-T2 cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bryozoans are aquatic invertebrate moss animals that are found worldwide. Fredericella sultana is a freshwater bryozoan and is the most common primary host of myxozoan parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. However, limited genomic resources are available for this bryozoan, which hampers investigations into the molecular mechanisms of host-parasite interactions. To better understand these interactions, there is a need to build a transcriptome dataset of F. sultana, for functional genomics analysis by large-scale RNA sequencing. Total RNA was extracted from zooids of F. sultana cultivated under controlled laboratory conditions. cDNA libraries were prepared and were analyzed by the Illumina paired-ends sequencing. The sequencing data were used for de novo transcriptome assembly and functional annotation. Approximately 118 million clean reads were obtained, and assembled into 85,544 contigs with an average length of 852 bp, an N50 of 1,085 bp, and an average GC content 51.4%. A total of 23,978 (28%) contigs were annotated using BLASTX analysis. Of these transcripts, 4,400 contigs had highest similarity to brachiopod species Lingula anatina. Based on Gene ontology (GO) annotation, the most highly scored categories of biological process were categorized into cellular process (27%), metabolic process (24%), and biological regulation (8%) in the transcriptome of F. sultana. This study gives first insights into the transcriptome of F. sultana and provides comprehensive genetic resources for the species. We believe that the transcriptome of F. sultana will serve as a useful genomic dataset to accelerate research of functional genomics and will help facilitate whole genome sequencing and annotation. Candidate genes potentially involved in growth, proteolysis, and stress/immunity-response were identified, and are worthy of further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modular organization provides flexibility for colonial animals to deal with variable and unpredictable environmental conditions since each module has specific tasks within the colony, such as feeding, defending or reproducing. Depending on the selecting pressures, sessile organisms may phenotypically adjust the morphology of each module or modify their density, increasing individual fitness. Here we used the marine bryozoan Schizoporella errata (Cheilostomata, Schizoporellidae) to test how the divergent conditions between two artificial habitats, the location inside a marina (IM) and the external wall of the breakwater (BW), affect colony size and the density of the distinct modules. The density of avicularia and ovicells, modules related to defense and reproduction, respectively, did not differ between habitats. However, colonies growing in the turbulent waters of BW were, in general, larger and had higher density of feeding autozooids than those at IM. Reciprocal transplants of bryozoan clones indicated that trait variation is genotype-dependent but varies according to the environmental conditions at the assigned location. The occurrence of larger colonies with more zooids in BW is probably linked to the easier feeding opportunity offered by the small diffusive boundary layer around the colony at this location. Since in colonial polymorphic organisms each module (zooid) performs a specific function, the phenotypic response is not uniform across colonies, affecting only those modules that are susceptible to variations in the main selective pressures. Understanding the importance of colony-level plasticity is relevant to predict how modularity will contribute to organisms to deal with human-induced environmental changes in coastal habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Less than one percent of marine natural products characterized since 1963 have been obtained from the phylum Bryozoa which, therefore, still represents a huge reservoir for the discovery of bioactive metabolites with its ~6000 described species. The current review is designed to highlight how bryozoans use sophisticated chemical defenses against their numerous predators and competitors, and which can be harbored for medicinal uses. This review collates all currently available chemoecological data about bryozoans and lists potential applications/benefits for human health. The core of the current review relates to the potential of bryozoan metabolites in human diseases with particular attention to viral, brain, and parasitic diseases. It additionally weighs the pros and cons of total syntheses of some bryozoan metabolites versus the synthesis of non-natural analogues, and explores the hopes put into the development of biotechnological approaches to provide sustainable amounts of bryozoan metabolites without harming the natural environment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is a myxozoan parasite responsible for proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in a wide range of salmonids. PKD, characterized by high mortality and morbidity, is well known for affecting aquaculture operations and wild salmonid populations across Europe and North America. The life cycle of T. bryosalmonae revolves around freshwater bryozoan and salmonid fish hosts. In recent years, T. bryosalmonae has been reported among wild salmonids from the European countries where it has not been reported previously. T. bryosalmonae is believed to be a possible reason for the diminishing wild salmonid populations in the natural water bodies of many European countries. Climate crisis driven rising water temperature can further accelerate the distribution of T. bryosalmonae. Expansion of the geographical distribution of T. bryosalmonae may further advocate the decline of wild salmonid populations, especially brown trout (Salmo trutta) in their habitats. Mathematical models are used to understand the pattern and distribution of T. bryosalmonae among the host in the natural water bodies. The present manuscript not only summarizes the incidences of T. bryosalmonae among the wild salmonid populations, but also discusses the contemporary understanding about the development of T. bryosalmonae in its hosts and the influences of various factors in the spread of the disease in the wild.






