Bone Malalignment

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Abnormal angular and torsional alignment of the lower extremities during growth are a common reason for consultation of a paediatrician or orthopaedist. There is often uncertainty about the pathological value of these abnormalities and the need for treatment, even among specialists. In the course of physiological growth and development processes, the axial and torsional alignment of the legs sometimes change considerably and in characteristic patterns.
    METHODS: The ability to assess whether abnormal angular or torsional alignments of the lower limb in the course of growth should still be regarded as normal or already as pathological, depending on age and gender, is essential for the treating physician and requires precise knowledge of the physiological development processes and the tolerable limits in all three spatial dimensions.
    METHODS: After careful explanation to the frequently concerned parents, a restrictive approach with observation of the spontaneous course of correction on the basis of regular clinical check-ups makes sense in the majority of cases. Pathological deviations from the physiological conditions are rare overall, can be idiopathic or of secondary origin and should be further clarified diagnostically using imaging procedures. As conservative measures are ineffective, pronounced angular and/or torsional deformities of the legs requiring treatment can only be corrected by surgical intervention, even in children and adolescents. The surgical treatment modalities available are varied and differ in terms of their invasiveness and complication profile, depending on the localization, type and severity of the deformity, as well as the age and possible concomitant diseases of the affected child or adolescent.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Auffällige Achsen- und Torsionsverhältnisse der unteren Extremitäten im Wachstumsalter sind ein häufiger Grund für die Vorstellung beim Kinderarzt oder Orthopäden. Über den Krankheitswert und die Behandlungsbedürftigkeit dieser Auffälligkeiten bestehen auch im fachärztlichen Kollegium häufig Unsicherheiten. Im Verlauf der physiologischen Wachstums- und Entwicklungsvorgänge verändern sich die Achsen- und Torsionsverhältnisse der Beine teilweise erheblich und in charakteristischen Mustern.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Fähigkeit zur Beurteilung, ob auffällige Achsen- oder Drehverhältnisse der unteren Gliedmaße im Verlauf des Wachstums in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Geschlecht noch als normal oder bereits als pathologisch angesehen werden müssen, ist für den behandelnden Arzt essenziell und setzt eine genaue Kenntnis der physiologischen Entwicklungsvorgänge und der tolerierbaren Grenzen in allen drei räumlichen Dimensionen voraus.
    UNASSIGNED: Nach sorgfältiger Aufklärung der häufig besorgten Eltern ist in der Mehrzahl der Fälle ein restriktives Vorgehen mit Beobachtung des spontanen Korrekturverlaufs anhand regelmäßiger klinischer Kontrolluntersuchungen sinnvoll. Pathologische Abweichungen von den physiologischen Verhältnissen kommen insgesamt selten vor, können idiopathisch oder sekundärer Genese sein und sollten diagnostisch weiter durch bildgebende Verfahren abgeklärt werden. Da konservative Maßnahmen ineffektiv sind, können ausgeprägte therapiebedürftige Achsdeformitäten und/oder Torsionsfehlstellungen der Beine auch im Kindes- und Jugendalter ausschließlich durch operative Interventionen korrigiert werden. Die verfügbaren chirurgischen Behandlungsmodalitäten sind vielfältig und unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Invasivität und ihres Komplikationsprofil in Abhängigkeit von der Lokalisation, Art und Schwere der Deformität sowie vom Alter und möglichen Begleiterkrankungen des betroffenen Kindes oder Jugendlichen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Malalignment of distal tibia fractures can lead to malunion/nonunion or alter the limb mechanical axis which may cause arthritis. Proposed methods to decrease malalignment include fibular fixation or multiplanar interlocking screws, however these remain controversial. This study aimed to identify factors associated with malalignment in distal tibial fractures with associated fibular shaft fractures.
    METHODS: A retrospective review was performed of distal tibia fractures with associated fibular shaft fractures treated with intramedullary nailing at two level one trauma centers between 2015 and 2019. Cases involving malalignment (> 5° of deviation from anatomic axis on either coronal/sagittal axis) on final follow-up (minimum three months postoperatively) were compared to those without malalignment with regard to demographics, fracture characteristics, intraoperative characteristics, and complications.
    RESULTS: The rate of malalignment was 13%. On multivariate analysis, multiplanar distal interlocking screw fixation (odds ratio [OR], 0.18; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.03-0.92) was associated with a decreased rate of final malalignment, while nail diameter > 10 mm was associated with a higher rate (OR, 4.05; 95% CI 1.25-13.11). Fibular fixation was not associated with malalignment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Multiplanar distal interlocking screws may protect against malalignment. Fibula fixation does not appear associated with a decreased rate of malalignment in distal tibia fractures treated with intramedullary nails.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lisfranc injuries are rare but severe injuries of the foot. They range from ligament sprain to complex fracture dislocations. Etiologically, a distinction is made between indirect and direct force and between high-energy and low-energy trauma. Inadequate diagnostics (injuries overlooked or misinterpreted) can lead to painful posttraumatic osteoarthritis, chronic instability and deformity of the foot. A fracture, malalignment and unclear findings in conventional radiological diagnostics necessitate computed tomography imaging including 3D reconstruction. Lisfranc injuries are often associated with accompanying pathologies of the foot that also need to be addressed. Only stable non-displaced fractures can be treated conservatively. Depending on the injury pattern, surgical treatment is performed percutaneously, minimally invasive or open. The prognosis following Lisfranc injury is determined by the severity of damage and the quality of reconstruction.
    UNASSIGNED: Lisfranc-Gelenk-Verletzungen sind seltene, aber schwere Verletzungen des Fußes, die von Bandzerrungen bis zu komplexen Luxationsfrakturen reichen. Ätiologisch werden direkte und indirekte Gewalteinwirkung sowie Hoch- und Niedrigenergietrauma unterschieden. Eine inadäquate Diagnostik (Übersehen oder Fehlinterpretation von Verletzungen) kann zu schmerzhaften posttraumatischen Arthrosen, chronischen Instabilitäten und Fehlstellung des Fußskeletts führen. Ein Fraktur- oder Fehlstellungsnachweis und ein unklarer Befund in der konventionellen Röntgendiagnostik erfordern eine CT einschließlich 3D-Rekonstruktionen. Häufig finden sich pathologische Begleiterscheinungen des Fußes, die ebenfalls adressiert werden müssen. Ausschließlich stabile undislozierte Frakturen können konservativ behandelt werden. Die operative Therapie erfolgt je nach Verletzungsmuster geschlossen perkutan bzw. minimalinvasiv oder offen. Verletzungsschwere und Rekonstruktionsergebnis bestimmen die Prognose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Knee alignment philosophies and patient specific models to improve patient reported outcomes are gaining increasing attention. The coronal plane alignment of the knee (CPAK) classification describes nine knee phenotypes and then proposes surgical alignment strategies to achieve constitutional alignment. The CPAK classification has been validated in Australian, European, Asian and North American population groups. To date no African data has been analyzed using CPAK.
    METHODS: A total of 344 arthritic patients (608 knees) with appropriate long leg radiographs were classified based on the CPAK type. Measurements included mechanical hip-knee-angle(mHKA), medial proximal tibial angle (mMPTA) and lateral distal femoral angle (mLDFA) and the derived calculations of joint line obliquity (JLO) and arithmetic hip-knee-angle (aHKA).
    RESULTS: The sample population was 77.9% (n = 268) female with a mean age of 68.4 ± 9.2 years. The most common CPAK types in order were type 3 (n = 174; 28.6%), type 2 (n = 155; 25.5%), type 1 (n = 94; 15.5%) and type 6 (n = 80; 13.2%). The most common limb alignment types were valgus (CPAK types 3,6,9; 41.8%).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study, which investigated arthritic patients from a single institution in South Africa, shows a divergence of CPAK phenotypic knee patterns relative to other international studies, with much higher proportions of valgus phenotypes (3 and 6). This regional difference should be further investigated in other South African and African population samples and used to adapt the surgical strategies employed by local surgeons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There are limited data regarding risk factors associated with periprosthetic medial malleolar fractures in total ankle arthroplasty (TAA). This case-control study aimed to identify the risk factors and analyze the effect of prophylactic screw fixation in preventing a medial malleolar fracture after TAA.
    UNASSIGNED: A case-control study was conducted on 149 patients who underwent primary TAA. Twenty patients with postoperative medial malleolar fractures >4 weeks postoperatively (cases) were identified. An additional 129 patients (controls) were randomly selected from the TAA database. Radiographic evaluation included tibial component coronal alignment and postoperative medial malleolar width. Demographics and radiographic variables were compared between cohorts. Logistic regression was used to investigate the association between medial malleolar fracture and postoperative coronal alignment, medial malleolar width, and prophylactic fixation of the medial malleolus.
    UNASSIGNED: Mean (SD) medial malleolar width was significantly smaller in the fracture cohort (8.52 mm [1.6]) than in the control group (11.78 mm [1.74]) (P < .001). Mean (SD) tibial component coronal alignment was 92.17 degrees (2.77) in the fracture cohort and 90.21 degrees (1.66) in the control group (P = .002). Regression analysis identified a significant negative association between postoperative medial malleolar width and the probability of fracture (OR = 0.06, 95% CI 0.01, 0.26, P < .001). Varus malalignment of the tibial component was positively associated with the probability of fracture (OR = 1.90, 95% CI 1.27, 2.86, P = .002). Prophylactic screw fixation resulted in more than 90% reduction in the odds of a fracture (OR = 0.04, 95% CI 0.01, 0.45, P = .01). ROC curve analysis determined a medial malleolar width of 10.3 mm as a potential threshold for predicting fracture.
    UNASSIGNED: Decreased medial malleolar width and postoperative varus malalignment were associated with an increased risk of postoperative medial malleolar fracture. Therefore, surgeons should consider prophylactic screw fixation in patients with a medial malleolar width <10.3 mm or at risk of postoperative varus deformity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate to what extent the higher risk of tibiofemoral radiographic osteoarthritis (TFROA) in females vs. males can be explained by knee malalignment.
    METHODS: Using data from Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) and Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI), we examined the relation of sex to the incident medial and lateral TFROA and performed mediation analyses to assess to what extent varus and valgus malalignments account for sex differences in the incident medial or lateral TFROA.
    RESULTS: Of the 3462 knees without medial and lateral TFROA in MOST, the 7-year risks of medial and lateral TFROA were 16.9% and 10.0% in females, and 15.8% and 4.2% in males, respectively. Females had 2.31-fold (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.73 to 3.08) higher incident lateral TFROA than males, and the relative risk (RR) of the indirect effect of sex on lateral TFROA through valgus malalignment was 1.15 (95% CI: 1.09 to 1.20), accounting for 23% of its total effect on lateral TFROA. In OAI (n = 3095 knees), females had 1.54-fold (95% CI: 1.15 to 2.04) higher incident lateral TFROA than males, and RR of the indirect effect of sex on lateral TFROA through valgus malalignment was 1.10 (95% CI: 1.04 to 1.21), accounting for 26% of its total effect on lateral TFROA. No apparent sex difference in the incident medial TFROA was found in MOST (RR = 1.05, 95% CI: 0.89 to 1.25) or OAI (RR = 1.02, 95% CI: 0.84 to 1.19).
    CONCLUSIONS: Females had a higher risk of developing lateral TFROA than males; however, valgus malalignment only modestly explained such a difference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Femur shaft fractures commonly occur due to high velocity trauma and most of them are fixed with nailing. Malrotation is common after fixation. A rotational malalignment more than 30° is a deformity which requires correction. Various techniques described for rotational deformities are: the \'cable techniques\' for the determination of varus-valgus malalignment; the \'hyperextension test\', \'radiographic recurvatum sign\', \'tibial plateau sign\', and \'meterstick technique\' for length analysis; and the \'hip rotation test\', \'lesser trochanter shape sign\', \'cortical step sign\', and \'diameter difference sign\' for rotational analysis. We describe integration sign at the medial or lateral aspect of notch of femur in fixed internal or external rotation due to condensation of trabeculae.
    METHODS: This is a prospective observational study. Informed consent was taken, and this study was approved by institutional review board. C arm imaging study of 50 knees was done at our institution in which rotational profile of distal femur was analyzed In 3 different views -AP , Internal and external rotation views. The rotation views were taken sequentially and each observer was asked to identify the sign at its appearance and at rotation when it was best seen. All the observers were asked to draw the sign on linear line diagram of distal femur. The data was analysed statistically.
    RESULTS: Sign of integral (∫) for rotational deformity was seen at Mean external rotation of  22±1.71 with a range of 19 degree to 25 degree and  Mean internal rotation of 15.78±1.21 with a range of 14 degree to 18 degree.
    CONCLUSIONS: The integration sign can be used as intraoperative C arm sign to understand the rotational deformity of distal fragment of femur. This helps the surgeon to understand the alignment and revise if needed intraoperatively. If combined with position of lesser trochanter, this will give alignment for both proximal as well as distal fragment of femur.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of mechanical alignment in total knee arthroplasty is to align all knees into a fixed neutral position, even though not all knees are the same. As a result, mechanical alignment often alters a patient\'s constitutional alignment and joint line obliquity, resulting in soft-tissue imbalance. This annotation provides an overview of how the Coronal Plane Alignment of the Knee (CPAK) classification can be used to predict imbalance with mechanical alignment, and then offers practical guidance for bone balancing, minimizing the need for soft-tissue releases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malalignment of the lower limb, distal tibia, foot, and hindfoot can all contribute to altered biomechanics in the ankle joint, resulting in increased focal pressure. The development of some osteochondral lesions of the ankle joint may share a similar pathophysiology, where eccentric loading to the talus or tibia within the ankle joint can lead to cartilage injury or adaptive changes. While the association between malalignment and the development of osteochondral lesions of the ankle joint may seem intuitive, the impact of realignment procedures on these lesions and patient symptoms remains a relatively underexplored topic in the literature. A comprehensive understanding of the potential role of realignment surgery in managing osteochondral lesions of the talus and tibia is crucial for advancing our knowledge of this challenging pathologic condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ideal target limb alignment remains a debated topic in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We aimed to determine the effect of limb alignment correction on patient-reported outcomes and knee range of motion (ROM) following TKA.
    METHODS: In this retrospective analysis, patients (N = 409) undergoing primary TKA at a single institution were studied. Using full leg-length radiographs, limb alignment was measured preoperatively and postoperatively. Patients were categorized by preoperative (Preop) alignment (varus > 0°; valgus < 0°). Preop varus patients were then divided as follows based on postoperative alignment: neutral (VAR-NEUT, 0°± 2), remaining in varus (VAR-rVAR, ≥3°), and cross-over to valgus (VAR-CO, ≤-3°). Similarly, Preop valgus patients were divided as follows for postoperative alignment: neutral (VAL-NEUT, 0°± 2), remaining in valgus (VAL-rVAL, ≤-3°), and cross-over to varus (VAL-CO, ≥3°). The Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score for Joint Replacement survey scores were collected at preoperatively as well as at 6 weeks, 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Knee ROM was collected at 2 weeks, 6 to 12 weeks, and >6 months postoperatively. An analysis of variance repeated on time followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test was used to compare outcomes for the postoperative alignment subgroups.
    RESULTS: Preop Varus patients: Those in the VAR-CO group (overcorrected to -4.03° ± 1.95valgus) were observed to have lower Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score for Joint Replacement scores at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively compared to those in the NEUT group (P < .05). This finding was paired with reduced ROM at 6 to 12 weeks postoperatively in the VAR-CO group compared to VAR-NEUT and VAR-rVAR (P < .05). Preop Valgus patients: Those in the VAL-rVal group (left in -4.39° ± 1.39valgus) were observed to have reduced knee flexion at 6 to 12 weeks postoperatively compared to VAL-NEUT and VAL-CO.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that postoperative valgus alignment via either crossing over to valgus (VAR-CO) or remaining in valgus (VAL-rVAL) alignment may result in less preferable outcomes than correction to neutral or slightly varus alignment.





