
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Breast cancer has a high incidence rate and a negative impact on women\'s lives. The practice of physical activity (PA) has shown strong evidence in controlling the side effects associated with the disease and its treatment. However, having an active lifestyle is influenced by socio-health inequities. The objective was to analyze the categories related to the meanings and perceived experiences with PA in breast cancer survivors (BCS). Protocol Articles describing the meanings of PA in BCS published after 2010 were included. Fourteen articles were analyzed using line-by-line coding. The emerging categories were: 1)PA as a strategy to re-signify and empower the body. 2)Cancer means a change in PA trajectories. 3)PA is a tool for a healthy and functional body in everyday life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare professionals working in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) care for patients suffering from a critical illness and their relatives. Working within a team of people with different personalities, competencies, and specialties, with constraints and demands might contribute to a working environment that is prone to conflicts and disagreements. This highlights that the ICU is a stressful place that can threaten healthcare professionals\' wellbeing. This article aims to address the concept of wellbeing by describing how the stressful ICU work-environment threatens the wellbeing of health professionals and discussing how this situation jeopardizes patient safety. To promote wellbeing, it is imperative to explore actionable interventions such as improve communication skills, educational sessions on stress management, or mindfulness. Promoting ICU healthcare professionals\' wellbeing through evidence-based strategies will not only increase their personal resilience but might contribute to a safer and more efficient patient care.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The use of smart devices such as mobile phones (smartphones) or smart watches (smartwatch) to promote physical activity and well-being has increased in recent years among patients and professionals in primary care. This change is driven by the access of patients and professionals to a large catalog of health applications, which can complement the provision of services and promote the empowerment of patients in their own health and lifestyles. These applications are beginning to be integrated with areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and data storage in the cloud, among other emerging technological systems, offering a new complementary approach to clinical practice known so far. Despite the great potential, there are numerous limitations and major challenges for its full implementation in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sustainability science needs new approaches to produce, share, and use knowledge because there are major barriers to translating research into policy and practice. Multiple actors hold relevant knowledge for sustainability including indigenous and local people who have developed over generations knowledge, methods, and practices that biodiversity and ecosystem assessments need to capture. Despite efforts to mainstream knowledge coproduction, less than 3% of the literature on nature\'s contributions to people (NCP) integrates indigenous and local knowledge (ILK). Approaches and tools to better integrate scientific and ILK knowledge systems in NCP assessments are urgently needed. To fill this gap, we conducted interviews with ILK experts from Abancay and Tamburco, Peru, and convened focus groups and workshops during which participatory mapping, a serious game, a Bayesian belief network based on ILK were introduced. We inventoried 60 medicinal plants used to treat different illnesses, and analyzed the spatial distribution of the 7 plants that contribute the most to a good quality of life, and delineated their nonmedicinal uses. Based on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services conceptual framework, we defined dimensions of a good quality of life according to indigenous and local worldviews. Medicinal plants contributed strongly to health and household security, among other contributions. Climate change and overexploitation were the main perceived threats to medicinal plants, despite the existence of formal and customary institutions to regulate trade. Our approach was flexible enough to integrate diverse forms of knowledge, as well as qualitative and quantitative information from, for example, the Bayesian belief network.
    Coproducción de conocimiento para mejorar la evaluación de las contribuciones de la naturaleza para las personas Resumen La ciencia de la sostenibilidad necesita nuevos enfoques para producir, compartir y utilizar los conocimientos, ya que existen grandes obstáculos para trasladar la investigación a la política y la práctica. Varios actores poseen conocimientos relevantes para la sostenibilidad, incluidos los pueblos originarios y locales que han desarrollado conocimientos, métodos y prácticas a lo largo de generaciones, que deben reflejarse en las evaluaciones de la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas. A pesar de los esfuerzos por integrar la coproducción de conocimientos, <3% de la bibliografía sobre las contribuciones de la naturaleza a las personas (CNP) integra los conocimientos autóctonos y locales (CAL). Se necesitan urgentemente enfoques y herramientas para integrar mejor los sistemas de conocimiento científico y los conocimientos autóctonos y locales en las evaluaciones de los CNP. Para llenar este vacío, realizamos entrevistas con expertos en CAL de Abancay y Tamburco, Perú, y convocamos grupos focales y talleres durante los cuales se introdujeron el mapeo participativo, un juego serio y una red de creencia bayesiana basada en CAL. Inventariamos 60 plantas medicinales utilizadas para tratar diferentes enfermedades y analizamos la distribución espacial de las siete especies de plantas que más contribuyen a una buena calidad de vida y delineamos sus usos no medicinales. A partir del marco conceptual de la Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico-Normativa sobre Diversidad Biológica y Servicios de los Ecosistemas, definimos las dimensiones de una buena calidad de vida según las cosmovisiones autóctonas y locales. Las plantas medicinales contribuían en gran medida a la salud y a la seguridad de los hogares, entre otras aportaciones. El cambio climático y la sobreexplotación fueron las principales amenazas percibidas para las plantas medicinales a pesar de la existencia de instituciones tradicionales que regulan el mercado. Nuestra estrategia fue lo suficientemente flexible para integrar el conocimiento diverso, así como la información cualitativa y cuantitativa, como por ejemplo la red de creencia bayesiana.
    【摘要】可持续科学需要新的方法来生产、分享和利用知识, 这是因为将研究成果转化为政策和实践仍存在重大阻碍。该过程的各方参与者都拥有与可持续相关的知识, 包括土著人和当地人, 他们经过数代人的努力已经形成了生物多样性和生态系统评估所需的知识、方法和实践。然而, 即便人们已在努力将知识共创纳入主流, 但在关于自然对人类贡献的文献中, 仅有不到3%的文献整合了土著和地方知识 (Indigenous and local knowledge, ILK) 。因此, 目前急需建立在自然对人类贡献评估中更好地整合科学知识体系与 ILK 知识体系的方法和工具。为了填补这一空白, 本研究对秘鲁阿班凯和坦布尔科的 ILK 专家进行了访谈, 组织了焦点小组会议和研讨会, 介绍了参与式地图绘制、严肃游戏和基于 ILK 的贝叶斯信念网络。我们整理了 60 种用于治疗不同疾病的药用植物, 分析了对提高生活质量贡献最大的7种植物的空间分布, 并界定了它们的非药用用途。根据生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台的概念框架, 我们按照土著和地方世界观定义了优质生活的各个层面。我们发现, 药用植物除其他贡献外, 还对健康和家庭安全做出了巨大贡献。人们认为气候变化和过度开发是药用植物面临的主要威胁, 尽管已存在正式和惯例的贸易监管体系。我们的方法非常灵活, 可以整合各种形式的知识, 以及来自贝叶斯信念网络等定性和定量的信息。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Covering terror and catastrophes can be traumatic for journalists, potentially resulting in long-term impairment. This study investigated 10-year anniversary reactions among Norwegian journalists who covered the Oslo/Utöya terror incident in Norway, 2011.Objective: The study aimed to investigate whether level of traumatic exposure and support actions in 2011 were related to anniversary reactions and current psychological well-being in 2021. It also explored if magnitude of anniversary reactions was related to level of current well-being.Method: A cross-sectional survey was sent to journalists who still work within journalism, eight weeks after the 10-year anniversary (N = 200). Participants reported retrospectively on trauma exposure, ethical dilemmas and social support in 2011, as predictors, and attitude to media anniversary coverage, anniversary-related stress, and well-being, as outcome variables.Results: More ethical dilemmas in 2011 (r = .295, p < .001) were related to a larger degree of anniversary-related stress in 2021. Having received less workplace social support in 2011 was related to more stress reactions (r = -.196, p < .05), while the magnitude of overall traumatic exposure in 2011 was not related to stress. Social support also predicted a higher level of current well-being in 2021 (r = .381, p < .001). More severe anniversary-related stress symptoms were significantly associated with decreased level of current well-being (r = -.259, p < .001).Conclusion: Journalists can experience lasting consequences from demanding experiences at work, including fluctuating stress symptoms during incident anniversaries. It is crucial for both journalists and newsrooms to recognize and be aware of the potential impact of anniversaries on the well-being of those involved in the initial coverage.
    In a cross-sectional study carried out in 2021, journalists who had faced more ethical dilemmas while covering terror in 2011 had more anniversary-related stress symptoms in 2021. A larger magnitude of overall traumatic exposure in 2011 was not related to stress reactions ten years later.Journalists who had received more workplace social support in 2011 had lower stress levels in 2021.Journalists who had received more support in 2011 had higher levels of current well-being in 2021.Journalists with lower levels of anniversary-related stress symptoms had higher current well-being.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The experience of family caregivers after nursing home admission has received much less attention, probably because many caregivers experience an initial sense of initial emotional relief. However, for some caregivers nursing home admission is a stressor despite the reduced physical burden of caregiving. Caregiver distress following institutionalization has been related to the new burdens and challenges encountered in the nursing home. Ambivalence and guilt related to the institutionalization decision have been identified as sources of stress. Therefore, this study examined the effect of guilt and well-being on the perceived stress of family caregivers of institutionalized dependent persons.
    METHODS: Two hundred and one family caregivers of institutionalized persons in a nursing home (La Rioja, Spain) participated. Perceived stress, caregiving guilt and subjective well-being, sociodemographic and caregiving-related variables were assessed. Linear regression analyses and correlations between variables were performed.
    RESULTS: Guilt and five dimensions of well-being (anxiety, vitality, self-control and depression, except general health) significantly predicted stress (R2adj=.552 (F (6, 198)=41.71, P<.001)). The effect size was large (95% CI=.461).
    CONCLUSIONS: Paying attention to family caregivers\' feelings of guilt during institutionalization is important. This will enable the design and implementation of psychosocial interventions that improve caregiver adjustment immediately after institutionalization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When deciding how to conserve biodiversity, practitioners navigate diverse missions, sometimes conflicting approaches, and uncertain trade-offs. These choices are based not only on evidence, funders\' priorities, stakeholders\' interests, and policies, but also on practitioners\' personal experiences, backgrounds, and values. Calls for greater reflexivity-an individual or group\'s ability to examine themselves in relation to their actions and interactions with others-have appeared in the conservation science literature. But what role does reflexivity play in conservation practice? We explored how self-reflection can shape how individuals and groups conserve nature. To provide examples of reflexivity in conservation practice, we conducted a year-long series of workshop discussions and online exchanges. During these, we examined cases from the peer-reviewed and gray literature, our own experiences, and conversations with 10 experts. Reflexivity among practitioners spanned individual and collective levels and informal and formal settings. Reflexivity also encompassed diverse themes, including practitioners\' values, emotional struggles, social identities, training, cultural backgrounds, and experiences of success and failure. Reflexive processes also have limitations, dangers, and costs. Informal and institutionalized reflexivity requires allocation of limited time and resources, can be hard to put into practice, and alone cannot solve conservation challenges. Yet, when intentionally undertaken, reflexive processes might be integrated into adaptive management cycles at multiple points, helping conservation practitioners better reach their goals. Reflexivity could also play a more transformative role in conservation by motivating practitioners to reevaluate their goals and methods entirely. Reflexivity might help the conservation movement imagine and thus work toward a better world for wildlife, people, and the conservation sector itself.
    Reconocimiento de la reflexividad entre los practicantes de la conservación Resumen Cuando se decide cómo conservar la biodiversidad, quienes la practican sortean varias misiones, algunas veces con enfoques contrastantes y compensaciones inciertas. Estas elecciones no se basan solamente en las evidencias, prioridades de los financiadores, los intereses de los actores y las políticas, sino también en las experiencias personales, formación y valores de los practicantes. En la literatura sobre las ciencias de la conservación han surgido llamados para una mayor reflexividad - la habilidad individual o grupal para examinarse a sí mismo en relación con sus acciones e interacciones con otros. Pero ¿cuál es el papel de la reflexividad en la práctica de la conservación? Para responder esto, exploramos cómo la autorreflexión puede determinar cómo ocurre la conservación individual y grupal de la naturaleza. Realizamos una serie de talleres de discusión e intercambios virtuales durante un año para ejemplificar la reflexividad en la práctica de la conservación. Durante estas sesiones examinamos casos de la literatura gris y revisada por pares, nuestras propias experiencias y conversaciones con diez expertos. La reflexividad de los practicantes abarcó niveles individuales y colectivos y escenarios formales e informales. La reflexividad también comprendió diferentes aspectos de los practicantes, como los valores, conflictos emocionales, identidad social, preparación, contexto cultural y experiencias exitosas y fallidas. Los procesos reflexivos también tienen limitaciones, riesgos y costos. La reflexividad informal e institucionalizada requiere la distribución de tiempo y recursos limitados, puede ser difícil de poner en práctica y no puede resolver los retos de conservación por sí sola. Aun así, cuando se realizan intencionalmente, los procesos reflexivos pueden integrarse a los ciclos de manejo adaptativo en varios puntos, lo que ayuda a quienes practican la conservación a lograr sus metas de mejor manera. La reflexividad también podría tener un papel transformador en la conservación al motivar a los practicantes a reevaluar completamente sus metas y métodos. La reflexividad podría ayudar al movimiento de conservación a imaginar, y por lo tanto trabajar para tener, un mundo mejor para la vida silvestre, las personas y el propio sector de la conservación.
    当决定如何保护生物多样性时, 保护实践者需要处理不同的任务, 有时要采用相互冲突的方法, 或面临不确定的利弊权衡。这些选择不仅基于证据、资助者的优先排序、利益相关者的利益及政策, 而且也基于保护实践者的个人经验、背景和价值观。保护科学文献中出现了对更多反身性的呼吁, 也就是个人或团体根据他们的行动和与他人的互动来反思自己的能力。然而, 反身性在保护实践中发挥了什么作用?本研究探讨了自我反思如何塑造个人和团体保护自然的方式。为了提供保护实践中反身性的例子, 我们进行了为期一年的一系列研讨会和在线交流。在这些活动中, 我们讨论了同行评议和灰色文献中的案例、我们自身的经验, 以及与十位专家的会谈。保护实践者之间的反身性跨越了个人和集体的层面以及非正式和正式的环境。反身性也包含了不同的主题, 包括保护实践者的价值观、情感挣扎、社会身份、训练、文化背景, 以及成功和失败的经验。反思的过程存在局限性、危险性和成本。非正式和制度化的反身性需要分配有限的时间和资源, 可能很难付诸实践, 而且不能独自解决保护挑战。然而, 如果有意进行反思, 该过程可以被整合到适应性管理周期的多个节点中, 帮助保护实践者更好地实现目标。反身性还可以通过激励保护实践者完全地重新评估其目标和方法, 在保护中发挥更大的变革作用。此外, 反身性可以帮助保护运动的构想, 从而为野生动物、人类和保护部门自身争取建立一个更好的世界。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Early empirical data shows that school-aged children, adolescents and adults are experiencing elevated levels of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, there is very little research on mental health outcomes for young children.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the formation of a global collaboration entitled, \'COVID-19 Unmasked\'. The collaborating researchers aim to (1) describe and compare the COVID-19 related experiences within and across countries; (2) examine mental health outcomes for young children (1 to 5 years) and caregivers over a 12-month period during the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) explore the trajectories/time course of psychological outcomes of the children and parents over this period and (4) identify the risk and protective factors for different mental health trajectories. Data will be combined from all participating countries into one large open access cross-cultural dataset to facilitate further international collaborations and joint publications.
    METHODS: COVID-19 Unmasked is an online prospective longitudinal cohort study. An international steering committee was formed with the aim of starting a global collaboration. Currently, partnerships have been formed with 9 countries (Australia, Cyprus, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Turkey, the UK, and the United States of America). Research partners have started to start data collection with caregivers of young children aged 1-5 years old at baseline, 3-months, 6-months, and 12-months. Caregivers are invited to complete an online survey about COVID-19 related exposure and experiences, child\'s wellbeing, their own mental health, and parenting.
    METHODS: Primary study outcomes will be child mental health as assessed by scales from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System - Early Childhood (PROMIS-EC) and caregiver mental health as assessed by the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). The trajectories/time course of mental health difficulties and the impact of risk and protective factors will be analysed using hierarchical linear models, accounting for nested effects (e.g. country) and repeated measures.
    Antecedentes: Los primeros datos empíricos muestran que los niños en edad escolar, los adolescentes y los adultos están experimentando niveles elevados de ansiedad y depresión durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Actualmente, hay muy poca investigación sobre los resultados de salud mental de los niños pequeños. Objetivos: Describir la formación de una colaboración global titulada ‘COVID-19 Desenmascarado’. Los investigadores colaboradores tienen como objetivos (1) describir y comparar las experiencias relacionadas con COVID-19 dentro y entre países; (2) examinar los resultados de salud mental de los niños pequeños (de 1 a 5 años) y los cuidadores durante un período de 12 meses durante la pandemia de COVID-19; (3) explorar las trayectorias/temporalidad de los resultados psicológicos de los niños y los padres durante este período e (4) identificar los factores de riesgo y de protección para las diferentes trayectorias de salud mental. Los datos de todos los países participantes se combinarán en un gran conjunto de datos transculturales de acceso abierto para facilitar más colaboraciones internacionales y publicaciones conjuntas. Métodos: COVID-19 Desenmascarado es un estudio de cohorte longitudinal prospectivo en línea. Se formó un comité directivo internacional con el objetivo de iniciar una colaboración global. Actualmente, se han formado asociaciones con 9 países (Australia, Chipre, Grecia, Países Bajos, Polonia, España, Turquía, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos de América). Los socios de investigación han comenzado la recopilación de datos con los cuidadores de niños pequeños de 1 a 5 años al inicio, a los 3 meses, a los 6 meses y a los 12 meses. Se invita a los cuidadores a completar una encuesta en línea sobre la exposición y las experiencias relacionadas con COVID-19, el bienestar del niño, su propia salud mental y parentalidad. Análisis de datos: Los resultados primarios del estudio serán la salud mental infantil según la evaluación de las escalas del Sistema De Información De medición de Resultados Informados Por El Paciente – Primera Infancia (PROMIS-EC) y la salud mental del cuidador según la evaluación de la Escala de estrés, ansiedad y depresión (DASS-21). Las trayectorias/temporalidad de las dificultades de salud mental y el impacto de los factores de riesgo y de protección se analizarán utilizando modelos lineales jerárquicos, teniendo en cuenta los efectos anidados (por ejemplo, el país) y las medidas repetidas.
    背景: 早期经验数据表明, 在 COVID-19 疫情期间, 学龄儿童, 青少年和成人的焦虑和抑郁水平升高。目前, 关于幼儿心理健康结果的研究很少。 目的: 描述名为‘COVID-19 Unmasked’的全球合作的形成。合作研究者旨在 (1) 描述和比较国家内部和国家之间的COVID-19 相关经验; (2) 考查 COVID-19 疫情期间 12 个月中幼儿 (1 至 5 岁) 和看护人的心理健康结果; (3) 探索这一时期儿童和父母心理结果的轨迹/时间进程, 以及 (4) 确定不同心理健康轨迹的风险和保护因素。来自所有参与国的数据将合并为一个大型开放访问跨文化数据集, 以促进进一步的国际合作和联合出版。 方法: COVID-19 Unmasked 是一项线上前瞻性纵向队列研究。成立了一个国际指导委员会, 旨在开展全球合作。目前, 已与9个国家 (澳大利亚, 塞浦路斯, 希腊, 荷兰, 波兰, 西班牙, 土耳其, 英国和美利坚合众国) 建立了伙伴关系。研究合作伙伴已开始在基线, 3 个月, 6 个月和 12 个月时与 1-5 岁幼儿看护人的数据收集。邀请看护人完成一项关于 COVID-19 相关暴露和经历, 儿童身心健康, 个人心理健康和教养方式的线上调查。 数据分析: 主要研究结果将是根据患者报告结果测量信息系统——童年期早期 (PROMIS-EC) 的量表评估的儿童心理健康和由抑郁焦虑应激量表 (DASS-21) 评估的看护人心理健康。将使用考虑嵌套效应 (例如国家) 和重复测量的分层线性模型分析心理健康困难的轨迹/时间进程以及风险和保护因素的影响。.







  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the quality of life of spinal cord injuries with more than 10 years of evolution. Assess the prevalence of secondary complications, and their relationship with quality of life and time since the injury.
    UNASSIGNED: Cross-sectional epidemiological study.
    METHODS: Patients with traumatic spinal cord injury, more than 10 years after the injury, and who met the inclusion criteria.
    METHODS: Quality of life was assessed using the International spinal cord injury quality of life basic data set. Variables included: individual factors, neurological deficit, level of injury and secondary complications.
    RESULTS: 131 subjects were included in the study with a mean age of 49 years, and a time since the injury of 21 years (11-53 years). The mean number of secondary complications was 2, the most frequent being urological, in 76 subjects (58%). There were no significant differences between the number of complications and the time elapsed since the spinal cord injury. The quality of life was significantly lower in those with a higher number of complications (P=.003). Urological complications (P=.04, 95% CI: -1.02 to 2), musculoskeletal pain (P=.01, 95% CI: 1-6), respiratory complications (P=.05, 95% CI: -3 to 0.1) and neuropathic pain that interfered with basic life activities (P=.01, 95% CI: 1-5) were significantly related to a lower quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: Secondary complications are common after spinal cord injury, although their number does not increase over time after injury. Quality of life is conditioned by the existence of different complications such as the existence of musculoskeletal pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aging of the population has led to the introduction of qualitative and quantitative changes in healthcare resources, among which are the introduction of models of person-centred care (PCC), although there is a lack of information on their impact. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of a PCC model on the quality of life, well-being and thriving, in people living in nursing homes METHODS: Cross-sectional study.
    METHODS: all persons who lived indefinitely in the two participating centres that gave their consent. Impact of PCC vs. traditional model was assessed in terms of quality of life, well-being and thriving. Effect size was estimated with Cohen d adjusted for health problems, Charlson index, and presence of depression.
    RESULTS: Overall participation was 78% (59/77 persons from the conventional centre and 66/88 from the PCC). The people of the PCC centre had better well-being (d = 0.378) and thriving (d = 0.566). No differences were found in quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PCC model can have a positive impact on well-being and thriving in persons living in nursing homes.





