Brief measure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Five studies (N = 7972) validated a brief measure and model of four facets of social evaluation (friendliness and morality as horizontal facets; ability and assertiveness as vertical facets). Perceivers expressed their personal impressions or estimated society\'s impression of different types of targets (i.e., envisioned or encountered groups or individuals) and numbers of targets (i.e., between six and 100) in the separate, items-within-target mode or the joint, targets-within-item mode. Factor analyses confirmed that a two-items-per-facet measure fit the data well and better than a four-items-per-dimension measure that captured the Big Two model (i.e., no facets, just the horizontal and vertical dimensions). As predicted, the correlation between the two horizontal facets and between the two vertical facets was higher than the correlations between any horizontal facet and any vertical facet. Perceivers\' evaluations of targets on each facet were predictors of unique and relevant behavior intentions. Perceiving a target as more friendly, moral, able, and assertive increased the likelihood of relying on the target\'s loyalty, fairness, intellect, and hubris in an economic game, respectively. These results establish the external, internal, convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity of the brief measure and model of four facets of social evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 5-item Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale (GCB-5) is an abridged version of the 15-item GCBS. It was developed as a global measure of the tendency to engage in non-event-based, conspiracy-related ideation. The GCB-5 is appealing to researchers because of its brevity, which facilitates the measurement of belief in conspiracies alongside multiple constructs and/or in situations where resources are limited (time, etc.). Noting that several studies failed to find an adequate unidimensional fit in the parent GCBS measures across different contexts, the present study further assessed the psychometric properties of the GCB-5. This was necessary since the GCB-5 was validated using North American samples. Thus, to ensure that the GCB-5 was satisfactory for use with samples in the United Kingdom (UK), GCBS/GCB-5 items were administered to a large, representative UK-based sample (N = 1,331), alongside a range of validated conspiracy scales. Confirmatory factor analysis found that a one-factor GCB-5 model produced a good model fit. This specified that the GCB-5 was underpinned by a single dimension. Furthermore, the performance of the GCB-5 was equivalent to the longer GCBS. Both instruments produced similar mean item scores and standard deviations and were comparably positively correlated with concurrent measures. Although the GCB-5 internal reliability was lower than the GCBS, it was good. The GCB-5 also demonstrated configural, metric, and scalar invariance (among gender and age subgroups). This indicated that the GCB-5 was interpreted similarly by men and women and different age groups. Overall, results supported the assertion that the GCB-5 is a psychometrically satisfactory global measure of non-event-based, conspiratorial ideation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emotional eating or the tendency to eat in response to emotional states can be assessed using self-report measures. The Emotional Eating Scale-II is a commonly used and reliable instrument that measures the desire to eat in response to a range of unpleasant and pleasant emotions. The current study aimed to corroborate the validity of the EES-II and expand its utility by investigating its dimensionality and testing its measurement invariance in samples from English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries. Convergent and predictive validity in respect of food craving, eating, and health indicators were also examined. This cross-national study included a total of 2485 adult participants recruited from Finland, North America, Philippines, United Kingdom, China, Italy, Spain, and South Korea, who completed the EES-II in six different languages. Factor analyses supported a four-factor structure including valence (pleasant, unpleasant) and activation (high, low) for a 12-item English version and slightly modified non-English adaptations. The model exhibited good fit in all samples, and convergent validity was demonstrated. Full invariance of factor loadings and partial invariance of factor loading, intercepts, and error variances was established across samples. Structural equation models revealed that high activation (pleasant and unpleasant) states predicted food cravings and reported eating. Overall findings across multiple samples and countries supported the factorial structure, reliability, invariance, and validity of the resulting Brief Emotional Eating Scale (BEES).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Family functioning is a key construct in research and practice involving children and youth. Given that multi-informant assessment of this construct is considered a best practice in research and clinical settings, ensuring measurement invariance of family functioning instruments is an important consideration for family science scholars and practitioners who increasingly use multiple groups or longitudinal designs in investigating family dynamics. Yet, studies involving family functioning provide limited reports of psychometric properties of key or contextual measures. This study used multigroup confirmatory factor analyses to examine measurement invariance of a short version of the McMaster Family Assessment device using data from caregivers (N = 479) and adolescents (N = 571) collected at two periods four years apart. Results revealed that configural and metric invariance of a short version of the family functioning measure hold both across groups (caregivers and adolescents) and time, thus providing the foundation for using this instrument to assess family functioning with different populations and at different time periods. However, evidence of only partial scalar invariance indicated that group comparisons might be biased. The article concludes with implications for family science scholars and practitioners, including caution in using mean scores to compare perceptions of family functioning across different populations, such as caregivers and adolescents.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the scarcity of instruments in Spanish to measure forgiveness, two studies were conducted in this population to obtain validity evidence of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS), an instrument that measures dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations. In the first study, 203 students (65% women) participated. After ensuring the linguistic adequacy and clarity of the wording of the items, a lack of congruence was found between the factors obtained in the exploratory factor analysis and the original theoretical structure of the HFS. A sample of 512 participants (63.9% women) attended the second study. This study aimed to analyze the construct validity of the HFS using confirmatory factor analysis through structural equation modelling and to explore convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity. Of the different factorial configurations tested (including the original), only a scale reduction to eight items, grouped into three factors, showed an appropriate fit. The HFS eight-item version also showed acceptable internal consistency, adequate convergent and discriminant validity, and criterion validity with respect to related variables. These findings suggest that the eight-item version of the HFS may be a valid and reliable tool for assessing forgiveness for self, others, and situations in Spanish adults.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on Salovey and Mayer\'s conceptualization of emotional intelligence, Davies and colleagues developed the BEIS-10 scale, a 10-items self-report questionnaire that explores individual dispositions that people have about exploring one\'s own and others\' emotions. To date, no studies assess the validity of the BEIS-10 scale in the Italian context. This article aims to fill this gap, exploring the validity, reliability, and construct validity of the Italian version of this scale. 244 Italian adults participated in the study and 67 respondents completed a second administration of the scale after two-weeks. The recommended statistical procedures were followed to validate the Italian version of the BEIS-10 scale and, after a back-translation process and a pilot testing, the five-factor structure of the scale was tested through a confirmatory factor analysis. Results highlighted that the five-factor model of emotional intelligence proposed by Davies and colleagues (2010) is confirmed in the Italian population. Data showed good reliability, good stability over time, and evidence of construct validity of the BEIS-10 scale. The BEIS-10 scale could be completed in a couple of minutes and it is particularly useful for collecting data in contexts in which time is an issue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Experiences in Close Relationships (Brennan et al, Attachment theory and close relationships, 1998) questionnaire is one of the most widely used measures of adult romantic attachment. Despite the advantages of the ECR, the length of this measure may discourage its use in clinical and research contexts. Consequently, the goal of this study was to develop a brief Spanish version of the ECR questionnaire and to examine its psychometric properties when administered to six different Spanish-speaking samples from Chile. Confirmatory factor analyses replicated the two-dimensional structure of the ECR and its invariance across gender. Results also supported the reliability and concurrent validity of our brief Spanish version of the ECR (i.e., Spanish ECR-12), by its association with measures of emotion regulation, dyadic empathy, psychological distress and well-being, and relationship satisfaction. The Spanish ECR-12 can be used by researchers and clinical professionals as an abridged measure of adult attachment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies have shown the role played by perceived self-efficacy in explaining condom negotiation and condom use.
    The factorial structure and the psychometric properties of the Brief Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale are presented.
    The study included 368 men and 456 women aged 17 to 55 years ( Mage = 25.01, SD = 6.93).
    Exploratory factor analysis yielded three factors: fear of rejection, impulse control, and condom acquisition and negotiation, which together accounted for 68% of the total variance. That structure was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach\'s alpha for the Brief Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale was .71. The scale provided adequate convergent validity, and positive correlations were observed between self-reported condom use and self-efficacy for use of other barrier methods.
    This brief instrument could be a useful and appropriate measure to assess the types of condom use self-efficacy that occur at the different moments of a sexual relationship.





